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Linear Programming: Model Formulation and Graphical Solution

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Why use linear There should be an existing PROBLEM

(maximization of profit and minimization cost)

Solve by developing a Mathematical Model/ Problem

Linear Programming is a model that consists of linear

relationships representing a firm’s decision(s), given an
objective and resource constraints
A Maximization Model There are three steps in applying the linear programming
Example technique
• the problem must be identified as being solvable by
Linear Programming
linear programming.
technique derives its
name from the fact that • unstructured problem must be formulated as a
the functional mathematical model.
relationship in the • the model must be solved by using established
mathematical model are mathematical techniques
Katutubo, Inc is a cooperative primarily producing two kinds of products (Bowl and Mug) using their raw
materials (clay). The following are the given data of the said coop:

Labor Clay (Lbs) Profit

Bowl (X) 1 4 40
Mug (Y) 2 3 50
Max Capacity/
Availability ~
Constraints 40 120 lbs
Model Formulation includes:

MODEL – Abstract representation of an existing problem

Product cost = 5
Selling Price = 20
P = 20x – 5x

P and x are variables or a symbol to represent an item that can take on any value

Parameters – 20 and 5. Are known, constant values that are often coefficients of variables in equations. Usually remains constant
during the process of solving a specific problem. Derived from data (or pieces of information) from the problem environment. – linear
in variables

Equation as a whole is a functional relationship that includes variables, parameters, and equations

Decision variables – are mathematical symbols that represent levels of activity by the firm.
X for Bowl and y for Mug

The objective Function – linear mathematical relationship that describes the objective of the firm in terms of the decision variables.

Model Constraint – are also linear relationships of the decision variables ~ restrictions in the operating environment – limited
resources or restrictive guidelines.

Parameters – are numerical values that are included in the objective functions and constraints
Decision variables – how Define the Constraints – resources (clay and labor)
many bowls and mugs to available
produce Labor: 1x + 2y <= 40 hrs*
x&y Clay: 4x+3y <= 120 lbs

Objective Function - *Why less than or equal to? Because that is the limitation
maximize profit that can be used and not an amount that must be used ~
Maximize P = $40x + 50y allows some flexibility

40x = Profit from bowls FINAL RESTRICTION

50y = Profit from mugs X >= 0
Y >=0

~as it is impossible to produce negative items. A.k.a. non-

negativity constraints
PROGRAMMING MODEL 4(5) + 3(10) <= 120
50 <= 120
Maximize P = 40x + 50y
Therefore, those number of units are feasible/ does meet all of the
Subject to: constraints
1x+2y <=40
4x + 3y <=120 Z = 40(5) + 50(10)
= 700
X,y >= 0

SOLUTION TO THIS MODEL What if the management decided to produce 10 bowls and 20 mugs
P= 40(10) + 50(20)
= 400 + 1000
Ex. 5 units for bowl & 10 units = 1,400
for Mugs
LABOR HOURS The foregoing is infeasible as it violates one of the constraints
1(10) + 2(20) … 40
1(5) + 2(10) <=40 50 …/ 40
The solution that achieves the objectives is x=24 bowls and y = 8
Or a profit of 1,360
1. Graphical Solutions of Linear
Programming Models

Graphical solutions are limited to Y

linear programming problems with Graph of the labor
only two decision variables constraint line
The graphical method provides a
picture of how a solution is obtained
for a linear programming problem

Maximize Z = 40x + 50y

Subject to:
1x+2y <=40
4x + 3y <=120
X,y >= 0
x + 2y = 40

x – number of bowls produced

y – number of mugs produced
Labor Constraint Area Constraint Area for Clay

4x + 3y <= 120

x + 2y <= 40
Graph of both The feasible
model constraints solution area

4x + 3y = 120

x + 2y = 40
2. The Optimal Solution Point
The second step in the graphical
solution method is to locate the Y
point in the feasible solution Objective
area that will result in the greatest function line
total profit for Z $800

Assuming Profit is = 800

Objective Function:
800 = 40x1 + 50x2

800 = 40x +50y

Alternative objective function lines for profits,
Z, of $800, $1,200, and $1,600
1. Profit increases as the objective function line
moves away from the origin
2. Given this characteristic, the maximum profit
will be attained at the point where the objective
function line is farthest from the origin and is
800 = 40x +50y
still touching a point in the feasible solution
1,200 = 40x +50y area.
1,600 = 40x +50y
3. The Solution Values
The third step in the graphical Y Optimal solution
solution approach is to solve for the coordinates
values of and once the optimal
solution point has been found.
4x + 3y = 120

Y Identification of
optimal solution

x + 2y =40
800 = 40x +50y

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