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Enneagram Personality - Understanding Meaning

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Enneagram Test
Abdul Baits Dehana Padma Swastika
Human Resource Development
Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type
Indicator (RHETI) Sample

Consist of 144 questions Found the book and

indicate your basic type, but references :
no guarantees
1. Personality Types (1996)
It aims to print your 9 types of
2. Understanding
personality accessed on

Enneagram (1990)
/index.php. 3. Discovering Your
Personality Type (1995)

Test Consist of 38 questions for

sample you can work on (5-8
minutes only). Click on the
4. Enneagram
Transformation (1993)
previous link to test your
5. RHETI at www.
for $10
Type 1 : The Perfectionist (The One)

Dynamics of type one called reformer :

▫ World view : The world is an imperfect place. I work toward
▫ Basic Desire : to be right  controls Healthy Loop

▫ Basic Fear : of being condemned  controls Unhealthy Loop


of 9 Type

Insight : Ones can refrain from correcting. Start examining self

for truth.
Type 2 : The Helper (The Two)

Dynamics of type one called helper or giver :

▫ World view : People depend on my help. I am needed:
▫ Basic Desire : to be loved  controls Healthy Loop
▫ Basic Fear : of being unloved  controls Unhealthy Loop

The 2

of 9 Type
Insight : Twos can refrain from manipulating others but start to
genuinely help others. This will cause Twos to be loved, and thus
reduce the fear of being unloved..
Type 3 : The Motivator (The Three)

Dynamics of type one called Motivator, Achiever, Performer :

▫ World view : The world values a champion. Avoid failure at all cost:
▫ Basic Desire : to be admired  controls Healthy Loop
▫ Basic Fear : of being rejected  controls Unhealthy Loop

The 3

of 9 Type

Insight : Threes can refrain from being competitive but focus on self-
improvement instead. This will lead to genuine admiration from
others and lessen the fear of rejection.
Type 4 : The Romantic (The Four)

Dynamics of type one called Romantic, Artist, Individualist :

▫ World view : Something’s missing. Others have it. I am different
from them because I don’t.
▫ Basic Desire : to understand self  controls Healthy Loop

▫ Basic Fear : of being defective  controls Unhealthy Loop


of 9 Type

Insight : Fours can refrain from indulging in fantasy and start examining
themselves. This will help Fours to understand themselves, and reduce the
fear of being defective.
Type 5 : The Thinker (The Five)
Dynamics of type one called Thinker, Observer, Investigator :
▫ World view : The world is invasive and confusing. I need privacy to
▫ Basic Desire : to understand the world  controls Healthy Loop
▫ Basic Fear : of being overwhelmed by world  controls Unhealthy



of 9 Type

Insight : Fives can stop their detachment from the world, and start to
observe and analyze the real world more. This will increase their
understanding of the world, and reduce their fear of being overwhelmed by
the world.
Type 6 : The Skeptic (The six)
Dynamics of type one called Skeptic, Loyalist, Pesimist :
▫ World view : The world is threatening place. I need to look to
authority. But I question on it.
▫ Basic Desire : to be secure  controls Healthy Loop
▫ Basic Fear : of being abandoned  controls Unhealthy Loop

The 6 th

of 9 Type

Insight : Sixes can refrain from distrusting others, and begin to be more
loyal to others. This will make them feel more secure, thus reduce their fear
of being abandoned.
Type 7 : The Enthuciast (The Seven)
Dynamics of type one called Enthuciast, Generalist, Optimist, Aventure :
▫ World view : The world is is full of opportunity and option. I look
forward to the future
▫ Basic Desire : to be happy  controls Healthy Loop

▫ Basic Fear : of being deprived  controls Unhealthy Loop


of 9 Type

Insight : Sevens can refrain from jumping into the next project, and
appreciate more what they experience. This will cause them to be more
happy, and thus reduce their fear of being being deprived.
Type 8 : The Leader (The Eight)
Dynamics of type one called Leader, Challenger, Boss, Protector :
▫ World view : The world is unjust place. I am strong and defend the
▫ Basic Desire : to be self reliant  controls Healthy Loop
▫ Basic Fear : of submitting to others  controls Unhealthy Loop

The 8

of 9 Type

Insight : Eights can refrain from controlling others but start to strengthen
themselves instead. This will naturally make them more independent and
thus reduce the fear of submitting to others.
Type 9 : The Peacemaker (The Nine)
Dynamics of type one called Peacemaker, Mediator, Acomodator :
▫ World view : My efforts won’t matter to the world. It’s best to keep
the peace.
▫ Basic Desire : to find union and peace  controls Healthy Loop
▫ Basic Fear : of separation controls Unhealthy Loop

The 9

of 9 Type

Insight : Nines can stop indulging in illusions of union, and start to really
accept others. This will build real union, and reduce the fear of separation.
Relationship and Marriage

Distribution of Type

If types were distributed by chance, one would

expect each type to be about 1/9 = 11% of the

This is clearly not the case, as we see in the table
below. 9s are somewhat more than 11% of the
population, while 3s are less, particularly among
These gender differences are very consistent
with what has been reported previously by Dora
and Ted Levinson (Enneagram Monthly, Sept.
The Map

Read Insight : Tiap titik pada Enneagram berhubungan dengan dua titik lainnya. Dua
titik atau tipe ini disebut panah kita. Saat dalam kondisi rileks, kita akan mengambil
karakter positif dari nomor yang berhubungan dengan nomor kita dengan urutan :
1-7-5-8-2-4-1 dan 3-6-9-3. Satu ke tujuh, Tujuh ke lima, dan seterusnya. Jika sedang
tertekan, arahnya jadi terbalik. Tipe satu mengambil karakter negatif dari tipe
empat, Tipe empat dari tipe dua dan seterusnya. Jadi intinya, kepribadian kita bisa
saja bercampur dengan orang lain, tergantung tipe-tipe yang ada di kiri dan kanan
The Map

Read Insight : Tiap titik pada Enneagram berhubungan dengan dua titik lainnya. Dua
titik atau tipe ini disebut panah kita. Saat dalam kondisi rileks, kita akan mengambil
karakter positif dari nomor yang berhubungan dengan nomor kita dengan urutan :
1-7-5-8-2-4-1 dan 3-6-9-3. Satu ke tujuh, Tujuh ke lima, dan seterusnya. Jika sedang
tertekan, arahnya jadi terbalik. Tipe satu mengambil karakter negatif dari tipe
empat, Tipe empat dari tipe dua dan seterusnya. Jadi intinya, kepribadian kita bisa
saja bercampur dengan orang lain, tergantung tipe-tipe yang ada di kiri dan kanan
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