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Echocardiography Function Guiline Image 추가

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Cardiac Measurements

 Cardiac Chamber Quantification

 Hemodynamics

Clinical SpecialistT
ALPINION Medical eam SpecialistTeam
Systems , Clinical

• Method: transthoracic, transesophageal, intra-cardiac

• Type: 2D, M-mode, Dolor Doppler, Tissue Doppler, 3D

• Structure; Chamber size, valves, neoplasm, pericardium great vessels, IVC, SVC

• Function ; Systole, Diastole


ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Transducer for Echocardiography

MP 1-5X SP 1-5/SP1-5 P 1-5CT


Single Crystal Phased Array Single Crystal Phased Array Phased Array
Application : Adult Echo, TCD, Application : Adult Echo, TCD, Application : Adult Echo, TCD,
Pediatric Echo Pediatric Echo Pediatric Echo,

CW2.0 CW5.0

Pencil Type probe Pencil Type probe

Application : Vascular, valvular Dopp Application : Vascular,
ler study, Doppler spectrum only Doppler spectrum only

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Features: Harmonic Imaging Technology
• Filtered Tissue Harmonic Imaging transmit : fₒ
- low frequency
- good penetration
receive : fₒ & 2fₒ

Transmit/Receive Receive Receive &Cut off : fₒ

Use: 2 fₒ
-week penetration but clear
ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam
Features: Harmonic Imaging Technology
• Pulse Inversion Harmonic Imaging
- Eliminate fundamental signal by summation
- Frame rate becomes half of its original frame rate

cancel fundamental tissue signal

remain 2nd harmonic signal

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

ALPINION Medical Systems , Clinical SpecialistTeam
Anatomy and blood Circulation of the heart

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The Conduction System of the heart

a group of specialized
cardiac muscle cells
send signals to the
heart muscle,
cause to contract ;
SA node
-> AV node
-> Bundle of His
-> bundle branches
-> Purkinje fibers

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

The Conduction System of the heart & ECG
Intracardiac tracings show the normal intervals between
• P: atrial depolarization
• PQ segment: SA node to AV node
• QRS complex: ventricular depolarization
• ST segment : ventricular depolarization
• T : ventricular repolarization

ALPINION Medical Systems , Clinical SpecialistTeam

Parameters for2D
• Image “Depth”: 15-16 cm for Parasternal Long Axis view, 17-18cm for Apical View
• Frequency : Harmonic 3.6MHz/Harmonic 3.2Mhz/2Mhz
• Focus : LV posterior wall
• Dynamic Range: 60 - 72dB

Parameter Effect Parameter Effect

Frequency The higher frequency, the finer image Harmonic Enhance the contrast resolution
with fine tissue differentiation
Dynami Between the highest and the Rejection Suppress below a certain level of
c Range lowest signal value in system. echo information
Use optimizing tissue texture
Focus Enhance the resolution around focus SRI Unnecessary speckle noise
range reduction imaging
Persist Provides smoothing effect by Full SRI Option further steps of SRI
frame averaging, no affect frame
Line Density the more line density, the more spatial Gray Map Display intensity to variable
resolution . Trade off Frame rate brightness

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Parameters for the color
parameter Increase

Frequency Determine maximum velocity range, low frequency is available to the pixel size becomes
process higher velocity fine and small
PRF Determine color scale ( velocity) Send more PRF,

Wall filter Filter our clutter signals caused from vessel movement For high dynamic organ
needs, such as heart
Persist Provides smoothing effect by frame averaging, not affect frame Remaining image
Threshold threshold assigns the color information to stop at which gray scale Display color on bright B-
Type Velocity, velocity variance ( directional power doppler), Power VV & PD for low velocity
doppler (intensity ). detection or renal flow
Ensemble packet size , 8-10 for cardiac, 14 for vein, 12 for renal Reduce frame rate
Smooth The higher, the finer margine
Angle steer Align to the flow direction -20⁰/ 0⁰/ 20⁰, -9/0/+9 Perpendicular flow to
transducer’s insonation
Line density Same as 2D –mode. . The more the detail

ALPINION Medical Systems , Clinical SpecialistTeam

Characteristics of Doppler

Color Power Doppler Pulsed wave Continuous wave

direction flow detection, sample volume unknown gate,
directional flow ( gate) , velocity detect high velocity
range (regurgitation,
Mean velocity Intensity Target velocity Max velocity

ALPINION Medical Systems , Clinical SpecialistTeam

Scanning Tips : Positions


Parasternal Lt. Paraste



ALPINION MedicalSystems, Clinical Specialist Team

Basic Echocardiographic Views

1. PLAX view

2. PSAX view

3. Apical view

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Basic Echocardiographic Views
5. Suprasternal view

4. Subxiphoid view

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Basic Echocardiographic Views
Rotation probe
Basic Echocardiographic Views
Sliding probe
Basic Echocardiographic Views
Rocking manuever
Basic Echocardiographic Views
Angling probe
Parasternal Long Axis view
• Transducer position: left sternal
intercostal spce 2-5th
• horizontally to keep the interventricular
septum and the Aortic wall
LV Ao.V • Size and thickness of the septum and
posterior wall
MV LA • Motility of the LA, LV
• Changes of the Aortic Valve
• Measure ascending aorta at each point
• Pericardial effusion

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Parasternal Long Axis view

Zoom : contain the aortic valve and

the mitral valve
• Measure LVOT diameter for
LVOT stroke volume
= 0.785*D²*LVOTTVI
• Cine save for the mitral valve and its
apparatus` morphology


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Parasternal Short Axis view
• Turn a transducer to clockwise
around 90 ⁰ from PLAX
• Aortic valve level
• Mitral valve level
• Papillary muscle level
• Apex level

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Parasternal Short Axis view
Aortic Valve level

• Measure “ RV” dimension and

“RVOT” dimension
RV • Identify the aortic valves; 3 cusps,
Pul. Valve calcification, LAD os



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Parasternal Short Axis view
Mitral Valve, Papillary musclelevel
• Wall motion, wall thicknes
s degenerative changes
• If there were pressure overload,
LV looks “ D” shape



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Apical view - the left ventricle

• Measure Ejection Fraction

at 4chamber and 2chamber view
• Measure RV size

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Apical view – the right ventricle

• Measure RV dimensions at
• modified 4chamber
• Measure RIMP with doppler , TAPSE with M-mode
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The Right Ventricle : Dimensions



- RVD1 : maximal transverse dimension in the basal 1/3 of RV inflow

in RV focused view ( slightly off-axis 4 Chamber view )
- RVD2 : transverse RV diameter in the middle third of RV inflow

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ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam
The Coronary circulation

• the circulation of blood in the blood vessels of the heart muscle

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Coronary territory and wall motion

Typical distribution
• LAD, The left anterior
descending coronary
• The circumflex
• The right coronary artery

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Coronary territory and wall motion

13 1 7
14 6 12 13
16 8 16
15 5 11 14
3 9 15

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Coronary territory and wall motion

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Subcostal view- M-mode

• Measure a diameter of the IVC

• Record diameter changes during inspiration and expiration
• Make a “New Measurement” under name of “IVC”

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Suprasternal viewDoppler

• Incaseof Aorticregurgitation,tomeasurevelocityofthe DescendingAorta

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Measurements & Calculation

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

TheConductionSystemof theheart& ECG
Intracardiac tracings show the normal intervals between
• P: atrial depolarization
• PQ segment: SA node to AV node
• QRS complex: ventricular depolarization
• ST segment : ventricular depolarization
• T : ventricular repolarization

ALPINION Medical Systems , Clinical SpecialistTeam

Chamber Quantification & Great Vessel

The Left Ventricle size and thickness

The LV Global Systolic Function

LV Regional Function LV Mass

The Right Ventricle

RV Systolic Function

The Left and Right Atria

The Aortic Annulus and Aortic Root

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Set Up : 2D Measurement

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Set Up : Doppler Measurement

• Different from system to system

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Cardiac Function – Systolic function

Left Ventricular function

• Systolic function
- Fractional shortening, Ejection Fraction
- Tissue Doppler Imaging
- Myocardial Performance Index
- dp/dt using mitral regurgitation
- Newer techniques
 Strain imaging
• Diastolic function

Right Ventricular function

• Systolic function
- Annular velocity, FAC, RIMP, TAPSE

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Systolic function: LV volume

• Systolic Function ≈ Ejection Fraction

• Evaluated by Simpson’s Method
• Assessment of left ventricle systolic function is
an important clinical variable with respect to
diagnosis, prognosis and treatment

EDV – ESV x 100 EF


ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Systolic function : Internal linear dimension

• Left Ventricle M - mode

- Place ( M-line) over the mitral valve leaflet tip, perpendicular 90 ⁰ to the LV
- Perform M-mode by pressing “M” knob

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Systolic function : Internal linear dimension




• Measurement -> Teichholz

• set cursor at “R” point on ECG for diastole measure
• Start from “RVID”, or select “Diastole” measure from “ IVSd”
• Place a cursor from IVS upper end -> “Set” drag another cursor to the
lower end of IVS -> “Set”, drag a cursor to LVID-> “Set”, drag a cursor
to LVPW->”Set”
• press “Systole” and repeat from IVSs through LVPWs
***Turn On/Off each measurement item on “System Preset”
-> “ Measurement” -> “Labeled Measure”
Systolic function: LV fractional shortening

Truly perpendicular to the long axis of the left ventricle

• Fractional Shortening of LV : ( LVIDd – LVIDs ) / LVIDs *100
• Calculation of relative wall thickness with the formula
( 2 x posterior wall thickness )/ ( LVIDd at end –diastole)
Female Male

Relative wall thickness (cm) 0.22-0.42 0.24-0.42

Septal thickness (cm) 0.6-0.9 0.6-1.0

Posterior wall thickness (cm) 0.6-0.9 0.6-1.0

Systolic function: LV dimension, volume

• EF by M-mode
- Teichholz or Quinones method
- Not recommended by 2015 ASE

contraction Relaxation
ejection filling



LA filling LA emptying

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Systolic function: LV volume

ALPINION MedicalSystems, Clinical Specialist Team

Systolic function: LV volume
Biplane Simpson’s method (Modified Simpson’s method)
• LV volumes is measured form annulus to annulus tracing along the
endocardial border of the LV

ALPINION MedicalSystems, Clinical Specialist Team

Systolic function: LV Ejection Fraction
Biplane Simpson’s method (Modified Simpson’s method)
• LV length is defined as the distance between the center of the mitral ann
ular ring and the apex
• Once “EDV4” is done ->“Priority” for change phase -> Trackball to search
end-systole -> “Measure “ -> select “ESV4” -> repeat trace

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Systolic function: LV volume
• LV Volume
- Calculated from the dimension and area
- Apical 4 chamber and 2 chamber views
- Modified Simpson’s method or disk summations method
Normal values for 2D echocardiographic parameters of LV size and function according to gender, 2015 ASE

Male Female

Parameter Mean ± SD 2-SD range Mean ± SD 2-SD range

LV internal dimension
Diastolic dimension (mm) 50.2 ± 4.1 42.0 -58.4 45.0 ± 3.6 37.8 – 52.2
Systolic dimension (mm) 32.4 ± 3.7 25.0 -39.8 28.2 ± 3.3 21.6 – 34.8
LV volume (biplane)
LV EDV (mL) 106 ± 22 62 -150 76 ± 15 46 -106
LV ESV (mL) 41 ± 10 21 -61 28 ± 7 14 - 42
LV volume nomalized by BSA
LV EDV (mL/m²) 54 ± 10 34 -74 45 ± 8 29 -61
LV ESV (mL/m²) 21 ± 5 11- 31 16 ± 4 8 - 24
LV EF (biplane) 62 ± 5 52 -72 64 ± 5 54 - 74

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Systolic function: LV mass

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Systolic function: LV mass
Normal ranges for LV Mass indices

Female Male
LV mass(g) 66-150 96-200

LV 44-88 50-102

• Parasternal short axis view

• Select “ T-E method ” or “Area-Length method”
• Measure outer circle for “A1” exclude papillary muscle
, inner circle for “A2”
• Go to apical 4 chamber view
• Measure “LV dimension” from apex to mid annular point
• Use BSA index
ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam
Systolic function: Annular tissue doppler
• Activate color TDI and apply to myocardial septal wall
• Press PW with sample volume by 4mm at junction of mitral annulus to septum


ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical Specialist Team

Systolic function: Myocardial Performance Index
• LV MPI : normal value 0.35 ± 0.05
- place PW gate between the mitral and the aortic valve
- measure the time at mitral closing point to next opening
- measure the LV ejection time

MPI = (a –b) / b = ( IVCT +IVRT ) / ET

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Systolic function: MR dp/dt
• dP/dt in Mitral Regurgitation flow
- Obtain CW spectral from the mitral regurgitation jet
- open an measurement item “ MR dp/dt” from MR
- bring a cursor at 1 m/sec point on the MR CW spectrum
- Then, place another cursor at 3m/sec on the same MR CW



ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

LV Systolic function :
Normal ranges and severity partition cutoff values for 2DE-derived LV EF and LA volume, 2015 ASE


Parameter Normal Mildly abnormal Moderately Severely

abnormal abnormal
LV EF (%) 52-72 41-51 30-40 <30
LA volume/BSA (mL/m²) 16-34 35-41 42-48 >48


Parameter Normal Mildly abnormal Moderately Severely

abnormal abnormal
LV EF (%) 54-74 41-53 30-40 <30
LA volume/BSA (mL/m²) 16-34 35-41 42-48 >48

Strain (%) = (L t - L0 )/ L0
• GLS measurements should be made in the 3 standard apical long axis, 4 chamber,
and 2 chamber views and averaged
• A peak GLS in the range of -20%
• The lower the absolute value of strain, the more likely abnormal

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Echocardiograph for Diastolic function

Left Ventricular function

• Diastolic function
- adequate filling of the ventricle during rest and exercise
without abnormal increase in diastolic pressure

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical Specialist Team

Diastole in Cardiac Cycle

AV Close

AV Open
Ao Pressure

MV Close

MV Open
LA Pressure
LV Pressure


Rapid Slow Atrial
Filling Filling Filling
Diastole Systole

ALPINION MedicalSystems,
Medical Systems ,Clinical
Echocardiograph for Diastolic function

• Determinants of LV filling
- active myocardial relaxation
- LV compliance
- LA function
- heart rate
- pericardium

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Pressure gradient during diastole phases

MV Eflow MV A Flow

LVend- di
LVmin. Pre A. p astolic P.
pressure ressure

MV A Flow
MV Eflow

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Echocardiography for Diastolic function

• LA Volume
• Isovolumic Relaxation Time
• Mitral inflow
- initial low pressure filling : E wave
- active atrial contraction : A wave
• Pulmonary vein flow
• Tissue Doppler : E`

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Pressure - Volume curve in Cardiac Cycle



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Diastolic function: LA volume


Left Atrium

• Measure the Aortic valve and the Left atrium

- Keep M-line 90 ⁰ to Aorta/Left Atrium wall
- “ Measure ” -> Ao/ LA folder
- Put a cursor edge to edge

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Diastolic function: LA volume
• Select 1 of “LA Vol(Simp)” measurements
- place a cursor on mitral annulus-septal wall -> trace to opposite site
Normal Mildly Moderately Severely
range abnormal abnormal abnormal

Male 16-34 35-41 42-48 48>

Female 16-34 35-41 42-48 48>

LA volume/BSA (ml/m²)

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical Specialist Team

Diastolic function: Mitral flow

• Mitral Inflow ; Peak E vel., Deceleration Time, Peak A vel., IVRT

• Sample volume; 2-3mm, locates at between 2 leaplets ` tip

Otto. Text book of Clinical Echocardiography,5th

Dec A vel.

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Diastolic function: Mitral flow

• Mitral Inflow ; Peak E vel., Deceleration Time, Peak A vel., IVRT

• Sample volume; locates SV between LV outflow and MV inflow

E vel.


ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Diastolic function: Tissue velocity at mitral annulus
• TDI : Ea Vel or MV Ea Vel.
E/E’ value : 8 normal 15> abnormal
• E` < 8.5Cm/sec, E`/A` <1
• usually lateral TDI shows higher velocities than septal



Tissue Doppler Imaging

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical Specialist Team

Diastolic function: Pulmonary vein flow

• Pulmonary vein flow ; systolic Vel., diastolic Vel., A vel. & duration
• Measure item under “ PVe”
• Sample volume ; 2-3mm, below into pulmonary vein 0.5cm


ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Normal Values for Doppler- derived diastolic m.
Age Group
Measurement 16-20 21-40 41-60 >60

IVRT(ms) 50 ±9 (32-68) 67± 8(51-83) 74 ±7(60-88) 87 ±7(73-101)

E/A ratio 1.88±0.45 1.53±0.4 1.28±0.25 0.96±0.18
(0.98-2.78) (0.73-2.33) (0.78-1.78) (0.6-1.32)
DT(ms) 142±19(104-180) 166±14(138-194) 181±19(143-219) 200±29(142-258)

A duration (ms) 113±17(79-147) 127±13101-153) 133±13(107-159) 138±19(100-176)

PV S/D ration 0.82±0.18 0.98±0.32 1.21±0.2 1.39±0.47
(0.36-1.18) (0.34-1.62) (0.81-1.61) (0.45-2.33)
PV Ar (cm/sec) 16±10(1-36) 21±8(5-37) 23±3(17-29) 25±9(11-39)

PV Ar duration(ms) 66±39(1-144) 96±33(30-162) 112±15( 82-142) 113±30(53-173)

Septal e` (cm/sec) 14.9±2.4 15.5±2.7 12.2±2.3 10.4±2.2

(10.1-19.7) (10.1-20.9) (0.5-1.7) (6.2-14.6)
Septal e`/a` ratio 0.85±0.2
2.4 1.6±0.5(0.6-2.6) 1.1±0.3(0.5-1.7)
Lateral e`(cm/sec) 20.6±3.8(13-28.2) 19.8±2.9 16.1±2.3(11.5-20.7) 12.9±3.5
(14-25.6) (5.9-19.9)
Latera; e`/a` ration 3.1 1.9±0.6(0.7-3.1) 1.5±0.5(0.5-2.5) 0.9±0.4(0.1-1.7)

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Echocardiographic classification of diastolic dysfunction

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Medical SystemsClinical Specialist
, Clinical Team
Diastolic Function – Valsalva maneuver
• Valsalva maneuver decrease preload during strain phase
• Peudonormal mitral inflow changes to a pattern of impaired relaxation
• The E/e′ ratio was markedly increased, using e′ from either side of the annulus

Mitral Inflow



Mitral annulus

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Diastolic function : Mitral Inflow
 Key Points
1. PW Doppler is performed in the apical 4-chamber view to obtain mitral inflow
velocities to assess LV filling.
2. a 1-mm to 3-mm sample volume is placed between the mitral leaflet
tips during diastole to record a crisp velocity profile.
3.Primary measurements include peak E and A velocities, E/A ratio, DT, and IVRT
4.Mitral inflow patterns include normal, impaired LV relaxation, Pseudonormal
flow, and restrictive LV filling.
5.In patients with dilated cardiomyopathies, filling patterns correlate better
with filling pressures, functional class, and prognosis than LV EF.
6.In patients with coronary artery disease and those with hypertrophic cardio
myopathy in whom the LV EFs are 50%, mitral velocities correlate poorly wi
th hemodynamics.

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Create New measurement

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical Specialist Team

Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion:TAPSE

• RV dimensions at modified 4chamber

- M-mode aligned along the direction of tricuspid lateral annulus
- good correlations with parameters estimating RV global systolic
- TAPSE <17mm is highly suggestive of RV systolic dysfunction

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Systolic function - Right Ventricle
RV Systolic function ;RIMP by TDI or Tricuspid & pulmonary outflow
• Measure at 4chamber and short axis view
• Measure
• RIMP>0.43 by PW, >054 by TDI indicate RV dysfunction



TV closing to
opening duration
The Right Atrium
• Measure the Right Atrial volume
- Linear dimension ; minor axis is measuredbetween the lateral RA wall
and interatrial septum at the mid atrial level
- Area ; by tracing the RA blood-tissue interface
- Volume; single plane area-length method

• Normal ranges

Women Men

RA minor axis, d (cm/m²) 1.9±0.3 1.9±0.3

RA major axis, d (cm/m²) 2.5±0.3 2.4±0.3

2D RA volume (mL/m²) 21±6 25±6


ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Aortic annulus & Aortic Root diameter
horizontally to keep the interventricular septum and the Aortic wall
• Measure ascending aorta at each point
• LVOT, Aortic Sinus, Sinotubular junction, Ascending Aorta
• Pericardial effusion

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical Specialist Team

Left Ventricular Outflow Tract- diameter

Zoom : Including the aortic valve and

the mitral valve
• Measure LVOT diameter for
LVOT stroke volume
= 0.785*D²*LVOTTVI
• Cine save for the mitral valve and
its apparatus` morphology


ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Color image - low PLAX and Apical window

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

MedicalSystems , Clinical
Systems, ClinicalSpecialistTeam
SpecialistT eam
Echocardiographic evaluation

• Echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac adaptation to the volume overload

offers, along with careful assessment of symptoms, and ideal tool for manag
ement of valvular regurgitation and timing of surgery

• 2D echocardiography provides an assessment of valvular structure,

mechanism of regurgitation and adaptation to the volume overload state

• Doppler has become the first line approach to the evaluation and management
of valvular heart disease

• Doppler allows a comprehensive evaluation of the severity of regurgitation

using qualitative and quantitative methods from Color flow and spectral Do

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Derived Doppler Equation

Basic measurement Doppler Equation

-. Bernoulli equation
Pressure Gradient= 4V² ±∆f = f r – f 0
∆f = 2 f 0 Vcosθ
C ∆f
2 f 0 cosθ

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Derived Doppler Equation

Advanced Measurements Doppler Equation

-. Continuity Equation
-. Valve area, Shunt Study
-. PISA method V1 V2


Q1 = Q2
CSA1 x TVI1 = CSA2 x TVI2

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Calculation : LV stroke volume
• measure stroke volume of the Left heart
- put a pw gate on LVOT at apical 3 or 5 chamber view
- Trace from open to close of LVOT spectrum


Apical 3/5chamber

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical Specialist Team

Calculation : Aortic Valve Area
 Continuity Equation
• measure “2D” at LVOT Diameter in PLAX
• measure VTI at LVOT(PW) in apical 5 chamber
• measure VTI at Aortic Valve (CW) in apical 5 chamber

AVflow= LVOTflow

LA Volume


ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical Specialist Team

RV Systolic Pressure - Tricuspid Regurgitation



ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical Specialist Team

RVSP - Tricuspid Regurgitation
• Right Ventricle Systolic Pressure
- when Tricuspid regurgitation displayed on color mode
• Place the cursor of CW doppler on the vena contracta -> press CW
• Calculate : Right Ventricle Systolic Pressure
- “Measurement” -> ‘RVSP” -> measure “TR V max .”
- select 1 of 5 , 10, 15, 20mmHg for “RAP”
• Pulmonary hypertension > 35~40mmHg
RVSP = 4V 2 + PRA
RVSP = 4 X (3.0)²+ RA Pressure

TR Vmax

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Grading tricuspid regurgitation severity

Parameters Mild Moderate Severe

Tricuspid valve Usually normal Normal or abnormal Abnormal/Flail leaflet/

poor coaptation
RV/RA/IVC size Normal Normal or dilated Usually dilated

Jet area-central jets <5 5-10 >10

VC width Not defined Not defined, but < 0.7 >0.7

PISA radius (cm) ≤ 0.5 0.6~0.9 >0.9

Jet density and contour- Soft and parabolic Dense, variable contour Dense, triangular with
CW early peaking
Hepatic vein flow↑ Systolic dominance Systolic blunting Systolic reversal

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

RVSP – RA pressure
• IVC diameter<2.5cm, change according to respiration -> normal RA Pressure
• Hepatic vein flow in severe TR, hepatic venous flow reversal in systole (S)

Hepatic vein

Liver Liver


Inspiration Expiration


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Pulmonary Artery Pressure

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Calculation: Pulmonary Artery Pressure

• Mean PA pr= 4 (Vpeak)2

• PA end-diastolic pressure
= 4 (VED)2 + RVEDP
= 4 (VED)2 + RA pressure

End Dia

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Aortic Stenosis

• Incase of Aortic Valve Stenosis, planimetry method is used at 2D

- Draw along the open edge of the aortic valve

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Aortic Stenosis – mean pressure gradient

Hemodynamics AVA
mild Mean <20 >1.5cm²

Mod. 20-40mmHg 1.0-1.5

severe Mean > 40 <1.0

• Trace the aortic valve VTI, after acquisition a doppler image by CW

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam
Aortic Valve Area : Doppler

Continuity Equation
• measure “2D” at LVOT Diameter in PLAX
• measure “VTI at LVOT(PW”) in apical 5 chamber
• measure “VTI at Aortic Valve (CW)” in apical 5 chamber




CW through the AV

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Aortic Regurgitation – Pressure Half Time




• measure “ AI Pressure Half Time”

• steep deceleration rate of the AR velocity by CW Doppler, and a holo- diastolic flow
reversal in the descending (desc.) aorta in severe AR
ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam
Aortic Regurgitation : Severity by Doppler

• In severe Aortic regurgitation, measure the VTI of reverse flow at the

Descending Aorta

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Grading of aortic regurgitation severity
Mild Moderate Severe
Structural parameters
LA size Normal Normal or dilated Usually dilated
Aortic leaflets Normal or abnormal Normal or abnormal Abnormal / flail, or wide
coaptation defect
Doppler Parameters
Jet width in LVOT- Small in central jets intermediate Large in central jets;
color flow variable in eccentric jets
Jet density - Incomplete or faint Dense Dense
CW (PHT, ms) Slow > 500 Medium 500-200 Steep < 200
Diastolic flow reversal in
descending aorta -PW Brief, early diastoic Intermediate Prominent holodiastolic
reversal reversal
Quantitative parameters
Vena contracta width, cm < 0.3 0.3-0.60 > 0.6
Jet width/LVOT width, % < 25 25-45 46-64 ≥ 65
Jet CSA/LVOT CSA, % <5 5-20 21-59 ≥60
Reg. Volume, ml/beat < 30 30-44 45-59 ≥ 60
Regurtant Fraction, % < 30 30-39 40-49 ≥ 50
EROA, cm² < 0.10 0.10-0.19 0.20- 0.29 ≥ 0.30
Grading of aortic regurgitation severity

ALPINION MedicalSystems, Clinical Specialist Team

Mitral Stenosis

• Incase of Mitral Valve Stenosis, planimetry method is used at 2D

• Also measure the left atrium size

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Mitral Stenosis – mean VTI, Mitral valve Area

• Incase of Mitral Valve Stenosis, trace the mitral valve inflow

• Also measure the pressure half time for mitral valve area

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Regurgitation Volume by PISA

Continuity Equation
Mitral Regurgitation Volume by Proximal Isovolumetric Surface Area

• MR flow = PISA flow

• ERO (Effective Regurgitant Orifice) E
RO x MR Vel. = 2 x π x R² x Alias Vel.
ERO = 2 x π x R² x Alias Vel.
MR max Vel.

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

Regurgitation Volume by PISA
PISA method
radius • Optimize regurgitant flow→ Zoom up
• baseline shift of color hue to
describe the aliasing velocity up
shift to 30~40cm/s
ERO • Measure PISA radius & select
Aliasing Vel ‘PISA(MR)- aliasing Vel’
ocity (Va)

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical Specialist Team

Regurgitation Volume by PISA

• Trace “ MR VTI” and “ Vmax” by CW Doppler

- place a cursor at the vena contracta, perform CW, and trace along borderline

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical Specialist Team

Grading of mitral regurgitation severity
Mild Moderate Severe
Structural parameters
LA size Normal Usually dilated** Usually dilated**
LV size Normal Usually dilated** Usually dilated**
Mitral leaflets or Normal or abnormal Normal or abnormal Abnormal/
support apparatus Flail leaflet/
Ruptured papillary muscle
Doppler parameters
Color flow jet area Small, central jet variable Large central jet (usually
(usually < 4cm² or >10cm² or > 40% of LA
<20% of LA area) Area or variable size wll-
Impinging jet weirling in LA
Mitral inflow A wave dominant Variable E wave dominant
(E usually 1,2 m/s)
Pulmonary vein flow Systolic dominance Systolic blunting Systolic flow reversal
Quantitative parameters
VC width (cm) <0.3 0.3-0.69 ≥0.7
R Vol (ml/beat) <30 33-44 45-59 ≥60
RF (%) <30 30-39 40-49 ≥50
EROA (cm²) <0.20 1.20-1.29. 0.30-0.39 ≥0.40
ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam
Grading of mitral regurgitation severity
Mild Moderate Severe
Specific signs of • Small central jet < 4cm² Signs of MR >mild present, • Vena contracta width ≥ 0.7cm
severity or <20% of LA size but no criteria for severe MR with large central MR jet ( area
• Vena contracta width >40% of LA) or with a wall-
<0.3cm impinging jet of any size,
• No or minimal flow swirling in LA
convergence • Large flow convergence
• Systolic reversal in pulmonary
• Prominent flail NV leaflet
or ruptured papillary muscle

Supportive signs • Systolic dominant flow in Intermediate signs/ findings • Dense, triangular CW
pulmonary veins Doppler MR jet
• A-wave dominant mitral • W-wave dominant mitral
inflow inflow ( E>1.2m/s )
• Soft density, parabolic CW enlarged LV and LA size
Doppler MR signal ( particulary when normal
• Normal LV size LV function is present ).

ALPINION Medical Systems, Clinical SpecialistTeam

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