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Probability Distribution

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The key takeaways are about different types of probability distributions, including discrete, continuous, geometric, and Poisson distributions. Random variables and how to construct probability distributions are also discussed.

A random variable is discrete if it has a finite number of possible outcomes that can be counted, and continuous if it has outcomes represented on a number line as intervals. Discrete variables have probabilities assigned to each outcome, while continuous are defined by probability densities over ranges.

To construct a discrete probability distribution, the possible outcomes are listed with their frequencies to make a frequency distribution. The probability of each outcome is calculated by dividing its frequency by the total frequency. The probabilities must each be between 0 and 1 and sum to 1.

Discrete Probability

Random Variables
A random variable x represents a numerical value
associated with each outcome of a probability distribution.

A random variable is discrete if it has a finite or countable

number of possible outcomes that can be listed.
0 2 4 6 8 10

A random variable is continuous if it has an uncountable

number or possible outcomes, represented by the intervals
on a number line.
0 2 4 6 8 10

Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 3

Random Variables
Decide if the random variable x is discrete or continuous.
a.) The distance your car travels on a tank of gas
The distance your car travels is a continuous
random variable because it is a measurement that
cannot be counted. (All measurements are
continuous random variables.)

b.) The number of students in a statistics class

The number of students is a discrete random
variable because it can be counted.
Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 4
Discrete Probability Distributions
A discrete probability distribution lists each possible value
the random variable can assume, together with its
probability. A probability distribution must satisfy the
following conditions.

In Words In Symbols
1. The probability of each value of 0  P (x)  1
the discrete random variable is
between 0 and 1, inclusive.

2. The sum of all the probabilities ΣP (x) = 1

is 1.

Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 5

Constructing a Discrete Probability Distribution

Let x be a discrete random variable with possible
outcomes x1, x2, … , xn.
1. Make a frequency distribution for the possible
2. Find the sum of the frequencies.
3. Find the probability of each possible outcome by
dividing its frequency by the sum of the frequencies.
4. Check that each probability is between 0 and 1 and
that the sum is 1.

Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 6

Constructing a Discrete Probability Distribution

The spinner below is divided into two sections. The
probability of landing on the 1 is 0.25. The probability of
landing on the 2 is 0.75. Let x be the number the spinner
lands on. Construct a probability distribution for the
random variable x.

x P ( x)
1 0.25 Each probability is
2 between 0 and 1.
2 0.75

The sum of the probabilities is 1.

Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 7

Constructing a Discrete Probability Distribution

The spinner below is spun two times. The probability of
landing on the 1 is 0.25. The probability of landing on the 2
is 0.75. Let x be the sum of the two spins. Construct a
probability distribution for the random variable x.

The possible sums are 2, 3, and 4.

1 P (sum of 2) = 0.25  0.25 = 0.0625

Spin a 1 on “and” Spin a 1 on the

the first spin. second spin.

Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 8
Constructing a Discrete Probability Distribution

Example continued:

P (sum of 3) = 0.25  0.75 = 0.1875

Spin a 1 on “and” Spin a 2 on the
2 the first spin. second spin.

P (sum of 3) = 0.75  0.25 = 0.1875

Sum of
P ( x)
spins, x
2 0.0625 Spin a 2 on “and” Spin a 1 on the
3 0.375 the first spin. second spin.
0.1875 + 0.1875 Continued.
Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 9
Constructing a Discrete Probability Distribution

Example continued:

1 P (sum of 4) = 0.75  0.75 = 0.5625

2 Spin a 2 on “and” Spin a 2 on the
the first spin. second spin.

Sum of
P ( x)
spins, x
2 0.0625 Each probability is between
3 0.375 0 and 1, and the sum of the
4 0.5625 probabilities is 1.

Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 10

Graphing a Discrete Probability Distribution

Graph the following probability distribution using a histogram.
Sum of P(x)
P ( x) Sum of Two Spins
spins, x 0.6
2 0.0625 0.5
3 0.375

4 0.5625 0.4



0 x
2 3 4
Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 11
The mean of a discrete random variable is given by
μ = ΣxP(x).
Each value of x is multiplied by its corresponding
probability and the products are added.
Find the mean of the probability distribution for the sum of
the two spins.
x P ( x) xP (x)
2 0.0625 2(0.0625) = 0.125 ΣxP(x) = 3.5
3 0.375 3(0.375) = 1.125 The mean for the
4 0.5625 4(0.5625) = 2.25 two spins is 3.5.
Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 12
The variance of a discrete random variable is given by
2 = Σ(x – μ)2P (x).

Find the variance of the probability distribution for the sum
of the two spins. The mean is 3.5.

x P ( x) x – μ (x – μ)2 P (x)(x – μ)2 ΣP(x)(x – 2)2

2 0.0625 –1.5 2.25  0.141  0.376
3 0.375 –0.5 0.25  0.094
The variance for the
4 0.5625 0.5 0.25  0.141 two spins is
approximately 0.376

Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 13

Standard Deviation
The standard deviation of a discrete random variable is
given by
σ = σ 2.
Find the standard deviation of the probability distribution
for the sum of the two spins. The variance is 0.376.
σ  σ2
x P ( x) x – μ (x – μ)2 P (x)(x – μ)2
 0.376  0.613
2 0.0625 –1.5 2.25 0.141
Most of the sums
3 0.375 –0.5 0.25 0.094 differ from the
4 0.5625 0.5 0.25 0.141 mean by no more
than 0.6 points.
Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 14
Expected Value
The expected value of a discrete random variable is equal to
the mean of the random variable.
Expected Value = E(x) = μ = ΣxP(x).

At a raffle, 500 tickets are sold for $1 each for two prizes of
$100 and $50. What is the expected value of your gain?

Your gain for the $100 prize is $100 – $1 = $99.

Your gain for the $50 prize is $50 – $1 = $49.
Write a probability distribution for the possible gains
(or outcomes).
Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 15
Expected Value
Example continued:
At a raffle, 500 tickets are sold for $1 each for two prizes of
$100 and $50. What is the expected value of your gain?

Gain, x P ( x)
E(x) = ΣxP(x).
$99 500 1 1 498
 $99   $49   ($1) 
1 500 500 500
$49 500
 $0.70
–$1 498
Because the expected value is
Winning negative, you can expect to lose
no prize
$0.70 for each ticket you buy.
Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 16
§ 4.2
Binomial Experiments
A binomial experiment is a probability experiment that
satisfies the following conditions.
1. The experiment is repeated for a fixed number of
trials, where each trial is independent of other trials.
2. There are only two possible outcomes of interest for
each trial. The outcomes can be classified as a success
(S) or as a failure (F).
3. The probability of a success P (S) is the same for each
4. The random variable x counts the number of
successful trials.

Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 18

Notation for Binomial Experiments

Symbol Description
n The number of times a trial is repeated.

p = P (S) The probability of success in a single trial.

q = P (F) The probability of failure in a single trial.

( q = 1 – p)

x The random variable represents a count

of the number of successes in n trials:
x = 0, 1, 2, 3, … , n.

Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 19

Binomial Experiments
Decide whether the experiment is a binomial experiment.
If it is, specify the values of n, p, and q, and list the possible
values of the random variable x. If it is not a binomial
experiment, explain why.
• You randomly select a card from a deck of cards, and
note if the card is an Ace. You then put the card
back and repeat this process 8 times.
This is a binomial experiment. Each of the 8 selections
represent an independent trial because the card is
replaced before the next one is drawn. There are only
two possible outcomes: either the card is an Ace or not.
n 8 p  4  1 q  1  1  12 x  0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
52 13 13 13
Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 20
Binomial Experiments
Decide whether the experiment is a binomial experiment.
If it is, specify the values of n, p, and q, and list the possible
values of the random variable x. If it is not a binomial
experiment, explain why.
• You roll a die 10 times and note the number the die
lands on.

This is not a binomial experiment. While each trial

(roll) is independent, there are more than two possible
outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 21

Binomial Probability Formula
In a binomial experiment, the probability of exactly x
successes in n trials is
P (x )  nC x p xq n x  n! p xq n x .
(n  x )! x !
A bag contains 10 chips. 3 of the chips are red, 5 of the chips are
white, and 2 of the chips are blue. Three chips are selected, with
replacement. Find the probability that you select exactly one red chip.
p = the probability of selecting a red chip  3  0.3
q = 1 – p = 0.7 P (1)  3C1(0.3)1(0.7)2
n=3  3(0.3)(0.49)
x=1  0.441
Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 22
Binomial Probability Distribution
A bag contains 10 chips. 3 of the chips are red, 5 of the chips are
white, and 2 of the chips are blue. Four chips are selected, with
replacement. Create a probability distribution for the number of red
chips selected.
p = the probability of selecting a red chip  3  0.3
q = 1 – p = 0.7
n=4 x P ( x)
x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 0 0.240 The binomial
1 0.412 probability
2 0.265 formula is used
3 0.076 to find each
4 0.008 probability.

Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 23

Finding Probabilities
The following probability distribution represents the probability of
selecting 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 red chips when 4 chips are selected.
x P ( x) a.) Find the probability of selecting no
0 0.24 more than 3 red chips.
1 0.412
2 0.265
3 0.076 b.) Find the probability of selecting at
4 0.008 least 1 red chip.
a.) P (no more than 3) = P (x  3) = P (0) + P (1) + P (2) + P (3)
= 0.24 + 0.412 + 0.265 + 0.076 = 0.993
b.) P (at least 1) = P (x  1) = 1 – P (0) = 1 – 0.24 = 0.76
Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 24
Graphing Binomial Probabilities
The following probability distribution represents the probability of
selecting 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 red chips when 4 chips are selected. Graph
the distribution using a histogram.
x P (x) P (x)
0 0.24 0.5 Selecting Red Chips
1 0.412 Probability
2 0.265
3 0.076
4 0.008 0.2

0 x
0 1 2 3 4
Number of red chips
Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 25
Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation
Population Parameters of a Binomial Distribution
Mean: μ  np
Variance: σ 2  npq
Standard deviation: σ  npq
One out of 5 students at a local college say that they skip breakfast in
the morning. Find the mean, variance and standard deviation if 10
students are randomly selected.
n  10 μ  np σ 2  npq σ  npq
p  1  0.2  10(0.2)  (10)(0.2)(0.8)  1.6
q  0.8 2  1.6  1.3

Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 26

§ 4.3
More Discrete
Geometric Distribution
A geometric distribution is a discrete probability
distribution of a random variable x that satisfies the
following conditions.
1. A trial is repeated until a success occurs.
2. The repeated trials are independent of each other.
3. The probability of a success p is constant for each
The probability that the first success will occur on trial x
P (x) = p(q)x – 1, where q = 1 – p.

Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 28

Geometric Distribution
A fast food chain puts a winning game piece on every fifth package
of French fries. Find the probability that you will win a prize,
a.) with your third purchase of French fries,
b.) with your third or fourth purchase of French fries.
p = 0.20 q = 0.80
a.) x = 3 b.) x = 3, 4
P (3) = (0.2)(0.8)3 – 1 P (3 or 4) = P (3) + P (4)
= (0.2)(0.8)2  0.128 + 0.102
= (0.2)(0.64)  0.230
= 0.128
Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 29
Geometric Distribution
A fast food chain puts a winning game piece on every fifth package
of French fries. Find the probability that you will win a prize,
a.) with your third purchase of French fries,
b.) with your third or fourth purchase of French fries.
p = 0.20 q = 0.80
a.) x = 3 b.) x = 3, 4
P (3) = (0.2)(0.8)3 – 1 P (3 or 4) = P (3) + P (4)
= (0.2)(0.8)2  0.128 + 0.102
= (0.2)(0.64)  0.230
= 0.128
Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 30
Poisson Distribution
The Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution of
a random variable x that satisfies the following conditions.
1. The experiment consists of counting the number of times
an event, x, occurs in a given interval. The interval can be
an interval of time, area, or volume.
2. The probability of the event occurring is the same for each
3. The number of occurrences in one interval is independent
of the number of occurrences in other intervals.
The probability of exactly x occurrences in an interval is
x μ
P (x )  e
where e  2.71818 and μ is the mean number of occurrences.

Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 31

Poisson Distribution
The mean number of power outages in the city of Brunswick is 4 per
year. Find the probability that in a given year,
a.) there are exactly 3 outages,
b.) there are more than 3 outages.

a.)   4, x  3 b.) P (more than 3)

 1  P (x  3)
P (3)   1  [P (3)  P (2) + P (1) + P (0)]

 0.195  1  (0.195  0.147  0.073  0.018)

 0.567

Larson & Farber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, 3e 32

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