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Roadway Lighting Report

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Roadway Lighting

Julios Charl Tagupa
Jeferson Muzo
Roadway: Pedestrian Walkway and Bikeway
Freeway. A divided major roadway with full control of access and with no
crossings at grade. This definition applies to
toll as well as nontoll roads as follows:
Freeway A. Roadways with visual complexity and high traffic volumes.
Usually this type of freeway is found in major
metropolitan areas in or near the central core and operates through much
of the early evening hours of darkness at or near
design capacity.
Freeway B. All other divided roadways with full control of access where
lighting is needed.

Expressway. A divided major roadway for through traffic with partial
control of access and generally with interchanges at major crossroads.
Expressways for noncommercial traffic within park areas are generally
known as parkways.

Major. The part of the roadway system that serves as the principal
network for through traffic flow. The routes connect areas of principal
traffic generation and important rural highways entering the city.

Collector. The roadways serving traffic between major and local

roadways. These are roadways used mainly for traffic movements within
residential, commercial, and industrial areas.

Local. Roadways used primarily for direct access to residential,
commercial, industrial, or other abutting property.

Alley. Narrow public ways within a block, generally used for vehicular
access to the rear of abutting properties.

Sidewalk. Paved or otherwise improved areas for pedestrian use, located

within public street rights-of-way that also
contain roadways for vehicular traffic.

Pedestrian Walkway. A public walk for pedestrian traffic, not necessarily

within the right-of-way for a vehicular traffic roadway. Included are
skywalks (pedestrian overpasses), subwalks (pedestrian tunnels),
walkways giving access to parks or block interiors, and midblock street

Any road, street, path, or way that is specifically designated as
being open to bicycle travel, regardless of whether such facilities are
designed for the exclusive use of bicycles or are to be shared with
other transportation modes.

Type A: Designated bicycle lane. A portion of roadway or shoulder that

has been designated for use by bicyclists.
Type B: Bicycle trail. A separate trail or path from which motor vehicles
are prohibited and which is for the exclusive use of bicyclists or the
shared use of bicyclists and pedestrians.

Area Classifications (Abutting Land Uses)

Commercial. A business area of a municipality where ordinarily there

are many pedestrians during night hours.
Intermediate. Those areas of a municipality characterized by frequent
moderately heavy nighttime pedestrian activity, as
in blocks having libraries, community recreation centers, large
apartment buildings, industrial buildings, or neighborhood
retail stores.
Residential. A residential development, or a mixture of residential and
small commercial establishments, characterized by
few pedestrians at night. This definition includes areas with single-
family homes, town houses, and small apartment

Photometric Diagrams

• The most commonly used coordinate

system for street lighting luminaires,
in the representation of photometric
information, is the system (C - 𝛾);

• The vector “I” represents the value of

the luminous intensity, while C and
“𝛾” signal their direction;

• “C” indicates the vertical plane where

the vectors are located and 𝛾
measures the slope relative to the
vertical photometric axis of the

Photometric Diagrams
Polar distribution curves

• Polar distribution curves are defined in cd by 1 000 lumens of flux

emitted by each lamp and it is represented by cd/1 000 lm or cd/klm.

Polar diagram (with symmetry) Polar diagram (with asymmetry)

Source: Indalux

Photometric Diagrams
Isocandela diagrams

• Although the polar diagrams are a very useful and practical tool,
they present only information on what happens in the vertical planes
(C), not showing what is happening on other points;

• To avoid this inconvenience, and to combine a flat representation

with the information on the luminous intensity in any direction, the
isocandela diagram was created;

• It simulates the luminaire in the center of a sphere, where on its

outer surface the points of the same intensity (isocandelas curves)
are joined in a row;

• Usually the luminaires have at least a plane of symmetry, so only a

semi-sphere is normally considered.

Photometric Diagrams
Isocandela diagrams

• Isocandela diagram in azimuthal projection.

Source: Indalux

Photometric Diagrams
Isolux or isoilluminance diagrams

• If we project the values of the illuminance emitted on a surface, by a

light source, on the same plane and join by a line those of identical
value, we will have the so called “isolux curve”;

• The various isolux curves form the isolux diagram, where “h” is the
height of the luminaire;

• Values for each isolux line are given in Emax percentages, the
highest being 100%.

Photometric Diagrams
Isolux or isoilluminance diagrams

• Isolux diagram on the surface to be illuminated.

Utilization factor

• The easiest and quickest way to

calculate average illuminance of a
Utilization factor as a function of “h”
straight road of infinite length is by
applying the utilization factor curves:

• η = utilization factor
• Φ = lamp luminous flux
• n = number of lamps per luminaire
• w = width of the road
• s = interdistance between

Source: Indalux

Lighting classes
Establishment of photometric requirements

- There are simple and standardized solutions on how to choose the

lighting parameters of a public lighting installation, taking into
account the characteristics of the area to be illuminated, namely
• road function and geometry;
• allowed speed;
• volume of traffic.
- The parameters shall be determined by the luminance or
illuminance criteria;
- The medium and high speed zones are defined by the luminance
- Conflict zones and pedestrian zones can be defined by both the
illuminance and luminance criteria.

Lighting classes
Establishment of photometric requirements

- When the complexity of the layout and the diversity of surfaces are
low, which normally occurs outside urban areas, the criterion to be
used is the luminance. Thus, the areas to be illuminated must have
at least the same level of illumination of the roads that give them
access. The ideal is that the lighting class has an index below the
lighting class of the adjacent road;
- In areas where the complexity of the layout and the diversity of
surfaces do not allow a reliable calculation of luminance, the
criterion of illuminance shall be used.

Lighting class of a conflict zone

(roundabound) by the
luminance criterion

Lighting classes
Lighting level requirements

- Lighting requirements of a certain public area depend largely on their

specific lighting class category;

- A lighting class is defined by a set of photometric requirements that

point to the visibility needed for users of the various types of streets,
roads and other public areas;

- Since the needs of pedestrians greatly differ from drivers in many

aspects, such as speed of movement, proximity of objects, surface
pattern, facial recognition, etc., different parameters are used
(luminance , Illuminance, etc.) to characterize the minimum conditions
of illumination of a certain class.

Lighting classes

- The most widely accepted definitions in terms of lighting classes,

performance criteria and measurement methods can be found in the EN
13201 standard series:
• EN 13201-1 : 2004 - Selection of lighting classes
• EN 13201-2 : 2016 - Performance requirements
• EN 13201-3 : 2015 - Calculation of performance
• EN 13201-4 : 2015 - Methods of measuring lighting performance
• EN 13201-5 : 2015 - Energy performance indicators

- “CIE 115-2010 - Recommendations for the lighting of roads for

motor and pedestrian traffic” has recommendations on quality
criteria, lighting classes, motor traffic requirements, flow regulation, etc.,
for all road categories and areas to be illuminated.

- In order to broadly harmonize the requirements, the lighting classes

were defined on the basis of the national standards of the member
states and the CIE 115-2010 standard.

Lighting classes
EN 13201

- EN 13201-1 uses a selection procedure for determining lighting


- EN 13201-2 provides specifications for the different lighting classes

which are defined by a set of photometric requirements depending
on the needs and requirements of the specific road users and road
types. Introduces a number of additional metrics which are used to
define minimum or maximum criteria for each subclass;

- EN 13201-3 describes the mathematical methods and procedures

which should be used to calculate the lighting performance
characteristics defined in EN 13201-2.

Lighting classes
EN 13201

- EN 13201-4 describes the methods that should be used for

measuring lighting performance;

- EN 13201-5 describes the two energy performance metrics:

- power density indicator (PDI) DP
(measured in [ ])

- annual energy consumption indicator (AECI) DE

(measured in [ ])

Lighting classes

- The EN 13201 series of standards introduced lighting classes in

order to facilitate and develop public lighting services in the
European Union, aiming at standardization and harmonization of

- Each class is associated with several indexes that define their

subclasses. In this way, we can better characterize the situation and
define, in an optimized way, the values of its lighting parameters;

- After identifying the class and subclass for a certain area to be

illuminated, the EN 13201-2 provides a series of tables with the
lighting parameters to introduce on the simulation software;

- The lighting requirements may also be subject to national

standardization or regulation.

Lighting classes
Existing lighting classes according to EN 13201
M Applies to motor vehicles on high and medium speed roads

Zone of conflict: when the tracks of the vehicles intercept and end in

C areas frequented by pedestrians, cyclists, etc. Examples are

roundabouts, intersections, connecting roads with reduced width
and number of reduced lanes and shopping center areas.


Low Peculiar to For pedestrian zones For areas where

exclusively where the crime risk facial and vertical
pedestrian areas is higher surface recognition
Defined by horizontal Defined by semi- are essential
illuminance cylindrical illuminance Defined by vertical
parameters parameters illuminance
Lighting classes
- The selection criteria for each subclass (as designated by their digit)
are based on the geometry of the road, its traffic usage, and its

- Geometric criteria include:

• Separation of lanes with different traffic directions (yes/no)
• Type of intersections (crossroads/motorway junction)
• Distance between motorway junctions or bridges (more or less
than 3 km)
• Density of intersections (more or less than 3 intersections/km)
• Conflict zone (yes/no - defined as a road locations where streams
of motorized traffic meet or which other traffic participants such
as pedestrians or cyclists use)
• Engineering measures for traffic calming in place (yes/no)

Lighting classes
- Traffic usage criteria include:
- Traffic density of motorized vehicles (number of vehicles per day)
- Traffic density of cyclists (normal/high)
- Traffic density of pedestrians (normal/high)
- Difficulty of navigating traffic (normal/higher than normal – defined
as the difficulty in picking speed or position on the road based the
visual information available)
- Parking vehicles (permitted/not permitted)
- Visual recognition (necessary/not necessary)
- Risk of crime (normal/higher than normal – based on a
comparison between the likelihood of crime at the location with the
likelihood of crime in the wider region).

Lighting classes
- Environmental conditions include:
- Complexity of visual stimuli within the field of vision
- Luminance of the environment (rural environment/urban
environment/city centre)
- Prevalent weather (dry/wet – no longer applicable for the newer
lighting class designations)

- Certain parameters (in particular traffic density and luminance of the

environment) may change from season to season, or during different
hours of the night. Thus road sections may be shifted to a different
road class.

Lighting classes
How to determine the subclass number

Ambient Luminance:

High: Urban areas with high levels of roadway and decorative lighting. May
contain brightly lighted commercial advertising signs, building facades and/or
shop windows.

Moderate: intermediate areas with some roadway lighting, lighted road signs
and/or commercial advertising signs.

Low: Rural areas, without or with limited roadway and/or intersection lighting.

Lighting classes
How to determine the subclass number

Intersection density:
High | crossings (intersection of two or more roads)
Moderate | three-way intersetions

Traffic Control:
Weak | without stop light
Good | with stop light

Lighting classes
Photometric requirements for high and medium speed

Road surface
Lighting Dry Wet TI (%) SR
Laverage Uo Ul Uo
M1 2 0,4 0,7 0,15 10 0,5

M2 1,5 0,4 0,7 0,15 10 0,5

M3 1 0,4 0,6 0,15 15 0,5

M4 0,75 0,4 0,6 0,15 15 0,5

M5 0,5 0,35 0,4 0,15 15 0,5

M6 0,3 0,35 0,4 0,15 20 0,5

Lighting classes
Photometric requirements for conflict zone classes

TI (%)
Eaverage High and
Lighting class Uo(E) Low and very low
(lux) moderate
C0 50 0,4 10 15
C1 30 0,4 10 15
C2 20 0,4 10 15
C3 15 0,4 15 20
C4 10 0,4 15 20
C5 7,5 0,4 15 25

Lighting classes
Photometric requirements for low-speed classes
(pedestrian areas)

If additional requirements for facial

Emédia Emínima recognitions are needed
Lighting class
(lux) (lux) Evertical,minimal Esemi-cilyndrique,minimal
(lux) (lux)
P1 15 3 5 3
P2 10 2 3 2
P3 7,5 1,5 2,5 1,5
P4 5 1 1,5 1
P5 3 0,6 1 0,6
P6 2 0,4 0,6 0,4

Street lighting parameters

• Night time driving implies a mesopic or twilight vision comprised in

the interval between 0,01 and 3 or 4 cd/m2;

• It’s characterized by a reduction in visual sharpness and a

diminution in contrast differential sensitivity;

• A high luminance contrast threshold is necessary for obstacle


• Vehicle headlights only illuminate a limited area ahead of them,

while public lighting provides light to the road and its surroundings,
opening the field of vision to the driver.

Street lighting parameters

• Differential sensitivity to contrast for any same driver is more than

three times higher in a road provided with lighting (2 cd/m2), when
compared with that provided by a vehicle traffic beam (0.2 to 0.3

• Visual sharpness during night time driving on a road provided with

lighting, becomes two and a half times higher than for the same
driver using only the vehicle dipped headlights;

Street lighting parameters

• Lighting metrics: flux, intensity, illuminance and luminance (Module 8);

• Color temperature and rendering index (Module 8);
• Flicker / Glare and Lumen depreciation (Module 8);

• Uniformity;
• Surrounding Ratio;
• Maintenance Factor;

Street lighting parameters

• One of the main objectives in street lighting is to provide good street

and road surface illumination so that obstacles can be easily
identifiable. Thus, it is fundamental that there are no black areas
between the illuminated areas, that is, that there is uniformity in

• The general uniformity (U0) is calculated as the ratio between the

lowest luminance value (Lmin) (existing at any point in the calculation
field) and the mean luminance (Lmed):

𝑈0 =

Street lighting parameters

• The longitudinal uniformity (Ul) is calculated by the quotient between

the lowest value (Lmin) and the highest value (Lmax) of the luminance,
in the longitudinal direction, along the center of each lane: 𝐿 𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝑈𝑙 =




Street lighting parameters

• The number of points in the longitudinal direction and the space

between them must be the same as that used in the calculation of
mean luminance. In addition, the position of the observer must be in
the line of the calculation points;

• The mean uniformity (Um) may also be defined as the ratio of the
minimum illuminance value (Emin) to the mean illuminance value
(Emed) of a lighting installation:

𝑈𝑚 =

Street lighting parameters
Surrounding Ratio

• SR is defined as the mean horizontal illuminance (𝐸) in the two

longitudinal lanes outside the lateral boundaries of the road (lanes 1
and 4), divided by the mean horizontal illuminance of two
longitudinal lanes of that road, adjacent to its boundaries (lanes 2
and 3). 𝐸1 + 𝐸4
𝑆𝑅 =
𝐸2 + 𝐸3

Longitudinal exterior lane (1)

Longitudinal interior lane (2)
Road side

Longitudinal interior lane (3)

Longitudinal exterior lane (4)

Street lighting parameters

• Taking into account the characteristics of the roads and its

surroundings, the width of each of these longitudinal lanes, for the
calculation of the surrounding ratio, must be the same, and equal to
the minimum value of the following three hypotheses:

Width equal to 5 meters Width equal to half the width of the road.

Width equal to that of the outside of the

roadway that is not obstructed. 50
Street lighting parameters
Maintenance Factor

• A maintenance factor (MF) is applied to a lighting design to take into

account the reduction in the output of the luminaires used within any
lighting installation and ensure the correct level of light is delivered at
the ‘lamp/luminaire end of life’;

• The MF calculation takes into account lumen depreciation and the

impact of the environment will have on the installation;

• The maintenance factor (MF) of an installation is the ratio of the

illuminance at a given moment (E (t)), with the initial illuminance (E0);

• MF can also be obtained by the product between the Lamp Lumen

Maintenance Factor (LLMF), Luminaire Maintenance Factor (LMF),
Room Surface Maintenance Factor (RSMF) and Lamp Survival Factor


Street lighting parameters
Maintenance Factor

• Lamp Lumen Maintenance Factor (LLMF)

• Ratio between the luminous flux of the lamp at a given moment of its life
(ø (t)) and the initial luminous flux (ø0);
• Describes the aging of the lamp or the reduction of light intensity over
• Manufacturers usually offer comprehensive tables about their lamps
luminous flux behavior.

• Luminaire Maintenance Factor (LMF)

• Ratio of the luminaires luminous flux before and after cleaning;
• It depends on the luminaire construction and design (open housing or
closed one) as well as on environmental conditions (dirty or clean);
• The higher the luminaires protection degree from dust, and the cleaner the
area, the higher the maintenance factor;
• Consider the accessibility of the luminaires when setting up the
maintenance plan. The more difficult to reach, the higher the maintenance
costs will be.

Street lighting parameters
Maintenance Factor

• Room Surface Maintenance Factor (RSMF)

• Ratio of the room (or tunnel) surfaces reflectance before and after cleaning;
• It is the reduction of the lighting level according to soiling of the room;
• It depends highly on the conditions in a room, if the room is very clean, clean,
dirty or very dirty. The more dirty the room, the lower the maintenance factor.

• Lamp Survival Factor (LSF)

• Depends on the service lifetime of a lamp. Some lamp lifetimes are reduced
by frequent switching;
• Lamp manufacturers provide tables indicating the lamp survival factor;
• If a lamp is not working anymore, the decision for immediate replacement or
group replacement needs to be taken;
• If the lamp is replaced immediately (mostly in areas where the luminaire is
easily reachable) the LSF can be set 1. LSF 1 is saying that there will be no
loss of light because of lamp failure.

Street lighting parameters
Maintenance Factor
• Lamp Lumen Maintenance Factor (LLMF) - Example

Source: Whitecroft Lighting

Street lighting parameters
Maintenance Factor
• Example
MF, standard L70@50,000h rated luminaire: MF, standard L90@50,000h rated luminaire:
LLMF L70 = 0,7 LLMF L90 = 0,9
LSF = 1 LSF = 1
LMF clean environment = 0,94 LMF clean environment = 0,94
RSMF clean environment = 0,95 RSMF clean environment = 0,95
MF = 0,7 x 1 x 0,94 x 0,95 = 0,63 MF = 0,9 x 1 x 0,94 x 0,95 = 0,80

30 luminaires needed, average 315 Lux Only 25 luminaires needed, average 331 Lux

15m 15m



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