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CC W3 AWS Basic Infra

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Dr. Khurram S. Khattak


Amazon Web Services

• AWS is a collection of remote computing services
• Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) provides scalable virtual private servers
• Simple Storage Service (S3) provides Web Service based storage.
• SimpleDB allows developers to run queries on structured data. It provide "the
core functionality of a database."
• Elastic MapReduce allows developers to easily and cheaply process vast
amounts of data. It uses a hosted Hadoop
• Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) creates a logically isolated set of Amazon EC2
instances which can be connected to an existing network using a VPN
• And More…


Amazon’s EC2
• Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
• Web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud
• An EC2 instance appears physical HW, provides users
complete control over nearly entire sw stack, from the
kernel upwards
• Load Variety of operating system
• Install Custom applications
• Manage network access permission
• Run image using as many/few systems as you desire

Amazon’s EC2 features

• Elastic capacity
• Elastic resource config/reconfig; Elastic num of instances

• Completely Control
• Root access/access to console output/data store/ reboot

• Reliable
• Multiple locations
• Elastic IP addresses

• Secure
• Firewall config
• Virtual Private Cloud

• Performance
• Auto Scaling
• Auto local balancing

Amazon’s EC2 Instances

• On-Demand Instances
• Pay for capacity without long-term commitment

• Reserved Instances
• Standard Instances
• Micro Instances
• High-Memory Instances
• High-CPU Instances
• High-I/O instance
• High Storage Instances

• Spot Instances
• Bid on unused Amazon EC2 capacity, run those instances for as long as
their bid exceeds the current Spot Prices

EC2 Components
Elastic IP

AMI Instance Volumes


Amazon Machine Images (AMI)

• Public AMIs: Use pre-configured, template AMIs to
get up and running immediately. Choose from
Fedora, Movable Type, Ubuntu configurations, and

• Private AMIs: Create an Amazon Machine Image

(AMI) containing your applications, libraries, data and
associated configuration settings

• Paid AMIs: Set a price for your AMI and let others
purchase and use it (Single payment and/or per hour)
• AMIs with commercial DBMS

AMI’s with Special Softwares

• IBM DB2, Informix Dynamic Server, Lotus Web
Content Management, WebSphere Portal Server
• MS SQL Server, IIS/Asp.Net
• Hadoop
• Open MPI
• Apache web server
• Oracale 11g

Elastic Block Store (EBS)

• Provides persistent block level storage volumes for use with EC2 instances;
suitable for database applications, file systems, and applications using raw
data devices.
• A volume appears to an application as a raw, unformatted and reliable
physical disk; the range 1 GB -1 TB.
• Each user can use up to 5000 EBS volumes
• An EC2 instance may mount multiple volumes, but a volume cannot be
shared among multiple instances.
• EBS supports the creation of snapshots of the volumes attached to an
instance and then uses them to restart the instance.
• EBS can be used as boot partition for instances: fast startup time
• The volumes are grouped together in Availability Zones and are
automatically replicated in each zone.
Growing the EBS
• This AMI has a drive size of 8 GB

• It can be “grown”

• Take a snapshot, launch a new EBS instance using the

snapshot, and
Cloud Computing 12

Amazon’s EC2 Operating

• STEP 1 Create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) containing your
applications, libraries, data and associated configuration settings.
Or use pre-configured, templated images to get up and running
• STEP 2 Choose the types of instances and OS, then start,
terminate, and monitor as many instances of your AMI as needed,
using the web service APIs or the variety of management tools
• STEP 3 Determine whether you want to run in multiple locations,
utilize static IP endpoints, or attach persistent block storage to
your instances.
• NOTE: Pay only for the resources that you actually consume, like
instance-hours or data transfer.
Pricing (2017)

AWS EC2 Features


AWS regions and availability zones

• Amazon offers cloud services through a network of data centers on
several continents.
• In each region there are several availability zones interconnected by
high-speed networks.
• An availability zone is a data center consisting of a large number of

• Regions do not share resources and communicate through the Internet.


AWS regions and availability zones

Evolving AWS Worldwide Infrastructure

AWS Regions
US West US East Europe Asia Pacific Asia Pacific
(Northern (Northern West Region Region
California) Virginia) (Dublin) (Singapore) (Tokyo)

Edge Locations (CloudFront & Route 53)

Ashburn, VA Amsterdam Hong Kong
Dallas Dublin Tokyo
Los Angeles Frankfurt Singapore
Miami London
Newark Paris
New York Stockholm
Palo Alto
St. Louis

Static IP
 By default when you launch a new instance Amazon
dynamically assign a private and a public IP.
 While this is fine for development purposed, for a real
launch of a web accessible service, we need static
 Amazon makes available what are classes elastic IPs
for this purpose. Up to 5 elastic IPs can be assigned
to an instance.
Elastic IPs cost money even if you don’t use them;
assigning and reassigning strains the system; so it
cost money
 Allocate elastic ip and associate it with an instance.

Security Group
 You want to create an “instance” of a server from an
already established “AMI: Amazon Machine Image”
 It has a elastic IP for the whole world to interact with
 How to control access to this?
 While creating the instance, create a new security
group that will specify the policy or “rules” about the
access methods
 Security group is somewhat similar to network
segment protected by a firewall
 Once the server is started you cannot change the
security group: so plan ahead

Security Group
• Network Address Translation (NAT) maps external IP
addresses to internal ones.

• The public IP address is assigned for the lifetime of an


• An instance can request an elastic IP address, rather than

a public IP address. The elastic IP address is a static public
IP address allocated to an instance from the available pool
of the availability zone.

• An elastic IP address is not released when the instance is

stopped or terminated and must be released when no
longer needed.

Security Group
Compute server
EC2 instance
Compute server instance

Cloud watch Compute server

Cloud front
Cloud interconnect
Elastic cache
Cloud formation

Elastic beanstalk

Elastic load balancer

AWS management
console S3 EBS SDB
Servers running AWS
services S3 SDB
Simple DB

AWS storage servers


• Snapshot is for saving a volume (of storage) is a
feature of Amazon’s elastic block storage.
• You can take a snapshot as often as needed.
• EC2 automatically saves the snapshots to S3, thus
enabling a quick and powerful backup scheme.
• You can replay it by creating a volume from snapshot.
See demo.

AWS Storage
AWS: Storage
• Simple Storage Service (S3): provide persistent storage
• Independent of EC2 instances
• EC2 instances need to “download” data from S3 in order to access it (cannot
issue read/write to S3)
• Amazon Glacier: low-cost storage service that provides secure and durable
storage for data archiving and backup
• Advantage over S3: offload the administrative burdens of operating and
scaling storage + cost
• Disadvantage: slower than S3
• Storage Gateway: securely store data to the AWS cloud for scalable and cost-
effective storage
• All data is securely transferred to AWS over SSL and stored encrypted in
Amazon S3 using AES 256-bit encryption
• Elastic Block Store (EBS): provide block level storage volumes (virtual disk,
i.e., disk-like) to EC2 instances
• Persistent even after instances are terminated
• Instances have to mount EBSs (EFS)

Amazon’s S3
• Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
• Storage for the Internet.
• Features
• Unlimited Storage
• Highly scalable
• in terms of storage, request rate and concurrent users
• Reliable
• Store redundant data in multiple facilities and on multiple devices
• Secure
• Flexibility to control who/how/when/where to access the data
• Performance
• Choose region to optimize for latency/minimize costs

• Work with other AWS products

• EC2/Elastic MR/Amazon Import/Export…
S3 namespace
Amazon S3

bucket bucket

object object object object


object object

AWS S3 (Accessing Objects)

•Bucket: keke-images, key: jpg1, object: a jpg image

accessible with

•mapping your subdomain to S3

with DNS CNAME configuration
e.g. 

AWS S3 (Access Control)

•Access log

•Objects are private to the user account


ACL: AWS users, users identified by email, any user …

•Digital signature to ensure integrity

•Encrypted access: https


Amazon’s S3
• Service designed to store large objects; an application can handle
an unlimited number of objects ranging in size from 1 byte to 5
• An object is stored in a bucket and retrieved via a unique,
developer-assigned key; a bucket can be stored in a Region
selected by the user.
• Supports a minimal set of functions: write, read, and delete; it
does not support primitives to copy, to rename, or to move an
object from one bucket to another.
• The object names are global.
• S3 maintains for each object: the name, modification time, an
access control list, and up to 4 KB of user-defined metadata.

Amazon’s S3
• Authentication mechanisms ensure that data is kept secure.
• Objects can be made public, and rights can be granted to other
• S3 computes the MD5 of every object written and returns it in a
field called ETag.
• A user is expected to compute the MD5 of an object stored or
written and compare this with the ETag; if the two values do not
match, then the object was corrupted during transmission or

Example : online photo processing service

• Photo operation
• red eye reduction/cropping/customization/re-coloring/teeth whitening,
• Procedure
• Web server receive request
• Put request message in the queue
• Pictures stored in S3
• Multiple EC2 instances run photo processing
• Put back in the queue
• Return


Auto Scaling
• Auto Scaling helps maintain application availability and
allows users to scale an Amazon EC2 capacity up or
down automatically according to defined conditions.

• To ensure that you are running your desired number of

Amazon EC2 instances.

• Auto Scaling can also automatically increase the number

of Amazon EC2 instances during demand spikes to
maintain performance and decrease capacity during low
demands to reduce costs.

Amazon Data solutions

• RedShift (PostgreSQL) - setup to be able to work with larger
data than RDS, optimized over RDS.
• Relational Database Service(RDS) -- MySQL, Oracl, SQL Server,
• DynamoDB – non traditional data base operations (and less
scalable "older" Amazon SimpleDB)
• ElastiCache – cache solution
• CloudFront – content delivery network
• Elastic Block Store - backing up instances in an cloud
infrastructure as a service for recovery from failure

• Non-relational data store. Supports store and query functions
traditionally provided only by relational databases.

• Supports high performance Web applications; users can store and

query data items via Web services requests.

• Creates multiple geographically distributed copies of each data item.

• It manages automatically:
• The infrastructure provisioning.
• Hardware and software maintenance.
• Replication and indexing of data items.
• Performance tuning.

SQS - Simple Queue Service

• Hosted message queues are accessed through standard SOAP and
Query interfaces.

• Supports automated workflows - EC2 instances can coordinate by

sending and receiving SQS messages.

• Applications using SQS can run independently and asynchronously,

and do not need to be developed with the same technologies.

• A received message is “locked'' during processing; if processing fails,

the lock expires and the message is available again.

• Queue sharing can be restricted by IP address and time-of-day.


• Monitoring infrastructure used by application developers, users, and
system administrators to collect and track metrics important for
optimizing the performance of applications and for increasing the
efficiency of resource utilization.
• Without installing any software a user can monitor either seven or
eight pre-selected metrics and then view graphs and statistics for
these metrics.
• When launching an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) the user can start
the CloudWatch and specify the type of monitoring:
• Basic Monitoring - free of charge; collects data at five-minute intervals for
up to seven metrics.
• Detailed Monitoring - subject to charge; collects data at one minute

Elastic Beanstalk
• Handles automatically the deployment, capacity provisioning, load
balancing, auto-scaling, and monitoring functions.
• Interacts with other services including EC2, S3, SNS, Elastic Load
Balance and AutoScaling.
• The management functions provided by the service are:
• Deploy a new application version (or rollback to a previous version).
• Access to the results reported by CloudWatch monitoring service.
• Email notifications when application status changes or application
servers are added or removed.
• Access to server log files without needing to login to the application
• The service is available using: a Java platform, the PHP server-side
description language, or the .NET framework.
• For content delivery: distribute content to end users with a
global network of edge locations.
• “Edges”: servers close to user’s geographical location
• Objects are organized into distributions
• Each distribution has a domain name
• Distributions are stored in a S3 bucket
Edge servers
• US
• EU
• US and EU are partitioned to different regions
• Hongkong
• Japan

AWS services
• Route 53 - low-latency DNS service used to manage user's DNS
public records.
• Elastic MapReduce (EMR) - supports processing of large amounts of
data using a hosted Hadoop running on EC2.
• Simple Workflow Service (SWF) - supports workflow management;
allows scheduling, management of dependencies, and coordination of
multiple EC2 instances.
• ElastiCache - enables web applications to retrieve data from a
managed in-memory caching system rather than a much slower disk-
based database.
• DynamoDB - scalable and low-latency fully managed NoSQL
database service.

AWS services
• CloudFront - web service for content delivery.
• Elastic Load Balancer - automatically distributes the incoming
requests across multiple instances of the application.
• Elastic Beanstalk - handles automatically deployment, capacity
provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling, and application monitoring
• CloudFormation - allows the creation of a stack describing the
infrastructure for an application.

Self-Scaling Applications


Load-balancing DNS frontend

S3 backing store for

www www www
common data vault

To EC2
Load monitor provisioning
Self-Scaling Backends
To EC2
Work queue Job launcher provisioning


S3 output bucket
S3 input bucket
(many worker

Data collection Front-end nodes



Case Study 1
• Large scale web applications with occasional huge spikes and
background processing.
• Video sharing site
• Deployment
• A number of web instances
based on demand
• Table storage
for information
• Many works for
• Blobs storage for
large data set

Case Study 2
• Parallel processing applications
• Financial modeling at a bank
• New drug testing simulations in a pharmaceutical company
• Deployment
• Web role for access interface
• Many workers
for processing
• Large data set
stored in blobs

Case Study 3
• Using storage from an on-premises or hosted application
• Archive old email
• User log file
• Deployment
• Connect on-premises
application with Azure

Case Study 4
• Crawling the web
• Large web crawl data is stored in S3
• Users can submit regular expression to the “search”
program – “GTW: grep the web”
• uses Hadoop to search for data
• Puts your results in an output bucket and notifies you when it’s

Case Study 5 - netflix

• “Netflix runs tens of thousands of AWS EC2 instances, .”

Netflix ---develop own management tools

• “trying to track and manage that number of resources via
the AWS Management Console would be unworkable
• Netflix created its own AWS management tools to manage
any of its applications running in AWS.
• at .”

Netflix –OSS –management tools

• Some of it….
Case study
• The New York Times used AWS to create PDF files of its
whole archive
• 100 Amazon EC2 instances running Hadoop application
• Processed 4TB of raw TIFF image data (stored in S3) into 11 million
finished PDFs
• Running time: 24 hours
• Cost: $240 (not including bandwidth)

New York Times report



More than the console

Accessing AWS
• AWS Management Console
• Command-line interface
• API SDKs (java, python, php, ruby,
.net, android, ios,more…)
• We can use APIs to bridge the gap between
hardware and applications.
• IDE integraton
• Example Eclipse pluggin develop, debug, integrate, migrate, and
deploy Java-based applications that use the AWS resources

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