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Skin Cancer Detection Using Artificial Neural Network

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M. Tech.

Thesis Presentation



Supervised By: Presented By:

Ms. Farah Shan Khan Shanu Gaura

Department of CS M.Tech Scholor
Assistant Professor Kanpur Department of CS Kanpur
Institute of Technology Institute of Technology
Kanpur, India Kanpur ,India
a) Digital Image Processing
b) Artificial Neural Network
Skin cancers are the most common form of cancers found in
humans. The persistent raise of this cancer in the
worldwide, the high medical cost and death rate have
prioritized the early diagnosis of this cancer. Most of the
skin cancers are curable at initial stages. So an early
detection of skin cancer can save the patients, if it can be
detected early, the survival rate would be increased.
Although lots of effort has been made to advance the
detection of skin cancers, the challenging concerns still
about it. Many researchers have been developed in
automated detection of melanoma. With the advancement of
technology, early detection of skin cancer is possible. One
such technology is the early detection of skin cancer using
Artificial Neural Network.
There are three types of pores and skin cancer: Basal mobile most cancers and
squamous mobile most cancers are called non-melanoma pores and skin most
cancers whilst melanoma is concerning melanocytes cells, Basal cell cancer then
squamous cell most cancers are frequent but much less dangerous. Melanoma is
not common as non-melanoma skin cancers; however, such is greater probably in
accordance with extent or emerge as deadly. The tremendous interest has been
developed among computer-based detection concerning skin most cancers
throughout latest decades. This performance includes ethnic deportment
prediction, rate prediction, potential after fulfilled a task, place of job design, yet
dense vile ergonomics studies so situation such as is done via ethnic beings.
Image processing techniques provide a efficient tool to classify the cancer from
the images. In the recent year neural network also used to detect the cancer to
obtain proficient results. Different authors have used different ways to combine
these technologies to achieve better conclusion. Various works have been done
in the detection of Skin cancer using image processing and combination of
neural network. Some of them discussed. Azadeh et al. [5] have carried out a
survey in which Skin Cancer is detected. This describe the automatic detection
of Skin Cancer can help to increase the accuracy and also review the techniques
used in recent years, for the early detection of skin cancer. This describes the
different step of process, image acquisition, image pre-processing, feature
extraction, and classification.
Sonali et al. [6] have implemented a simple algorithm for detection of skin cancer and also
finding shape and infected area. This describe the different step of process in first step pre
processing done using median filter and in second step segmentation done using two
methods, Threshodling and Fuzzy c-means. In third step feature extraction done by Gray
Level Co- occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and contour signature. Ho Tak Lau et al.[7] have
describe automatically skin cancer classification system and relationship of skin cancer
image using different type of neural network and different type of pre processing. This
describe that the image acquire and different image processing procedure used to enhance
the image properties and then useful information extract from the image and pass to the
classification system for training and testing. Abdul et al.[8] have recommended a
technique in which early detection of Skin Cancer using Artificial Neural Network. The
diagnosing methodology uses Image processing technique and Artificial Intelligence. This
describe the dermoscopy image of skin cancer is taken and it subjected to various pre
processing for noise removal and image enhancement. Then image segment using
This section proposes an algorithm for Automatic
discovery of pores and skin most cancers who is one of
the close challenging issues of medical photograph
processing. It helps doctors in imitation of determine
whether a pores and skin melanoma is effective yet
malignant. So, identifying the more efficient techniques
about detection after limit the rate over blunders is a
necessary trouble among researchers.
The proposed Algorithm regarding this project uses a
novel strategy because of classifying the pores and skin
Figure 4.1 Skin Cancer detection system
The accessible techniques certain so Karhunen -Loève (KL) seriously change histogram
equalization yet exceptional sorts over filter are back in conformity with attain these goals.

 Pre-processing (Image algorithm)

 Segmentation process
 Feature extraction then Selection
 Classification

When Images are captured by cameras then there may be chance of noisy image so
before image processing noises are removed in preprocessing steps and images are
some Image processing strategies in conformity with the images. Thus pre-processing old
to referring in accordance with remove the undesirable applications about the skin or
post- processing referring after rise after the structure regarding image.


In this stage, the greater pores and skin picture is segmented to solve the tumour beyond
the heritage (skin). Segmentation eliminates the wholesome pores and skin beside the
photograph then finds the region of interest. Usually the most cancers cells remains in the
photograph since segmentation. Segmentation old here is Threshold Segmentation.
1. Image Acquisition:
This is the first step or process of the fundamental steps of digital image processing.
Image acquisition could be as simple as being given an image that is already in digital
form. Generally, the image acquisition stage involves pre-processing, such as scaling
2. Image Enhancement:
Image enhancement is among the simplest and most appealing areas of digital image
processing. Basically, the idea behind enhancement techniques is to bring out detail
that is obscured, or simply to highlight certain features of interest in an image. Such
as, changing brightness & contrast etc.
3. Image Segmentation:
The term image segmentation refers to the partition of an image into a set of regions
that cover it. The goal in many tasks is for the regions to represent meaningful areas
of the image, such as the crops, urban areas, and forests of a satellite image.
Segmentation has two objectives. The first objective is to decompose the image into
parts for further analysis.
4.Statistical Region Merging:
Statistical region merging (SRM) is an algorithm used for image segmentation. The
algorithm is used to evaluate the values within a regional span and grouped together
based on the merging criteria resulting a smaller list.
Some useful examples would be creating a group of generations within a population or in
image processing grouping a group of neighboring pixels based on their shades that fall within
a particular threshold (Qualification Criteria).

5. Color Image Processing:

Color image processing is an area that has been gaining its importance because of the
significant increase in the use of digital images over the Internet. This may include color
modeling and processing in a digital domain etc.
• In it work we present or talk about the obtained effects
regarding the proposed algorithm of pores and skin most cancers
detection. In order in imitation of look into the proposed helpful
steps based neural network classifier, MATLAB or its amenities is
• The algorithm was carried out in MATLAB simulation tool.
MATLAB presents GPU computing performance that is well
perfect because of a hunch about features such so facts analysis,
signal processing, then image processing. All community training
yet testing techniques of that treatise was rendered in MATLAB,
as offers a strong ANN toolbox. This toolbox has built-in purposes
to construct, train, yet retailer the network.
The algorithm was carried out in MATLAB simulation tool. MATLAB presents GPU
computing performance that is well perfect because of a hunch about features such so
facts analysis, sign processing, then image processing. All community training yet testing
techniques of that treatise was rendered in MATLAB, as offers a strong ANN toolbox.
This toolbox has built-in purposes to construct, train, yet retailer the network.
This section obtained results of the proposed algorithm.
1 Results of Pre-Processing
In this section, the exclusive filters concerning different noises hold been experimented
after find the better filter for improving the pix quality. This manner present in
accordance with real identification on pores and skin cancer. Configuration 5.1 and
figure 5.2 show as like authentic difference on skin cancer. Figure 5.1 show a true
detected image of skin cancer. It is clear and
real image of skin cancer.
Figure 5.2 show a bad picture concerning skin cancer. It is evident Image but no longer
performed an actual syndrome over skin cancer.
Figure 5.1 True Identification of skin cancer Figure 5.2 False Identification of skin cancer
Results of Segmentation process
Segmentation is realized by scanning the complete photo pixel by way of pixel and labeling
pixel as aim and history in accordance in accordance with its gray level. This book computes
segmentation by means of SRM.

Figure 5.3 Segmentation from SRM

Results of Feature extraction and Selection

This footsie concerning thesis intends according to position the on hand extracted
capabilities by
using attention to their affect of pores and skin cancer detection.
Results of Feature extraction and Selection
This footsie concerning thesis intends according to position the on hand extracted
capabilities by
using attention to their affect of pores and skin cancer detection.

Figure 5.4 Gray image and B/W image composition

Figure 5.5 DWT Gray image and DWT BW image composition

This part exhibit consequences a first part on composition yet 2nd portion about
decomposition together with executed distinct wavelet transforms.
5.3.4 Result of classification
These portion exhibit penalties a first portion on arrangement but 2nd piece respecting
decomposition together with rendered awesome wavelet transform.
Figure 5.6 Some training image results of detected skin cancer Results of BNN classifier
Table.1 shows as a best result with highest overall accuracy is 90.2%. The best BNN is three
hidden layer with 40, 25 and 10 neurons for each hidden layer. The accuracy is increase
with number of neuron in hidden layer. However, number of hidden layer cannot improve
the result but it could reduce the probability of over-fitting. Results of AANN classifier
The best AANN testing result found is 20 neurons in the first and third layer with overall
accuracy 81.5% as table 5.2 illustrated. Unlike BNN, ANN provides a stable classification
result in different number of neuron. However, when the layer 1 and layer 3 have different
size of neuron, the classifier result has a significant low accuracy diagnosing result
This project reviewed the empirical consequences over
proposed algorithms of distinctive tiers regarding pores
and skin most cancers detection system. In pre-
processing stage, the outcomes exhibit the higher overall
performance on images. Then end result regarding
segmentation show a SRM image. In characteristic
extraction stage, show a arrangement and decomposition
images. Classification basic end result is 90.2 % for back-
propagation neural community yet 81.3% because of
auto-associative neural network. These outcomes are
between accidents along the effects obtained with the
aid of analytical solution.

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