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Military Courtesy and Discipline

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Courtesy Defined

 The expression or manifestation of

consideration for the rights of others.
 More than merely obeying the forms of
polite conduct.
 The kind of virtue expected of all
individuals be it in the military or in
civilian life.
 It is a deep-rooted spirit of friendliness
mutual respect.
 Just like loyalty, in the military,
courtesy works both ways; a junior
officer is courteous and obedient to
his senior, but the senior is also
considerate and respectful of his
 We act with courtesy toward our
senior/elders because we recognize
their authority and responsibility.
 Likewise, the senior must show equal
courtesy, recognizing the essential role
that the junior plays as a member of a
 Discipline and courtesy are two
inseparable virtues of people working in
the military, for these are integral parts of
the soldier’s personality.
 These ingredients, if religiously practised
in the individual’s day to day activities,
will indeed foster success in the
undertakings of the organization where
he/she is involved.
 In the military, courtesy is displayed by:
- Proper execution of salute
- Standing at attention during
- Observing proper decorum and
- Answering superiors with due respect
- Giving briefings and making official
The Salute

 The most important manifestation of all

military courtesies is the salute.
 In the military establishments, the salute
is mostly used and it distinguishes the
military man/woman in its execution.
 Salute indicates pride in himself/herself
and his/her unit and thus enhances the
building up of confidence in his/her
ability to perform his/her assigned duties
well, even without being told to do so.

How to Salute
 From the position of attention or if
walking from an erect position, raise the
right hand smartly until the tip of the
forefinger touches the lower part of the
headgear, forearm inclined at 45
degrees, hand and wrist at straight line,
palm slightly inward, thumb and fingers
extended and joined.
Rules in Rendering the
Hand Salute
 The salute is required on and off
military installations during and
outside office hours.
 Persons entitled to the salute:
- All commissioned officers of the AFP,
both male and female.
- Commissioned officers of friendly
nations when they are recognized as
- Officers of the Coast Guard and
Geodetic Survey and the Public Health
Service when they are serving with the
- All civilians who are entitled by reason
of position, to gun salute or other
honors, are also entitled by custom to
 Salute is rendered at a distance of
about six (6) paces from the person
saluted, or
at a recognizable distance of thirty
(30) paces.
 The salute must be returned by those
entitled to it.
- It is not rendered when running but at
halt or walk.
- Never salute with cigarette, cigar or
pipe in the mouth.
- The salute should not be executed in a
haphazard or perfunctory manner.
- Salutes are exchanged whether
individuals are covered or uncovered.
 The salute is rendered but once –
- If the senior remains in the immediate
vicinity and no conversation takes
- If a conversation occurs, the junior
again salutes when they part from each
 In making reports, the person
reporting salutes first regardless of
rank. An example of this case is when a
unit commander is reporting to the
adjutant during a ceremony.
 In cases not mentioned above or when
there is doubt – whether or not to
salute, it is safe or preferably to render a

When to Salute:
 When meeting a senior officer
 When the National Color passes by.
 When the National Anthem is being
 When reporting.
 After conversing with an officer.

When not to Salute:

 When standing near or leading a horse.
 When indoors, except when reporting.
 When at work.
 When driving or riding in a fast moving
 When in a recreational hall, making the
salute inappropriate.
 When engaged in actual games and
athletic competition.
 When meeting a prisoner of war.
 When both hands are so occupied as to
make saluting impractical.
 When in a public conveyance –
especially if in crowded places.
 When in rank – as if you are part of a
It is a mistake in saluting
 Bowing the head as the salute is given.
 Bringing the heads down before the
 Holding the arms awkwardly high or
letting it sag to low.
 Saluting while in double time.
 Avoiding the gaze of the person being
 Saluting with cigar/cigarette or pipe in the
 Saluting when chewing gum or candy in
the mouth.

Definition of Terms:
 Outdoors – is construed to include such
buildings as drill halls, gymnasiums and
other roofed enclosures used for drill or
exercise of troops. Theaters, covered
walks and other shelters open on the
sides are also considered as outdoors.
 Indoors – includes offices, hallways,
kitchen, orderly rooms, recreation halls,
washrooms and quarters.
 Under arms – means carrying of arms or
having attached to the person by sling,
holster or other means. In the absence
of arms the wearing of cartridge belts,
pistol holster, or automatic rifle belts are
also means under arms.
 Courtesy Call – is a military custom or
practice whereby a newly reported officer
or enlisted personnel makes an official
visit to his immediate commander.

Reporting to an Officer:
 The salute is rendered by a junior officer
when reporting to a senior officer. He
also salutes before leaving.
 Reporting indoors without arms –
- A soldier removes his headgear,
knocks at the door of the office, and
enters when told to do so.
- Upon entering, he halts at about two
paces from the officer and salutes and
says “Sir, Pvt Cruz reports to the
Company Commander”.
- The salute is retained until he
completes his report and the officer has
returned his salute.
- When the business is completed, the
soldier salutes, executes about face
and leaves the office.
 Reporting Indoors Under Arms – the
procedure in reporting is the same as
discussed above except that the soldier
remains covered. If carrying a rifle, the
soldier carries it and salutes at trail arms.
Otherwise the hand salute is given.
 Reporting Outdoors – the procedure of
reporting to an officer outdoors is the
same as discussed above except that the
headgear is not removed. The rifle
should be carried at trail or right
shoulder. The hand salute or rifle salute
is given as the case may be.
 Reporting for Pay – A soldier reporting
for pay answers “here” when his name is
called, approaches and salutes the
officer paying. He picks up and counts
his money and leaves without saluting.
The officer does not return his salute.
Other Courtesies to
 When an officer enters a room or tent
– Officers junior to him and enlisted men
present will uncover (if unarmed) and
stand at attention until the officer
directs otherwise or leaves the room.
- When more than one individual are
present, the first one who perceives the
officer will command “attention” loud
to be heard by everybody present .
- Everybody stands at attention until the
officer says otherwise.
 When an officer enters a room or tent
used as an office, workshop,
recreation room –
- Those at work or at play are not
required to come to attention unless
addressed by the officer.
- A junior when addressed by a senior
comes to attention, except in the
transaction of routine business between
individuals at work.
 When an officer enters an enlisted
men’s mess hall –
- The group is called to at ease by the
person noticing him first.
- Men remain seated at ease and
continue eating unless the officer
directs otherwise.
- A soldier addressed stops eating and
sits erect until the conversation is ended.
 When accompanying a senior – a
junior walks or rides on his left except
when accompanying a senior during
 When entering a car or small boat –
the junior goes in first and others follow in
the inverse order of rank. In getting off,
the senior goes out first and others
following the order of rank.

 Officers and enlisted men under arms

uncover when:
- Seated as a member for an attendance
at court or board.
- Entering places of divine worship.
- Indoor when not on duty.
- In attendance at an official reception.
Military Titles:

 All AFP personnel are addressed by their

full titles in official correspondence. In
conversation or official correspondence
they are addressed as follows:
Rank Addressed As
Brigadier General to General
Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel
Rank Addressed As
Major Major
Captain Captain
First Lieutenant and Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant
Chaplain Chaplain
Nurse Nurse
Sergeant to Master Sergeant
Corporal Corporal
Rank Addressed As
Private to Private First Private
Cadet Mister
 Navy personnel are addressed in
conversations and unofficial correspondence
Rank Addressed As
Rear Admiral to Admiral Admiral
Commodore Commodore
Rank Addressed As
Captain Captain
Lieutenant Commander to Commander
Lieutenant Junior Grade to Lieutenant
Lieutenant Senior Grade
Ensign/Cadet Mister
 Any naval officer in command of a ship
regardless of size or class while
exercising such command is called
“CAPTAIN”. When introducing a Naval
Captain, it is customary to add after his
name “of the Navy”, because a Captain
of the Navy is equivalent to a Colonel in
the Army.
Ranks & Insignias
in AFP
Shoulder Board
AIRFORCE / NAVY Collar Insignia


1st Lieutenant
Junior Grade
AIRFORCE / NAVY Collar Insignia
Board (NAVY)

Captain Senior

Shoulder Board
AIRFORCE / NAVY Collar Insignia


Colonel Captain
Shoulder Board
AIRFORCE / NAVY Collar Insignia


Major Rear
General Admiral
Shoulder Board
AIRFORCE / NAVY Collar Insignia

Lieutenant Vice-
General Admiral

General Admiral

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