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Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis: - Oleh: - I Dewa Made Ruspawan

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Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis

• Oleh :
NIM : 1590271010


Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis
• The hypothalamus and pituitary gland form a
complex interface between the nervous
• system and the endocrine system.
• The brain can influence the activity of
Neurosecretory cells and hormones can
• the release of other hormones.
Anterior Pituitary
• The six major anterior pituitary hormones are
• The Six Major Anterior pituitary hormones
• 1. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH or
• 2. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH, a
3. Luteinizing Hormone (LH, a gonadotropin)
4. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH, or
5. Growth Hormone (GH)
6. Prolactin (PRL)
Targets and Functions of the Anterior Pituitary

1. TSH – target thyroid gland and stimulates

secretion of thyroid hormone (TH).
2. FSH – targets follicles in the ovaries of females
and stimulates growth of follicle and
production of estrogen. In males it targets the
testes and stimulates sperm cell production.
3. LH – targets follicle, triggers ovulation and increases
secretion of progesterone. In males it stimulates
testosterone production.
4. ACTH – targets the adrenal cortex and causes the
secretion of glucocorticoids.
5. GH - targets most bodily tissues and stimulates
metabolism and growth of those tissues.
6. PRL - targets the breasts in females. Stimulates
breast development and lactation.
Posterior Pituitary
• Is composed primarily of neuronal tissue.
• Is connected to the supraoptic and paraventricular
nuclei of the hypothalamus via axons in the
• Stores two major neurohormones for later release.
1. ADH (vasopressin) – stimulates water reabsorption by
2. Oxytocin – stimulates labor contractions during birth.
• Release of posterior pituitary and hypothalamic
hormones is identical to neurotransmitter release by
other neurons.
• Molecules that function as hormones in the
hypothalamic-pituitary axis are often
neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, or paracrines
in other places in the body.
Hypothalamic Hormones
• Are the first in a series of hormones that ultimately
leads to the secretion of hormones by specific
endocrine glands.
• Several of the hypothalamic hormones stimulate
tropic hormones in the anterior pituitary.
• Observe the following diagram closely to see how
hypothalamic hormones influence the regulation of
secretions of other endocrine glands.
• For each hormone series, negative feedback loops
control circulating levels of the target gland
• Negative feedback from the target gland can be
directed at the anterior pituitary, the ventral
hypothalamus or both.
• The hypothalamic hormones also maintain the
anterior pituitary and the tropic hormones help to
maintain their target endocrine glands.
• In some instances hormones of one series will cause
the secretion of the hormones of another series (i.e.
TH stimulates secretion of GH).
• Prolactin (PRL) is unique because its primary stimulus
from the hypothalamus is inhibitory except after
birth when milk production begins.
• Kelenjar pituitari :
- Hipofisis anterior ( adenohipofisis )
a. Hormon pertumbuhan/metabolisme
b. Adrenokortikotropin
c. Thyroid-stimulating hormone
d. Prolaktin
e. Gonadotropin :(FSH, LH )-Aktifitas gonad
dan aktivitas reproduksi.
• Sekresi Hipofisis anterior diatur oleh hormon
releasing factor dan inhibiting factor
hipotalamus yang disekresi dalam
hipotalamus al :
TRF=Thyroid-stimulating hormone releasing
factor = pengeluaran thyroid-stimulating
CRF=Corticotropin releasing factor =
pengeluaran adrenokortokotropin
- GRF= Growth-hormone releasing
factor=pengeluaran hormon pertumbuhan.
- LRF = Luteinizing hormone releasing factor =
pengeluaran luteinizing hormone
- FRF = Follicle stimulating hormone releasing
factor = pengeluaran folicle-stimulating
- PIF = Prolactin inhibitory factor=penghambat
sekresi prolaktin.
Pada Wanita
• Menstimulasi ovarium untuk memproduksi steroid
• Ovarium akan menghasilkan estradiol selama fase
folikuler dan progesteron selama fase luteal
• Lonjakan pada pertengahan siklus, dengan LH,
memicu ovulasi
LH :
• Menstimulasi ovarium untuk menghasilkan steoroids
• Lonjakan pada pertengahan siklus memicu ovulasi
• Ingat, hormon luteinizing ternyata folikel menjadi
korpus korpeus dengan memicu ovulasi
Pada Pria
• Menstimulasi sel Sertoli untuk menghasilkan protein
androgen-binding (ABP), sehingga merangsang
• FSH juga merangsang sel Sertoli untuk menghasilkan
inhibin, yang memberikan umpan balik negatif
terhadap hipofisis anterior untuk mengurangi sekresi
• Merangsang sel-sel Leydig untuk menghasilkan
LH :
• Testosteron memberikan umpan balik negatif
terhadap hipofisis anterior dan hipotalamus

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