4 - Mixology
4 - Mixology
4 - Mixology
• Basics of Mixology
• Bar operations
• Positive Customer Interaction – Key staff
Mixology ….
• Stirred – A drink where all the ingredients are poured over ice in a
mixing glass and gently stirred and strained off into a cocktail or a shot
glass. E.g. – Martini or a Manhattan Straight up
• Blended – A drink where all the ingredients are poured into a blender
along with ice and blended together. E.g. – Pina Colada or frozen
• Built or layered - A drink where the process involves lots of ice in the
glass and pouring the ingredients in a standard format. For. E.g. –
Singapore Sling, Tom Collins. A layered drink is a drink where each
ingredient is allowed to float on one another depending upon its
density. E.g. – Pousse Café / B-52
Cocktail families…
• Flips – A drink which always has egg yolk as its ingredient and always
shaken (considered by some as a ladies drink, it is not very popular in
India!). E.g. Sherry Flip, Port Flip.
• Sours – A drink which has egg white, fresh lime juice and sugar syrup
as mainline ingredients with an alcoholic base. E.g. – Whisky Sour or
Amaretto Sour
• Fizzes – A drink which has egg white and always topped with aerated
water. For e.g. – Gin Fizz,
Cocktails families….cont
•Coladas – A drink which always has a coconut and pineapple base and
always blended. For e.g. – Pina Colada
•Frozen drinks – A drink which has a standard recipe and usually blended
with lots of cube and crushed ice in order to get a slushy drink. E.g. –
Frozen margarita or daiquiris
•Dessert drinks – A drink which usually has any creamy liqueur as its
base. E.g. – King Alfonso (Kahlua with cream)
•Hot toddies and Spirited Coffees – A drink which is always served hot
and could have soup or stock or hot coffees and tea as its main ingredient
with an alcoholic base. E.g. – Irish Coffees, Hot buttered rum
Importance of measures…
“To get a drink which has a perfect base, a perfect body and a
perfect taste.”
• Essence of Mixology
• Substitutions
• Bar secrets
New School of Mixology: Flavour profiling
• If you like what you are tasting – your recipe should work
– Citrus with citrus (e.g. orange and cranberry juice – S.O.B.)
– Stone fruit with other stone fruit (e.g. hazelnut and almond –
Frangelico and Amaretto in a drink)
– Stone and citrus (e.g. peach and orange – Fuzzy Navel)
– Stone and bitters (Arrowhead – Smirnoff, Campari, Archers)
– Coffee, chocolate, nuts, cream…
New School of Mixology: Flavour highlighting
Crazy Caipirojkas
• Margaritas, Daiquiris, Moskowskis - in all flavours and colours
• Iced Teas - LIIT, LI Lizard, Around the World...
• Breezes – bay, sea, tropical…
• Martinis - the new revolution
– Flavoured martinis
– Fruitinis
– Infused martinis
• Spiced Mudslide
• Alexander’s Baby
• Iced Grasshopper
• Rocking Rusty Nail, Manhattan, Black Russian
New School of Mixology: Using flavour combinations
from around you
You can actually see all of this in your mind with a little
bit of focus. Everything else then falls into place.
New School of Mixology: Current international trends
and gourmet cocktails
Be sensible
• Be economical
• Let flavours rule
• Use your imagination
• Trust your instinct
• Know your products
New School of Mixology: Creativity – conjure, name,
make sense
• Bar set up
• Working comfort
• Agility
• Bar magic
Speed: Bar set up
• Counter Service
– keep it clean
– clear ashtrays
– check for tissues
– observe all customers
– keep tab of drink levels for replenishment
– remember each drink
– be alert to any movement to attract attention
Speed: Working comfort
Body language