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Quality Control / Quality Assurance in Analytical Laboratories

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Quality Control / Quality Assurance

in Analytical Laboratories

Prof. Saad S. M. Hassan (Ph.D., D.Sc.)

Faculty of Science – Ain Shams University
Development in Analytical
• Methods of analysis.
• Sample size.
• Sample/analyst relation.
• Automation.
• Equipment miniaturization.
Milligram 10-3 g mg
Microgram 10-6 g mg
Nanogram 10-9 g ng
Picogram 10-12 g pg
Femtogram 10-15 g fg
Attogram 10-18 g ag
Zeptogram 10-21 g zg
Yoctogram 10-24 g yg
What is Quality?
According to “ISO”:
“Quality is the totality of features and
characteristics of a product or service
that beer on its ability to satisfy stated
or implied needs”.

[A product has a Good Quality: Complies with the requirements].

In Analytical Work
“Quality is “Delivery of reliable
information within an agreed span of
time under agreed conditions
(Precision, Accuracy), at agreed costs
and with necessary aftercare”.
Activities for Maintaining

• Quality Management (QM).

• Quality Assurance (QA).
• Quality Control (QC).
Quality Management
• Introduction and proper running of a
quality system in laboratories.

• Activities within the management function

that determine the quality, policy,
objectives and responsibilities and
implement them.
• Wider interpretation of the concept of
“Good Laboratory Practice (GLP).
Total Quality Management

It includes additional aspects:

• Leadership style.
• Ethics of the work.
• Social aspects.
• Relation to society.
• etc.
Quality Assurance (QA)
According to ISO:
QA is “The assembly of all planned and
systematic actions necessary to provide
adequate confidence that a product,
process, or service will satisfy given
quality requirements”

[Checked by someone independent of the work]

Key Elements of
Quality Assurance (QA)
Planned & Systematic Actions

Aiming at providing adequate confidence of

* Calibration (Equipment, materials).
* Training (Staff).
* Instrument Maintenance.
* Audit and Review (External assessment).
* Sampling strategy.
* Analysis strategy.

Raw Production Accept/

Materials Process Product Testing Release



Production process quality assurance

Reference Quality
Material Control
RM Data

Measurement Sample Data Accept/ Use

Sample Process

Sub/Split QC
QC Sample Data


Measurement Process Quality Assurance

Benefits of QA
• Analysts are able to trace a problem back
to its source in a systemic way.
• Laboratories are able to provide reliable
• The confidence of analysts increases.
• The laboratory’s reputation will be
Quality Control
According to ISO:
“The operational techniques and
activities that are used to satisfy
quality requirements”

[Aimed at prevention of errors]

QC Techniques and Activities
1. First line control: Instrument

2. Second-line control: Batch control

(control sample, identity check).

3. Third-line control: External checks.

Internal Quality Control
Operational Techniques & Activities
Aiming at providing adequate confidence of
• Control Charting.
• Blank Determination.
• Spiked Samples.
• Repeated Determination.
• Blind Samples.
• Reference Materials.
External Quality Control

Check analysis by another laboratory:

(A) Single value - single value check.
(B) Replicate data - single value check.
(C) Replicate data – replicate data check.
Interlaboratory Sample and
Data Exchange Programmes
(A) Method performance studies:
• Collaborative study.
• Comparative study.
(B) Laboratory performance studies:
• Proficiency test (one method).
• Proficiency test (different methods).
(C) Material – certification studies:
• Certification study.
• Consensus study.
Proficiency Testing (ISO 5.9)
Rating with Z-Score:
x = individual results
x = mean of all results.
S = standard deviation of x
Z  2 = satisfactory.
2 < Z < 3 = questionable.
Z  3 = unsatisfactory.
History of Assessing the Quality
of Laboratory Activities
OECDs Principle for Good
Laboratory Practice
• Food & Drug Administration discovered
(two decades ago) the need for a uniform standard for
assessing the quality of Lab Activities

• Establishment of the Principles of Good Laboratory

Practice (GLP). Applications for toxicological and
eco toxicological testing of Pharmaceuticals and

* Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

 In 1979 The Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD)
internationalized the GLP Principles.
 In 1981 the “OECDs Principles was published
and recognized by European Community (EC).
 In 1987, the GLP principles were adopted as an
EU Directive.
 In 1990, Guidelines for GLP study audits and
Lab inspections were enacted in Europe
“It concerned with the organizational
process and the conditions under which
laboratory studies are planned,
performed, monitored, recorded and
Advantages of GLP
• Allow better laboratory management.
• Improve efficiency.
• Minimize errors.
• Allow QC.
• Stimulate and motivate all personnel.
• Improve safety.
• Improve communication.
 In 1957 (Rome), Some European Countries
signed the Treaty of establishing the Economic
Community (EEC)
 The creation of the common market required
establishment of confidence to results of Lab
activities in EC.
 In 1989, a global approach was adopted and
involved testing, certification and inspection
Testing and certification requires confidence on
competence and quality

Bodies for building this confidence should be

responsible for:
 Certification of testing products
 Inspection of Quality system
 Evaluation of the competence
EN 45001 Operation of Testing Lab

EN 45002 Assessment of Testing Lab

EN 45003 Lab Accreditation Bodies

EN 45004 Operation of Bodies Performing Inspection

EN 45011 Certification Bodies Operating Product

EN 45012 Certification Bodies Operating Quality
System Certification
EN 45013 Certification Bodies Operating Certification
of Personnel
ISO 9000 Quality Management and Quality
ISO 9001 Quality Systems (model for QA in
design/development, production, installation and
ISO 9002 Quality Systems
(model for QA in production and installation)
ISO 9003 Quality Systems
(model for QA in final inspection and test )
ISO 9004 Quality Management and Quality System
Elements Guidelines
ISO 8402 Vocabulary

ISO 10011 Auditing of Quality Systems

ISO 10012 QA Requirements for Measuring


ISO 10013 Preparation of Quality Manuals

ISO Guide 25 (1990)
ISO Guide 17025 (1998)
ISO /IEC 17025 (1999)
ISO /IEC 17025 (2005)
General requirements for the competence of calibration and
testing laboratories.
More restrictive than EN 45001.
Includes relevant requirements of the ISO 9002 and
OECD’s GLP Principles.
ISO Guide 58
“Calibration and testing laboratory accreditation systems-
General requirements for operation and recognition”.

Corresponds to EN 45002 and EN 45003.

General Requirements for the
Competence of Testing and
Calibration Laboratories
ISO /IEC 17025
Management Requirements
 Organization (4.1)
 Management system (4.2)
 Document control (4.3)
 Review of requests, tenders and contracts (4.4)
 Sub-contracting of tests and calibrations (4.5)
 Purchasing services and supplies (4.6)
 Service to the customer (4.7)
 Complaints (4.8)
 Control of nonconforming testing and/or calibration work (4.9)
 Improvement (4.10)
 Corrective action (4.11)
 Preventive action (4.12)
 Control of records (4.13)
 Internal audits (4.14)
 Management reviews (4.15)
Technical Requirements
 General (5.1)
 Personnel (5.2)
 Accommodation and environmental conditions (5.3)
 Test and calibration methods and method validation (5.4)
 Equipments (5.5)
 Measurement traceability (5.6)
 Sampling (5.7)
 Handling of test and calibration items (5.8)
 Assuring the quality of test and calibration results (5.9)
 Reporting the results (5.10)
Requirement for Organization and
The Laboratory shall
 Be legally identifiable and ensure that its personnel are free from
any pressures, which might adversely affect the quality of their
 Be organized in such a way that confidence in its independence
and integrity is maintained;
 Have a manager, who has the overall responsibility for the
technical operation of the laboratory;
 Have a quality manager, who has responsibility for the quality
system and its implementation;
 Participate in interlaboratory comparison studies and proficiency
testing programmers.
Requirements for Personnel

The laboratory shall

 Have sufficient personnel having the

technical knowledge and experiences for
assigned functions (job description).
 Ensure training of its personnel.
 Maintain records of relevant
qualifications. training skills and
experiences of the personnel.
Requirements for Accommodation,
Environment and Equipment
The laboratory shall

 Have accommodation and environment that do

not invalidate the results or affect the required
quality of the work.
 Have good housekeeping.
 Be furnished with equipment required for the
performance of the tests.
 Maintain and record the maintenance of
equipment properly.
Requirements for Methods and Test Items

The laboratory shall

 Have documented instructions of the use of

 Have documented methods including methods for
sampling, if sampling is carried out
 Ensure that computer software is documented and
adequate for use, in case computers are used.
 Have documented system for identification of test
Requirements for Quality Systems,
Audit and Review
The laboratory shall
I. establish and maintain a quality system
appropriate to the type, range and volume of the

II. establish a quality manual and related quality

documentation containing among other things.
A. quality policy statement. Management structures job
descriptions of the staff.
B. procedures for the work to be conducted including
maintenance activities.
C. procedures for internal quality control activities.
D. procedures for audits and review of the quality system.
F. procedures dealing with complaints and protection of
•Quality Policy
(the organization)
ISO 4.2) •Objectives and
•Organization and
•Who Management
•How Tactical •General Practices

•Who Operational •Check Lists
•What •Forms, etc.
•How •ISO 4.2)
Requirements for Records and Reports
The laboratory shall
I. Maintain a record system all original observations,
calculation and derived data and reports of data.

II. Issue reports, which includes some minimum information,

among other things.
A. Unique identification.
B. Name and address of laboratory.
C. Name and address of client.
D. Identification of methods used.
F. Results.
Quality Records:َ
(1) Definition and terminology
(2) Quality policy and quality objectives
(3) Organization scheme
(4) Personal cards
(5) Function description
(6) Responsibility
(7) Training
(8) Maintenance cards
(9) Maintenance schedule
(10) Maintenance survey
(11) Tests and specification
(12) Client complains
(13) Supplier cards
(14) Supplier problems
(15) Supplier review
(16) Approved suppliers
(17) Measuring equipment
(18) Calibration schedule
(19) Calibration survey
(20) Audit schedule
(21) Audit reports
(22) Internal problems
(23) Projects
(1) Document control
(2) Contract review
(3) Purchasing
(4) Client complains
(5) Control of non conforming work
(6) Corrective actions
(7) Preventive actions
(8) Control of quality records
(9) Internal quality audit
(10) Management review
(11) Training
(12) Estimation of uncertainty
(13) Equipment
(14) Sampling
(15) Handling of test items
Errors in Quantitative
When errors or mistakes are suspected or
discovered, it is essential that the “Five Ws”
are trailed:
• What error was made?
• Where was it made?
• When was it made?
• Who made it?
• Why was it made?
Types of Errors
• Random error
• Systematic error
• Gross error
• Error of rounding
Causes of Random Error
Uncontrolled variations in the conditions of the
measurement system during different
measurements, e.g.:
• Differences in volume
• Fluctuations in temperature or electrical
• Reading of scales
• Differences in calibration between batches
Causes of Systematic Error
• Instability between sampling and
• Inability to determine all relevant forms
of the analyte
• Interference
• Biased calibration
• Biased blank
Causes of Gross Error
Personnel mistakes or carelessness:
• Using wrong method.
• Misreading a scale or signal display.
• Analysis of wrong sample.
• Erroneous marking of sample.
• Results in wrong unit.
• Calculation error.
• Transposition of data.
• Transcription error.
Errors of Rounding
• Either: rounding off data so much that
the natural variability is obscured

• Or: keeping so many of the digits

produced by a calculator or an
instrument that a false impression of
accuracy is produced
“The archers” - illustration of
random and systematic error
Analytical Errors and Undesirable

Laboratory’s own quality assessment efforts.•

Participation in collaborative test programs.•
External performance audits. •
Identification of Problems

(A) Identify the problem; whether due to:


(B) Decide whether the problem is:

Persistent .
Determination of the Kind of Causes:

Chance causes (common causes): Occur

randomly and affect precision.
reduced to acceptable levels by using suitable
quality control measures.

Assignable causes (special causes) : produce bias

or unacceptable imprecision due to:
malfunction of the quality control procedures,
Changes in some part of the system,
Defects in the system not previously recognized.
Eliminating of common and not assignable
causes will improve the stable operational
performance characteristics of a
measurement system.

Assignable causes happen only on occasion,

while common causes are present all the
time until removed.
Identification of Measurement Problems

(1) The cause-effect diagram (fish bone

diagram). Every effect has a cause could be

Ishikawa’s cause-effect diagram

Development of a deficiency correction 
check list as:
When Measurement Process is:
A.In control.
B.Out of control.
Possible Problems A B
Procedural changes * *
Sampling *
Sample handling *
Analytical procedure
Calculations * *
Data * *
Reagents *
Equipment *
Calibration *
Maintenance *
Methodology * *
Blunder * *
Improvement of Performance

(1) Increase the accuracy.

(2) Increase the precision.
(3) Decrease bias.
(4) Decrease uncertainty.
Control Charts
What is a Control Chart?
• A control chart is a presentation of data
in which the control values are potted
against batch number (or time).
• Control charts have a central line, upper
and lower warning limits and upper and
lower action limits
• Central Line: Defines the best estimate of
the level of the control variable plotted.

• Warning Limit: Defines an interval in which

there is 95% probability of finding all
control values.

• Action Limit: defines an interval within

which the majority (99.7%) of control
values are expected to be
Types of Control Charts
• X-bar chart.

• R-chart.

• D-chart.

• r-chart
X-bar Chart
• Average control chart:
Analysis of the same sample with each
batch and plotting the result or the
average of results against time
The control value is therefore the average
response value (X-bar chart) or the
response value (X-chart)
• Blank control chart:
• Special application of the X-bar chart for
blank samples
Batch R x
x1 x2
1 491 493 2 492.0
2 497 497 0 497.0
3 498 501 3 499.5
4 492 485 7 488.5
5 498 493 5 495.5
6 510 508 2 509.0
7 506 512 6 509.0
8 492 487 5 489.5
9 491 488 3 489.5
10 497 503 6 500.0
11 500 494 6 497.0
12 506 511 5 508.5
13 506 501 5 503.5
14 487 497 10 492.0
15 491 491 0 491.0
16 500 499 1 499.5
17 491 507 16 499.0
18 495 498 3 496.5
19 502 500 2 501.0
20 495 492 3 493.5
X’ = 497.5
Standard deviation Sx :
 (X – X`)2/ (n-1) n = 20
Sx = 6.42 mg/L O2
X` = 497.5 mg/L O2
Upper warming limit = X` + 2Sx =
497.5 + 2*6.42 = 510.39 mg/L O2
Lower warming limit = X` - 2Sx =
497.5 - 2*6.42 = 484.71 mg/L O2
Upper action limit = X` + 3Sx =
497.5 + 3*6.42 = 516.81 mg/L O2
Lower action limit = X` - 3Sx =
497.5 - 3*6.42 = 478.29 mg/L O2
Data for an X-bar Chart
Batch x1 x2 x-bar
1 491 493 492
2 497 497 497
3 498 501 499.5
4 492 485 488.5
5 498 493 495.5
6 510 505 507.5
7 506 512 509
8 492 487 489.5
9 491 488 489.5
10 497 503 500
x-doublebar = 496.8
Control Chart
-Illustration of Construction
Central line
X-chart Copper
Action limit
1.3 Warning limit




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Control value
• Range control chart:
Analysis of the same sample with each
batch (repeatability conditions) and
plotting the range against time
The control value is therefore the range
of the response values of the control
Data for an R-Chart
Batch x1 x2 R
1 491 493 2
2 497 497 0
3 498 501 3
4 492 485 7
5 498 493 5
6 510 505 2
7 506 512 6
8 492 487 5
9 491 488 3
10 497 503 6
R = 3.9

Factors for calculation of standard deviation

from range and construction of R-charts
Number of replicates Central line / Lower action upper
per batch standard deviation limit action limit
d2 D3 D4
2 1.128 0 3.267
3 1.693 0 2.575
4 2.059 0 2.282
5 2.326 0 2.115
Calculations for control chart R

Upper action limit D4 x R’

Lower action limit D3 x R ‘ [ D3 = 0]
R-chart central line R’ or R’ = d2 . Sw [d2 =1 .128]
R-Chart – Illustration
R-chart Copper







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Data for D-chart
Batch no x X spiked D
1 3.856 4.352 0.496
2 7.746 8.240 0.494
3 10.968 11.471 0.503
4 0.872 1.365 0.493
5 5.634 6.121 0.487
6 3.085 3.588 0.503
7 1.563 2.058 0.495
8 20.851 21.343 0.492
9 15.963 16.471 0.508
10 8.663 9.145
0.482 D` = 0.495
Calculations for control charts D

Central line D’
Warning limit CL ± 2 Sx
Action limit CL ± 3 Sx
Data for an r-chart
x1 x2 R X' r,%
Batch no.
1 3.46 4.46 1.00 3.96 25.3
2 3.99 5.1 1.11 4.545 24.4
3 5.32 5.47 0.15 5.395 2.8
4 15.0 14.8 0.2 14.9 1.3
5 321 392 71 356.5 19.9
6 251 247 4 249 1.6
7 51.9 51.1 0.8 51.5 1.6
8 10.4 11.1 0.7 10.75 6.5
9 1.90 2.40 0.50 2.15 22.7
10 27.4 29.9 2.5 28.65 8.7

r , % = [R/X’] x 100 Central line = r' = d2. Sw.100/X'

r’ ,% = 11.48 % Upper action limit = D 4 . r'
Lower action limit = D3
Out-of-Control Situations
• 1 value outside action limits
• 2 consecutive values outside warning limits
• 7 consecutive values with increasing or
decreasing tendency
• X-chart: 10 out of 11 values on one side of the
central line
• R-chart: 7 consecutive values above the central
Quality Control Samples
Control Samples
I Synthetic sample or reference material
II Stable natural sample
III Recovery of spike from a natural sample
IV Blank sample
V Natural sample with limited stability
Control Sample Type I
• Synthetic (artificial) sample or
• Laboratory reference material or
• Reference material or
• Certified reference material
• Same sample in every batch
• Generally known concentration
• Used with X-bar- and R-charts
Control Sample Type II
• Natural sample chosen at random from
samples received for analysis

• Different sample in every batch

• Concentration not known
• Used with r-chart
Control Sample Type III
• Natural sample chosen at random from
samples received for analysis and the
same sample spiked
• Different sample in every batch
• Spiked concentration known
• Used with D-chart
Control Sample Type IV
• Blank sample
• “Same” sample in each batch
• Concentration not known
• Used with X-bar- and R-charts
Control Sample Type V
• Natural sample chosen at random from
samples received for analysis for a very
unstable parameter
• Different sample in every batch
• Concentration not known and may
change during the time it takes to analyse
one batch
• Used with r-chart
Analytical Methods
Analytical Methods
• Standard Methods. [Standard setting
organization (AOAC, ASTM)].

•Official Methods. [For use by government

organization (EPA, NIOSH].

•Literature Methods. [Analytical Journals].

•In –House Developed Methods. [Laboratory

Standard Operational Procedures
Title :Summary
Solutions & Reagents
Sample preservation
Unit or result expression
Number of result digits
Validation (ISO 5.4.5)

“Validation is the procedure used to prove that a

test method consistently yields what it is expected
and required to do with adequate accuracy and

“Validation of a method establishes, by systematic

laboratory studies, that the performance
characteristics of the method meets the
specifications related to the intended use of the
analytical results”.
Performance Characteristics
• Calibration function / linearity
• Sensitivity
• Limit of detection
• Precision
• Accuracy
• Trueness
• Bias
• Uncertainty
• Range of application
• Repeatability/Reproducibility
• Selectivity / Interferences
• Ruggedness
Bias %
  100

x = mean of test results obtained for reference sample.

m = true value given for reference sample.
Trueness %

  100
x = mean of test results obtained for reference sample.
m = true value given for reference sample.
Precision %
  100

• x = mean of test results obtained for reference sample.

• s = standard deviation for x.

R = 2.8 x SR
SR = standard deviation (n  8) with 95% confidence.
2.8 = 2  22and is derived from the normal or
Gaussian distribution [ISO 5725].

Reproducibility measures the spread of results when

the sample is analyzed by different laboratory.

 = 2.8 x Sr
at 95% confidence level.
Sr = standard deviation (n10).
Repeatability and Reproducibility

Parameter Repeatability Reproducibility

Sample Same Same

Procedure Same Same
Instrument Same Different
Laboratory Same Different
Analyst Same Different
Time Short interval Different
Recovery %
Xs  X
  100
X add
X s = mean results of spiked sample.
X = mean results of unspiked sample.
Xadd = amount added, (spiked).
Standard Deviation

Sx 
 (x 1  x) 2

(n  1)
x (x-x') (x-x')2
3.698 0.355 0.1260
2.725 -0.618 0.3819
3.226 -0.117 0.0137
3.273 -0.070 0.0049
3.284 -0.059 0.0035
3.429 0.086 0.0074
3.233 -0.110 0.0121
3.099 -0.244 0.0595
3.361 0.018 0.0003
4.102 0.759 0.5761
X = 3.343 ∑= 1.1855
N = 10

S2 = (1.1855)/(10 – 1) = 0.1317
Sx = 0.363
Within Batch Standard Deviation

Sw  R
Batch X1 X2 R
1 85.6 86.3 0.7
2 84.6 85.1 0.5
3 86.8 86.3 0.5
4 87.2 86.3 0.9
5 83.4 82.5 0.9
6 88.5 88.0 0.5

SW = R'/d2
No of d2
= 6.667/1.128 batch

2 1.128
3 1.693
4 2.059
5 2.326
Between Batch Standard Deviation

Sb  S 2
Pooled Standard Deviation

Spooled 
 i
(n  1).Si

 (n  1)
X1 X2 X3
3.698 2.808 3.670
2.725 3.189 2.617
3.226 3.400 3.119
3.273 3.729 3.227
3.284 3.467 3.370
3.429 3.483 3.389
3.233 3.439 3.237
3.099 3.007 2.993
3.361 3.376
4.102 4.248
N = 10 N=8 N = 10
X' = 3.343 x' =3.315 x' = 3.325
S = 0.363 s = 0.296 s = 0.428

Grand mean =( 10 x 3.343 + 8 x 3.315 + 10 x 3.325)/(10 + 8 + 10)=3.329 mg/l

S2pooled = [ (10-1)x(0.363)2 + (8-1)x(0.296)2+(10-1)x(0.428)2/(10 + 8 + 10) = 0.1379
Spooled 0.371 mg/l
Uncertainty (ISO 5.4.6)

 n1  n2 
U  t(df )Spooled  
 n1  n2 
Run (1) S = 0.363 n = 10 df = 9

Run (2) S = 0.296 n = 8 df = 7

Spooled = 0.335

U = t0.975 (9+7 = 16) x 0.335  (10+8)/(10x8) =

0.337 mg/L
ucombined = u1 + u2 + ... + 2 un2

Uexpanded = k . ucombined
Limit of Detection

LOD = 2 CD = 2 t (df) Sw, blank 1
Sw blank = 0.0122 µg/l n= 6 , df =5َ

LOD = 2 x t 0.95(5) x 0.0122 (1 + 1/2)

= 0.06 µg/l
Improvement of Performance

Increase Decrease
• Trueness . • Bias.
• Precision. • Uncertainty.
• Reproducibility • Standard deviation.
• Repeatability. • Limit of detection.
• Accuracy.
• Sensitivity.

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