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Chapter 2 Reading Quiz

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Chapter 2 Reading Quiz

1. About how many elements are required for life?

2. Draw a carbon atom (it’s atomic # is 6)

3. What are the bonds WITHIN a water molecule called?

4. What are the bonds BETWEEN water molecules


5. Write the simplified equation for photosynthesis.

1.Distinguish between element and
Element Compound
• A substance that • A pure substance
cannot be broken composed of 2 or
down into other more elements
substances by combined in a fixed
chemical reactions ratio
• Ex: Gold, Oxygen • Ex: Water, air 
2.State the four elements essential to life
that make up 96% of living matter.

1. Carbon
4.Hydrogen 
3. Draw and label the structure of
an atom.
• Protons (positively Electron cloud
charged particles in
• Neutrons (particles
with no charge in
• Electrons (tiny
particles with a
negative charge – fly
around nucleus) 
4. Distinguish among atomic number,
mass number, atomic weight.

Atomic Number Mass Number

• The number of • The number of
protons protons plus neutrons

Atomic Weight
•The weighted mean
of the masses of an
elements’ constituent
5. Given the atomic number and mass number of an
oxygen atom, determine the number of neutrons.
(atomic = 8, mass = 16)

Mass number = protons + neutrons

Atomic number = protons
mass number  16
- atomic number  8
number of neutrons  8
6. Define radioisotopes and explain
why they are important to biologists.
• Radioisotopes are
unstable isotopes of
• Can help to date
geological strata and
• Used as tracers to
diagnose disease
• Can treat cancers
(cobalt isotope) 
7. Explain how electron configuration
influences the chemical behavior of an atom.

• When electrons move from one

energy level to another, they gain or
lose energy equal to the difference in
potential energy between the old and
the new energy levels 
8. Explain the octet rule and predict how
many bonds a carbon atom might form due to
this rule.
• Octet Rule = a valence shell is
complete when it contains 8 electrons
• A carbon atom may only form 4 bonds,
as each bond represents 2 electrons

9. Explain why the noble gases
are so non-reactive.

• Noble gases have filled outer shells in

their elemental state and are inert

• Ex: helium, neon, argon 

10.Define electronegativity and explain
how it influences the formation of
chemical bonds.
• An atom’s ability to
attract and hold
• The more
‘electronegative’ an
atom is, the more
strongly it attracts,
and keeps, shared
• Ex: water molecule 
11. Distinguish among nonpolar covalent,
polar covalent, ionic and hydrogen
Nonpolar Covalent – bond formed by an equal
sharing of electrons between atoms
Polar Covalent – bond formed by an unequal sharing
of electrons between atoms
Ionic – bond formed by the electrostatic
attraction after the complete transfer of an
Hydrogen – bond formed by the charge attraction
when a hydrogen atom covalently bonded to one
electronegative atom is attracted to another
electronegative atom (Ex: water molecules) 
12.Explain why weak bonds are
important to living organisms.

H y d ro g e n B o n d s
( 2 0 x e a s ie r t o b r e a k t h a n c o v a le n t )
N e e d e d fo r :

H y d r o p h o b ic in t e r a c t io n s c h e m ic a l s ig n a lin g s t a b iliz e s 3 D s h a p e s
in a q u e o u s s o lu t io n s ( t e m p o r a r y a s s o c ia t io n s ) o f la r g e m o le c u le s
( D N A , p r o t e in s , e t c )
13. Describe how the relative concentrations
of reactants and products affect a chemical
• The higher the
concentrations, the
greater probability of
a reaction
• Chemical equilibrium
does NOT mean the
concentrations of
products and
reactants are the
same 

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