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United Nation Conference On Women

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United nation

Conference on women

• The first world conference held in Mexico City -

• To remind the international community that
discrimination against women continued to be a
persistent problem in much of the world,
• To focus international attention on the need to
develop future oriented goals, effective strategies
and plans of action for the advancement of
• The General Assembly identified three key
Full gender equality and the elimination of
gender discrimination;
The integration and full participation of
women in development;
An increased contribution by women in the
strengthening of world peace.
• The Conference responded by adopting the First World
Plan of Action for the next ten years in pursuit of the three
key objectives,
• The Plan of Action set minimum targets, to be met by
• The Conference called upon governments to formulate
national strategies and identify targets and priorities in
their effort to promote the equal participation of women.
• By the end of the United Nations Decade for Women, 127
Member States responded by establishing some form of
national machinery, institutions dealing with the promotion
of policy, research and programmes aimed at women's
advancement and participation in development.
• The Mexico City Conference led to the establishment of
the International Research and Training Institute for the
Advancement of Women and the United Nations
Development Fund for Women to provide the institutional
framework for research, training and operational activities
in the area of women and development.
• An important facet of the meeting in Mexico City was that
women themselves played an instrumental role in shaping
the discussion.
• Of the 133 Member State delegations gathered there, 113
were headed by women.
• Sharp differences emerged among the women gathered
at the Forum, reflecting the political and economic
realities of the times.
• Women from the countries of the Eastern Block, for
instance, were most interested in issues of peace, while
women from the West emphasized equality and those
from the developing world placed priority on development.
• Nevertheless, the Forum played an important role in
bringing together women and men from different cultures
and backgrounds to share information and opinions and
to set in motion a process that would help unite the
women's movement,
• 145 Member States met to review and appraise the 1975
World Plan of Action.
• Governments and the international community had made
strides toward achieving the targets set out in Mexico City
five years earlier.
• An important milestone - the adoption by the General
Assembly in December 1979 of the Convention on the
(CEDAW), one of the most powerful instruments for
women's equality.
• The Convention, which has been termed "the bill of rights
for women", binds 165 States to report within one year of
ratification, and subsequently every four years, on the
steps they have taken to remove obstacles they face in
implementing the Convention.
• An Optional Protocol to the Convention (enabling women victims of
sex discrimination to submit complaints to an international treaty
body) was opened for signature on Human Rights Day, 10 December
• Upon its entry into force, it will put the Convention on an equal footing
with other international human rights instruments having individual
complaints procedures.
• Despite the progress made, the Copenhagen Conference recognized
that signs of disparity were beginning to emerge between rights
secured and women's ability to exercise these rights.
• To address this concern, the Conference pinpointed three areas to be
• Equal access to education,
• Employment opportunities
• And adequate health care services.
• The Conference came to a close with the adoption of a Programme of Action,
albeit not by consensus, which cited a variety of factors for the discrepancy
between legal rights and women's ability to exercise these rights, including:
 Lack of sufficient involvement of men in improving women's role in
 Insufficient political will;
 Lack of recognition of the value of women's contributions to society;
 Lack of attention to the particular needs of women in planning;
 A shortage of women in decision-making positions;
 Insufficient services to support the role of women in national life, such as
co-operatives, day-care centres and credit facilities;
 Overall lack of necessary financial resources;
 Lack of awareness among women about the opportunities available to
• To address these concerns, the Copenhagen Programme
of Action called for stronger national measures to:
• Ensure women's ownership and control of property,
• Improvements in women's rights to inheritance,
• Child custody and
• Loss of nationality.
• Delegates at the Conference also urged an end to
stereotyped attitudes towards women.
• July, 1985
• Nairobi University Campus (Kenya)
• 14,000 -16,000 women from 150 countries attended the
unofficial Forum ’85.
• 2000 Delegates, and several hundred NGO
representatives attended the official conference.
• “A world conference of women in the real sense of the
definition, a gathering of women from all over the world
without equal in the past.”
• The critical review and appraisal of progress achieved
and obstacles encountered in attaining the goals and
objectives of the UN Decade for Women.
• The adoption of the Forward-Looking Strategies of
implementation for the advancement of women for the
period up to the year 2000.
• Largest and most influential conference of its kind at the
• Opened the doors for future conferences to take place.
• Created an atmosphere of support and encouragement in
which women were able to share and learn from each
• Official title: • Abolish Illiteracy
• Female life expectancy should be
Forward-Looking 65 years old globally
Strategies for the • Women should have the
Advancement of Women opportunity to be self-sufficient
• Laws of equality to ensure a truly
• Designed for the period equitable socio-economic
between 1985 and 2000 framework
• Launch a public campaign to
• Equality abolish discrimination
• Development • Governments should have
national women’s policies to
• Peace abolish all obstacles women face
• UN should hold at least 1 WWC
between 1985 and 2000
Beijing Conference - LEGACY OF SUCCESS

• The United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women

• NGO Forum
• September 1995, Beijing
• 189 countries
• 36,000 + 8,000 women
Beijing Conference: Objectives
• Review and appraise the advancement of women since
Nairobi, 1985
• Mobilize women and men on both the policy-making and
grass-root levels to achieve the Nairobi objectives
• Platform for Action
• Determine the priority actions 1996-2001
The Platform for Action
• Created at the Beijing Conference
• Identifies 12 “critical areas of concern” considered to
represent the main obstacles to women’s advancement
• Defines strategic objectives and spells out actions to be
taken over the next 5 years by governments, the
international community, NGOs, and the private sector
Platform for Action
Issues Addressed
• Poverty • Decision-Making
• Education & Training • Institutional
• Health Mechanisms
• Violence • Human Rights
• Armed Conflict • Media
• Economy • Environment
• The Girl-Child

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