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Sound and Noise

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Akustika dan Kebisingan

What is sound?
What is noise?
Sound Propagation
Sound Propagation

τ = 35 ms
Amplification in outer and middle ear
Structure Bourne sound
• Question:
Why does your voice sound different on a tape

• Answer:
When you hear yourself speak you are hearing
some extra vibration produced by the passage
of sound waves through your skull. Your voice as
played by a tape recorder is the way it sounds to
someone else, who receives the sound waves
only through the air.
Sound localization
• Question:
How can you tell the direction of a sound?

• Answer:
1. Time differences
2. Level differences
3. Head Related Transfer Function
Range of sound pressure

of Pain

of Hearing
Range of sound pressure
dB - decibel
Perception of dB
Addition of noise level
Addition of noise level
Subtraction of noise level
Subtraction of noise level
Addition of many dB values
Lets hear the rumble
Wave length and Frequency
Lets hear the rumble
Equal loudness countour
40 dB Equal loudness contour & A-weighting
Frequency Weighting
Location of transducer
Exposure limit (international & Indonesia)
Halving rate : Increasing noise level by 3 dB(A)
reducing exposure time by half

Hours dB (A)
8 85
4 88
2 91
1 94
0,5 97
Exposure limit (USA)
Halving rate : Increasing noise level by 5 dB(A)
reducing exposure time by half
Hours dB (A)
8 90
4 95
2 100
1 105
0,5 110
Energy parameter
Energy parameter
The Measurement Report
The Measurement Report
A good measurement report should contain at least the
following information:
1. A sketch of the measurement site showing applicable
dimensions (e.g. size of room, machine dimensions),
the location of the microphone and object being measured.
2. Standard(s) to which measurements are made.
3. Type and serial number of instruments) used.
4. Method of calibration.
5. Weighting networks and detector responses used.
6. Description of type of sound (e.g. impulsive, continuous,tones etc.
7. Background noise level.
8. Environmental conditions (e.g. type of sound field, atmospheric
9. Data on object being measured (e.g. machine type, load, speed
10. Date when measurements were performed.
Noise Mapping
Noise Control

1. Eliminate or reduce
the noise at its
2. Block the sound
transmission path.
3. Hearing Protector.
4. Administrative
Home work
1. Setelah beraktivitas mengapa badan kita
rasakan lebih segar bila kita mandi
dengan air panas dibanding dengan air
2. Mengapa WBGT lebih sesuai untuk
pengukuran heat exposure dibandingkan
termometer biasa.
3. Apa beda illuminance dan luminance

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