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PRC Resolution no.

What is PRC Res. No. 381?

 It is the standardized guidelines and procedures for the implementation of the

CPE programs for all professions.
 Issued on July 25, 1995
 Done on October 24, 1995 PRC
 Resolution no. 2004-179
 Series of 2004
 PRC Resolution no. 2008-466
 Series of 2008


Sec. 1 Objectives

 Continuous education of a registered professional

 Professionals capability for delivering professional services
 Highest standards and quality in the practice of profession
 Globally competitive
 General welfare of the public
Sec. 2 Definition

CPE refers to the inculcation, assimilation and acquisition of

knowledge, skills, proficiency, and ethical and moral values,
after the initial registration of a professional that raises and
enhances the professionals technical skills and competence.
Sec. 3 Nature

 Consists of programmed activities

 Requires the participation of professionals to meet the requirements for the
renewal of their professional licenses once every 3 years
Sec. 4 Rationale

 PRC 1995-381
 Condition for the renewal of a professional license
 Substitute for requiring a professional to pass another examination


Sec. 5 Creation

 PRBs shall create a CPE Council within 30 days

Sec. 6 Composition
 Each CPE council shall be composed of a chairperson and two members
Sec. 7 Terms of Office

 Chairman is co-terminus with incumbency as officer of APO

 Second member is co-terminus with the incumbency of deans or
department heads.
 Second member (Academician, appointed by the PRC) shall be 2 years with
one reappointment
Sec. 8 Exercise of Powers and Functions

 Accept, evaluate and approve applications for accreditation and CPE

requirements exemption
 Monitor the implementation by the CPE providers of their programs,
activities, or sources
 Upgrade criteria for accreditation of CPE providers and CPE programs,
activities, or sources
 Perform other related functions
Sec. 9 Functions of the CPE Council
 Preside over meetings of the CPE council
 Direct or supervise the activities of the CPE Council
 Submit annual reports
Chairperson (cont.)

 Additional/revised functions
 Submit minutes of the meetings within 30 days from date of said meetings
 Submit Council annual reports before the end of February of the succeeding year
Issue the certificate of accreditation (CoA) as well as certificate of
 accreditation of programs (CoAP)

Based of PRC res. No. 2004-179 and PRC res. No. 2008-466, Art. II, Sec. 9
Sec. 10 Secretariat

 Duties and functions of Secretary

 Records the sessions, meetings and proceedings of all CPE councils
 Prepare the minutes of all meetings
 Submit to the CPE Councils applications for accreditation of aspiring CPE
providers and CPR programs, activities or sources
 Receive applications for accreditation of CPE providers, programs, activities, or
 Collect accreditation fees and issue corresponding receipts
 Release Certificates of Accreditation (CoA) to CPE providers and programs,
activities and sources
 Assist the CPE Council by providing relevant statistical data of the renewal of
professional licenses and other related matters
Sec. 11 Meetings

 Regular meetings
 Once a month to be set by the council
 Special meetings
 Written request of at least one member of the CPE council
Sec. 12 Funds of the Council

 Funded by the receipt of fees

 Such receipts shall be established and treated as special or trust funds


Accredited Professional Organization

 Optional Functions of APO:

 Processing of applications of CPE providers and their programs
 Keeping all records of CPE providers, and their respective programs and credit units

Based on Art. II, Sec. 13

Sec. 13 Criteria for Accreditation

 CPE Provider
 Duly registered organization, or a professional of good standing and has never been
convicted of a crime
 Shall have an established mechanism for measuring the quality of programs being
 Must have adequate, modern and updated instructional materials to carry out the CPE
programs and activities
 Shall have instructors, lecturers and resource speakers with good moral
character and technical competence
CPE Provider

CPE provider shall refer to a natural person or a

juridical entity which includes among others, accredited
of non-accredited professional organization, firm,
partnership, corporation or institution which offers,
organizes or arranges CPE programs, activities or
sources for implementation.
Sec. 13 (Cont.)

 CPE programs, activities or sources

 Scope shall be beyond the basic preparation for admission of the practice
 Enhance the competence of the professionals
 Content must be related not limited
Sec. 14 CPE Programs, Activities, or Sources for
Accreditation and Equivalent Credit Units

 Seminars/Conventions
 Academic Preparation
 Self-Directed Learning Package
 Authorship
 Inventions
 Postgraduate/In-service Training
 Study/Observation
 Professorial Chair
Gathering of registered and licensed professionals which shall include, among others,
workshops, technical lectures or subject matter meetings, non-degree training courses and
scientific meetings.


As Participant 1 CU per hour Certificate of attendance with number of

hours, seminar program, certified list of
As Resource speaker 5 CU per hour Photocopy of plaque/ Certification and
copy of paper, program, invitation
As Panelist/ Reactor 3 CU per hour Certification from Sponsoring
Organization & Copy of Program
As Facilitator/ Moderator 2 CU per hour Certification from Sponsoring
Organization & Copy of Program
Gathering of registered and licensed professionals which shall include, among others,
conferences, symposia or assemblies for round table discussions


As Participant 1 CU per hour Certificate of attendance with number of

hours, convention program, certified list of
As Resource speaker 5 CU per hour Photocopy of plaque/ Certification and
copy of paper, program, invitation
Academic Preparation

 Masteral degree- shall refer to ta graduate from a recognized school, college

or university
 Doctoral degree- shall refer to a post graduate degree from a recognized school,
college or university
 Residency/Externship- shall refer to apprenticeship training at a graduate level
which is beyond the basic preparation for the regulated and licensed health
professional. This should be conducted by duly accredited hospitals and
medical centers and the like
 Fellowship- shall refer to the completion of a post-doctoral training program in a
specific field pre-approved by a duly recognized institution, scientific faculty
meeting and the like

Masteral Degree 1 CU per academic unit 30 University certification

CU additional upon Diploma and transcript of records
completion of the degree

Doctoral Degree 2 CU per academic unit 45 University certification

CU additional upon Diploma and transcript of records
completion of the degree

Residency/Externship 10 CU per year Hospital Certification

Certificate of completion

Fellowship 15 CU per year Certificate from granting institution

Certificate of Fellowship
Distance Learning or Self-Directed Learning
Correspondence learning which uses course manuals or accredited learning modules. It includes
self-instructional materials or programs which may be in the form of printed manual, audio and
video cassette tapes, films, computer-assisted learning, study kits, learning aids and modules or
the use of the information highway. These should include among others, clearly defined
objectives, adequate content and an evaluation component for each module.


Module 10 CU per complete Copy of duly-accomplished module

set of module and evaluation

Technical Paper/ Professional 1 CU per professional/ Copy of duly-accomplished article

Journal Article technical article and evaluation


Inventions 10 to 30 CU per Certified copy of Patent Certificate

Research/innovative 10 CU Duly certified/ Published
programs/creative Technical report/paper
Books: *25-50Pp *51- *100/more Published book with proof of
Single Author 20 CU 100Pp 40 CU copyright
2 Authors 10 CU 30 CU 30 CU
3 or more 5 CU 20 CU 20 CU
10 CU
Editor ½ of the CU of authorship Published book with proof of
category authorship
Articles: *1-3Pp *4-6Pp *7/more Proof of publication of
Single Author 4CU 6 CU 8 CU article
2 Authors 3 CU 4 CU 6 CU
3 or more 2 CU 3 CU 4 CU
Professional journal editor 5 CU per issue Copy of published journal
Peer reviewer 2 CU per article Duly certified copy of
On the Job Training/In-service Training
Training or specialization at the post graduate level for a minimum period of one week.


On the Job Training 0.25 CU per hour Certificate of training and Training
(maximum of 40 description
CU per training)


Study/Observation 2 CU per day Certificate from sponsoring

(maximum of 30 CU institution
per tour)
Professorial Chair


Professorial Chair 10 CU per chair/year Certification of Grant or appointment

Sec. 15 CPE Credit Units

 Registered Professional
 With bachelor degree – 60 CU for 3 years Without
 bachelor degree – 30 CU for 3 years

 Any excess credit units shall not be carried over to the next 3-year, except units
earned for doctoral and masteral degrees and other special training.
Sec. 16 Procedures

 CPE Provider Accreditation

 In case of natural persons In
 case of juridicial entities
 Activity or Source
 Accreditation of a CPE program
Accreditation of CPE Provider
In case of Natural Persons

 Submission of application form to the Council

 Information/Documents:
 Full name, address, telephone number
 Educational background
 Profession, years of practice
 PRC license number, date of expiration
 Current employment
 NBI clearance
 Accreditation fee of P100.00
 Submission of the ff:
 Mechanism for measuring the quality of the program, activity or source being offered
 Criteria for selecting and evaluating speakers, resource persons or lecturers
Accreditation of CPE Provider
In case of Juridical Entities

 Submission of application form to the Council

 Information/Documents:
 Full name, address, telephone/fax numbers, email address
 Registration papers
 List of officers, PRC license number, date of expiration Plans
 for CPE programs or activities
 Proof if past CPE activities or programs
 Accreditation fee of P500.00
 Submission of the ff:
 Mechanism for measuring the quality of the program, activity or source being offered
 Criteria for selecting and evaluating speakers, resource persons or lecturers
Accreditation of a CPE Program,
Activity or Source
 Submission of organized program, activity or source for maximum of 3 years
 Information/Documents:
 Title/s of program/s, activities, or source/s
 Name of CPE provider, address, phone and fax numbers Date
 and venue of the administration of program Objectives
 Targeted audience or participants
 Contents and number of hours
 Resource speakers, lecturers, discussion leaders, panelists, reactors, moderators and
facilitators including their qualifications and current PRC license.

Actual program and schedule
 Proposed budget
 Seminar or convention fee to be collected

Accreditation of a CPE Program,
Activity or Source (cont.)
 Evaluation to be used which could either be:
 Evaluation of seminar by participant
 Evaluation of participants by CPE provider’s tests Other
 methods of evaluation

 The evaluation must be filed at least 30 days prior to the conduct of the CPE
 If approved, the council issues Certificate of Accreditation of Program/s (CoAP)
within 30 days of receipt applications.
 Accreditation fee of P300.00 (per seminar or convention day)
Sec. 17 Post Accreditation
 Name of CPE provider
 Name or description of CPE program, activity or source
 Accreditation number and date of issuance of accreditation
 Certified list of participants (including PRC license/ID cards and expiry dates),
resource speakers, lecturers, discussion leaders, panelists, moderators or
facilitators who took part or participated in the CPE program, activity or source.
Date and time of start and completion of the holding of the
 CP
E program, activity or source
 Venue/location of the holding of the program
 Summary of evaluation results of participants
 Name of secretariat representative who monitored the CPE program or activity.
Sec. 18 Exemption from CPE
Requirements Procedures
Temporary Exemption Permanent Exemption
- During stay abroad -upon reaching the age of 65

1. Submit an application 1. Submit an application

 Full name, residence address and phone  Full name, residence address and phone
number number
 PRC license number  PRC license number
 Degree obtained  Degree obtained
 Principal area of professional work  Principal area of professional work
 If employed: position, name of employer,  If employed: position, name of employer,
address of employer address of employer
 Is studying: certificate of enrollment  Submit an authenticated copy of birth
2. Submit passport certificate
3. Pay a fee of Php100 for the issuance of 2. Pay a fee of Php100 for the issuance of
certificate certificate

Sec. 19 Sanctions
Registered Not complied with the CPE Not allowed to renew their PRC licenses
professionals requirements
Failed to renew their licenses for a Shall be declared delinquent and delisted from the
period of five continuous years from roster of professionals
the last renewal date
PRC Employee Causes, abets or helps in the • Shall be considered to have violated the
renewal of the license of the office and/or Civil Service Rules and
professional without complying Regulations
with the CPE requirements • Shall be proceeded against administratively
• If found guilty, shall be meted out the
appropriate penalty
Professionals Practice their professions • Shall be charged and held liable in
without valid professional accordance with applicable Professional
licenses Regulatory Laws, Code of Ethics, or
Implementing Rules and Regulations
• Shall be meted out the penalties provided by
the said laws
CPE Providers • Any violation of the CPE guidelines Cancellation of the Certificate of their

• Not complying with the prescribed Withdrawal of accreditation

rules and regulations for CPE
• Has committed substantial deviation from
the approved program
• Has submitted false reports
• Has committed such other acts that the
Council finds to be in violation of the intent of
the program
Commission Causes, abets or helps in the renewal of the • Charged with administrative case
Employee ID card/license of the registered professional • If found guilty, shall be meted out the
without complying with the CPE penalties provided by the said laws
requirements and rules and regulations


Sec. 20 Transitory Provision

 Regulatory Board without CPE Programs in Place

Renewing licenses of registered professionals of such professions WITH

baccalaureate degree
Up to December 31, 1996 Licenses can be renewed without requiring CPE credit units
Up to December 31, 1997 Required CPE Certificates with 20 CU earned
Up to December 31, 1998 Required CPE Certificates with 40 CU earned
Up to December 31, 1999 Required CPE Certificates with 60 CU earned
Sec. 20 Transitory Provision (cont.)

 Regulatory Board without CPE Programs in Place

Renewing licenses of registered professionals of such professions WITHOUT

baccalaureate degree
Up to December 31, 1996 Licenses can be renewed without requiring CPE credit units
Up to December 31, 1997 Required CPE Certificates with 10 CU earned
Up to December 31, 1998 Required CPE Certificates with 20 CU earned
Up to December 31, 1999 Required CPE Certificates with 30 CU earned
Sec. 20 Transitory Provision (cont.)

 Regulatory Board with CPE Programs in Place

Renewing licenses of registered professionals

(less than 60 CU- professions WITH baccalaureate degrees less than 30
CU- professions WITHOUT baccalaureate degrees)
Up to December 31, 1996 Required CPE Certificates with required CU earned
Up to December 31, 1997 Required Certificate of Credit Units Earned under existing CPE’s of the
Up to December 31, 1998 PRBs or under the transitory requirements of this guidelines for the year
whichever is higher
Beginning January 1999 The required units under this guidelines shall be mandatory
Sec. 21 Repealing Clause

All resolutions, circulars or other issuances promulgated

by the PRC and Professional Regulatory Boards providing
for, or having any hearing on the implementation of CPE
programs, activities or sources are hereby repealed.
Sec. 22 Effectivity Clause

This resolution shall be effective fifteen (15) days after its

publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of
general circulation whichever come earlier.

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