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Cement: Nilanjan Mitra

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Nilanjan Mitra
History Of Cement

 The invention of Portland Cement is generally credited to

Joseph Aspedin, an English Bricklayer in 1824. The Portland
name was given because its color resembled the stone quarried
on the Isle of Portland off the British coast.

 In Germany and Belgium cement manufacturing started

around 1855

 In US manufacturing of cement started around 1870’s

 Manufacturing of cement in India started in 1904 in Tamil

Nadu but was fully established only by 1912. Till then for many
years we were importing cement from England.
Cement – process of manufacture
TriCalcium Silicate 3CaO.SiO2 ~ C3S
DiCalcium Silicate 2CaO.SiO2 ~ C2S
TriCalcium Aluminate 3CaO.Al2O3 ~ C3A
TetraCalcium Aluminoferrite 4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3 ~ C4AF
C3S + C2S constitute 65-75% by weight of cement and hydrate to form Ca(OH)2 (~25%)
and Calcium Silicate hydrate (~50%) (also called tobermorite gel).

C3S ---- responsible for initial set and early strength

C2S ---- increase in strength at ages beyond a week
C3A ---- responsible for heat of hydration and also contributes slightly to early strength
Reducing C3A increases sulfate resistance
C4AF --- reduces clinkering temp. Hydrates rapidly but contributes very less to strength
responsible for coloring effects.

Type I ---- normal

Type II --- moderate sulfate resistant
Type III – high early strength
Type IV – low heat of hydration
Type V --- high sulfate resistant
Type I,II,III A --- air-entraining variety
Type I ---- general use; where special properties are not required
Type II --- general use; moderate sulfate resistance and heat of hydration
Type III – when high strength required. Has similarity chemically with Type I
but particles are ground finer. typical use cold or underwater structures
Type IV – when low heat of hydration is required, typical use massive structures
Type V --- when high sulfate resistance is required.
White cement --- original color, grey comes in due to iron and manganese oxide, used
for architectural purpose, curtain walls, tile grout and so on.
Air-entraining materials --- improved resistance to freeze-thaw; scaling caused by
chemicals applied for snow/ice removal
Types of Ordinary portland cement used in India (adopted from German Standards):
grade 33, 43, 53

Fineness – greater cement fineness increases rate at which cement hydrates and
accelerates strength development typically during the first week.
Soundness – ability of the hardened paste to retain volume after set. (free lime
and magnesia responsible for lack of soundness). More sound less shrinkage.
Consistency – ability to flow. Depends on water-cement ratio.
Setting time – affected by gypsum content, cement fineness, w/c ratio, admixtures
Compressive strength – measured by 2 inch mortar cube. Compound composition and
fineness of cement affects it.
Heat of hydration – heat generated when cement and water react. Increase in w/c ratio,
fineness of cement, curing temp increases heat of hydration.
Specific gravity --- 3.15
Blaine’s air permeability test Wagner’s turbidimeter
Fineness measurement of cement
(sq. cm per kg. of cement)
Conduction calorimeter –
Heat of hydration
Materials to supplement cement

Pozzolan :- Sliciceous or aluminosiliceous

material that in finely divided form and presence
of moisture, chemically reacts with calcium
hydroxide released by hydration of portland
cement to form calcium silicate hydrate and other
cementitious material

Contributes to the properties of hardened

concrete through hydraulic or pozzolanic
activity or both

Fly Ash
Byproduct of combustion of pulverized coal in electric power generating plants
During combustion, coal’s mineral impurities (clay, feldspar, quartz, shale) fuse in
suspension and are carried away from combustion chamber by exhaust gas. The fused
Materials cool and solidifies into spherical glassy particles.
Silica, alumina, iron, calcium
Granulated blast-furnace slag
Non-metallic hydraulic cement consisting essentially of silicates and aluminosilicates of
calcium developed in a molten condition simultaneously with iron in blast-furnace.
Molten slag rapidly chilled by quenching in water  glassy sandlike granulated material

Silica Fume
Byproduct obtained as a result of reduction of high purity quartz with coal in an electric-arc
furnace in the manufacture of silicon or ferro-silicon alloy
Types Of Cement (commercially available)

Hydraulic Non -Hydraulic

Portland Cement

Portland Cement Blends

Non-Portland hydraulic cements

Classification by BIS (Bureau Of Indian Standards)

Portland Cement
 Grey

 White
Portland Cement Blends

 Portland blast furnace cement

 Portland fly ash cement

 Portland pozzolan cement

 Portland Silica Fume cement

Masonry Cement
Non-Portland hydraulic cements

 Slag-lime cements

 Super sulfated cements

 Calcium sulfoaluminate cements

According to BIS :
1. IS 269 33 Grade Ordinary Portland cement
2. IS 455 Portland Slag cement
3. IS 1489 Portland pozzolana cement - Part 1 Fly Ash based and Part 2
Calcined Clay based .
4. IS 3466 Masonry cement.
5. IS 6452 High alumina cement for structural use.
6. IS 6909 Super sulphated cement.
7. IS 8041 Rapid hardening Portland cement .
8. IS 8042 White Portland Cement.
9. IS 8043 Hydrophobic Portland Cement.
10.IS 8112 43 Grade Ordinary Portland cement.
11.IS 8229 Oil well cement
12.IS 12269 53 Grade Ordinary Portland cement
13.IS 12330 Sulphate resisting Portland cement
14.IS 12600 Low heat Portland Cement

• These cements are most commonly used nowadays.

• Hydraulic cements are materials which set and harden after

combining with water, as a result of chemical reactions with the
mixing water and, after hardening, retain strength and stability even
under water.


• Includes lime and gypsum plaster that must be kept dry in order to
gain strength.

• Gain strength very slowly by absorption of carbon dioxide from the

atmosphere to re-form calcium carbonate.
Portland Cement

 Portland cement is the most common type of cement as it is

a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar and most non-
specialty grout.
 It is a fine, grey or white powder that is made by grinding
Portland cement clinker, a limited amount of calcium sulfate
which controls the set time, with other minor constituents
 A hydraulic cement composed primarily of hydraulic calcium
 The most common use for Portland cement is in the
production of concrete.
White Cement
 White Portland cement or white ordinary Portland
cement (WOPC) is similar to ordinary, gray Portland
cement in all respects except for its high degree of

 The color of white cement depends on raw materials

and the manufacturing process. It is the metal oxides
(primarily iron and manganese) that influence the
whiteness and undertone of the material.

• White cements produce clean, bright colors, especially

for light pastels. Many different colors can be created by
adding pigments to concrete made with white cement.
Portland Cement Blends


Contains up to 70% ground granulated blast
furnace slag, with the rest Portland clinker and a
little gypsum.
All compositions produce high ultimate strength.
It is used as an economic alternative Portland
sulfate-resisting and low-heat cements.
contains up to 30% fly ash so that ultimate strength is
maintained. Concrete water content, early strength  this can be
an economic alternative to ordinary Portland cement.


Includes fly ash cement also includes cements made from
other natural or artificial pozzolans, since fly ash is a
pozzolan, but also includes cements made from other natural
or artificial pozzolans.

In countries where volcanic ashes are available (e.g. Italy,

Chile, Mexico, the Philippines) these cements are often the
most common form in use.
Addition of silica fume can yield exceptionally
high strengths, and cements containing 5-20%
silica fume are occasionally produced.
contradictory shows no increases in the strength
of cement paste, but substantial increases in
concrete strength, when silica fume is used.
Are used for preparing bricklaying mortars, and must not
be used in concrete. They are usually complex proprietary
formulations containing Portland clinker and a number of
other ingredients that may include limestone, hydrated
lime, air entertainers, retarders, water proofers and coloring
SLAG-LIME CEMENTS : Ground granulated blast
furnace slag is not hydraulic on its own, but is
“activated” by addition of alkalis, most economically
using lime. They are similar to pozzolan lime
cements in their properties.


are hydraulic cements made primarily from limestone and bauxite.
The active ingredients are monocalcium aluminate CaAl2O4 and
Mayenite Ca12Al14O33. Strength forms by hydration to calcium
aluminate hydrates. They are well-adapted for use in refractory
(high-temperature resistant concretes, e.g. for furnace linings.

These contain about 80% ground granulated blast furnace slag,

15% gypsum or anhydrite and a little Portland clinker or lime as an
activator. They produce strength by formation of ettringite
(Hydrated Calcium Aluminum Sulfate Hydroxide.)

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