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Process Control Components: J. A. Gaikwad

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Process Control Components


- J. A. Gaikwad
Lecture – 1

Introduction to Course
Basics of Instrumentation and Control

 Instrumentation :
It is the study of Designing and application of an Instrument
for measurement and Control of physical and chemical
properties of material.
 Instrument : It is a device which converts physical parameter into
analog value.

 Measurement : It is the result of comparison between unknown quantity

and pre-defined standard.
Sensor + Transducer + Signal conditioning circuit + Display

 Calibration: It is a process of making some adjustments on instrument

as per given standard values.
Control System and Process Control
 System : It is collection of components.
 Types of System : Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, and Thermal
 Combinations: electro-mechanical, electro-hydraulic, electro-pneumatic, etc.
 Generally output of system is a mechanical parameter.
e.g. - displacement, position, velocity, force, speed, torque, etc.

 Process : It is collection of components related to some manufacturing

 Generally output of process is a process parameter.
e.g. - temperature, pressure, flow, level, pH, conductivity, etc.
Control System and Process Control

 Loop? : It is complete circuit.

 Dynamic Variable / Process Variable (PV)
 Control : It is the operation of value maintenance of Dynamic variable.
 Setpoint : It is the desired value of dynamic variable required in the process.

 Why to control ? :

 Types of Disturbances : SP change, PL change and transient

 Objectives of Control? :

 Control System? : Types?

Why Process Control? - Need
Process control helps to ...
 Increase the speed of operation
 Reduce the start up time for process
 Gain complete control of manufacturing process
 Increase the quality & consistency of the product
 Shorten the time to market
 Lower the cost, rejection, rework and inventory
 Increase the human safety from hazardous conditions
 Pollution Control
 International Competitions
 Shorter Product-life-cycles
Controller objectives
Types of Control system
 Natural : Body Temperature control, Retina light intensity control
Blood Pressure control, Body fluid flow rate control

 Artificial : Traffic flow control, Boiler temperature control

Vehicle speed control, Tank level control

 Combinational : Driving a vehicle, operate a fan

Types of Control system

 Time varying and Time-invariant systems

 Linear and Non-linear systems

 Continuous time and Discrete-time control systems

 Single Input-Single Output (SISO) and

Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) control systems

 Open-loop and Closed-loop control systems

Open Loop Control system

 "The control system which does not correct itself for variation in its
output is called open-loop control system".
 This control system is independent of output (controlled variable).
Closed Loop Control system
 "The control system which corrects itself for variation in its output is
called closed-loop control system".
 This control system is dependent of output.
 Identify “Information flow” and manipulate “Energy flow” and “Material flow”
Manual Feedback Control system
Automatic Feedback Control system
Process control loop
Steam heated water tank
Homework : Comparison : OLCS & CLCS

 Definition
 Controller output -------- controlled variable
 Feedback
 Construction, installation
 Cost
 Accuracy
 Reliability
 Selection
 Stability
 Effect of disturbances
Syllabus Distribution

According to Elements of Process Control Loop…

 Process: Section I-Part 1: (Fundamentals of PC):
 Measurement : Section I-Part 2 : (Transmitters) :
 Controller: Section I-Part 3 : (Controllers) :
 Final Control Element : Section II-Part 1&2
(Control valves, Actuators)
 Auxiliary Process Components: Section II-Part 3
Course Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, the students will have ability to:
 CO1: Comprehend the fundamentals of process control loop.

 CO2: Develop and represent process control loops using standard ISA S5.1.

 CO3: Explain the working of major loop components.

 CO4: Identify, formulate and solve a problem using control actions.

 CO5: Select and size the control valve and actuators to solve a problem.

 CO6: Explain the working of auxiliary process loop components


 Pattern : C-18
 Refer C-18-TY-BTech Instru 18-19.pdf on
 Subject Code : IC3001
Teaching scheme:
 Theory: 3 Hrs / week
 Lab : 2 Hrs / week / batch
 Total Credits : 4
Section-wise Books
1. Fundamentals of Process Control
 Fundamentals of Process control - Murrill
 Standard ISA S 5.1
2. Transmitters and convertors
 Process measurement and control - Considine
 Process Control, Instrument Engineering Hand book - B.G. Liptak
3. Controllers
 Process control and Instrument technology - C. D. Johnson
 Instrumentation for Process measurement and control - N.A. Anderson
Section-wise Books
1. Control Valve
 Process Control, Instrument Engineering Hand book - B.G. Liptak
 Applied Instrumentation - William Andrews
 Control valve Handbook - Fisher
 Control Valve Design std. ANSI/ISA 75.01
2. Control valve accessories and actuators
 Process Control, Instrument Engineering Hand book - B.G. Liptak
 Applied Instrumentation - William Andrews
 Control valve Handbook - Fisher
3. Auxiliary Process Components
 Process Control, Instrument Engineering Hand book - B.G. Liptak
TY BTech Course Structure
Examination Scheme

A. Mid Semester Examination : 10 mks

B. End Semester Examination : 30 mks

C. Home Assignments : 10 mks

D. Lab : 30 mks

E. Viva : 20 mks

Total : 100 mks

A. Mid Semester Examination
 Syllabus : Section I : Part 1, 2 & 3
 Date :
 Format : Subjective type
 Total Marks: 10 + 10 + 10 = 30 converted to 10
 Time : 1 Hr
 Difficulty Level : Regular : 14 mks
Moderate : 08 mks
and Difficult : 08 mks
 One full-question on each part
B. End Semester Examination
 Syllabus : Section I : Part 1, 2 & 3 : 34 mks
Section II : Part 1, 2 & 3 : 66 mks
 Format : Subjective type
 Total Marks: 17+17+17+17+16+16 = 100 converted to 30
 Time : 3 Hrs
 Difficulty Level : Regular : 50 mks
Moderate : 25 mks
and Difficult : 25 mks
 One full-question on each unit
C. Home Assignment

Sr. No. Parameter Marks

1. 5 questions from Section-I 50

2. 5 questions from Section-II 50
Total 100 marks
Converted to 10 marks
 Unique 10 question set for each student randomly generated by
VOLP platform
 Difficulty level : Moderate to High
 Use answer-book for writing answers : 100 mks
D. Lab Assessment

Sr. No. Parameter Marks

Lab Continuous Assessment per 60 (30+30)

2. Course project 40 (10+30)
Total 100 marks
Converted to 30 marks
List of Practicals
Experiment No.
Title of experiment
1 Study and Calibration of current to pressure converter.
2 Study and Calibration of pressure to current converter.
3 Demonstration and study of alarm annunciator.
4 Calibrate and plot the characteristics of square root extractor.
5 Configure analog two–wire RTD and Thermocouple temperature transmitter
6 Calibration and characterization of intelligent temperature transmitter.
7 Study and calibration of Flow Totalizer.
8 Study of Two-position control mode for temperature control loop.
9 Tuning of PID controller for temperature control loop.
10 Tuning of PID controller for level/flow control loop.
11 Study of control valve cut section, accessories, actuators and various types
12 Plot installed characteristics of control valve.
13 D.P. Transmitter and calibration using Hand-held configurator for level.
14 Design of Intrinsic Safety Circuit
E. Viva

 Based on covered theory syllabus and Q-Bank

 End semester examination : 20 marks
Total : 20 marks
Question Paper format
 50% optional
 Point-wise, Short but correct meaningful theory answers are
 No need to write theory, working for P&ID development kind of
 Use of correct P&ID symbols/units is expected. ½ marks will be
deducted per wrong symbol / unit.
 Answers should be according to the questions only. No need to
write more / extra.
 Manage time properly.
Failure Gradation

 Failure Grade:
Marks < 40 -- Grade Assigned is FF
FF – Failed and Repeat the Course
Documents required with every student

 Academic Calendar
 Time-table
 Structure and syllabus copy (Pattern : C-18)
 Course plan, Assessment scheme
 Previous Question Papers & Marking scheme for reference
 Class Videos, handouts / Notes, eBooks
 Instrumentation Interview Question Bank with answers
 Lab manual
 Assignments and viva question bank
 VOLP Classroom code :

 Be attentive
 Ask questions and clear your doubts.
 No separate Q & A session
 Keep cell phones on silent mode
 Late comers are NOT allowed
 No Backbenchers
 Take prior permission in case of leave, late submission, etc.
Contact No.

J. A. Gaikwad

Thank You

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