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Block Chain

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The key takeaways are that blockchain is a growing list of records called blocks that are linked using cryptography. It allows for the creation of a decentralized environment where transactions are cryptographically validated and recorded immutably in a transparent and permanent way.

The three main types of blockchains are public blockchains, private blockchains, and consortium blockchains.

Some of the main characteristics of blockchain technology are censorship resistance, immutability, global usability, political decentralization, architectural decentralization, and logical centralization.


Mohammad Alif Akmal Bin Zulkifli 188298

• What Is Blockchain
• What Types Of Blockchains
• Blockchain Technology
• Characteristics Of Blockchain Technology
• How Blockchain Technology Benefits Us
What Is Blockchain
• A blockchain is originally Block Chain.
• Growing List Of Records (Blocks)
• Linked using Cryptography (Method)
protecting information and communications through the use of CODES
so that only those for whom the information is intended can read and
process it.
• Each block contains a Cryptographic Hash (Properties) of the previous
block,a Timestamp, and Transaction Data.
What Types Of Blockchains
1. Public blockchains
• has absolutely no access restrictions.
• Anyone with an internet connection can send transactions to it as well as become a validator.
• Example: Bitcoin.
2. Private blockchains
• permissioned.
• One cannot join it unless invited by the network administrators.
• Participant and validator access is restricted.
3. Consortium blockchains
• semi-decentralized.
• permissioned (number of companies might each operate a node on such a network).
• The administrators restrict users' reading rights as they see fit.
• Only allow a limited set of trusted nodes to execute a consensus protocol.
Blockchain Technology
• Enables the creation of a Decentralized Environment.

“ NO Single Centralized Authority that makes decisions on behalf of all the parties”
“Multiple parties to make their Own Independent Decisions”

• Cryptographically Validated Transactions and data are not under the control of
any Third Party Organization.

• Any transaction ever completed is recorded in an Immutable Ledger ( Record that

Cannot Be Changed) in a Verifiable, Secure, Transparent and Permanent way,
with a Timestamp and other Details.
Characteristics Of Blockchain Technology
• Censorship resistance.
• Immutability
• Global usability.
“ Global Network of Validators called Miners, who maintain it through Block
Rewards, named Cryptotokens ”
• Politically decentralized - meaning that no one controls it.
• Architecturally decentralized - no infrastructural central point of failure exists.
• Logically centralized - there is one commonly agreed state and the system
behaves like a single computer.
How Blockchain Technology Benefits Us
1) Ledger
• The technology uses an append only ledger to provide Full Transactional History.
• Unlike traditional databases, transactions and values in a blockchain are not overridden.
2) Secure
• Blockchains are Cryptographically secure, ensuring that the data contained within the
ledger has not been tampered with, and that the data within the ledger is attestable.
3) Shared
• The ledger is shared amongst multiple participants. This provides Transparency across
the node participants in the blockchain network.
4) Distributed
• The blockchain can be distributed. This allows for scaling the number of nodes of a
blockchain network to make it more Resilient to attacks by bad actors. By increasing the
number of nodes, the ability for a bad actor to impact the consensus protocol used by
the blockchain is reduced.
1. Regulation of the cryptocurrency
• Access to a blockchain requires both a public and a private key.
Without the right keys, no hacker will be able to access your data
ever. On the other hand, all a hacker needs is the right keys to access
your data and do with it what they will.

• The question is, what is the level of regulation required? The entire
economy of the cryptic currency is created because people do not
want to be controlled by governments or intermediaries. But is
freedom entirely beneficial to all parties?

Retrieved from

• For ordinary users, Blockchain's technology is a revolution that brings
freedom and transparency into transactions made. However, for large
institutions and companies, Blockchain's technology does not
contribute to their system efficiency.

• This is because the understanding of Blockchain's technology is still in

its early stages and many people cannot see Blockchain's advantages
other than the ledger that keeps track of everything, or a fast
transaction system.

Retrieved from

• Blockchains are having trouble effectively supporting a large number
of users on the network. Both Bitcoin and Ethereum, the leading
blockchain networks, have experienced slowed transaction speeds
and higher fees charged per transaction as a result of a substantial
increase in users.

• While this fact has led to in-depth research about how to help both
these networks, and blockchains as a whole, to scale, the
conversations around the proposals are highly varied and are likely to
take a significant amount of time.

Retrieved from

• The Bitcoin blockchain is designed to be publicly visible. All the
information pertaining to a transaction is available for anyone to view.
With the exception of privacy-centric coins, this is the same with
many of the blockchains currently in existence.

• While this feature may be important in some contexts, it becomes a

liability if distributed ledgers are to be used in sensitive environments.
For instance, private patient data should not be available for all as is
the case with proprietary business data. This is also applicable to
government data or financial data.

Retrieved from


Blockstream is a self- Ethereum is a new Augur offers a

described ‘stealth innovation in computing prediction market
bitcoin company’ built from technologies platform and “future of
and concepts originally
working on accelerating forecasting” on real
pioneered in Bitcoin.
the development of Ethereum uses many of world events
cryptocurrency, open the same systems (such as It won’t be controlled
asset and smart contact blockchain technology and by any person or entity,
technology. peer-to-peer networking) nor will it operate off of
in order to generate a any one computer
shared world computing network. All the money
platform that can flexibly in the system will be in
but securely run any
application users want to
code (shared ledgers like
Bitcoin included).

Coinbase is a secure online

Everledger is a digital, platform for buying, Ripple Labs is a San
global ledger that tracks selling, transferring, and Francisco-based company
and protects items of storing bitcoin. Our that is building commercial
value. With the mission is to create an applications and
introduction of the open financial system for infrastructure around the
‘op_return’ functionality the world and to be the Ripple protocol. Founded
into blockchain, the ability leading global brand for in September 2012, Ripple
to bind or add data into helping people convert Labs has built a distributed
the blockchain ledger was digital currency into and trustless exchange system
enabled for the purpose of out of their local currency around a consensus ledger
being able to add contract as opposed to a blockchain
or asset data to a

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