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Sequential Output

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Sequential Output Tracing

 The questions based on Input-Output are

being the easiest topic in reasoning aptitude.
 The questions based on Input-Output aims to
judge how quickly one can identify the rule
applied in the arrangement of given Input Line of
words or numbers cited as sample.
 In these type of question students are need to
find out the specific pattern in the given
arrangement and then determine the desired
output step.
 These problems are not very difficult but they
are time consuming if individual is not aware of
the short tricks.
 Students can attain expertise in this type of
questions through adequate practice.
Some Important Tricks:
 First of all, Students should monitor the given
Input Line of words or numbers carefully and the
last step of rearrangement so that they can
identify the changes appeared in various steps of
 Students should observe at least two consecutive
steps to identify the changes appeared in every
 At last compare the input, the last step and any
one of the middle Steps. It will enable to identify
the rule of arrangement quickly.
Input –Output:
These are the problems that test your
thinking skills. You will be given some input and a
machine (its working) using some examples. You
have to study this working and accordingly process
the data given to you.

In the questions related to this topic, you are

expected to be the “machine”. You would be told
what processing has to be done. You would be
given the input, your job would be give the output
in accordance to the input.
In the topic of input output there are primarily four
types of operation that can be asked in a particular
question. The four operations are as follows:

1. Ordering input according to given criteria, e.g.

alphabetically, in increasing/decreasing order etc.
2. Mathematical Manipulations on the output
which would in this case obviously be numerical. The
operations could be doubling, squaring, adding.
3. Shifting or Interchanging positions of
characters/alphabets/words etc., in the input
according to questions e.g. ‘shift 1st character to
last’ or ‘interchange 1st & last’ etc.
4. Others like making an alphabet capital, replacing
alphabet by corresponding number etc.
So, which out of these is being used can be
decided as:

 If words (of the input) do not change in the

output after an operation, the operations is
either reordering or shifting. In this case check
for rearrangement first, if it is not the operations
performed then check for shifting next.
 If words (of the input) do change in the output,
the operation is either Mathematical (if numbers
are used) or fall into category of other operations
(if alphanumeric data is used).
Example 1:

A computer rearranges a particular input using

some operations 01, 02, 03, and 04.

Input : I have long waited for your arrival.

Step 01: arrival long have waited for your I
Step 02: long arrival waited have for I your
Step 03: Your waited arrival have for I long
Step 04: Waited your have arrival for long I

If step 4 gives “I know you will not come back”

what step will have “you back I come not will
Since words remain unchanged here, so this is case of
either rearrangement or shifting. So, let us number
each word
I = 1, have = 2, long = 3, waited = 4, for = 5, your =
6, arrival = 7
Input: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Step 01: 7 3 2 4 5 6 1
Step 02: 3 7 4 2 5 1 6
Step 03: 6 4 7 2 5 1 3
Step 04: 4 6 2 7 5 3 1
So, the logic being following is as follows:-
Step 01 = Swap 1st & last; 2nd & 3rd
Step 02 = Swap 1st & 2nd, last two & 3rd and 4th
Step 03 = Swap 1st & last, 2nd & 3rd.
Step 04 = 1st & 2nd, last two, & 3rd and 4th.
Since after two steps operations again repeat and
hence you can guess the 5th, 6th, 7th steps.

Step 04: I know you will not come back

Step 05: back you know will not come I
Step 06: You back will know not I come
Step 07: Come will back know not I you
Step 08: Will come know back not you I
Step 09: I know come back not you will
Step 10: Know I back come not will you
Step 11: You back I come not will know
Hence step 11 is the answer.
Directions (Q1-Q4): Study the following information
carefully and answer the given questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an
input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a
particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of
input and rearrangement. (All the numbers are two-digit
Input: tall 48 13 rise alt 99 76 32 wise jar high 28 56 barn
Step I: 13 tall 48 rise 99 76 32 wise jar high 28 56 barn alt
Step II: 28 13 tall 48 rise 99 76 32 wise jar high 56 alt barn
Step III: 32 28 13 tall 48 rise 99 76 wise jar 56 alt barn
Step IV: 48 32 28 13 tall rise 99 76 wise 56 alt barn high jar
Step V: 56 48 32 28 13 tall 99 76 wise alt barn high jar rise
Step VI: 76 56 48 32 28 13 99 wise alt barn high jar rise tall
Step VII: 99 76 56 48 32 28 13 alt barn high jar rise tall
wise And Step VII is the last step of the above input, as the
desired arrangement is obtained.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find
output in each of the following questions the
appropriate step for the given input.

Input: 84 why sit 14 32 not best ink feet 51 27

vain 68 92 (All the numbers are two-digit
1. Which step number is the following output?

32 27 14 84 why sit not 51 vain 92 68 feet

best ink

a) Step V
b) Step VI
c) Step IV
d) Step III
e) There is no such step.

Ans: e
2. Which word/number would be at 5th position
from the right in Step V?

a) 14
b) 92
c) feet
d) best
e) why

Ans: d
3. How many elements (words or numbers) are
there between 'feet' and '32' as they appear in the
last step of the output?

a) One
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five
e) Seven

Ans: b
4. Which of the following represents the position of
‘why' in the fourth step?

a) Eighth from the left

b) Fifth from the right
c) Sixth from the left
d) Fifth from the left
e) Seventh from the left

Ans: c
Solution (For Qns 1-4):
The machine rearranges words and numbers in the following
way. Numbers are being arranged from left side with the
smallest number coming first and move subsequently so that
in the last step numbers are arranged in descending order.
The words are arranged from right side as they appear in
English alphabetical order.
Input: 84 why sit 14 32 not best ink feet 51 27 vain 68 92
Step I: 14 84 why sit 32 not ink feet 51 27 vain 68 92 best
Step II: 27 14 84 why sit 32 not ink 51 vain 68 92 best feet
Step III: 32 27 14 84 why sit not 51 vain 68 92 best feet
Step IV: 51 32 27 14 84 why sit vain 6892 best feet ink not
Step V: 68 51 32 27 14 84 why vain 92 best feet ink not sit
Step VI: 84 68 51 32 27 14 why 92 best feet ink not sit vain
Step VII: 92 68 84 51 32 27 14 best feet ink not sit vain
Directions for Q5 to Q9: Study the following
information and answer the questions below it.
A word and number arrangement machine when
given an input line of words and numbers rearranges
them following a particular rule in each step. The
following is an illustration of input and
Input : 93 come home Over 32 47 now 26
Step I : Over 93 come home 32 47 now 26
Step II : Over 26 93 come home 32 47 now
Step III : Over 26 now 93 come home 32 47
Step IV : Over 26 now 32 93 come home 47
Step V : Over 26 now 32 home 93 come 47
Step VI : Over 26 now 32 home 47 93 come
Step VII : Over 26 now 32 home 47 come 93
Step VII is the last step.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find
out in each of the following question, the
appropriate step:

5. Step 2 of an input is:

“Stay 20 90 37 begin 11 home “
Which of the following is definitely the input?

a) 209037 begin again 11 home again

b) Sky 90 37 20 begin again 11 home
c)90 20 37 begin sky again 11 home
d) Cannot be determined.

Ans: d
6. Step III of an input is :
Take 17 mind game 29 73 18 loud
How many more steps are required to complete
the sequence?

a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five

Ans: b
7. Input: by now 52 32 for 91 20 me
Which of the steps will be the last?

a) III
b) IV
c) V
d) VI

Ans: d
8. Input: fight for all 39 62 25 today 19
Which of the following will be step IV?

a) today 25 for 39 fight all 39 62

b)today 19 for 25 fight all 39 62
c) Cannot be determined
d) none of these.

Ans: b
9. Input: queen mary 79 62 17 20 green west
Which of the following step will be the last but

a) VI
b) VII
c) V
d) None of these

Ans: d
Directions for Q10 to Q15:
Study the following information to answer the
questions given below it:
An electronic device when fed with the numbers,
rearranges them in a particular order following
certain rules. The following is a step by step
process of rearrangements for given input of
Input : 85 16 36 04 19 97 63 09
Step I : 97 85 16 36 04 19 63 09
Step II : 97 85 63 16 36 04 19 09
Step III: 97 85 63 36 16 04 19 09
Step IV: 97 85 63 36 19 16 04 09
Step V : 97 85 63 36 19 16 09 04
10. Which of the following will be the step III for
the given input?
Input: 09 25 16 30 32 19 17 06

(a)32 25 09 16 30 19 17 06
(b)32 30 25 09 16 19 17 06
(c) 32 30 09 25 16 19 17 06
(d) 32 09 25 16 30 19 17 06

Ans: b
11. If the step IV is as given below, which of the
following was the input?
Step IV: 92 86 71 69 15 19 06 63 58

(a) 86 92 69 71 15 19 06 63 58
(b) 15 19 06 63 58 86 92 69 71
(c) 15 86 19 92 06 69 63 58 71
(d)cannot be determined

Ans: d
12. Which of the following will be the last step for
the given input?
Input: 03 31 43 22 11 09

a) IV
b) V
c) VII
d) Cannot be determined

Ans: b
13. Which of the following will be step V for the
given input?
Input: 25 08 35 11 88 67 23

(a)88 67 35 25 23 11 08
(b) 88 67 35 25 23 08 11
(c) 88 67 35 25 23 08 11
(d) 08 11 23 25 35 67 88

Ans: a
14. Which of the following will be the last step for
the given input?
Input: 16 09 25 27 06 05

a) I
b) II
c) III
d) IV

Ans: b
15. Which of the following will be the step II of the
given input?
Input: 82 80 79 99 22 32 50

(a) 99 82 80 79 50 32 22
(b) 99 82 80 79 50 22 32
(c) 99 82 80 79 32 22 50
(d) 99 82 80 79 22 32 50

Ans: b
Directions for questions Q18 to Q22: These questions are
based on the following information.
A word and number arrangement machine when given an
input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a
particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of
input and rearrangement (All the numbers are two digit

Input: only 93 one boy 42 is 59 taller 76 than 39 65

Step I: 65 only 93 one 42 is 59 taller 76 than 39 boy
Step II: 59 65 only 93 one 42 taller 76 than 39 boy is
Step III: 76 59 65 only 93 42 taller than 39 boy is one
Step IV: 42 76 59 65 93 taller than 39 boy is one only
Step V: 93 42 76 59 65 than 39 boy is one only taller
Step VI: 39 93 42 76 59 65 boy is one only taller than
Step VI is the last step of the above arrangement.
As per the rules followed in the steps given above,
find out in each of the following questions the
appropriate step for the given input.

Input for the questions:

“are 26 32 they for 90 made 72 each 64 other 53”
18. Which word/number would be at the fifth
position from right end in step IV?
a. made
b. 72
c. Are
d. Other
e. 90
Ans: d
19. Input for the questions:
“are 26 32 they for 90 made 72 each 64 other 53”
Which of the following would be step III?

a. 72 53 64 26 32 they 90 made other are each for

b. 72 53 26 64 32 they 90 made other are each for
c. 72 53 64 26 32 they 90 made are other each for
d. 32 72 53 64 26 they 90 other are each for made
e. None of these

Ans: a
20. Input for the questions:
“are 26 32 they for 90 made 72 each 64 other 53”
Which step number should be the following
“90 32 72 53 64 26 they are each for made other”
a. Step IV
b. Step V
c. Step VI
d. Step VII
e. There will be no such step

Ans: b
21. Input for the questions:
“are 26 32 they for 90 made 72 each 64 other 53”
Which word/number would be at the 7th position
from left end in step III?
a. 32
b. They
c. 90
d. 26
e. Other

Ans: c
22. Input for the questions:
“are 26 32 they for 90 made 72 each 64 other 53”
How many steps are required to get the final
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
e. 7

Ans: d
Directions for Q23 to Q27:
The admission ticket for an exhibition bears a password
which is changed after every clock hour based on set of
words chosen for each day. The following is an illustration of
the code and steps of rearrangement for subsequent clock
hours. The time is 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Day's first password :
First Batch --- 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
is not ready cloth simple harmony burning
Second Batch --- 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
ready not is cloth burning harmony simple
Third Batch --- 11 a.m. to 12 noon
cloth is not ready simple harmony burning
Fourth Batch --- 12 noon to 1 p.m.
not is cloth ready burning harmony simple
Fifth Batch --- 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
ready cloth is not simple harmony burning
and so on.
23. If the batch 2 of the day has the password ---
"came along net or else key lot", what would be
the password for batch 4 (i.e. 12 noon to 1 p.m.) ?

A. net or came along else key lot

B. came or net along lot key else
C. or net along came lot key else
D. along net or came else key lot

Ans: D
24. If the password for 11 a.m. to 12 noon was --
- "soap shy miss pen yet the she", what was the
password for the first batch ?

A. pen miss shy soap she the yet

B. shy miss pen soap yet the she
C. soap pen miss shy she the yet
D. miss shy soap pen she the yet

Ans: B
25. If the password for the first batch was --- "rate
go long top we let have", which batch will have the
password --- "go rate top long have let we" ?

A. Second
B. Third
C. Fourth
D. Fifth

Ans: C
26. Day's first password --- "camel road no toy say
me not".
What will be the password for fourth batch i.e. 12
noon to 1 p.m. ?
Option :

A. road camel toy no not me say

B. no road camel toy not me say
C. toy no road camel not me say
D. D. toy camel road no say me not

Ans: A
27. f the password for 6th batch i.e. 2 p.m. to 3
p.m. is --- "are trap cut he but say lap", what will
be the password for 2nd batch i.e. 10-11 a.m. ?

A. trap are he cut lap say but

B. he cut trap are lap say but
C. cut he are trap but say lap
D. are he cut trap lap say but

Ans: C

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