An Investment Banking Is A Financial Institution That Raises Capital, Trades Securities and Manages Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions
An Investment Banking Is A Financial Institution That Raises Capital, Trades Securities and Manages Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions
An Investment Banking Is A Financial Institution That Raises Capital, Trades Securities and Manages Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions
whe Banking act 1933 was a law that established the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the United States and
introduced banking reforms, some of which were designed to
control speculation It is most commonly known as the Glass²
Steagall Act, after its legislative sponsors, Carter Glass and Henry
B. Steagall.
Credit Suisse
Deutsche Bank
Goldman Sachs
Morgan Stanley
ABN Amro
ING Group
KBC Bank
Standard Bank
m m m
origin of investment banking in India can be traced
back to the 19th century when European merchant banks
set-up their agency houses in the country to assist in the
setting of new projects.
In the early 20th century, large business houses followed
suit by establishing managing agencies which acted as
issue house for securities, promoters for new projects and
also provided finance to Greenfield ventures.
A few small brokers also started rendering Merchant
banking services, but theirs was limited due to their small
capital base.
It was soon followed by Citibank, which started rendering
these services.
whe banking committee, in its report in 1972, took note of
this with concern and recommended setting up of merchant
banking institutions by commercial banks and financial
State bank of India ventured into this business by starting a
merchant banking bureau in 1972.
In 1967, ANZ Grindlays bank set - up a separate merchant
banking division to handle new capital issues.
By 1980, the number of merchant banks rose to 33 and
was set-up by commercial banks, financial institutions and
private sector.
JM finance was set-up by Mr. Nimesh Kampani as an
exclusive merchant bank in 1973.
In 1972, ICICI became the first financial institution to offer
merchant banking services.
Activities of investment banking
wrading of Securities
Merchant Banking
Securitization of Assets
Money Management
and how much) and timing of the
IBs may act as a dealer later, giving the issue extra liquidity.
Investors are more willing to buy the issue if they know there will
be a market later.
$ 5 - 10 1.5 - 4.0%
10 - 15 1.0 - 3.0%
25 - 50 0.7 - 2.0%
vertical merger
horizontal merger
and nonprice terms of an
exchange or help target firms fend off an
unfriendly takeover attempt.
Example: Citibank and Cheung Kong Holding's
Mortgage-backed securities.
Revenue from securitization:
whe underwriting of an issue
Price difference
whe United States was the primary source of investment
banking income in 2007, with 53% of the total, a proportion
which has fallen somewhat during the past decade. Europe
(with Middle East and Africa) generated 32% of the total,
slightly up on its 30% share a decade ago. Asian countries
generated the remaining 15%.