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Forensic Asignment

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• Submitted to: Prof. Murad Zafar Marri.

• By Class of 2021:
Umar Farooq Abro (Mc/2021/097)
Syed Yousuf Iqbal (Mc/2021/093)
Umar Shabbir (Mc/2021/098)
Syed Danish Rizwan (Mc/2020/083)

Definition: This refers to the act of sexual intercourse with another person or an animal to
obtain sexual gratification.
• Types of sexual offences:
 Natural
I. Rape
II. Incest
III. Adultery
 Un natural
I. Sodomy
II. Buccal coitus
III. Bestiality
IV. tribadism
Natural offence
 Definition: It includes those offences which are committed in order of nature.

• Rape
 A man is said to commit rape if he has sexual intercourse with a woman
1. Against her will
2. Without her consent
3. With her consent, when her consent has been obtained by putting her or any person
whom she is interested in fear or death or hurt
4. With her consent, when at the time of giving such consent, by reason of intoxication of
mind or unsoundness or the administration of any stupefying substances, se is unable to
understand the consequences of that to which she gives consent.
5. With or without her consent when she is under 16 years of age.
• Incest
 It refers to the sexual intercourse between close blood relations between whom
marriage is prohibited
Example: Father, brother, and uncle etc. Of women.

• Adultery
 Adultery is defined as voluntary (natural) sexual intercourse between
I. A married man and someone other than his wife, or between
II. A married women and someone other than her husband or,
III. Is voluntary natural sexual intercourse between a married person and another
who is not one’s legally wedded spouse.
It refers to the carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any
man, woman or animal.
Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature
with any man , woman or animal shall be punished with
imprisonment for life or with imprisonment of either description for
a term which may extend to ten years and shall be liable to fine.

They include:
• Sodomy
• Buccal coitus
• Tribadism
• Bestiality
 It is the sexual connection between two males and unnatural connection between male and
• HOMOSEXUAL SODOMY: It refers to penile-anal intercourse between two males .
• HETEROSEXUAL SODOMY: it refers to penile anal intercourse between male and female.
 PAEDERASTY: sodomy , if the passive agent is a young boy.
 ACTIVE AGENT: active agent is one who performs the act.
 PASSIVE AGENT: one on whom the act is performed . It is also known as catamite.
 EUNUCHS: these are male prostitutes who earn there living by passive pederasty. Among them are
two groups:
 HIJRAHS: eunuchs who are castrated . Being castrated before puberty , they develop female
characteristic on account of the loss of influence of the male hormone .
 ZENANAS: eunuchs who have intact genitals.
 LESBIANISM: it is the physical expression of female homosexuality.
2. Buccal coitus refers to the intercourse through the mouth. It is usually practiced by
adult male on children
o Bucal-penile intercourse is called FELLATIO
o Buccal-vaginal stimulation is called CUNNILINGUS.

3. Tribadism
• It refers to gratification of sexual desire of woman by another woman.
It is indulged in by woman who have repulsion for men or who suffer from nymphomania.
(perverted uncontrolled sexual desire)
4. Bestiality
It refers to the sexual intercourse by a human being with a lower animal, either by anus or
by vagina.
 Animal used:
I. A sheep
II. Cats and dogs by females
•Honour killing is known locally as karo-
kari (Urdu: ‫ کاروکاری‬.]2[)Pakistan has the highest volume of documented and
estimated honour killings per capita of any country in the world; about one-
fifth of the world's honour killings are performed in Pakistan (1000 out of the
5000 total). An honour killing is the homicide of a member of a family or
social group by other members, due to the belief the victim has
brought dishonor upon the family or community. The death of the victim is
viewed as a way to restore the reputation and honour of the family.
It is likely that honour killing has been a practice in Pakistan for thousands of
years, and, despite recent legal reforms, it remains a common practice in
Pakistan today. Both international and Pakistani activists and activist groups
are pushing for an end to the practice, although some say that change will
not truly happen unless the general public chooses to condemn the practice.
• Honour killing is an act of murder, in which a person is killed for his or her actual or
perceived immoral behavior. Such "immoral behavior" may take the form of
alleged marital infidelity, refusal to submit to an arranged marriage, demanding a
divorce, perceived flirtatious behaviour and being raped. Suspicion and
accusations alone are many times enough to defile a family's honour and therefore
enough to warrant the killing of the woman.
• In patriarchal cultures, women's lives are structured through a strict maintenance
of an honour code. In order to preserve woman's chastity, women must abide by
socially restrictive cultural practices pertaining to women's status and family izzat,
or honour, such as the practice of purdah, the segregation of sexes. Honour killings
are frequently more complex than the stated excuses of the perpetrators. More
often than not, the murder relates to inheritance problems, feud-settling, or to get
rid of the wife, for instance in order to remarry. Human rights agencies in Pakistan
have repeatedly emphasized that victims were often women wanting to marry of
their own will. In such cases, the victims held properties that the male members of
their families did not wish to lose if the woman chose to marry outside the family.
• A 1999 Amnesty International report drew specific attention to "the failure of the
authorities to prevent these killings by investigating and punishing the
perpetrators. According to women's rights advocates, the concepts of women as
property and honour are so deeply entrenched in the social, political and
economic fabric of Pakistan that the government, for the most part, ignores the
daily occurrences of women being killed and maimed by their families. The fact
that much of Pakistan's Tribal Areas are semi-autonomous and governed by often
fundamentalist leaders makes federal enforcement difficult when attempted
Sexual Crime in pakistan
Pakistan is among those countries where 70% women and girls experience physical or
sexual violence in their lifetime by their intimate partners and 93% women experience
some form of sexual violence in public places in their lifetime. Only 10% cases of
violence are being reported in Sindh and Punjab in media with even less reporting from
Balochistan and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.
7,561 cases were reported from Sindh and the least number of cases, 306, were reported
from Balochistan. Unrest, targeted killing of the legal fraternity, weak law enforcement,
absence of rule of law and overall social, cultural and religious barriers stop people in
Pakistan, especially women and girls, to come forward and report violence perpetrated
against them.
Reported in 2016: 118 cases of child marriage, 162 of cybercrime, 14 of child abuse,
2,092 of domestic violence, 14 of forced marriage, 562 of harassment, 12 of karo-kari,
2,251 of missing children, 213 of missing women, 792 of mental torture, 5 of rape, 6 of
sodomy, 10 of sexual harassment, 7 of sexual abuse and 5 cases of trafficking.
Most of the violent crimes committed against women are strictly prohibited by laws in
Pakistan such as child marriage, sexual violence, domestic violence, karo-kari,
kidnapping and harassment, laws are however, not being implemented and there is a
lack of awareness on addressing the complaints through a proper channel.

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