Basic English Math
Basic English Math
Basic English Math
By Group One
Dwi Yuliah Nengseh 15 0204 0002
Hartati 15 0204 0004
Thank you for coming today!
Solid shapes such as cubes, cuboids, pyramids, etc all onsist of points, lines, and
planes, which are the principal elements of space.
Opening Closing
Line Kinds Of Line Line Sample
A point is drawn (shown) by means of a dot and is
labeled with a capital letter, for example: point A, point B, point C,
point P, point Q, etc.
A line is a set (collection) of points. A line
has an infinite length, or does not have any limit to
either side (right and left), and so we only draw a
segment of it as its representation. A line is labeled
with a lower case letter, such as line g, line h, line k,
line l,etc.
Understanding lines according to Graphic
Lexicon (researchers) is a thin two-dimensional
object lengthwise. While Lillian Gareth (researcher)
defines the line as a set of points that when dragged
then the dimension of its length will look prominent
and the figure is called the line.
So it can be concluded that the line is a collection of
dots that are infinitely numerous, with the distance
between the points very close.
The formation of lines is the movement of a
point that traces the trace so as to form a scratch. To
cause scars, use pencils, pens, brushes and others.
For the art of line has a fundamental function, so it is
likened to the heart of fine arts. Lines are often called
contours, a word that is vague and rarely used.
Kinds of Line
Cross line
Line parallel
Types of Lines Parallel Lines Two lines are said to be
1 parallel when the two lines are located on a single plane
that will not intersect even if it is extended indefinitely.
4 Crossed lines Two lines are said to cross, if they are
not parallel and do not intersect.
Lines squeeze Two lines on a plane are said to Horizontal line A line is said to be a horizontal line if the
2 coincide if and only if they have at least two cut points
(two points of partnership).
5 line is horizontal. The horizontal sense is the horizon
parallel (the lower sky that borders the earth according to
the eye view),
Curve line
8 The curved line Line connecting two points and points in a straight
Zigzag line
Squared Line
Arrow Line
Vertikel Line
Horizontal Line
Parallel Line
Cross Line
Intersect Line
Swimming Pool
A line is
a set
About Line (collectio
n) of
Paralel, Squared,
Intersect, Cross,
Vertikel, Horizontal,
Curve, and Zigzag Line
- Albert Einstein
That’s all. Thank you!
Any Questions?