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Types of Texts

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A stretch of language, either in speech or in writing,

that is semantically and pragmatically coherent in its

real-world context. A text can range from just
one word (e.g. a SLOW sign on the road) to a
sequence of sentences in a speech, a letter, a novel,
(Ronald Carter and Michael McCarthy, Cambridge Grammar of English.
Cambridge University Press, 2006)

• Notice: Texts can also be visual (e.g. a picture, a

video, a graphic, etc.)
Text types

Literary Factual

Real and probable

Made up for about facts and
entertainment and opinions
Factual texts
Type Purpose Characteristic Example
Report To classify, describe • Begins with a general classification • Reference
and or definition book
give factual • Lists a sequence of related • Documentary
information information about the topic. • Guidebook,
about people, • Ends with a concluding comment. • Experimental
animals, things or report
Description To describe the • Begins with an introduction to the Observations
essay characteristics or of subject of the description Essays
a thing or a • Lists the characteristics of
phenomenon the subject, e.g. physical appearance,
qualities, behaviour, significant
Recount To retell events • Begins with an background Journal, diary,
which have already information who, when, where newspaper
happened in time • Describes the series of events in time article, historical
order order. recount, letter,
• May end with a personal comment Timeline.
Type Purpose Characteristics Example
Explanation To explain how • Starts by naming the topic Scientific
Essay or why • Describes items related to the topic in their right writing (reports,
something order research,
occurs • Explains how the items relate to each other and essay)
to the topic
• May include visual images, eg. Flow charts and
diagrams, which support what is written in words
• It is written in the present tense

Procedure To give • Begins with a statement of goal (could be the title) • Recipe
instructions • Lists materials needed in order of use • Instructions
on how to • Gives a series of steps (instructions) in order • Manual
• Each instruction begins with a verb in the present
make or do
Expository • To give reasons • Begins with a sentence that gives a point of • Advertisement
Essay for a point of view on a topic (thesis) • Lecture
view • Lists the arguments giving reasons and evidence • Essay
• To try to • Speech
for them
convince others • Newspaper or
about an issue • Uses convincing language eg ‘will damage’ magazine
instead of ‘may damage’ article
Type Purpose Characteristics Example
Discussion To examine issues from • Begins with some • Academic essay.
essay more different points of background information • Debate
view in order to make an leading to the issue. • Conversation.
Informed decision. • Lists arguments for and
against, giving evidence
or different points of view.
• Gives a conclusion that
summarizes both sides or
recommend one point of
Type Purpose Characteristic Example
Narrative • To entertain, • The scene is set in a time and place Picture books,
• amuse or instruct. and cartoons, mystery, fantasy,
• To tell a story • Characters are introduced adventure, science fiction,
using a series of • It usually has a problem that is historical fiction, fairy tales,
events and addressed and resolved. myths, legends, fables,
descriptions • May contain a message for the Plays, novels, short story, film.
Poetry To express feeling •Each poem has a series of steps • Sonnet
and reflections or moves. • Lyric verse
on experience, •May be structures in stanza or verses. • Song
people and events. •May take free-verse form • Jingle
•A range of devices are used to shape • Epic ballad
a poem.
•Features some sort of rhythm.
Type Purpose Characteristic Example
Review To summarize, • It describes how features (eg Commentary on a
analyses and characters, plot, language film, play, book, etc.
assess the features, humour, etc) may or
appeal of a novel, may not appeal
play or film, to
a broader
Genre Type of writing Characteristic
Academic Scientific/empirical article, academic • It is objective.
(Scientific, essay, reading report, research paper, • It is commonly written in thirtd
empirial, et.c)
thesis, research project, journal person (it).
interview, monograph, conceptual
map, questionnaire, flow chart.

Advertising Invitation, billboard, brochure. • It tries to catch people’s

• It informs about a
• It aims at influencing the
Journalistic Opinion article, news cable, critic, • It aims at giving information
chronicle, journal interview, news about an issue
report, news story. • It tries to catch people’s
Genre Type of writing Characteristic
Literary Biography, story tale, novel, literary • It expresses the, beliefs,
essay, personal diary, monologue, feelings, perceptions and iseas
poetry, play, comic strip. of the writer’s world.
• It aims at attracting peoples

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