2. Artificial Ecosystems
It is also known as human engineered Ecosystems. These are not
self- regulated ecosystems. These ecosystems depend on human
interventions to meet their energy requirements e.g paddy field
ecosystem ,plantation crops ecosystems etc.
1. The components of Ecosystem are Biotic
and Abiotic
Biotic – All living members , microbes, plants
and animals.
Abiotic components include different media
such as soil, wter, minerals, sunlight,
atmospheric, gases etc.
The biotic components are classified into “Autotrophs”
(producers and Heterotrophs (Consumers)
The consumers are classified into macro-consumers i.e
herbivores, carnivores, omnivores
Micro consumers i.e Saprotrops or decomposers.
Abiotic further classified into physical and chemical
1. Soils are much more complex than simple sediments. They
contain a mixture of weathered rock fragments, highly altered
soil mineral particles, organic matter, and living organisms.
Soils provide nutrients, water, a home, and a structural
growing medium for organisms. The vegetation found
growing on top of a soil is closely linked to this component of
an ecosystem through nutrient cycling