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Commercial RO System Dubai

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Commercial RO System dubai

 Water purifier dubai

 RO system dubai
ENVR 890
Mark D. Sobsey
Spring, 2007
Water Sources and Water Treatment
• Drinking water should be essentially free of disease-causing microbes,
but often this is not the case.
– A large proportion of the world’s population drinks microbially contaminated water,
especially in developing countries
• Using the best possible source of water for potable water supply and
protecting it from microbial and chemical contamination is the goal
– In many places an adequate supply of pristine water or water that can be protected
from contamination is not available
• The burden of providing microbially safe drinking water supplies from
contaminated natural waters rests upon water treatment processes
– The efficiency of removal or inactivation of enteric microbes and other pathogenic
microbes in specific water treatment processes has been determined for some
microbes but not others.
– The ability of water treatment processes and systems to reduce waterborne
disease has been determined in epidemiological studies
Summary of Mainline Water Treatment Processes
 Storage
 Disinfection
 Physical: UV radiation, heat, membrane filters
 Chemical: Chlorine, ozone, chlorine dioxide, iodine, other
antimicrobial chemicals
 Filtration
 Rapid granular media
 Slow sand and other biological filters
 Membrane filters: micro-, ultra-, nano- and reverse osmosis
 Other physical-chemical removal processes
 Chemical coagulation, precipitation and complexation
 Adsorption: e.g., activated carbon, bone char, etc,
 Ion exchange: synthetic ion exchange resins, zeolites, etc.
Water Treatment Processes: Storage
Reservoirs, aquifers & other systems:
 store water
 protect it from contamination
 Factors influencing microbe reductions (site-specific)
 detention time
 temperature
 microbial activity
 water quality: particulates, dissolved solids, salinity
 sunlight
 sedimentation
 land use
 precipitation
 runoff or infiltration
Water Storage and Microbial Reductions
 Microbe levels reduced over time by natural
antimicrobial processes and microbial death/die-off
 Human enteric viruses in surface water reduced 400-
1,000-fold when stored 6-7 months (The Netherlands)
 Indicator bacteria reductions were less extensive,
probably due to recontamination by waterfowl.
 Protozoan cyst reductions (log10) by storage were 1.6 for
Cryptosporidium and 1.9 for Giardia after about 5
months (The Netherlands; G.J Medema, Ph.D. diss.)
 Recent ICR data indicates lower protozoan levels in
reservoir or lake sources than in river sources; suggests
declines in Giardia & Cryptosporidium by storage
Typical Surface Water Treatment Plant
Chemical Coagulation-Flocculation
Removes suspended particulate and colloidal substances
from water, including microorganisms.
Coagulation: colloidal destabilization
 Typically, add alum (aluminum sulfate) or ferric chloride
or sulfate to the water with rapid mixing and controlled
pH conditions
 Insoluble aluminum or ferric hydroxide and aluminum or
iron hydroxo complexes form
 These complexes entrap and adsorb suspended
particulate and colloidal material.
Coagulation-Flocculation, Continued
 Slow mixing (flocculation) that provides for for a period
of time to promote the aggregation and growth of the
insoluble particles (flocs).
 The particles collide, stick together abd grow larger
 The resulting large floc particles are subsequently
removed by gravity sedimentation (or direct filtration)
 Smaller floc particles are too small to settle and are
removed by filtration
Microbe Reductions by Chemical Coagulation-Flocculation
 Considerable reductions of enteric microbe concentrations.
 Reductions In laboratory and pilot scale field studies:
 >99 percent using alum or ferric salts as coagulants
 Some studies report much lower removal efficiencies (<90%)
 Conflicting information may be related to process control
 coagulant concentration, pH and mixing speed during flocculation.
 Expected microbe reductions bof 90-99%, if critical process
variables are adequately controlled
 No microbe inactivation by alum or iron coagulation
 Infectious microbes remain in the chemical floc
 The floc removed by settling and/or filtration must be properly
managed to prevent pathogen exposure.
 Recycling back through the plant is undesirable
 Filter backwash must be disinfected/disposed of properly.
Cryptosporidium Removals by Coagulation
(Jar Test Studies)

Coagulant Dose Oocyst Removal, % (log10)


Alum 5 99.8 (2.7)

1 87 (0.9)

Iron 6 99.5 (2.3)

5 97 (1.5)
Water Softening and Microbe Reductions
 ”Hard" Water: contains excessive amounts of calcium
and magnesium ions
 iron and manganese can also contribute to hardness.
 Hardness ions are removed by adding lime (CaO) and
sometimes soda ash (Na2CO3) to precipitate them as
carbonates, hydroxides and oxides.
 This process, called softening, is basically a type of
coagulation-flocculation process.
 Microbe reductions similar to alum and iron
coagulation when pH is <10
 Microbe reductions >99.99% possible when pH is >11
 microbial inactivation + physical removal
Microbial Reductions by Softening Treatment
 Softening with lime only (straight lime softening); moderate
high pH
 ineffective enteric microbe reductions: about 75%.
 Lime-soda ash softening
 results in the removal of magnesium as well as calcium hardness
at higher pH levels (pH >11)
 enteric microbe reductions >99%.
 Lime-soda ash softening at pH 10.4, 10.8 and 11.2 has produced
virus reductions of 99.6, 99.9 and 99.993 percent, respectively.
 At lower pH levels (pH <11), microbe removal is mainly a
physical process
 infectious microbes accumulate in the floc particles and the
resulting chemical sludge.
 At pH levels above 11, enteric microbes are physically
removed and infectivity is also destroyed
 more rapid and extensive microbe inactivation at higher pH
Granular Media Filtration
 Used to remove suspended particles (turbidity) incl. microbes.
 Historically, two types of granular media filters:
 Slow sand filters: uniform bed of sand;
 low flow rate <0.1 GPM/ft2
 biological process: 1-2 cm “slime” layer (schmutzdecke)
 Rapid sand filters: 1, 2 or 3 layers of sand/other media;
 >1 GPM/ft2
 physical-chemical process; depth filtration
 Diatomaceous earth filters
 fossilized skeletons of diatoms (crystalline silicate);
powdery deposit; few 10s of micrometers; porous
Slow Sand Filters
 Less widely used for large US municipal water supplies
 Effective; widely used in Europe; small water supplies;
developing countries
 Filter through a 3- to 5-foot deep bed of unstratified sand
 flow rate ~0.05 gallons per minute per square foot.
 Biological growth develops in the upper surface of the sand is
primarily responsible for particle and microbe removal.
 Effective without pretreatment of the water by
 Periodically clean by removing, cleaning and replacing the
upper few inches of biologically active sand
Microbial Reductions by Slow Sand Filtration
 Effective in removing enteric microbes from water.
 Virus removals >99% in lab models of slow sand filters.
 Up to 4 log10; no infectious viruses recovered from filter effluents
 Field studies:
 naturally occurring enteric viruses removals
 97 to >99.8 percent; average 98% overall;
 Comparable removals of E. coli bacteria.
 Virus removals=99-99.9%;
 high bacteria removals (UK study)
 Parasite removals: Giardia lamblia cysts effectively removed
 Expected removals ~ 99%
Rapid Granular Media Filter Operation

Sometimes multiple
layers of different media
Roughing Filter
•Used in developing
•low maintenance
•local materials
•Remove large solids
•Remove microbes
•1-2 log10 bacterial
•90% turbidity
Microbe Reductions by Rapid Granular Media Filters
 Ineffective to remove enteric microbes unless preceded by
chemical coagulation-flocculation.
 Preceded chemical coagulation-flocculation & sedimentation
 Enteric microbe removals of 90->99 % achieved.
 Field (pilot) studies: rapid sand filtration preceded by iron
coagulation-flocculation: virus removal <50% (poor control?).
 Giardia lamblia: removals not always high; related to turbidity
removal; >99% removals reported when optimized.
 Removal not high unless turbidity is reduced to ~0.2 NTU.
 Lowest removals shortly after filter backwashing
 Microbes primarily removed in filter by entrapped floc
 Overall, can achieve 90% microbial removals from water
when preceded by chemical coagulation-flocculation.
Microbe Reductions by Chemical Coagulation-Flocculation and Filtration
of River Water by Three Rx Plants in The Netherlands

Organisms Plant 1 Plant 2 Plant 3

Log10 Reductions of Microbes
Enteric 1.0 1.7 >2
F+ 0.4 1.7 No data
Fecal 0.2 2.0 >2
Fecal 0.6 2.1 >2
Clostridium 0.6 2.1 >2
Plant 1 used two stages of iron coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation.
Plant 2 used iron coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation and rapid filtration
Plant 3 used iron coagulation-flotation-rapid filtration.
Cryptosporidium Removals by Sand

Type Rate (M/hr) Coagulation % (log10)

Rapid, shallow 5 No 65 (0.5)

Rapid, shallow 5 Yes 90 (1.0)

Rapid, deep 6 Yes 99.999 (5.0)

Slow 0.2 No 99.8 (2.7)
Cryptosporidium Removal by Coagulation and Direct Filtration

Log10 Reduction of
Run No. Cryptosporidium Turbidity

1 3.1 1.3
2 2.8 1.2
3 2.7 0.7
4 1.5 0.2*

Mean 2.5 0.85

Raw water turbidity = 0.0 - 5.0 NTU
Alum coagulation-flocculation;
Anthracite-sand-sand filtration; 5 GPM/ft2
*Suboptimum alum dose
Ongerth & Pecoraro. JAWWA, Dec., 1995
Reported Removals of Cryptosporidium
Oocysts by Physical-Chemical Water
Treatment Processes (Bench, Pilot and
Field Studies)
Process Log10 Reduction

Clarification by:
Coagulation flocculation-sedimentation
<1 - 2.6
or Flotation
Rapid Filtration (pre-coagulated) 1.5 - >4.0
Both Processes <2.5 - >6.6
Slow Sand Filtration >3.7
Diatomaceous Earth Filtration >4.0
Coagulation + Microfiltration >6.0
Ultrafiltration >6.0
Cryptosporidium Reductions by Coagulation and

Laboratory studies on oocyst removal:

- Jar test coagulation with 1 hr. setting =

2.0 - 2.7 log10
- Sand filtration, no coagulant, 10 cm bed
depth = 0.45 log10
- Sand filtration, plus coagulation, 10 cm bed
depth = 1.0 log10

Gregory et al., 1991. Final Report. Dept. of the Environ., UK
Membrane Filters

 More recent development and use in drinking water

 Microfilters: several tenths of μM to μM diameter pore size
 nano- & ultra-filters: retention by molecular weight cutoff
 Typically 1,000-100,000 MWCO
 Reverse osmosis filters: pore size small enough to remove
dissolved salts; used to desalinate (desalt) water as well as
particle removal
 High >99.99% removal of cellular microbes
 Virus removals high >9.99% in ultra-, nano- and RO filters
 Virus removals lower (~99%) by microfilters
 Membrane and membrane seal integrity critical to effective
Cryptosporidium Reductions by Membrane Filtration
Membrane, Pore Size Cryptosporidium
Type Reduction
A, MF 0.2 µm >4.4
B, MF 0.2 µm >4.4
C, MF 0.1 µm 4.2->4.8
D, UF 500 KD >4.8
E, UF 300 KD >4.8
F, UF 100 KD >4.4

MF = microfilter filter; UF = ultrafilter

Jacangelo et al., JAWWA, Sept.,
Adsorbers and Filter-Adsorbers
 Granular activated carbon adsorption
 remove dissolved organics
 poor retention of pathogens, esp. viruses
 biologically active; develops a biofilm
 can shed microbes into water
 Sand plus granular activated carbon
 reduces particles and organics
 biologically active
 microbial retention is possible
 Any process to destroy or prevent the growth of microbes
 Intended to inactivate (destroy the infectivity of) the microbes
by physical, chemical or biological processes
 Inactivation is achieved by altering or destroying essential
structures or functions within the microbe
 Inactivation processes include denaturation of:
 proteins (structural proteins, enzymes, transport proteins)
 nucleic acids (genomic DNA or RNA, mRNA, tRNA, etc)
 lipids (lipid bilayer membranes, other lipids)
Properties of an Ideal Disinfectant
Broad spectrum: active against all microbes
Fast acting: produces rapid inactivation
Effective in the presence of organic matter, suspended
solids and other matrix or sample constituents
Nontoxic; soluble; non-flammable; non-explosive
Compatible with various materials/surfaces
Stable or persistent for the intended exposure period
Provides a residual (sometimes this is undesirable)
Easy to generate and apply

Log Survivors


Contact Time

Disinfection Kinetics
 Disinfection is a kinetic process
 Increased inactivation with increased exposure or contact time.
 Chick's Law: disinfection is a first-order reaction. (NOT!)
 Multihit-hit or concave up kinetics: initial slow rate; multiple targets to be
 Concave down or retardant kinetics: initial fast rate; decreases over time
 Different susceptibilities of microbes to inactivation; heterogeneous
 Decline of of disinfectant concentration over time
 CT Concept: Disinfection can be expressed at the product of disinfectant
concentration X contact time
 Applies best when disinfection kinetics are first order
 Disinfectant concentration and contact time have an equal effect on CT
 Applies less well when either time ofrconcentration is more important.
Disinfectants in Water Treatment
• Free Chlorine
• Monochloramine
• Ozone
• Chlorine Dioxide
• UV Light
• Low pressure mercury lamp (monochromatic)
• Medium pressure mercury lamp (polychromatic)
• Pulsed broadband radiation
• Boiling
• At household level in many countries and for
emergencies in other countries (USA)
• Iodine
• Short-term use; long-term use a health concern
Summary Properties of Water Disinfectants
 Free chlorine: HOCl (hypochlorous) acid and OCl- (hypochlorite ion)
 HOCl at low and pH OCl- at highpH; HOCl more potent germicide than OCl-
 strong oxidant; relatively stable in water (provides a disinfectant residual)
 Chloramines: mostly NH2Cl: weak oxidant; provides a stable residual
 ozone, O3: strong oxidant; provides no residual (too volatile, reactive)
 Chlorine dioxide, ClO2,: strong oxidant; unstable (dissolved gas)
 Concerns due to health risks of chemical disinfectants and their
by-products (DBPs), especially free chlorine and its DBPs
 UV radiation
 low pressure mercury lamp: low intensity; monochromatic at 254 nm
 medium pressure mercury lamp: higher intensity; polychromatic 220-280 nm)
 reacts primarily with nucleic acids: pyrimidine dimers and other alterations
 Boiling: efficient kill; no residual protection; fuel/environmental costs
Disinfection of Microbes in Water: Conventional Methods
used in the Developed World

 Historically, the essential barrier to prevention and control of waterborne

microbial transmission and waterborne disease.
 Free chlorine: HOCl (hypochlorous) acid and OCl- (hypochlorite ion)
 HOCl at lower pH and OCl- at higher pH; HOCl a more potent germicide than OCl-
 strong oxidant and relatively stable in water (provides a disinfectant residual)
 Chloramines: mostly NH3Cl: weak oxidant; provides a stable residual
 ozone, O3 , strong oxidant; provides no residual (too volatile and
 Chlorine dioxide, ClO2,, string oxidant but not very stable residual
 Concerns due to health risks of chemical disinfectants and their
by-products (DBPs), especially free chlorine and its DBPs
 UV radiation
 low pressure mercury lamp: low intensity; monochromatic at 254 nm
 medium pressure mercury lamp: higher intensity; polychromatic 220-280 nm)
 reacts primarily with nucleic acids: pyrimidine dimers and other alterations
Factors Influencing Disinfection Efficacy and
Microbial Inactivation
Microbe type: Resistance to chemical disinfectants:
 Vegetative bacteria: Salmonella, coliforms, etc.: low
 Enteric viruses: coliphages, HAV, Noroviruses: Moderate
 Bacterial Spores
 Fungal Spores
 Protozoan (oo)cysts, spores, helminth ova, etc.
 Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts High
 Giardia lamblia cysts

 Ascaris lumbricoides ova

 Acid-fast bacteria: Mycobacterium spp. Most
Factors Influencing Disinfection Efficacy
and Microbial Inactivation (Continued)
Type of Disinfectant and Mode of Action
Free chlorine: strong oxidant; oxidizes various protein sulfhydryl
groups; alters membrane permeability; also,
oxidize/denature nucleic acid components, etc.
Ozone: strong oxidant; ditto free chlorine
Chlorine dioxide: strong oxidant; ditto free chlorine
Electrochemically generated mixed oxidants:
strong oxidant; probably ditto free chlorine
Combined chlorine/chloramines: weak oxidant;
denatures sulfhydryl groups of proteins
Ultraviolet radiation: nucleic acid damage:
thymidine dimer formation, strand breaks, etc.
Factors Influencing Disinfection Efficacy
and Microbial Inactivation, Continued
Microbial strain differences and microbial selection:
 Disinfectant exposure may select for resistant strains
Physical protection:
 Aggregation
 particle-association
 protection within membranes and other solids
Chemical factors:
 pH
 Salts and ions
 Soluble organic matter
 Other chemical (depends on the disinfectant)
Some Factors Influencing Disinfection Efficacy
and Microbial Inactivation - Bacteria
 Surface properties conferring susceptibility or resistance:
 Resistance: Spore; acid fast (cell wall lipids); capsule; pili
 Susceptibility: sulfhydryl (-SH) groups; phospholipids; enzymes;
porins and other transport structures, etc.
 Physiological state and resistance:
 Antecedent growth conditions: low-nutrient growth increases
resistance to inactivation
 Injury; resuscitation and injury repair;
 disinfectant exposure may selection for resistant strains
 Physical protection:
 Aggregation; particle-association; biofilms; occlusion (embedded
within protective material), association with or inside eucaryotes;
Some Factors Influencing Disinfection
Efficacy and Inactivation - Viruses
Virus type, structure and composition:
 Envelope (lipids): typically labile to disinfectants
 Capsid structures and capsid proteins (change in
conformation state)
 Nucleic acids: genomic DNA, RNA; # strands
 Glycoproteins: often on virus outer surface; typically labile
to disinfectants
Physical state of the virus(es):
 Aggregated
 Particle-associated
 Embedded within other materia (within membranes)
Factors Influencing Disinfection Efficacy and
Microbial Inactivation - Parasites
Parasite type, structure and composition:
Protozoan cysts, oocysts and spores
Some are very resistant to chemical disinfectants
Helminth ova: some are very resistant to chemical
disinfection, drying and heat.
 Strain differences and selection:
Disinfectant exposure may select for resistant strains
 Physical protection:
Aggregation; particle-association; protection within other
Factors Influencing Disinfection Efficacy and
Microbial Inactivation - Water Quality
 Particulates: protect microbes from inactivation;
consume disinfectant
 Dissolved organics: protect microbes from inactivation; consumes or
absorbs (for UV radiation) disinfectant; Coat microbe (deposit on
 pH: influences microbe inactivation by some agents
 free chlorine more effective at low pH where HOCl predominates
 neutral HOCl species more easily reaches microbe surface and
 negative charged OCl- has a harder time reaching negatively charged
microbe surface
 chlorine dioxide is more effective at high pH
 Inorganic compounds and ions: influences microbe inactivation by
some disinfectants; depends on disinfectant
Factors Influencing Disinfection Efficacy and Microbial
Inactivation - Reactor Design, Mixing & Hydraulic
Disinfection kinetics are better in plug-flow (pipe) reactors
than in batch (back-mixed) reactors

Disinfectant Disinfectant


Plug-flow or Pipe Reactor

Batch or Back-mixed Reactor

Disinfection Kinetics: Chick’s Law
First-Order or Exponential Kinetics
Chick's law:
Assumes: - dN/dT = kN
 all organisms are where:
identical N = number (concentration) of
 death organisms
(inactivation) T = time
results from a ln Nt/No = -kT
first-order or where No = initial number of organisms
“single-hit” or Nt = number of organisms remaining at
exponential time = T
reaction. No = initial number of organisms (T = 0)
N/No = e-kT
Log Survivors


Contact Time (arithmetic scale)

Microbial Inactivation Kinetics

First-order or exponential kinetics assumed

 Chick’s Law and Chick-Watson Model
 Assumption is often not met in practice
 CT concept wrongly assumes 1st-order kinetics always occur

Departures from 1st-order kinetics are common

 Retardant curves: “persistent fraction”; mixed populations;
 Declining rate: decline in disinfectant concentration over time.
 “Shoulder” curves: multihit kinetics; aggregation
 Disinfection
Types is a kineticKinetics
of Disinfection process
 Increased inactivation with increased exposure or
contact time.
 Chick's Law: disinfection is a first-order reaction.
 Multihit-hit or concave up kinetics: initial slow rate;
multiple targets to be “hit”; diffusion-limitions in
reaching “targets”
 Concave down or retardant kinetics: initial fast rate
that decreases over time
 Different susceptibilities of microbes to
inactivation; heterogeneous population
 Decline of of disinfectant concentration over time
Disinfection Activity and the CT Concept
 Disinfection activity can be expressed as the product of disinfection
concentration (C) and contact time (T)
Assumes first order kinetics (Chick’s Law) such that disinfectant
concentration and contact time have the same “weight” or
contribution in disinfection activity and in contributiong to CT
 Example: If CT = 100 mg/l-minutes, then
 If C = 10 mg/l, T must = 10 min. in order to get CT = 100 mg/l-min.
 If C = 1 mg/l, then T must = 100 min. to get CT = 100 mg/l-min.
 If C = 50 mg/l, then T must = 2 min. to get CT = 100 mg/l-min.
 So, any combinationof C and T giving a product of 100 is
acceptable because C and T are interchangable
 The CT concept fails if disinfection kinetics do not follow Chick’s
Law (are not first-order or exponential)
Factors Influencing Disinfection of Microbes
 Microbe type: disinfection resistance from least to most:
vegetative bacteria viruses  protozoan cysts, spores and eggs
 Type of disinfectant: order of efficacy against Giardia from best to worst
 O3  ClO2  iodine/free chlorine  chloramines
 BUT, order of effectiveness varies with type of microbe
 Microbial aggregation:
 protects microbes from inactivation
 microbes within aggregates not be readily reached by the disinfectant
 Particulates: protects from inactivation; shielded/embedded in particles
 Dissolved organics: protects
 consumes or absorbs (UV radiation) disinfectant; coats microbes
 Inorganic compounds and ions: effects vary with disinfectant
 pH: effects depend on disinfectant.
 Free chlorine more biocidal at low pH where HOCl predominates.
 Chlorine dioxide more microbiocidal at high pH
 Reactor design, mixing and hydraulic conditions; better activity in "plug
flow" than in "batch-mixed" reactors.
Inactivation of Cryptosporidium Oocysts in Water by Chemical

Disinfectant CT99 (mg-min/L) Reference

Free Chlorine 7,200+ Korich et al., 1990

Monochloramine 7,200+ Korich et al., 1990
Chlorine Dioxide >78 Korich et al., 1990
Mixed oxidants <120 Venczel et al., 1997
Ozone ~3-18 Finch et al., 1994
Korich et al., 1990
Owens et al., 1994

C. parvum oocysts inactivated by low doses of UV radiation: <10 mJoules/cm2
Free Chlorine - Background and History
 Considered to be first used in 1905 in London
 But, electrochemically generated chlorine from brine
(NaCl) was first used in water treatment the late 1800s
 Reactions for free chlorine formation:
Cl2 (g) + H2O <=> HOCl + H+ + Cl-
HOCl <=> H+ + OCl-
 Chemical forms of free chlorine: Cl2 (gas), NaOCl (liquid), or
Ca(OCl)2 (solid)
 Has been the “disinfectant of choice” in US until recently.
 recommended maximum residual concentration of free
chlorine < 5 mg/L (by US EPA)
 Concerns about the toxicity of free chlorine disinfection by-
products (trihalomethanes and other chlorinated organics)
Effect of pH on Percentages of HOCl and OCl-
Free Chlorine and Microbial Inactivation
 Greater microbial inactivation at lower pH (HOCl) than at high pH
 Probably due to greater reactivity of the neutral chemical
species with the microbes and its constituents
 Main functional targets of inactivation:
 Bacteria: respiratory activities, transport activities, nucleic
acid synthesis.
 Viruses: reaction with both protein coat (capsid) and nucleic
acid genome
 Parasites: mode of action is uncertain
 Resistance of Cryptosporidium to free chlorine (and
monochloramine) has been a problem in drinking water supplies
 Free chlorine (bleach) is actually used to excyst C. parvum
Monochloramine - History and Background
 First used in Ottawa, Canada and Denver, Co. (1917)
 Became popular to maintain a more stable chlorine residual and to
control taste and odor problems and bacterial re-growth in
distribution system in 1930’s
 Decreased usage due to ammonia shortage during World War II
 Increased interest in monochloramine:
 alternative disinfectant to free chlorine due to low THM
 more stable disinfectant residual; persists in distribution
 secondary disinfectant to ozone and chlorine dioxide
disinfection to provide long-lasting residuals
Monochloramine: Chemistry and Generation)
Monochloramine formation:
 HOCl + NH3 <=> NH2Cl + H2O
 Stable at pH 7 - 9, moderate oxidation potential
 Generation
 pre-formed monochloramine:
mix hypochlorite and ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) solution at
Cl2 : N ratio at 4:1 by weight, 10:1 on a molar ratio at pH 7-9
 dynamic or forming monochloramination:
 initial free chlorine residual, folloowed by ammonia addition to
produce monochloramine
 greater initial disinfection efficacy due to free chlorine
 Dosed at several mg/L
Reaction of Ammonia with Chlorine:
Breakpoint Chlorination
 Presence of ammonia in water or wastewater and the addition of free
chlorine results in an available chlorine curve with a “hump”
Free chlorine present

 At chlorine doses between added,
and the dip, chloramines are
being oxidatively destroyed and nitrogen is lost (between pH 6.5-8.5).
 First used in 1893 at Oudshoon
 Used in 40 WTPs in US in 1990 (growing use since then), but more
than 1000WTPs in European countries
 Increased interest as an alternative to free chlorine (strong oxidant;
strong microbiocidal activity; perhaps less toxic DBPs)
 A secondary disinfectant giving a stable residual may be needed
to protect water after ozonation, due to short-lasting ozone
 Colorless gas; relatively unstable; reacts with itself and with OH- in
water; less stable at higher pH
 Formed by passing dry air (or oxygen) through high voltage
electrodes to produce gaseous ozone that is bubbled into the water
to be treated.
Chlorine Dioxide
 First used in Niagara Fall, NY in 1944 to control phenolic tastes and
algae problems
 Used in 600 WTP (84 in the US) in 1970’s as primary disinfectant and
for taste and odor control
 Very soluble in water; generated as a gas or a liquid on-site, usually
by reaction of Cl2 gas with NaClO2 :
 2 NaClO2 + Cl2  2 ClO2 + 2 NaCl
 Usage became limited after discovery of it’s toxicity in 1970’s &
 thyroid, neurological disorders and anemia in experimental animals by
 Recommended maximum combined concentration of chlorine
dioxide and it’s by-products < 0.5 mg/L (by US EPA in 1990’s)
Chlorine Dioxide
 High solubility in water
 5 times greater than free chlorine
 Strong Oxidant; high oxidative potentials;
 2.63 times greater than free chlorine, but only 20 % available at
neutral pH
 Neutral compound of chlorine in the +IV oxidation state; stable free
 Degrades in alkaline water by disproportionating to chlorate and chlorite.
 Generation: On-site by acid activation of chlorite or reaction of
chlorine gas with chlorite
 About 0.5 mg/L doses in drinking water
 toxicity of its by-products discourages higher doses
Inactivation of Cryptosporidium Oocysts in
Water by Chemical Disinfectants

Disinfectant CT99 (mg-min/L) Reference

Free Chlorine 7,200+ Korich et al., 1990

Monochloramine 7,200+ Korich et al., 1990
Chlorine Dioxide >78 Korich et al., 1990
Mixed oxidants <120 Venczel et al., 1997
Ozone ~3-18 Finch et al., 1994
Korich et al., 1990
Owens et al., 1994

C. parvum oocysts inactivated by low doses of UV radiation: <10 mJoules/cm2
Ultraviolet Radiation and Effects
• Physical process
• Energy absorbed UV
by DNA
• Inhibits replication
• Pyrimidine Dimers
• Strand Breaks C A A T G G
• Other Damage G T T A C
UV Absorption Spectra of DNA: Basis for Microbial Activity
(pH 7 in 0.1M phosphate buffer)



254 nm by low
Optical Density

0.4 pressure
mercury UV
0.3 lamps

200 220 240 260 280 300 320
200 220 240 260 280 300 320
Wavelength, nm
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 3. Absorbance spectra of nonhydrolyzed deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Low and Medium Pressure UV Technologies

Ultraviolet Visible Near Infrared

vacuum far near v b g y o red

• ••••• • • • • • • •
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Wavelength (nm)

Low Pressure UV • Medium Pressure/Pulsed

• monochromatic (254 nm) UV
• temp: 40 - 60 °C • polychromatic
• 88-95% output at 254nm • temp: 400-600/15,000 °C
• low intensity output • output over germicidal
• high intensity output
UV Disinfection Effectiveness
Microbe least resistant
vegetative bacteria
Giardia lamblia cysts
C. parvum oocysts
bacterial spores most resistant

UV is effective against Cryptosporidium and Giardia at low doses (few mJ/cm2)

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