LCVP FGL Booklet
LCVP FGL Booklet
LCVP FGL Booklet
• Intention Letter, not more than 1 page and share it to line group AIESEC in Trisakti
• Application Form, Max 20 Page (PDF)
• Endorsment Letter or Coaching Letters in PDF Format,from: Parents, Executive Board of AIESEC
Trisakti, the team member or team mates, other Executive Board of other entity (LCVP Related)
• Application video no longer than 3:30, upload it on YouTube, share your link to Line group of
AIESEC in Trisakti
• Strategic Summary in PDF and no longer than 2 pages (minimum content: vision,mission,focus
and strategy,structure proposed)
• MBTI test result
• Take your strategic leadership style test
• CV in PDF no longer than 2 pages
• Copy of transcript in PDF
• Why do you want to continue your journey in AIESEC?
• What is your ultimate purpose in life? What are your SMART goals 3, 5, 10 years from now? How does LCVP
experience play a role in it and connects to your purpose and goals?
• State and explain your 3 personal strengths and 3 personal weaknesses and how do you use your strengths and
overcome your weaknesses
• What do you think the most ideal personal traits needed as an EB? Why?
• What are your top three values in life? Please elaborate the reason behind it?
• Please share and describe your leadership style based on the most impactful team experience as a leader! Why do
you think you are the most suitable person to be the LCVP?
• How well do your family and community support your activities as an LCVP? How do they perceive your intention
to apply for this position?
• What is failure for you? How do you see failure in your life? What was your greatest failure in your life? What was
the biggest learning you got from it?
• Please share your experience when you face by uncertainty and agile situation. What action did you do to face
those situation? Explain the result of your action
• Rank 3 main areas in AIESEC where you had the most experience! Highlight briefly in each and how your experience can
benefit your LC.
• Explain your most impactful inner and outer journey moment in AIESEC!
• Based on your AIESEC experience, please explain and elaborate 12 defining elements in AIESEC Leadership Quality to
your member!
• Please explain about every point in AIESEC Way that can make people who read that see your personal connection with
• What is AIESEC to you? Explain in one sentence.
• What is AIESEC 2020 means to you? What will be your contribution?
• What is the top 3 needs of (your city/university)? How can AIESEC contribute to answer those needs? Please be specific
with action step and measurement of success!
• List all aspects of your AIESEC experience (including internships, CEED, leadership positions, task forces, national team,
conference, etc) Please explain on 1 or max. 2 points, what you have learnt and your results from those experiences!
• Rank the 3 main areas in AIESEC where you have had the most experience. Highlight briefly your experiences in each and
how that would benefit a year in the EB team and Functional Team?
• Why do you want to be LCVP Finance, Governance and Legal? ? Why it is must FGL?
• What is the role of finance in an organization?
• What do you think about policies and procedures? How do you provide a control for each functional in terms of applying the policies?
• Is finance functional relevant to not-for-profit organization? Why?
• How will you maintain Trisakti’s legality ? How will you improve it?
• How do you make sure all transactions have evidence in order to be audited?
• What kind of synergy will you make with other functional? (please state seperately for each functional)
• What is a budget? Explain how you will measure and make it as efficient as possible?
• How to make sure the amount of our cash in the book and in the hand and/or bank is equal?
• What do you know about AIESEC Trisakti’s current state of legality? Does it affect Trisakti’s performance ?
• Please make an analysis of FGL 16/17 strengths, weaknesses, Threats, and Opportunities
• Please explain the vision and mission you would like to bring for FGL that contributes to your LC strategic goal!
• What area do you think needs most improvement in FGL based on what you write in number 1 ? What results are you expecting to match with LC
Strategic Goal?
• Please list possible Functional Structure in term 17/18 based on your functional needs correlating with LC strategic goal?
• list your synergy needs and how it correlates with your functional and LC Strategic Goal!
Please submit the application package in google drive that writen your