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LCVP FGL Booklet

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• Intention Letter, not more than 1 page and share it to line group AIESEC in Trisakti
• Application Form, Max 20 Page (PDF)
• Endorsment Letter or Coaching Letters in PDF Format,from: Parents, Executive Board of AIESEC
Trisakti, the team member or team mates, other Executive Board of other entity (LCVP Related)
• Application video no longer than 3:30, upload it on YouTube, share your link to Line group of
AIESEC in Trisakti
• Strategic Summary in PDF and no longer than 2 pages (minimum content: vision,mission,focus
and strategy,structure proposed)
• MBTI test result
• Take your strategic leadership style test
• CV in PDF no longer than 2 pages
• Copy of transcript in PDF
• Why do you want to continue your journey in AIESEC?
• What is your ultimate purpose in life? What are your SMART goals 3, 5, 10 years from now? How does LCVP
experience play a role in it and connects to your purpose and goals?
• State and explain your 3 personal strengths and 3 personal weaknesses and how do you use your strengths and
overcome your weaknesses
• What do you think the most ideal personal traits needed as an EB? Why?
• What are your top three values in life? Please elaborate the reason behind it?
• Please share and describe your leadership style based on the most impactful team experience as a leader! Why do
you think you are the most suitable person to be the LCVP?
• How well do your family and community support your activities as an LCVP? How do they perceive your intention
to apply for this position?
• What is failure for you? How do you see failure in your life? What was your greatest failure in your life? What was
the biggest learning you got from it?
• Please share your experience when you face by uncertainty and agile situation. What action did you do to face
those situation? Explain the result of your action
• Rank 3 main areas in AIESEC where you had the most experience! Highlight briefly in each and how your experience can
benefit your LC.
• Explain your most impactful inner and outer journey moment in AIESEC!
• Based on your AIESEC experience, please explain and elaborate 12 defining elements in AIESEC Leadership Quality to
your member!
• Please explain about every point in AIESEC Way that can make people who read that see your personal connection with
• What is AIESEC to you? Explain in one sentence.
• What is AIESEC 2020 means to you? What will be your contribution?
• What is the top 3 needs of (your city/university)? How can AIESEC contribute to answer those needs? Please be specific
with action step and measurement of success!
• List all aspects of your AIESEC experience (including internships, CEED, leadership positions, task forces, national team,
conference, etc) Please explain on 1 or max. 2 points, what you have learnt and your results from those experiences!
• Rank the 3 main areas in AIESEC where you have had the most experience. Highlight briefly your experiences in each and
how that would benefit a year in the EB team and Functional Team?
• Why do you want to be LCVP Finance, Governance and Legal? ? Why it is must FGL?
• What is the role of finance in an organization?
• What do you think about policies and procedures? How do you provide a control for each functional in terms of applying the policies?
• Is finance functional relevant to not-for-profit organization? Why?
• How will you maintain Trisakti’s legality ? How will you improve it?
• How do you make sure all transactions have evidence in order to be audited?
• What kind of synergy will you make with other functional? (please state seperately for each functional)
• What is a budget? Explain how you will measure and make it as efficient as possible?
• How to make sure the amount of our cash in the book and in the hand and/or bank is equal?
• What do you know about AIESEC Trisakti’s current state of legality? Does it affect Trisakti’s performance ?
• Please make an analysis of FGL 16/17 strengths, weaknesses, Threats, and Opportunities
• Please explain the vision and mission you would like to bring for FGL that contributes to your LC strategic goal!
• What area do you think needs most improvement in FGL based on what you write in number 1 ? What results are you expecting to match with LC
Strategic Goal?

• Please list possible Functional Structure in term 17/18 based on your functional needs correlating with LC strategic goal?
• list your synergy needs and how it correlates with your functional and LC Strategic Goal!
Please submit the application package in google drive that writen your

Intention Letter 2nd December 2017, 11:59 PM (GMT +7)

Application Package 10th December2017, 11:59 PM( GMT+7)

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