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2 - Basic Assessment in Training

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Basic Train the Trainer

Competency Programme

Module Three

Basic Assessment
Learning Outcomes
Develop an assessment plan
and develop the material
resources to support the
assessment process.
Describe how the purpose,
structure, methods and tools
of assessment were identified &
the organisation assessment
process structure.
Learning Outcomes

Assess the competence of another

individual through collecting &
reviewing evidence & making an
informed judgment
Establish a suitable assessment
environment; meet learner’s needs,
interpret units of competency to
evidence requirement
Learning Outcomes
Design assessment plan &
assessment tools for collecting
evidence as a basis for the
assessment decision.
Communication skills that guide,
support and provide feedback to the
learner during the assessment
process; records and reports, and
how the assessment process was
evaluated and reviewed
Functions of Assessment

Provide feedback on training

direction and learners progress

Assessing of learning outcomes

to confirm competency

Guide training and meet learners

and clients needs
Features of Assessment

P . Preparation for assessment
A . Assessment of Performance
C . Confirm Competency
E . Evaluation of Assessment and
A Step by Step Process for
competency Based Assessment

1. Identify the learning outcomes to be


2. Select the assessment methods and


3. Determine any special requirements or

adjustments in assessment needed to make
the assessment decision.
A Step by Step Process for
Competency Based Assessment

4. Map the assessment process, planning,

preparation, evidence gathering, making a
judgment, providing feedback and recording
assessment results

5. Review the final evidence & assessment

methods & consider appropriate modifications.
Developing an Assessment Plan

1. Identifying the competencies and learning

outcomes to be assessed

Identify critical skills and knowledge

including underpinning knowledge and skills

Know and understand the level of

performance required

Identify the key generic competencies

Developing an Assessment Plan

2. Select assessment methods and tools

which can include :

Direct observation
Oral questioning
Project based assessment
Self assessment
Developing an Assessment Plan

3. Determine any special requirements or

adjustments in assessment needed to make
the assessment decision ensuring that :

There is no compromising of the rules of

evidence or other requirements for high
quality training
Developing an Assessment Plan
4. Map the assessment process including all
processes used for :

Assessment planning
Evidence gathering
Making a judgment
Providing feedback and recording final
assessment results
Developing an Assessment Plan

5. Review final evidence & assessment

methods used, consider any modifications
needed, ensuring that :
Learners feedback on the assessments is
Positive and negative feedback is considered.
Suggestion for improvement are made.
Verifications and moderation processes
are used.
Planning Assessment
Trainers/assessors need to ensure :
The learner is ready for assessment.
Assessment tools & materials are ready
& have been trialled.
Assessment procedures have been
Time and place of assessment agreed upon.
Reasonable adjustments/allowances
Appropriate personnel advised.
Preparing for assessment
Trainers/assessors need to ensure :
• Context & purpose of the assessment has
been agreed with the learner
• Learner has seen the assessment plan &
other relevant documentation
• Relevant performance criteria have been
provided & explained to the learner
• Assessment procedure & expectations
are explained to the learner and agreed upon
Conducting an Assessment
Trainers/assessors need to ensure :

• The assessment is conducted in accordance

with the assessment plan

• Evidence specified in the assessment

procedure is gathered using the agrees tools
Gathering Quality Evidence
Quality Evidence must cover the :

• Critical aspects of the assessment

• Underpinning knowledge and skills
• Context for assessment
• Assessment methods and resources
• Key competencies
Understanding the Role of

Evidence is the information gathered

which when matched against the
performance criteria provides
proof of competency.
What are the Four Principles
of Assessment
Assessment must be :

Valid and measure what it is meant to

Reliable and consistent across assessment
Flexible and allows the learner to provide
the best evidence possible
Fair and not disadvantage anyone
What is Quality Evidence?
Valid in that it relates to the units of
Authentic & is the learner’s own work
Consistent & shows competency over time
Sufficient enough to make judgments about
competency & covers competency &
performance criteria
Current & recent enough & applicable
Evidence Gathering Techniques
Observation of real work in the workplace

Simulation through role play, work activities in a

simulated environment, case studies

Questioning using a self assessment form,

verbal answers, written questionnaire, interviews

Review of products such as work samples and

Evidence Gathering Techniques
Portfolio’s with references, work samples,
products, training records, assessment records,
journals, work diaries, life experience information.

Third party feedback such as interviews with

employer, supervisor, peers.

Structured activities including projects,

presentations, demonstrations or progressive
Processes for Designing Evidence
Gathering Techniques
Clustering of units of competency for
assessment, i.e. holistic assessment
Identifying evidence requirements
Reviewing possible evidence gathering
Selecting techniques and writing an evidence
Documenting evidence gathering techniques
Completing The Assessment Plan
Assessment Plans should contain the following :

What will be assessed

How assessment will occur
When assessment will occur
Where assessment will occur
The criteria for decision making
Any supplementary evidence to be used
Documenting all Plans
Plans and Process must be documented adequately
and should include:

Copies of relevant competency standards

A list of evidence required & an evidence
Materials, checklists or tools for collecting
and analysing the evidence
An assessment plan
Record of evidence presented by the learner
and samples of the evidence collected
Assess and Evaluate Training

Feedback two way
Evaluation of training by students
and self evaluation
What is an assessment method?

An assessment method is a way of

collecting evidence that will
demonstrate competency.
The following is a table which lists a
number of assessment methods
Assessment Description Examples
Observation Observes the candidate Observing a
performing work product made
requirements or a Observing a
specific task
Written tests Uses a range of different Short
question types. answers/Essays
Candidate may be Multiple choice
required to attend exam
room or complete take Sentence
home exam completion
Oral tests / Assesses the Series of open or
questioning candidate’s ability to closed questions
listen, interpret and
communicate ideas
about information

Simulations A situation is created Flight simulator

/role which imitates Role-play interaction
play/case workplace with customer
study arrangements
Portfolio The candidate presents Providing
a variety of evidence qualifications, job
which addresses descriptions, third
performance criteria party reports and
work samples
What is an assessment tool?
Assessment tools are important in
maintaining quality and consistency in the
assessment procedure. They help ensure that
nothing important is left out of the
assessment process and that there is
consistency in how different candidates are
assessed. Assessment tools also enable the
assessor to justify that the assessment has
been valid, reliable, flexible and fair
Assessment tools include the
following :
Specific instructions given to the candidate

Sets of verbal/written/computer based

questions to be asked

Performance checklists


Description of competent performance

A number of these tools may be used in
combination in order to provide enough
evidence to make a judgment.

Having instructions and instruments

means that assessment tools can be
used by other assessors. This saves
time and helps eliminate personal

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