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Review and Activities

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Review and Activities

Universidad Católica del Norte

 We use these phrases to talk about things you can do now:
 manage to do something
 be quite/very/really good at doing something
 can do something
 find something quite/very/really easy to do
 know how to do something
 be able to do something
 We use these phrases to talk about things we can’t do now:
 be useless at doing something
 haven’t/hasn´t got a clue how to do something
 find somenthing quite/very/really difficult to do
 be no good at doing something
 We use these phrases to tal about ability in the past :
 Wasn’t/weren´t /was/were able to do something
 Could/couldn’t do something
+ infinitive + infinitive with to + verb+ing

be able to haven’t got a clue how be useless at

could manage be quite/very/really good
can have no idea how at
find something
know how

TIP! We use manage to talk about something you are able to do, but is difficult.
TIPS! We can also say be brilliant/great/excellent/not bad at and be
hopeless/bad/terrible/awful/rubbish at
•We can also use a noun or pronoun after be good at/be useless at, etc. (I´m
really useless at football but Jordan is brilliant at it.
Activities : Make sentences with the following
1. be able to
2. haven’t got a clue how
3. be useless at
5. can
6. Find something easy
7. have no idea how
8. be excellent at
9. find something very difficult
10. could
11. be really good at
12. be terrible at
Create sentences using the following words.

 attachment

 log on

 back-up copy

 password
Second Conditional
We use the second conditional to talk about imaginary situations. We
often use it to talk about the opposite of what is true or real.
 If my car had a GPS, life would be much easier. (my car doesn’t have a

 The second contidional talks about the present or the

 The if clause can be first or second in the sentence.

If clause Main clause

If + past simple Would/wouldn’t + infinitive

If clause Main clause

If + subject + Past Simple, subject + would/wouldn’t +


 If my car had one, life would be so much easier.

 If we didn’t have it at home, I wouldn’t get any sleep at all.

Tips! We can say If I/he/she/it/was or If I/he/she/it were in the second

* We can use could + infinitive to talk about ability (I could buy a car, if I
had the money)
Activities: Create sentences with the
following verbs using the Second Conditional.
 E.g. (win/travel) If I won the lottery, I would travel to Europe.

1. (win/buy)

2. (go/visit)

3. (study/get)

4. (party/have fun)

5. (chat/have time)

6. (can/talk)
Vocabulary : Use the following vocabulary
words to create a short piece of news.

 storm
 gale
 shower
E.g. In Narnia a huge hurricane has affected the coasts near
 hurricane Cair Paravel. People could see the marvelous show that intense
 fog lightning gave them. The scientists expect showers and eventually
 heatwave fog for the rest of the week.
 flood
 tornado Use at least 4.
 thunder
 lightning
Direct and Indirect questions.

 Are you going to call him?

Could you tell me if you are calling him?
 Is he going to arrive soon? Could you tell me…?
Do you know if he is arriving soon? Do you know…?
Have you any idea…?
 Did they do the report? Can you tell me…?
Have you any idea whether they did the report? Do you think…?
 What’s your telephone number?
Can you tell me what your telephone number is?
 Are they ready?
Do you think they are ready?

 Pa s s i v e v o i c e i s u s e d w h e n t h e f o c u s i s o n t h e a c t i o n .
I t i s n o t i m p o r t a n t o r n o t k n o w n , h o w e v e r, w h o o r w h a t
is performing the action.
 Example: My bike was stolen.
 In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my
b i k e w a s s t o l e n . I d o n o t k n o w, h o w e v e r, w h o d i d i t .
 Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than
active voice, as the following example shows:
 Example: A mistake was made.
 In this case, I focus on the fact that a mistake was
m a d e , b u t I d o n o t b l a m e a n y o n e ( e . g . Yo u h a v e m a d e a
 In the passive voice:
 The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence.
 We often use the passive when we are more interested in what happens to someone
or something than in who ot what does the action.
 We can use ‘by + the agent’ so say who or what does the action. (only when
 We make negative passive sentences by making the verb form of be negative

verb form be Past participle

Present Simple am/are/is
Present Continuous am/are/is being
Present Perfect Simple have/has been
Past Simple was/were
be going to am/are/is going to be
will will be
can can be
 Turn these sentences into the passive voice.

1. Lucas always writes letters for his girlfriend.

2. Pedro is moving the furniture of his house.

3. Anna has played many videogames in her life.

4. Susan made a delicious lasagna.

5. I’m going to buy a beautiful car.

6. My mother will sell some of her paintings next summer.

7. Cristopher and his sister can’t play twister.

The Article

 A / An
 "A"and "an" signal that the noun modified is indefinite,
referring to any member of a group
 The
 The definite article is used before singular and plural
nouns when the noun is specific or
particular. The signals that the noun is definite, that it
refers to a particular member of a group



 PRESENTATION1: MAY 9, 2014 –


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