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Nursing Assessment: Terry White, MBA, BSN

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Nursing Assessment

Terry White, MBA, BSN


Nursing is an art of applying scientific

principles in a humanitarian way to
care of people
The nursing process serves as the
organizational framework for the
practice of nursing.
Assessment process:

Is a systematic method by which nursing :plans and

provides care for patients.

This involves a problem-solving approach that

enables the nurse to identify patient problems and
potential at-risk needs (problems) and to plan,
deliver, and evaluate nursing care in an orderly,
scientific manner.
Components of nursing process:

The nursing process consists of five dynamic and interrelated


1. assessment
2. diagnosis
3. planning
4. implementation
5. evaluation.
Evaluation Assessment

Implementation Diagnosis

The Assessment

Is the systematic and continuous:
documentation of data.
The Process


Collect data Organize data Validate data
The Process

The nurse gathers information to identify the health

status of the patient.

Assessments are made initially and continuously

throughout patient care.

The remaining phases of the nursing process depend on

the validity and completeness of the initial data
Purposes of assessment

To establish Database: all the information about a

client: it includes:
The nursing health history
Physical examination
The physician's history
Results of laboratory and diagnostic tests

Assessment is part of each activity the nurse does for and with
the patient.
The purposes is
1.To validate a diagnosis
2.To provide basis for effective nursing care.
3.It helps in effective decision making
4.Basis for accurate diagnosis
5.It promote holistic nursing care
6.To provide effective and innovative nursing care
7.To collecting data for nursing research
8.To evaluation of nursing care
Types of Assessment


Initial Focus Time-lapsed Emergency

Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment
Initial comprehensive assessment

An initial assessment, also called an admission assessment, is

performed when the client enters a health care from a health care
agency. The purposes are to evaluate the clients health status, to
identify functional health patterns that are problematic, and to
provide an in-depth, comprehensive database, which is critical
for evaluating changes in the clients health status in subsequent
Problem-focused assessment

A problem focus assessment collects data about a problem that

has already been identified. This type of assessment has a
narrower scope and a shorter time frame than the initial
assessment. In focus assessments, nurse determine whether the
problems still exists and whether the status of the problem has
changed (i.e. improved, worsened, or resolved). This assessment
also includes the appraisal of any new, overlooked, or
misdiagnosed problems. In intensive care units, may perform
focus assessment every few minute.
Emergency assessment

Emergency assessment takes place in life-threatening

situations in which the preservation of life is the top priority. Time
is of the essence rapid identification of and intervention for the
clients health problems. Often the clients difficulties involve
airway, breathing and circulatory problems (the ABCs). Abrupt
changes in self-concept (suicidal thoughts) or roles or relationships
(social conflict leading to violent acts) can also initiate an
emergency. Emergency assessment focuses on few essential health
patterns and is not comprehensive.
Time-lapsed assessment
or Ongoing assessment
Time lapsed reassessment, another type of assessment, takes
place after the initial assessment to evaluate any changes in the
clients functional health. Nurses perform time-lapsed
reassessment when substantial periods of time have elapsed
between assessments (e.g., periodic output patient clinic visits,
home health visits, health and development screenings)
Steps Of Assessment

A. Collection of data
a) Subjective data collection
b) Objective data collection

B. Validation of data
C. Organization of data
D. Recording/documentation of data
Collection of Data

gathering of information about the client

includes physical, psychological, emotion, socio-cultural, spiritual

factors that may affect clients health status

includes past health history of client (allergies, past surgeries,

chronic diseases, use of folk healing methods)

includes current/present problems of client (pain, nausea, sleep

pattern, religious practices, medication or treatment the client is
taking now)
Types of Data

When performing an assessment the nurse gathers

subjective and objective data.

Subjective data (symptoms or covert data):

are the verbal statements provided by the Patient.
Statements about nausea and descriptions of pain and
fatigue are examples of subjective data.
Objective Data

Objective data (signs or overt data), are detectable

by an observer or can be measured or tested
against an accepted standard. They can be seen,
heard, felt, or smelt, and they are obtained by
observation or physical examination. For
example: discoloration of the skin
Data Collection Methods

1. Observing: to observe is to gather data by using the

2. Interviewing: an interview is a planned communication
or conversation with a purpose.
3. Examining: Performance of a physical examination. The
physical examination is often guided by data provided
by the patient. A head-to-toe approach is frequently used
to provide systematic approach that helps to avoid
omitting important data
Physical assessment
Assessment Sequencing

Head to - Toe Assessment

Body Systems Assessment

Head-to-toe Assessment
Physical Assessment using head toe approach

General Test hearing

General health status Cranial nerves
Vital signs and weight Inspect lymph nodes
Nutrional status Inspect neck veins
Mobility and self care Chest
Observe posture Inspect and palpate breast
Assess gait and balance Inspect and auscultate lungs
Evaluate mobility Auscultate heart
Activities of daily living Abdomen
Head face and neck Inspect, auscultate, palpate four
Evaluate cognition quadrants
LOC Palpate and percuss liver, stomach,
Orientation bladder
Mood Bowel elimination
Language and memory Urinary elimination
Sensory function
Test vision
Inspect and examine ears
Skin, hair and nails Palpate arterial pulses
Inspect scalp, hair & nails Observe capillary refill
Evaluate skin turgor Evaluate edema
Observe skin lesion Assess joint mobility
Assess wounds Measure strength
Genitalia Assess sensory function
Inspect female client Assess circulation, movement, &
Inspect male client sensation
Deep tendon reflexes
Inspect skin and nails
Body System approach
Review Of Systems

General presentation of symptoms: Fever, chills, malaise, pain, sleep

patterns, fatigability
Diet: Appetite, likes and dislikes, restrictions, written dairy of food intake
Skin, hair, and nails: rash or eruption, itching, color or texture change,
excessive sweating, abnormal nail or hair growth
Musculoskeletal: Joint stiffness, pain, restricted motion, swelling, redness,
heat, deformity
Head and neck:
Eyes: visual acuity, blurring, diplopia, photophobia, pain, recent change in
Ears: Hearing loss, pain, discharge, tinnitus, vertigo
Nose: Sense of smell, frequency of colds, obstruction, epistaxis, sinus
pain, or postnasal discharge
Throat and mouth: Hoarseness or change in voice, frequent sore throat,
bleeding o swelling, of gums, recent tooth abscesses or extractions, soreness
of tongue or mucosa.
Endocrine and genital reproductive: Thyroid enlargement or tenderness,
heat or cold intolerance, unexplained weight change, polyuria, polydipsia,
changes in distribution of facial hair; Males: Puberty onset, difficulty with
erections, testicular pain, libido, infertility; Females: Menses {onset,
regularity, duration and amount}, Dysmenorrhea, last menstrual period,
frequency of intercourse, age at menopause, pregnancies {number,
miscarriage, abortions} type of delivery, complications, use of
contraceptives; breasts {pain, tenderness, discharge, lumps}

Chest and lungs: Pain related to respiration, dyspnea, cyanosis, wheezing,

cough, sputum {character, and quantity}, exposure to tuberculosis (TB), last
chest X-ray
Heart and blood vessels: Chest pain or distress, precipitating causes,
timing and duration, relieving factors, dyspnea, orthopnea, edema,
hypertension, exercise tolerance
Gastrointestinal: Appetite, digestion, food intolerance, dysphagia,
heartburn, nausea or vomiting, bowel regularity, change in stool
color, or contents, constipation or diarrhea, flatulence or
Genitourinary: Dysuria, flank or suprapubic pain, urgency,
frequency, nocturia, hematuria, polyuria, hesitancy, loss in force of
stream, edema, sexually transmitted disease
Neurological: Syncope, seizures, weakness or paralysis,
abnormalities of sensation or coordination, tremors, loss of memory
Psychiatric: Depression, mood changes, difficulty concentrating
nervousness, tension, suicidal thoughts, irritability.
Pediatrics: along with systemic approach in case of pediatrics,
measure anthropometric measurement and neuromuscular
Assessment techniques

The innovative Telemetry Monitoring
Assessment techniques - Inspection

Close and careful visualization of the person as a whole

and of each body system
Ensure good lighting
Perform at every encounter with your client
Assessment techniques Palpation

Temperature, Texture, Palpation Techniques

Organ size and location
Rigidity or spasticity Deep
Crepitation & Vibration

Position & Size

Presence of lumps or

Tenderness, or pain
Assessment techniques Percussion

assess underlying structures

for location, size, density of
underlying tissue.



Blunt percussion
Percussion Sounds

Resonance: A hollow sound.

Hyper resonance: A booming sound.
Tympany: A musical sound or drum sound like
that produced by the stomach.
Dullness: Thud sound produced by dense
structures such as the liver, and enlarged
spleen, or a full bladder.
Flatness: An extremely dull sound like that
produced by very dense structures such as
muscle or bone.
Percussion sounds

Sound Intensity Pitch Length Quality Example of

Resonance Loud Low Long Hollow Normal lung
(heard over part
air and part solid
Hyper-resonance Very Low Long Booming Lung with
(heard over loud emphysema
mostly air
Tympany (heard Loud High Moderate Drum like Puffed-out
over air) cheek, gastric
Dullness (heard Medium Medium Moderate Thud like Diaphragm,
over more solid pleural
tissue effusion
Flatness (heard Soft High short Flat Muscle,
over very dense Bone, Thigh
Assessment techniques

Listening to sounds
produced by the body

Instrument: stethoscope (to

Diaphragm high pitched
Bell low pitched sounds
Blood vessels
Assessment techniques -

Environment &
General survey
Head to toe or systems
Minimize exposure
Areas to assess first
unaffected areas, external
before internal parts
Physical Health Exam-General Survey

Age, skin color, facial features

Body Structure - Stature, nutrition, posture, position, symmetry

Mobility - Gait, ROM

Facial expression, mood/affect, speech, dress, hygiene

Level of Consciousness and Orientation (x4)

Include any signs of distress- facial grimacing, breathing

Complete Health History

Biographical data
Reason for Seeking Care
History of Present Illness
Past Health
Accidents and Injuries
Hospitalizations and Operations
Family History
Review of Systems
Functional Assessment ( Activities of Daily
Perception of Health
Sources of Data
Data can be obtained from primary or secondary sources.

The primary source of data is the patient. In most instances the

patient is considered to be the most accurate reporter. The alert and
oriented patient can provide information about past illness and
surgeries and present signs, symptoms, and lifestyle.
When the patient is unable to supply information because of
deterioration of mental status, age, or seriousness of illness,
secondary sources are used.
The Secondary sources of data include family
members, significant others, medical records,
diagnostic procedures, .
Members of the patient's support system may be
able to furnish information about the patient's past
health status, current illness, allergies, and current
Other health team professionals are also helpful
secondary sources (Physicians, other nurses.)
Validating Data

The information gathered during the

assessment phase must be complete, factual,
and accurate because the nursing diagnosis and
interventions are based on this information.

Validation is the act of "double-checking" or

verifying data to confirm that it is accurate and
Purposes of Data Validation

ensure that data collection is complete

ensure that objective and subjective data agree
obtain additional data that may have been overlooked
avoid jumping to conclusion
differentiate cues and inferences
Data Requiring Validation

Not every piece of data you collect must be verified. For example:
you would not need to verify or repeat the clients pulse,
temperature, or blood pressure unless certain conditions exist.
Conditions that require data to be rechecked and validated include:

Discrepancies or gaps between the subjective and objective data. For example,
a male client tells you that he is very happy despite learning that he has
terminal cancer.
Data Requiring Validation

Discrepancies or gaps between what the client says at one time and
then another time. For example, your female patient says she has
never had surgery, but later in the interview she mentions that her
appendix was removed at a military hospital when she was in the
Findings those are very abnormal and inconsistent with
other findings. For example, the client has a temperature
of 104oF degree. The client is resting comfortably. The
clients skin is warm to touch and not flushed.
Methods of validation

Recheck your own data through a repeat assessment. For example, take the
clients temperature again with a different thermometer.
Clarify data with the client by asking additional questions. For example: if a
client is holding his abdomen the nurse may assume he is having abdominal
pain, when actually the client is very upset about his diagnosis and is
Verify the data with another health care professional. For example, ask a more
experienced nurse to listen to the abnormal heart sounds you think you have just
Compare you objective findings with your subjective findings to uncover
discrepancies. For example, if the client state that she never gets any time in the
sun yet has dark, wrinkled, suntanned skin, you need to validate the clients
perception of never getting any time in the sun
Organizing data

The nurse uses a written or computerized format that

organizes the assessment data systematically. The format
may be modified according to the client's physical status.
Body System Model

The Body systems model (also called the medical model

or review of systems) focuses on the clients major anatomic
systems. The framework allows nurses to collect data about
past and present condition of each organ or body system and
to examine thoroughly all body systems for actual and
potential problems.
Gordons Functional Health Patterns:

The clients strengths, talents and functional health patterns are an integral
part of the assessment data. An assessment of functional health focuses on
clients normal function and his or her altered function or risk for altered
Health perception-health management pattern.
Nutritional-metabolic pattern
Elimination pattern
Activity-exercise pattern
Sleep-rest pattern
Cognitive-perceptual pattern
Self-perception-concept pattern
Role-relationship pattern
Sexuality-reproductive pattern
Coping-stress tolerance pattern
Value-belief pattern
Documenting Data:

To complete the assessment phase, the nurse records

client's data.
Accurate documentation is essential and should include
all data collected about the client's health status.
Data are recorded in a factual manner and not interpreted
by the nurse.
E.g.: the nurse record the client's breakfast intake
as" coffee 240 mL. Juice 120 mL, 1 egg". Rather
than as "appetite good".
Purposes of documentation

Provides a chronological source of client assessment

data and a progressive record of assessment findings
that outline the clients course of care.
Ensures that information about the client and family is
easily accessible to members of the health care team;
provides a vehicle for communication; and prevents
fragmentation, repetition, and delays in carrying out
the plan of care.
Establishes a basis for screening or validation
proposed diagnoses.
Acts as a source of information to help diagnose new
Purposes of documentation cont

Offers a basis for determining the educational needs of the

client, family, and significant others.
Provides a basis for determining eligibility for care and
reimbursement. Careful recording of data can support financial
reimbursement or gain additional reimbursement for
transitional or skilled care needed by the client.
Constitutes a permanent legal record of the care that was or
was not given to the client.
Provides access to significant epidemiologic data for future
investigations and research and educational endeavors.
Guidelines for documentation

Document legibly or print neatly in unerasable ink

Use correct grammar and spelling
Avoid wordiness that creates redundancy
Use phrases instead of sentences to record data
Record data findings, not how they were obtained
Write entries objectively without making premature
judgments or diagnosis
Guidelines for documentation

Record the clients understanding and perception of

Avoid recording the word normal for normal
Record complete information and details for all
client symptoms or experiences
Include additional assessment content when
Support objective data with specific observations
obtained during the physical examination
Nursing Assessment

Assessment is the first stage of the nursing process in which

the nurse should carry out a complete and holistic nursing
assessment of every patient's needs, regardless of the reason
for the encounter. Usually, an assessment framework, based
on a nursing model is used.
The purpose of this stage is to identify the patient's nursing
problems. These problems are expressed as either actual or
potential. For example, a patient who has been rendered
immobile by a road traffic accident may be assessed as having
the "potential for impaired skin integrity related to
Components of a nursing assessment

Biographic data name, address, age, sex, martial

status, occupation, religion.
Reason for visit/Chief complaint primary reason why
client seek consultation or hospitalization.
History of present Illness includes: usual health
status, chronological story, family history, disability
Past Health History includes all previous
immunizations, experiences with illness.
Family History reveals risk factors for certain disease
diseases (Diabetes, hypertension, cancer, mental
Components of a nursing assessment

Review of systems review of all health problems by

body systems
Lifestyle include personal habits, diets, sleep or rest
patterns, activities of daily living, recreation or hobbies.
Social data include family relationships, ethnic and
educational background, economic status, home and
neighborhood conditions.
Psychological data information about the clients
emotional state.
Pattern of health care includes all health care
resources: hospitals, clinics, health centers, family
Psychological And Social Examination

Clients perception (why they think they have been referred/are

being assessed; what they hope to gain from the meeting)
Emotional health (mental health state, coping styles etc)
Social health (accommodation, finances, relationships, genogram,
employment status, ethnic back ground, support networks etc)
Physical health (general health, illnesses, previous history,
appetite, weight, sleep pattern, diurinal variations, alcohol,
tobacco, street drugs; list any prescribed medication with
comments on effectiveness)
Psychological And
Social Examination

Spiritual health (is religion important? If so, in what way?

What/who provides a sense of purpose?)
Intellectual health (cognitive functioning, hallucinations,
delusions, concentration, interests, hobbies etc
Physical examination

A nursing assessment includes a physical examination: the

observation or measurement of signs, which can be
observed or measured, or symptoms such as nausea or
vertigo, which can be felt by the patient.
The techniques used may include Inspection, Palpation,
Auscultation and Percussion in addition to the "vital signs" of
temperature, blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate, and
further examination of the body systems such as the
cardiovascular or musculoskeletal systems.
Documentation of the

The assessment is documented in the

patient's medical or nursing records, which
may be on paper or as part of the electronic
medical record which can be accessed by all
members of the healthcare team.
Assessment Tools

The index of independence in activities of daily living

Activities of daily living (ADLs) are "the things we

normally do in daily living including any daily activity we
perform for self-care (such as feeding ourselves, bathing,
dressing, grooming), work, homemaking, and leisure."
The Barthel index

The Barthel Index consists of 10 items that measure a person's

daily functioning specifically the activities of daily living and
mobility. The items include feeding, moving from wheelchair to
bed and return, grooming, transferring to and from a toilet,
bathing, walking on level surface, going up and down stairs,
dressing, continence of bowels and bladder.
Patient Name: __________________ Rater:
____________________ Date: / / :
Activity Score

0 = unable
0 5 10
5 = needs help cutting, spreading butter, etc., or requires modified diet
10 = independent

0 = dependent 0 5
5 = independent (or in shower)

0 = needs to help with personal care 0 5
5 = independent face/hair/teeth/shaving (implements provided)

0 = dependent
0 5 10
5 = needs help but can do about half unaided
10 = independent (including buttons, zips, laces, etc.)

0 = incontinent (or needs to be given enemas)
0 5 10
5 = occasional accident
10 = continent
0 = incontinent, or catheterized and unable to manage alone
0 5 10
5 = occasional accident
10 = continent
Toilet Use
0 = dependent
0 5 10
5 = needs some help, but can do something alone
10 = independent (on and off, dressing, wiping)
Transfers (bed to chair and back)
0 = unable, no sitting balance
5 = major help (one or two people, physical), can sit 0 5 10 15
10 = minor help (verbal or physical)
15 = independent
Mobility (on level surfaces)
0 = immobile or < 50 yards
5 = wheelchair independent, including corners, > 50 yards 0 5 10 15
10 = walks with help of one person (verbal or physical) > 50 yards
15 = independent (but may use any aid; for example, stick) > 50 yards
0 = unable
0 5 10
5 = needs help (verbal, physical, carrying aid)
10 = independent

TOTAL (0 - 100) ________


The general health questionnaire

Mental health status examination
The Mental Status Exam (MSE) is a series of questions and
observations that provide a snapshot of a client's current mental,
cognitive, and behavioural condition.

Assessment is the first and most critical step of

nursing process. Accuracy of assessment data affects all
other phases of the nursing process. A complete data
base of both subjective and objective data allows the
nurse to formulate nursing diagnosis, develop client goals,
and intervenes to promote heath and prevent disease.

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