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IELTS Speaking Part 1

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IELTS Speaking Part (1)

Easy Ways to Extend Your Part 1
How long answers should be in Part 1? There is no definitive
answer to this, but they should not be too short and not too
long. They shouldnt be too short because you want to show
the examiner that you can actually use English, so Im a
student. is not really long enough.
However, they should not be too long either, because Part 1
is on familiar topics (family, work, hobbies etc.) and you dont
normally talk for 2 minutes when someone asks you where
you are from. Also, you will have lots of opportunities to give
longer answers in Parts 2 and 3.

Easy Ways to Extend Your Part 1
As a general rule, if you only give a single sentence with a
single clause like Im from Ireland. then your answer is too
short. I also dont think Part 1 answers should ever have
more than three sentences. Somewhere in between is just
The main point is that you should not worry about length too
much in Part 1. Your use of English is much more important.
Below are a few ways that you can easily extend your
answers from a short sentence to a more comprehensive
answer that will sound better and hopefully get you a higher

1- Feelings and Opinions
You can easily extend your answer by saying how you feel
about the question you were just asked. It will also make your
answer more interesting.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Short answer: I like shopping.

Longer answer: I like shopping because I love trying
on new clothes and I always feel more confident when
Im wearing a new outfit.

2- Contrasting Details
One of the easiest ways you can extend your answer is to
simply use the word but to contrast details.

How long have you worked there?

Short answer: Ive worked there for three years.

Longer answer: Ive worked there for three years, but
Im going to change careers next year.

3- Combining Details
Instead of giving a very short answer you can add in some extra
details with and, with or also.

Do you live in a flat or a house?

Short answer: I live in a house.

Longer answer: I live in a house with my two
brothers and my mum. Weve also got a dog and a

4- Past Comparisons
You can talk about what you used to do and how that has
changed now in the present.

Do you play sport?

Short answer: I play football.

Longer answer: I used to love basketball, but now I
play football more because thats what my friends are
in to.

5- Adding Reasons
Always try to explain why you think or do something in the test.
You can do this using because or so.

Do you like your job?

Short answer: Yes, I really love my job.

Longer answer: Yes, I really love my job because I
get to help people with their problems everyday.

6- Future
If something will change in the future, you can use one of the
future structures, like will or be + going to.

Do you work or study?

Short answer: Im at university at the moment.

Longer answer: Im at university at the moment, but
Im graduating next year and I will hopefully get a job
in advertising.

7- Contrast Opposite Opinions
You might be asked a question where you have to talk about
your opinion or another persons opinion. Use even so or
although to show that you have considered both sides.

Is your hometown a nice place for tourists to visit?

Short answer: Yes, it has a really nice beach.

Longer answer: Yes, it has a really nice beach,
although it is getting really busy these days, so its not
as pristine as it used to be.

8- Giving Examples
Real life examples are always the easiest things to talk about
because you can talk about them naturally and in more detail.

Do you get along with your brothers?

Short answer: No, were not in to the same things.

Longer answer: No, were not in to the same things,
like when we are both watching TV we always fight
about what show to watch.

9- Frequency
You can use words like usually, never, always and more
often than not. to extend your answers.

What do you do at the weekends?

Short answer: I watch TV and play computer games.

Longer answer: I usually watch TV and play
computer games, but sometimes I go out for a walk
with my friends.

How can I use these?
The best candidates use English naturally in the Speaking
test. They dont think Should I extend this with an example
or talk about the future? and then give an answer, they just
reply spontaneously.
You can improve by doing something I call practicing slow
and fast. Practice slowly first with old exam questions and
think about how you could extend your answers and even
have notes and books in front of you. Think deeply about
what structures you need to use and focus on getting your
answers perfect.
You can then practice fast with new questions and without
any help and hopefully, because you have studied the
structures in detail, you will be able to use them naturally
without any help.
Can I use more than one?
Of course! They are totally flexible. Combining two or three
of the above structures in a single answer is very impressive.

Dos and Donts for IELTS Speaking Part


Do # 1- Know What to Expect
You will probably be a little nervous and you dont want any
surprises that will make you even more anxious, so you must
be aware of exactly what will happen when you walk into the

Before Part 1 begins four things will happen.

The examiner will introduce themselves and ask you
what your name is. You can simply reply My names
_______. Make sure that you use the contraction
names rather than name is. This will remind you to
use contractions (e.g. Im, Wed, theyll) in the rest of
the test.

Do # 1- Know What to Expect
The examiner will then ask you What can I call you?.
You can simply say You can call me_______. If you
have an English name, it is fine to use it, but make
sure that you pronounce it correctly. If you cant say
your own name properly, it does not create the best
first impression. If unsure, just use your normal name.
They will then ask you where you are from. Simply
state Im from_____. There is no need for you to
give any extra information about your answers at this
The examiner will finally ask to see your identification.
Show it to them and then the test can begin.

Do # 1- Know What to Expect
By knowing these four things will happen you will be more
confident and start the exam well.

Do # 2- Create a Good First Impression
There is nothing in the marking criteria which says that being
nice, or looking the examiner in the eye will improve your
grade. However, being confident helps you because it will
have an effect on your answers.
If you look at the floor and give the impression that you
would rather be anywhere in the world apart from in the room
with the examiner, you will normally give very short
monotone answers and this will lower your score.
However, if you are open and friendly with the examiner, you
are more likely to give natural sounding answers.

Do # 2- Create a Good First Impression
Dont overdo the eye contact thing. It feels really strange
when someone looks you straight in the eye for 15 minutes.
Pretend that you are having a normal conversation with a
friend. If you were looking at the floor the entire time, a friend
would ask you if you were OK. If you were staring them dead
in the eye, they would get a bit freaked out.
Pretend it is just a normal conversation and you will be fine.

Do # 3- Pretend Youre Interested in the
Lets face it, most IELTS questions are really boring. If you
listen to someone answer a boring question you will notice
one thing- their voice is monotone i.e. it does not go up or
down in pitch at all, it sounds very flat. If you speak like this
you will get a lower mark for pronunciation because one of
the crucial factors you will be tested on is intonation.
When native English speakers talk, their voice naturally falls
and rises depending on how they feel about what they are

Do # 3- Pretend Youre Interested in the
Imagine you are late for class, you walk into the room and
the teacher says to you in a falling tone Sit down, please.
They are probably telling you, through their intonation, that
they are not very happy with your lack of punctuality.
However, if they said it with a rising tone at the start, they
would probably be telling you they dont mind that you are
late and are happy to see you.
Similarly, if you pretend that you are interested in what the
examiner is saying your intonation should become more
varied. However, be careful not to overdo it and make your
voice really high, or really low because you will sound like a
crazy person.

Do # 3- Pretend Youre Interested in the
Listening to native speakers talk and copying their intonation
will give you a good idea of what natural intonation sounds

Do # 4- Extend Your Answers
There is no set amount of words or sentences that
you should use in Part 1.
They shouldnt be too short because you want to
show the examiner that you can actually use English,
so Im a student. is not really long enough.
However, they should not be too long either, because
Part 1 is on familiar topics (family, work, hobbies etc.)
and you dont normally talk for 2 minutes when
someone asks you where you are from. Also, you will
have lots of opportunities to give longer answers in
Parts 2 and 3.

Do # 4- Extend Your Answers
As a general rule, if you only give a single sentence
answer, with a single clause like Im from Ireland.,
then your answer is too short. Part 1 answers should
never have more than three sentences. Somewhere
in between is just right.

Do # 5- Practice
It is a very bad idea to prepare memorised answers before your
speaking test, but because Part 1 is very predictable, you
should practice the familiar topics mentioned above in number
one until you feel really confident talking about them. Try
recording yourself and then listen back and think about
the following:
Could you improve the vocabulary?

Did you make any grammar mistakes that could be fixed?

Did you speak fluently or did you speak at an unnatural speed?

How was your intonation?

Did you extend your answer enough?

Did you speak clearly?

Dos and Donts for IELTS Speaking Part


Dont #1- Give Yes/No Answers
This might sound very obvious, but you would be
surprised how many people simply answer with Yes
or No. This is probably because many of the
questions would naturally lead to a yes or no answer,
but you must remember that you are in a test and you
have to show the examiner how good your English is.
Giving yes or no answers does not allow the examiner
to judge your ability and you will get a low mark no
matter how good your English is.

Dont #1- Give Yes/No Answers
Some people give yes or no answers because they
are very nervous and they want the test to be over as
soon as possible. The examiner is not there to trick
you and most of them are nice people who want you
to do your best, so dont be afraid to tell them you are
a little nervous and this will normally relieve the

Dont # 2- Go Off Topic
Some students try to tell you their life story or the
entire history of their hometown when you ask their
name and where they are from. Remember that these
are very simple questions and if you have given more
than 3-4 sentences you are probably giving irrelevant
For example, I recently asked a girl what she did in
her free time and she told me everything there was to
know about badminton. I did not ask about the rules,
history, great players, positives and negatives of the
sport, just which sport she liked and why.

Dont # 3- Give No Answer
You dont get to choose the question and if you dont
know the answer to a question, or you simply dont
like the question, you dont have a choice- you must
answer it.
Remember that Part 1 is about YOU. There will be no
question you dont understand because they will all be
about you.

Dont # 3- Give No Answer
If you dont understand one word in a question, it is
acceptable to ask the examiner to explain what that
one word means. It is also acceptable to ask the
examiner to repeat the question if you didnt quite
understand what they said. However, do not abuse
this privilege and use it for every question; only use it
when absolutely necessary.
If you really have no idea, be honest with the
examiner and tell them you dont really know and then
have a guess. It is not an examination of your
knowledge, it is a test of your English, so it is perfectly
acceptable to make something up if you are really
Dont # 4- Speak Very Quietly
This is one of the most annoying things for the
examiner because no matter how good your English
is, if we cant hear you, we cant give you a high
This has a lot to do with confidence and shyness.
Make sure that you are not talking to the floor and
speak a little louder than normally. The examiner will
also be recording the test, so it has to be loud enough
for the recording device to pick up your voice.
Try recording yourself and play it back. If you cant
hear yourself clearly then you need to increase the
volume of your voice a little more.

Dont # 5- Be a Perfectionist
The examiner knows that you are speaking in a non-
native language and does not expect perfection. Even
people who get a 9 make small mistakes, and people
who get Band 7 and 8 make quite a few mistakes.
If you are constantly thinking about the perfect
grammar and vocabulary, it will reduce your fluency
and pronunciation. Fluency and pronunciation make
up 50% of your marks, so there is no point in trying to
use perfect grammar and vocabulary, if you are losing
half your marks in the process.
Speak as naturally as possible, with a focus on
speaking at a natural speed and clear pronunciation
and the grammar and vocabulary will look after itself.

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