Stress and Strain
Stress and Strain
Stress and Strain
• Introduction
• Main Principles of Statics
• Normal Stress
• Shear Stress
• Bearing Stress
• Thermal Stress
Mechanics : The study of how bodies react to forces acting on them
Dynamics :
Mechanics of Materials :
1. Kinematics – concerned
The study of the relationships
with the geometric aspects
between the external loads
of the motion
applied to a deformable body and
2. Kinetics – concerned
the intensity of internal forces
with the forces causing the
acting within the body.
1.1 Introduction 4
External Loads
concentrated force
1.1 Introduction 8
Normal Stress,
the intensity of force, or force per unit area, acting
normal to A
= P / A
•Unit: Nm -²
Stress ( ) = Force (P) •N/mm2 or MPa
Cross Section (A) N/m2 or Pa
Assumptions :
1. Uniform deformation: Bar
remains straight before and
after load is applied, and
cross section remains flat or
plane during deformation
2. In order for uniform
deformation, force P be
applied along centroidal axis
of cross section C
σ = average normal stress at any point
on cross sectional area
P = internal resultant normal force
A = cross-sectional area of the bar
L = elongation
Lo = length
* L =
Example 1.3:
Determine the corresponding strain for a bar of
length L=0.6m and uniform cross section which
undergoes a deformation =15010-6m.
Example 1.4
A cable and strut assembly ABC supports a vertical load
P=12kN. The cable has an effective cross sectional area of
160mm², and the strut has an area of 340mm².
(a) Calculate the normal stresses in the cable and strut.
70kN 70kN
Tensile test is an experiment to determine
the load-deformation behavior of the
Data from tensile test can be plot into stress
and strain diagram.
Example of test specimen
- note the dog-bone geometry
Universal Testing Machine - equipment used
to subject a specimen to tension,
compression, bending, etc. loads and
measure its response
Stress-Strain Diagrams
Point O-A = linear relationship between stress
and strain
Point A = proportional limit (PL)
The ratio of stress to strain in this linear region
of stress-strain diagram is called Young’s Modulus
or the Modulus of Elasticity given
< PL
Unit: MPa
Point O to A
Point C to D
Point D to E
At point E
Some of the materials like aluminum (ductile), does not have clear yield
point likes structural steel. Therefore, stress value called the offset yield
stress, YL is used in line of a yield point stress.
Elasticity refers to the property of a material such that
it returns to its original dimensions after unloading .
Any material which deforms when subjected to load
and returns to its original dimensions when unloaded
is said to be elastic.
If the stress is proportional to the strain, the material
is said to be linear elastic, otherwise it is non-linear
Beyond the elastic limit, some residual strain or
permanent strains will remain in the material upon
unloading .
The residual elongation corresponding to the
permanent strain is called the permanent set .
• The amount of strain which is recovered upon unloading is
called the elastic recovery.
When an elastic, homogenous and isotropic material is
subjected to uniform tension, it stretches axially but
contracts laterally along its entire length.
Similarly, if the material is subjected to axial
compression, it shortens axially but bulges out laterally
The ratio of lateral strain to axial strain is a constant
known as the Poisson's ratio,
la tera l
a xia l
Axial strain,
Lateral strain,