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Chronic Kidney Disease

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Chronic Kidney Disease

Sumit Kumar, MD, MPH

Presbyterian Hospital, Dallas, TX
The Story of Mr. George Lopez
45 yr HM with Diabetes for 10 yrs,
reasonably well controlled
Hypertension for 7 yrs..well controlled
BMI of 30
Fam Hx: Diabetes;
Soc Hx: Sedentary; non smoker;
139/85 Mild Obesity, rest fairly
BUN 28, Creatinine 1.8, Urine protein
(dipstick) 2+
Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic, irreversible loss of kidney function attributable
to loss of functional nephron mass pathophysiologic
processes for more than 3 months.
Pathophysiology of CKD
Final Common Pathway is loss of nephron mass

Hypertension Mediated by vasoactive
Loss of Structural/ Functional
Chronic GN molecules, cytokines and
Nephron Mass Hypertrophy of remnant nephrons growth factors, renin
Cystic Disease
Tubulointerstitial disease angiotensin axis

of remnant
Estimation of GFR

Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD)

Estimated GFR = 1.86 (Serum Creat) -1.154 X (age) -0.203
Multiply by 0.742 for women
Multiply by 1.21 for African Americans

Cockroft Gault Formula

(140 age) X Body Weight (Kg)
72 X Serum Creatinine (mg/dL)
Multiply by 0.85 for women
Staging of Chronic Kidney
Stage Description GFR (ml/min/1.73 m2)

At increased risk 90 (with CKD risk factors)

1 Kidney damage with normal or increased 90

2 Mildly decreased GFR 60-89

3 Moderately decreased GFR 30-59

4 Severely decreased GFR 15-29

5 Renal Failure <15 (or dialysis)

Who is at Risk for CKD?

Family history of heritable renal disease

Auto-immune disease
Old age
Prior episode of ARF
Current evidence of renal damage, even with
normal or increased GFR
MDRD GFR for Mr Lopez

Diabetic, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome X

Stage 3 CKD
GFR = 44 ml/min/1.73 m2
Etiology and Epidemiology

6% of the US population has CKD (Stage 1 and 2)

Additional 4-5% have Stage 3 and 4 CKD
Diabetic nephropathy
Hypertension chronic ischemic nephropathy
Very high CV disease burden
Monitoring of CKD
Serial measurements of
Albumin-creatinine ratio in the 1st morning sample
Electrolytes including HCO3, Ca, Phos; alkaline
phosphatase, iron studies, intact PTH
Renal sonogram
Renal biopsy
Symptoms of CKD

Stage 1 and 2
Asymptomatic, hypertension
Stage 3 and 4
Anemia loss of energy
Decreasing appetite; poor nutrition
Abnormalities in Calcium, Phosphorus metabolism
Sodium, water, potassium and acid base abnormalities

Stage 5
All of the above accentuated; eventually overt uremia
Estimates of Subgroups at
Increased Risk for CKD
Subgroup Estimated Numbers

Age > 70 yrs (8.8%) 24 Million

Hypertensive Patient (20%) 50 Million

Ethnicity (14.6%) ? 38 Million

Family History of ESRD ? 2 Million

1992-93 1997-98

Steady Rise in the Rate of

CKD in Medicare population
over the last decade

Common Causes and

Cause Clinical Presentation

Diabetic kidney History of diabetes, proteinuria and retinopathy

Hypertension Elevated BP, normal UA, family history

Non diabetic Nephritic or nephrotic presentations

glomerular disease
Cystic kidney Urinary symptoms, abnormal sediment, radiologic findings
Tubulointerstitial UTI, reflux, chronic med use, drugs, imaging abnormalities,
disease urine concentrating defects
Genetic Considerations

Autosomal dominant PKD

Alports hereditary nephritis
Familial FSGS
Medullary cystic kidney disease
Fabrys disease
Natural History of CKD
Most CKD has a
logarithmic progression
and is predictable
Mr. Lopez Progressive Decline



1/Cr Function





1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Clinical Features of Diabetic CKD
Clinical Features of Non-Diabetic
Pathophysiology of Uremia

Azotemia refers to the retention of nitrogenous

waste products. Uremia advanced stages of
azotemia with end organ dysfunction
Accumulation of products of protein metabolism
Urea anorexia, malaise, vomiting and headaches
Loss of other renal functions
Erythropoietin deficiency anemia
Metabolic bone disease; endocrine abnormalities
Fluid, electrolyte and acid base disorders
Symptoms of Uremia
Organ System Symptoms Signs

General Fatigue, weakness Sallow-appearing, chronically ill

Skin Pruritus, easy bruisability Pallor, ecchymoses,
excoriations, edema, xerosis
ENT Metallic taste in mouth, epistaxis Urinous breath / fetor
Eye Pale conjunctiva
Pulmonary Shortness of breath Rales, pleural effusion
Cardiovascular Dyspnea on exertion, retrosternal pain on Hypertension, cardiomegaly,
inspiration (pericarditis) friction rub
Gastrointestinal Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, hiccups
Genitourinary Nocturia, impotence Isosthenuria
Neuromuscular Restless legs, numbness and cramps in
Neurologic Generalized irritability and inability to Stupor, asterixis, myoclonus,
concentrate, decreased libido peripheral neuropathy
Sodium and water Imbalance
Glomerulotubular feedback is
disrupted sodium retention,
contributes to hypertension;
hyponatremia is unusual.
Higher than usual doses for
diuretics. In situations with
volume depletion can be
severe, because of inadequate
sodium retention.
Treatment: Salt restriction; high
doses of diuretics
Potassium Imbalance

GI excretion is augmented
Constipation, dietary intake, protein catabolism,
hemolysis, hemorrhage, transfusion of stored blood,
metabolic acidosis,
Drugs: ACE inhibitors, ARBs, B blockers, K sparing
diuretics and NSAIDs
Hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism: Diabetes, sickle
cell disease
Acid Base Imbalance
Damaged kidneys are unable to excrete the 1 mEq/kg/d
of acid generated by metabolism of dietary proteins.
NH3 production is limited because of loss of nephron mass
Decreased filtration of titrable acids sulfates, phosphates
Decreased proximal tubular bicarb reabsorption, decreased
positive H ion secretion
Arterial pH: 7.33 - 7.37; serum HCO3 rarely below 15
buffering offered by bone calcium carbonate and
Should be maintained over 21
Treatment: Sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate,
sodium citrate
Bone Disease
Treatment of Secondary
Phosphorus control in diet
Phosphate binders
Calcium acetate (Phoslo), calcium carbonate (TUMS),
sevelamer (Renagel) , lanthanum (Fosrenol)
Oral Vitamin D
Calcimemetic agent: Cinacalcet (Sensipar)
Mineral Metabolism
Calcemic uremic arteriopathy
calcification of soft tissues and
blood vessels
Devastating complication
Treatment: controversial
Sodium thiosulfate
Cardiovascular Abnormalities
Leading cause of
morbidity and mortality in
patients with CKD at all
Ischemic CAD
Hypertension and LVH
Congestive heart failure
Uremic pericarditis
Trends in the interactions of diabetes,
congestive heart failure, & CKD: 2002-
LVH and dilated CM are
the most ominous risk
factors for excess mortality
and morbidity
High cardiac output
Extracellular fluid overloa
AV shunt

Medicare: general Medicare CKD patients continuously

enrolled in Medicare Parts A & B for two consecutive years
(numbers estimated from 5 percent sample)
Cardiac Complications
Hematological Abnormalities
Chronic blood loss, hemolysis, marrow suppression by uremic
factors, and reduced renal production of EPO
Normocytic, normochromic
Rx: Iron and Epo as needed
Mainly platelet dysfunction decreased activity of platelet factor
III, abnormal platelet aggregation and adhesiveness and
impaired thrombin consumption
Increased propensity to bleed post surgical, GI Tract,
pericardial sac, intracranial
Increased thrombotic tendency nephrotic syndrome
Other Abnormalities
Central, peripheral and autonomic neuropathy
Peripheral Sensory/Motor Neuropathy
Stage 4 for more than 6 months
Restless leg syndrome
Uremic fetor
Gastritis, peptic disease, mucosal ulcerations, AVMs
Glucose metabolism
Estrogen levels amenorrhea, frequent abortions
Male: oligospermia, germinal cell dysplasia, delayed sexual maturation
Pallor, ecchymoses, hematomas, calciphylaxis, pruritus, uremic frost
Uremic Complications
Therapeutics in CKD

Non Pharmacologic
Risk Factor Modification
Treatment of complications
Therapeutics in CKD

Non Pharmacologic
Risk Factor Modification
Treatment of complications
Therapeutics in CKD

Non Pharmacologic
Risk Factor Modification
Treatment of complications

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