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A, An, The, This, That, Those EJERCICIOS

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Articles, Personal Pronouns, Demonstrative

Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives

Ejercicio 1: Replace the underlined phrases with the
correct subject and object pronoun (Reemplaza las frases
subrayadas con pronombre personal y el pronombre objeto)

1. Bruce and Tom enjoy the festival very much. (Bruce y Tom
disfrutan mucho el festival)
They enjoy it very much.

2. Mary and I are ready to visit my parents. (Mara y Yo estamos

Listas para visitar a nuestros padres)
We are ready to visit them.

3. Why does Robert call his mother so often? (Por qu Roberto

llama muy a menudo a su madre?)
Why does he call his mother so often?
Ejercicio 1: Replace the underlined words with the
correct subject and object pronoun (Reemplaza las palabras
subrayadas con pronombre personal y pronombre objeto)

4. Sara wants to visit me and my sister tonight. (Sara quiere

visitar a m y mi hermana esta noche)
She wants to visit us tonight.

5. The dogs are eating bones. (Los perros estn comiendo

They are eating them.

6. Ana, Felipe, Carlos and Rosa dont lie to me and Sara. (Ana,
Felipe, Carlos y Rosa no mientan a m y a Sara)
You dont lie to us.
Exercise 2: Possessive Adjective or pronoun?

1. This is my/mine plan and I think it is much better than

your/yours. (ste es mi plan y pienso que es mucho mejor que el tuyo)

2. Ours/our car is a fast one, but it is not as comfortable as

their/theirs. (Nuestro auto es rpido, pero no tan confortable como

el de ellos)

3. Believe me, it is hers/her fault not mine/my. (Creme, es su

falta (de ella), no ma)
Exercise 2: Possessive Adjective or pronoun?

4. I can give you my/mine book to read if you give me

your/yours magazine instead. (Puedo darte mi libro para leer si t

me das tu revista a cambio.)

5. She says that the kitten is her/hers , but I know that it is

hers/her friends. (Ella dice que el gatito es de ella pero yo s que es
de sus amigos)
Exercise 3: Use the correct possessive adjectives.

your house? (Juan es sta tu casa?)

1. Juan is this _______

your handwriting is difficult to understand.

2. Boys, _______
(Muchachos vuestra escritura a mano es difcil de entender)

her dress to _______

3. Miryam is showing _______ her friends.
(Miryam est mostrando su vestido a sus amigas)

their passports in the cinema.

4. My cousins lost _______
(Mis primos perdieron sus pasaportes en el cine)

5. The bird is eating_______ food. (El pjaro est comiendo
su alimento)

her students to open

6. The teacher asked _______
their books.

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