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Belief in Allah

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The word Allah
Who is Allah?
His Names and Attributes
How do we know Him?
The One God in Holy Books
What does Allah want from His
God - English
Dieu - French
Gott - German
Dio - Italian
Dios - Spanish
- Arabic
Tanr - Turkish
- Russian
Allah is the proper name of the
One God
Who is Allah?
He is the One
He is the Creator
He is the Sustainer
He is the True Almighty God
He is the Compassionate
He is the Most Merciful
He is the Most Gracious
He is the Most Powerful
Say He is Allah, The One, The Self-
Sufficient, The Master, whom all creatures
need, He begets not, nor was He begotten;
And there is none co-equal or comparable
unto Him. [Quran 112]
Some of His Beautiful Names
Ar-Rahman: The Most Merciful
Ar-Raheem: The Most Beneficent
Al-Malik: The True King
Al-Quddoos: The Pure; the most perfect
who does not make mistakes.
As-Salaam: The One who gives peace
Al-Mu'min: The One who gives security
Al-Khaliq: The Creator
Al-Ghaffar: The Forgiving
Ar-Razzaq: The Sustainer
Al-Alim: The Knower of All
His Attributes

Eternity )(
Everlastingness ()
Non-neediness of others
Non-resemblance to the
His Attributes, contd.

How do we know Him?

Through our observation of:

Our nature
Holy Books
How do we know Him?, contd.
Creation is contingent
Things are finite
Human intuition
Mutual helping
How do we know Him?,
Mercy and providence
Orderliness in creation
Artistry in creation
Finality in creation
Divine teaching and directing
The spirit and the conscience
Our innate dispositions and
Question 1

Why cant we see God?

Because we have limited sight.

God is beyond all form, quality,
quantity, and human conception
or reasoning
Question 2
Does God know everything, even
our hearts?

God is All-Knowing (everything in

the universe is being sustained at
the same time, example of the
And verily thy Lord knows all that
their hearts do hide. As well as all
that they reveal. [Quran 27:74]
Also see [Quran 60:1]
Question 3

Who created God?

Cause and Effect relationships

(Never ending chain of creators)
Only the Creator is Self-Existent
and Self-Subsistent
)0 and 1(
Question 4

Why is God only One?

Harmony of the Universe

Harmony of the Society
The One God in Holy Books
"Hear, O Israel! Yahweh is our
God, Yahweh is one [echad]!"
[Deuteronomy 6:4]
"The foremost is, Hear, O Israel!
The Lord our God is one [hen]
Lord; " [Mark 12:29]
And your Allah is One Allah: There
is no god but He, Most Gracious,
Most Merciful. [Quran 2:163]
What does Allah want from
His Believers?

To believe Him
To do good deeds for
His sake
Thank you for
your patience!
Question 5

Since God knows what we will

do, why does He send us here?

Humanity is placed in creation to

be tested, purified, and prepared
for eternal bliss in Paradise
What are the Benefits of
Belief in Allah?

Belief in Allah, His names, and His

Instills in the individual the love and
glorification of Allah
Results in the individuals
performing Allah's instructions and
avoiding His prohibitions
What are the Benefits of
Belief in Allah?, contd.
These are the means of achieving
ultimate happiness in this life and
the hereafter for both the
individual and the society
"Whoever, male or female, does
righteous deed, while believing,
We shall assuredly grant him a
goodly life, and We shall reward
them according to the best of their
deeds" [Quran 16:97].
What are the Benefits of
Belief in Allah?, contd.
A good life in this world (An-
Nahl: 97)
Guidance (Al-Hajj: 54)
Might and pride (Al-Munafiqoon:
Power in the earth (An-Nur: 55)
Salvation (Yunus: 102)
Allahs allegiance to us

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