Based on the inclusion criteria used in the randomized controlled trials (RCTs) reviewed by the panel, this
recommendation applies to individuals <70 years with an estimated GFR or measured GFR <60 and in
people of any age with albuminuria defined as >30 mg of albumin/g of creatinine at any level of GFR.
Recommendation 5
In the population aged 18 years with diabetes, initiate treatment at
SBP 140 or DBP 90 and treat to a goal SBP <140 and DBP <90.
RCTs that were limited to specific nonhypertensive populations, such as those with coronary artery
disease (CAD) or heart failure (HF) were not reviewed for this recommendation. Therefore,
recommendation 6 should be applied with caution to these populations.
For more details regarding why other drug classes were not recommended for initial therapy please see
the notes for this slide.
Recommendation 7
In the general black population, including those with diabetes, initial
antihypertensive treatment should include a thiazide-type diuretic or
For more information regarding why the other drug classes were not recommended as initial therapy for black
persons please see the notes for this slide.
Recommendation 8
In the population aged 18 years with CKD, initial (or add-on)
antihypertensive treatment should include an ACEI or ARB to improve
kidney outcomes. This applies to all CKD patients with hypertension
regardless of race or diabetes status.
Labs show Cr 1.0, fasting glucose 104, and K+ 4.5. A urine dipstick
demonstrates no blood or protein.
In addition to recommending lifestyle
modifications, which of the following is the most
appropriate initial anti-hypertensive therapy for
this patient?
A: Amlodipine
B: Diltiazem
D: Lisinopril
In addition to recommending lifestyle
modifications, which of the following is the most
appropriate initial anti-hypertensive therapy for
this patient?
A: Amlodipine
B: Diltiazem
D: Lisinopril
Patient is African American with stage 1 HTN. Thiazide diuretics and
CCB alone or in combo are recommended by JNC 8.
Patient is on moderate dose statin that uses CYP3A4 pathway which
can be inhibited by CCB and can cause increased statin myopathy, so
thiazide diuretic would be more appropriate.
Labs show normal chemistry panel and urine dipstick shows no protein.
Which of the following is the most
appropriate next step in management?
A: Add Lisinopril
B: Add metoprolol
B: Add metoprolol
Labs show Cr 1.1mg/dL, fasting glucose 114 and K+ 4.0, urine dipstick
demonstrates no blood or protein.
Which of the following is most likely to be
effective in controlling this patients HTN?
A: Amlodipine
B: Lisinopril
C: Losartan
B: Lisinopril
C: Losartan
On exam, BP 148/92, HR 76, BMI 33. The remainder of the exam was normal.
Labs show Cr 1.5, K+4.2, urine dipstick with no hematuria or proteinuria and
spot urine protein-creatinine ratio 50mg/g
Which of the following is the most appropriate
anti-hypertensive treatment for this patient?
B: Lisinopril
B: Lisinopril