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Spinal Cord Injury

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Spinal Cord Injury

Yoon Seung-Hwan
General Principles of Spine Injuries

the fourth leading cause of death in the US

C-spine injuries
MVAs - 50%
falls - 25%
sports activities - 10%
60% of all spine injuries in children;
upper cervical spine.
C5-C6 is the most commonly injured level in
Ranges of Motion (in degrees)

Level Flexion/ Lateral Rotation

Extension Flexion
O -C1 25 5 5
C1-C2 20 5 40
C2-C3 10 10 3
C3-C4 15 11 7
C4-C5 20 11 7
C5-C6 20 8 7
C6-C7 17 7 6
C7-T1 9 4 2

1. The ability of the spine under physiologic
loads to prevent displacements which
would injure or irritate neural tissue.

2. Instability is the loss of the ability of the

spine to tolerate physiological loading
without incurring neurological deficit, pain,
or progressive structural deficit.
Initial evaluation and treatment

Stablization for transport
don't move patient before stabilization of cervical
In hospital
Usual trauma protocol
rule of thumb is 5 pounds per spinal level above the
60-80 pounds are usually the upper limit in any case.
Pharmacologic treatment of S CI

adequate volume and normotension
2. Methylprednislone
within 8 hours of the SCI protocol
30mg/kg initial IV bolus over 15 minutes
followed by a 45 minute pause,
and then a 5.4 mg/kg/hr continuous infusion.
3. Naloxone
4. Triliazad
Plain Films

AP, lateral, obliques

open mouth
Swimmer's view
Radiographic Criteria
Upper limits of
prevertebral soft tissue
level of C1: 10 mm
level of C4: 7 mm
level of C6-7: 20 mm
Inter-spinous process widening
(on AP radiographs)
More than 1.5 times the interspinous
distance at the levels above and below is
C1-C2 distance between posterior cortex of
C1 arch and odontoid is maximally 3 mm in
adults and 4.5 mm in children.
Normal spinal canal diameter is 17 5 mm
Stenosis is present if <13 mm.
anterior subluxation of 3 mm of one body on
another (or >20% of the AP distance)
indicates instability.
angulation greater than 11 is suggestive of
Other Investigations

flexion and extension views, tomograms

CT, CT/myleogram, and MRI
MRI essential for suspected spinal cord
all soft tissues (disk and ligamentous
structures) are shown in much better detail.
Injuries of the Upper Cervical
Odontoid Anatomy

Steele's rule of thirds

The dens, subarachnoid space, and
spinal cord each occupy 1/3 of the area
of the canal at the level of the atlas.

1. posterior occipito-atlantal ligament
(ligamentum flavum ends at C1).
2. anterior occipito-atlantal ligament.
3. ligamentum nuchae.
4. anterior longitudinal ligament.
1. cruciform ligament( transverse ligament )
2. accessory ligaments
3. apical ligament
4. alar ligaments
5. posterior longitudinal ligament
( tectorial membane )
Types of injuries

I. Atlanto-occipital dislocation.
II. Condylar fractures.
III. Atlanto-axial dislocation.
IV. Atlas fractures.
V. Odontoid fractures.
VI. Hangman's fractures.
VII. C3 fractures.
Atlas fractures

junction remains
because of capacity
of spinal canal.
Jeffersons fracture
Clinical Features

isolated C1 fractures rarely have associated

cord injury.
neck tenderness
need neck support
pharyngeal protuberance.

Spence's Rule
If, on plain films, the distance of excursion
of lateral masses is 7 mm or more,
there is a transverse ligament rupture.

Halo immobilization in virtually all cases

except when Spence's rule exceeded
Odontoid Fractures

Odontoid fractures
are the M/C
fractures of C2.

Type I An oblique fracture line through the upper part of

the odontoid process representing an avulsion
fracture where the alar ligaments attach. Stable,
high rate of fusion.
Type II A fracture at the junction between the odontoid
process and the body of the axis. Unstable, high
rate malunion.
Type IIA Similar to type II but with fragments of bone
present at the fracture site.
Type III A fracture that extends down into the cacellous
bone of the body of the axis and in reality is a
fracture of the body of C2. Stable, with high
rate of fusion.
E pidemiology

about 10-15% of all cervical spine fractures.

In children, these consitute about 75% of all
C-spine injuries.
Clinical Features

need high index of suspicion in all trauma

many signs and symptoms are non-specific
vertebral artery compression may cause
stem ischemic symptoms.
most patients unwilling to go from supine to
sitting position without supporting their
with their hands.

open mouth views

tomography or CT
saggital and
have superseded
Treatment and results

Halo traction, maximum of 5-10 pounds to

achieve reduction
Type I : no fusion required
Type III : no fusion required
(>90% fuse with Halo immobilization)
Type II : several factors important in
decision making
1. Patient age.
sixty years of age is the usually quoted
for conservative management.
2. Displacement
If >6 mm and >60 years, 85% nonunion rate.
3. Age of fracture
greater than 2 weeks seems to be the cutoff
for high union rate
Techniques for C1/C2 Fusion

C1/C2 fusions can

be considered even
if there is a
unilateral fracture of
the atlas ring, or
unilateral fracture of
the lateral mass of
the atlas.
Hangman's Fracture

When submental knots with a measured

corporal drop are used to hang someone, a
classic hangman's C2 fracture is the result.
Pathophysiology and Classification
Hangman's fracture involves a bilateral
fracture of C2 (pars interarticularis i.e, the
pedicle) with variable C2 on C3
Type Description Mechanism of Injury

Type I Stable. Fractures through Axial loading and then

the pars with less than extension.
2 mm displacement of
C2 on C3.

Type II Unstable. Significant Axial loading, extension, and

displacement of C2 on then rebound flexion.
C3 (>2 mm or >118
angulation). Disruption
of PLL.
Type Less displaced but more Same as II.
IIA angulated than II.
Type III Pure flexion injuries. C2- Compression and flexion.
C3 facet capsules are
disrupted with
angulation and
Clinical Features

not highly specific symptoms,

diffuse neck pain with stiffness
relative sparing of the spinal cord because
the capacious bony canal.

type I may be treated in a rigid collar for

12 weeks.
remainder are all treated initially with Halo
up to 5% will eventually require surgery.
Surgical Indications

inability to reduce fracture

failure to maintain reduction in Halo vest.
C2-3 disk herniation with spinal cord
established non-union (late)
Surgical Procedures

1. C1-C3 arthrodesis
2. C2 pedicle screws.
3. C2-C3 anterior discectomy with fusion
and plate.
Injuries of the Lower Cervical

I. flexion-dislocation
II. flexion-compression
III. compression burst
IV. extension
Criteria for Instability

White and Panjabi also concluded that

horizontal motion between vertebrae should
not exceed 2.7 mm
(3.5 mm with standard X-ray magnification),
and angular motion should not exceed 11
Three column model

failure of 2 of the 3
columns implies that
there will be instability.
1. anterior column
2. middle column
3. posterior column
Flexion Dislocation Injuries

A) unilateral facet
B) bilateral facet
Indications for surgery

1. failure to obtain reduction

2. failure to maintain reduction
3. pseudoarthrosis
4. purely ligamentous injury
5. re-subluxation
6. any patient with jumped facets
Flexion Compression Injuries

A) wedge compression
B) teardrop flexion
Compression Burst Fractures

characterized by
axial loading
injuries to a spine
which is held in a
neutral or very
slightly flexed
immobilized by
traction with a Halo
E xtension Injuries

may occur either in distraction or compression.

Surgical Considerations

absolute Indications
1. inability to obtain reduction
2. inability to maintain reduction
indications for emergent surgery
1. progression of neurological deficit
2. complete myelographic or MRI CSF block
3. fragments in spinal canal in incomplete SCI
4. necessity for decompressing a cervical nerve root
5. open or penetrating trauma
6. non-reducible fractures
Contraindications for emergent

1. complete SCI
2. central cord syndrome.
3. medically unstable patient.
Surgical techniques

anterior approaches
cervical orthoses
Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures
E pidemiology

represent 40% of all spine fractures

majority due to motor vehicle accidents.
grouped into
thoracic (T1-T10)
thoracolumbar (T11-L1)
lumbar fractures (L2-L5)
60% occur between T12 and L2

In general, compression causes burst

fractures, flexion causes wedge fractures,
rotation causes fracture dislocations, and
shear causes seatbelt type fractures.
thoracic region is inherently more stable
because of the rib cage and ligaments
linking the ribs and spine.
the three column model states that failure of
two or more columns results in instability.
the middle column is crucial, its mode of
failure distinguishes the four types of spine

most important initial study is a complete

plain film series of the spine.
5-20% of fractures are multiple.
CT is used to define the bony anatomy in the
injured area.
MRI essential to define spinal cord anatomy
and also for assessing ligamentous injury.
Flexion Compression Fractures

most common type of fracture.

failure of the anterior column due to flexion
a minimum of 30% loss of ventral height is
necessary to appreciate a kyphotic deformity
on x-rays.
usually managed
early mobilization
Burst Fractures

17% of major spinal fractures

between T1-T10, most burst fractures are
associated with complete neurological deficit.
bony fragments may be retropulsed into the
canal (25% of cases) and associated
fractures of the posterior elements are
failure of anterior and middle column defines
these as unstable.

those fractures with canal compromise in

presence of neurological deficit should be
treated with surgical decompression and
the treatment of burst fractures with canal
compromise and no neurological deficit is
generally, management is based upon
determination of stability.
those fractures with >50% loss of vertebral
body height, or if the posterior column injury
includes a facet fracture or dislocation are
considered unstable.
commonly sited indications for surgery are
i) angular deformity >15-40 degrees
ii) canal compromise >40-70%
Seat Belt Injuries

6% of major spinal
caused by
hyperflexion and
distraction of the
posterior elements.
the middle and posterior columns fail in
distraction with an intact anterior hinge.
unstable in flexion but will not present with
anterior subluxation, which would indicate
that the ALL is disrupted
(i.e. a fracture-dislocation).
PLL is also intact and sometimes fracture
fragments are moved back from the canal
simply by distraction.

treatment of mainly osseous injuries is

bracing while mainly ligamentous injuries
treated with posterior fusion.
Fracture Dislocations

19% of major spinal

anterior and cranial
displacement of the
superior vertebral
with failure of all three
E xtension Distraction Fractures

rare injuries.
hyperextension force tears the ALL and
to separation of the disc.
all are unstable and require fixation.

By Degree
according to Denis, first degree is mechanical
instability, second degree is neurolgical, and
third is both.
first degree: manage with external orthosis
i) >30 degree wedge compression fracture
ii) Seat belt injuries.
second degree: mixed category
third degree: all require surgery
i) fracture dislocations
ii) burst fractures who fail non-operative
iii) burst fractures who develop new
neurological deficit
Non-operative Therapy

external orthosis for 8-12 weeks

serial radiographs every 2-3 weeks for the
first 3 months, then 4-6 week intervals until
6 months and at 3 month intervals for 1 year.
Indications for operative therapy

1. progressive neurological deficit

2. spinal cord compression
3. dural laceration
4. unstable spine
Spinal Shock

loss of all cord function distal to the site

of injury (motor, sensory, sympathetic).
E tiology

1. trauma
2. vascular
3. infection

sudden loss of descending, tonic input from

the rubrospinal, vestibulospinal and the
corticospinal tracts.
Natural history

can last days, weeks, or occasionally

there is loss of facilitatory inputs which
gradually return via sprouting, membrane
hyperexcitability, and residual connections.
the stretch reflexes begin to return (flexors
the upper extremities and extensors in the
lower extremities).
4. return of bulbocavernosus reflex heralds
course out of spinal shock.
5. mass reflexes return with cutaneous stimuli,
or bladder distension and include spasms,
colon and bladder evacuation, hypertension,
profuse sweating.
6. return of sacral reflex for bladder and bowel.

1. maintain adequate intravascular volume

2. maintain blood pressure (spinal cord
3. keep bladder well decompressed; attend to
bowel routine.
4. surgical stabilization if indicated or
- The E nd -

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