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Covalent Bonds: The Joy of Sharing!

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Covalent Bonds

The joy of sharing!

Covalent Bonds

Covalent bonds: occur between

two or more nonmetals; electrons
are shared not transferred (as in
ionic bonds)

The result of sharing electrons is

that atoms attain a more stable
electron configuration.
Covalent Bonds

Most covalent bonds involve:

2 electrons (single covalent bond),
4 electrons (double covalent bond, or
6 electrons (triple covalent bond).
Lewis structures (electron dot structures)
show the structure of molecules. (Bonds
can be shown with dots for electrons, or
with dashes: 1 dash = 2 electrons)
H2 HBr

CCl4 O2

Lewis structures (electron dot structures)
show the structure of molecules. (Bonds
can be shown with dots for electrons, or
with dashes: 1 dash = 2 electrons)
H2 HBr

CCl4 O2

Lewis structures (electron dot structures)
show the structure of molecules. (Bonds
can be shown with dots for electrons, or
with dashes: 1 dash = 2 electrons)
H2 HBr

CCl4 O2

Lewis structures (electron dot structures)
show the structure of molecules. (Bonds
can be shown with dots for electrons, or
with dashes: 1 dash = 2 electrons)
H2 HBr

CCl4 O2

Lewis structures (electron dot structures)
show the structure of molecules. (Bonds
can be shown with dots for electrons, or
with dashes: 1 dash = 2 electrons)
H2 HBr

CCl4 O2

Lewis structures (electron dot structures)
show the structure of molecules. (Bonds
can be shown with dots for electrons, or
with dashes: 1 dash = 2 electrons)
H2 HBr

CCl4 O2

Octet Rule

Octet Rule: The representative

elements achieve noble gas
configurations (8 electrons) by
sharing electrons.
Writing Lewis Structures

1) Select a skeleton for the molecule (the least

electronegative element is usually the central
2) Calculate N (the # of valence e- need by all atoms in
the molecule of polyatomic ion.
3) Calculate A (the # of electrons available).
4) Calculate S (the # of electrons shared in the
molecule) S = N A
5) Place the S electrons as shared pairs in the skeleton.
6) Place the additional electrons as unshared pairs to fill
the octet of every representative elements (except
Lewis Structure Examples:
CO2- CBr3-

OH- N22-

NO3- CO32-

SO42- NH4+
Lewis Structure Examples:
CO2- CBr3-

OH- N22-

NO3- CO32-

SO42- NH4+
Lewis Structure Examples:
CO2- CBr3-

OH- N22-

NO3- CO32-

SO42- NH4+
Lewis Structure Examples:
CO2- CBr3-

OH- N22-

NO3- CO32-

SO42- NH4+
Lewis Structure Examples:
CO2- CBr3-

OH- N22-

NO3- CO32-

SO42- NH4+
Lewis Structure Examples:
CO2- CBr3-

OH- N22-

NO3- CO32-

SO42- NH4+
Lewis Structure Examples:
CO2- CBr3-

OH- N22-

NO3- CO32-

SO42- NH4+
Lewis Structure Examples:
CO2- CBr3-

OH- N22-

NO3- CO32-

SO42- NH4+

Weve learned how valence

electrons are shared to form
covalent bonds between elements.
So far, we have considered the
electrons to be shared equally.
However, in most cases, electrons
are not shared equally because of a
property called electronegativity.

element is: the tendency for an
atom to attract electrons to itself
when it is chemically combined with
another element.
The result: a tug-of-war
between the nuclei of the
Electronegativities are given numerical
values (the most electronegative element
has the highest value; the least
electronegative element has the lowest
**See Figure 6-18 p. 169 (Honors)
Most electronegative element:
Fluorine (3.98)
Least electronegative elements:
Fr (0.70), Cs (0.79)
Notice the periodic trend:
As we move from left to right across a row,
electronegativity increases (metals have low
values nonmetals have high values excluding
noble gases)
As we move down a column, electronegativity
The higher the electronegativity
value, the greater the ability to
attract electrons to itself.
Nonpolar Bonds

When the atoms in a molecule are

the same, the bonding electrons are
shared equally.
Result: a nonpolar covalent bond
Examples: O2, F2, H2, N2, Cl2
Polar Bonds
When 2 different atoms are joined by a
covalent bond, and the bonding electrons
are shared unequally, the bond is a polar
covalent bond, or POLAR BOND.
The atom with the stronger electron
attraction (the more electronegative
element) acquires a slightly negative
The less electronegative atom
acquires a slightly positive charge.
Polar Bonds

Example: HCl

H = 2.20
Cl = 3.16

+ H -
Polar Bonds

Example: H2O

H = 2.20
O = 3.44
Polar Bonds

Example: H2O

H = 2.20
O = 3.44
Polar Bonds

Example: H2O

H = 2.20
O = 3.44
Predicting Bond Types
Electronegativities help us predict the
type of bond:
Electronegativity Type of Bond Example
0.00 0.40 H-H
0.41 1.00 H-Cl
(slightly polar)
1.01 2.00 covalent H-F
(very polar)
2.01 or higher ionic Na+Cl-
Polar Molecules

A polar bond in a molecule can

make the entire molecule polar

A molecule that has 2 poles

(charged regions), like H-Cl, is
called a dipolar molecule, or dipole.
Polar Molecules
The effect of polar bonds on the polarity of
a molecule depends on the shape of the

Example: CO2

O=C=O shape: linear

*The bond polarities cancel because they

are in opposite directions; CO2 is a
nonpolar molecule.
Polar Molecules
The effect of polar bonds on the
polarity of a molecule depends on the
shape of the molecule.

Water, H2O, also has 2 polar bonds:

But, the molecule is bent, so the bonds
do not cancel.
H2O is a polar molecule.

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