Meridian Transit Methods
Meridian Transit Methods
Meridian Transit Methods
The time of the Suns meridian passage listed in the Nautical Almanac
is the GMT of the Suns passage over the prime meridian at Greenwich
rounded to the nearest whole minute.
Apparent solar noon occurs after mean solar noon Apparent solar noon occurs before mean solar noon
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
Mean Sun Ahead of Apparent Sun Equation of Time Apparent Sun Ahead of Mean Sun
The Nautical Almanac Values Shown In Gray Box The Nautical Almanac Values Shown In White Box
Kepler's Second Law
A line joining the Earth to the Sun sweeps out equal areas
in equal times as the Earth moves in its elliptical orbit.
Eqn. of Time
+AAM +16 +11
-MAA +11 0
-5 -3
0 +3
Calculating Apparent Time
If the apparent Sun is ahead of the mean Sun
then: LAT = LMT + Eqn. of Time
LMT = LAT - Eqn. of Time
Using 01 min 28 seconds as the value of the Eqn. of Time, determine meridian
passage at Ediz Hook on 22 December 2014
Maximum error is less than 15 seconds
Accuracy varies through the yearNoon
from 1LAT to 12-00-00
15 seconds, depending on Eqn. of Time
the rate of - 01-28
LMT 11-58-32
change in the Eqn. of Time (See Analemma)
Sun DLo of 3 26.1'W T + 13-44
Day Eqn. of Time Mer.
00h 12h Pass.
Zone Time 12-12-16
d m s m s h m
21 02 13 01 58 11 58 Accuracy is degraded by the change in the value of the
22 01 43 01 28 11 59 Eqn. of Time between 1200 GMT & 1200 LAT at observers
23 01 13 00 58 11 59
meridian. (See Analemma)
Determining UT for GHA = LHA
If you are West of Greenwich, select the latest UT hour from the
Nautical Almanac where GHA is less than your meridian.
If you are East of Greenwich, select the latest UT hour from the
Nautical Almanac where GHA is less than 360 minus your meridian.
Go to the Yellow Pages and determine the minutes and seconds that
correspond to the above difference.
Accuracy 1 second
Comparison of Methods
The rate of change in the value of the Eqn. of Time is at
its maximum value on 22 December (30
Nautical Almanac Mer. Pass. method
Zone Time of 12-12-44 Hc = 18 25.61'
Nautical Almanac Eqn. of Time method
Zone Time of 12-12-16 Hc = 18 25.61'
GHA = Observers Meridian method
Zone Time of 12-12-27 Hc = 18 25.61'
LHA 0.00000
Lat 48.14167 Zn = 180 Hc = 34 10.48'
Dec -7.68367
Day Eqn of Time Mer.
00h 12h Pass.
d m s m s h m
27 021201
13 1356 01 58 12 13
28 011251
12 4345 01 28 12 13
29 011240
12 1334 00 58 12 13
Nautical Almanac Eqn. of Time method
On 29 February you plan on taking a meridian transit sight of the
sun from Ediz Hook, L = 48 08.5' N; Lo 123 26.1' W; (ZD +8).
Use Excerpts from Nautical Almanac supplied with JN course
materials to find Zone Time of Transit.
Eqn. of Time @ 12 hours GMT is 12 min 34 seconds
The mean sun is ahead of the apparent sun
Your DLo is 3 26.1'W which equates to 13 minutes 44 seconds.
From the Nautical Almanac you determine that at UT 2000 the GHA
of the Sun will be 116 52.5' with a Declination of 07 41.4'S
Then the Difference between 123 26.1' and 116 52.5' is 06 33.6'
From the yellow pages we find that 06 33.6' converted to time is
26 minutes 14 seconds
UT 20-00-00
06 33.6' converted to time + 26-14
UT 20-26-14
ZD +8 (rev)
LHA 0.00000 Zone Time 12-26-14
Lat 48.14167
Dec -7.68367 Zn = 180 Hc = 34 10.48'
Comparison of Results
29 February meridian transit sight of the sun from Ediz Hook,
L 48 08.5' N Lo123 26.1' W (ZD +8).
Elevated Pole
Observers Meridian
Observers Zenith
Observers Latitude
L = (90-Ho) -Dec
Ho = 70 50N
Zn =180
CoAlt = 90 - 70 = 20 N Observer
Dec = 10 N CoAlt
L = CoAlt +Dec Sun
L = 20 N +10 N = 30N Equator
Example - Computing Latitude
Observer North of Equator but South of Sun
Ho = 80
Zn =360
CoAlt = 90 - 80 = 10 S
Dec = 20 N Sun
L = CoAlt - Dec Observer
L = 10 S - 20 N = 10N Equator
Example - Computing Latitude
Observer South of Equator & also South of Sun
Ho = 30
Zn =360
CoAlt = 90 - 30 = 60 S
Dec = 20 N Sun
L = CoAlt - Dec
L = 60 S - 20 N = 40S Equator
90 89 60.0'
- Ho _______'
* CoAlt = 90 - Ho _______' N / S
Dec _______' N / S
** L =CoAlt Dec _______' N / S
DR L _______' N / S
a ________ nm
**If CoAlt & Dec have same name add; If opposite names subtract
Reviewing -- Meridian Transit
Celestial body is on the upper Local Apparent Time = 1200
branch of observers meridian
LHA of Sun = 000 00.0' Elevated Pole
In this example:
Observers latitude = Zenith Distance + Declination of Sun
Isometric of Meridian Transit Diagram
CoAlt = 90-60 = 30 N Zenith Distance = 90 - Ho = CoAlt
L = 45 N
Celestial Meridian
Ho = 60
CoAlt = 30 N
Dec = +15 N
L = 45 N
Celestial Horizon
Altitude of Sun at Transit for Year 2003
Location 48 8.5' N 123 26.0' W