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Chapter 24 Industry Comes of Age

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Chapter 24

Industry Comes of Age

Joyce Lee
APUSH - Period 4
Historical Causation

Cause Effect

Federal Land Grants and subsidies Encouraged the railroads to build their
lines across the North American
The building of a transcontinental rail continent.
network Stimulated the growth of a huge unified
national market for American
Corrupt financial dealings and political manufactured goods
manipulations by the railroads
Created a public demand for railroad
New developments in steel making, oil regulation, such as the ICA
refining, and communication Laid the technological basis for huge new
industries and spectacular economic
Patterns of Continuity and Change over Time

Railroads construction began to Due to the railroad network, the US

build by 1900 was the largest manufacturing
Created a huge new market in the
american age, 20 percent of all Iron rails were replaced by steel
US investments was directed ones which were cheaper and
towards it stronger

Transcontinental railroad building Union Pacific Company and the

was so costly and risky Central Pacific company would
race each other making the

1862 Congress authorizes transcontinental railroad

1869 Wedding of the rails was finally consummated near Ogden, Utah

1870 Standard Oil Company organized

1883 North Pacific Railroad was reached

1886 American Federation of Labor formed

1887 Interstate Commerce Act

1890 Sherman Antitrust Act

The North The South

The economy of the North was The economy of the South was
based on manufacturing based on agriculture

There is more private wealth in the Economy growth was slower than in
north the North

North was well on its way toward South produced a smaller

manufacturing economy percentage of the nations
manufactured goods that it had
before the Civil War
During the Civil War, oil industry was
one of the most striking developments
of the years. In 1859, Drakes Folly
made oil well known in Pennsylvania.
The oil industry grew overnight, burned
from cotton wick in a glass chimney
lamp. The fame of the oil industry in
the end would die down as Thomas
Edisons innovative invention of the
light bulb help create light as a
substitute to the oil lamps.
Historical Argumentation
Many people can argue with Stephen
Douglass lucrative thinking of the Kansas-
Nebraska Act. The Civil War helped push
the transcontinental railroad to the North
and people accepting the idea of the
Douglas Kansas-Nebraska Act. That Act
helped Chicagos economy rise. Cities rose
out west, notably Chicago, and the cities
back east were brought whatever the West
had to offer.
Apparent Use of Relevant Historical Evidence

The North and South have been trapped in

the decision of who would take part in the
Transcontinental Railroad but this tough
choice was broken as soon as the South
seceded leaving the field to the North. The
South seceded after Lincolns election
because they were losing control of the
federal government and soon would have
lead to the opposite of any further extension
to slavery.

In the year of 1877, America

was facing another
depression. Throughout
Americas history America
would be in a depression, we
would see the public always
starting protest and would
have conflicts with the elected
leaders of the country.

Overall, in the era of where industry comes of age people see the risk of creating
the transcontinental railroad and how this would lead to a race between two
company. We also see the South making a decision of seceding from the Union
which would lead America into series of huge depression. Oil industry rose over
night but Edisons invention of the light bulb changed the way people work.
People are given the opportunity to work later for they would have light to which
they utilize to see in the dark which in the past was a difficult task with the oil
Investigate the World

The Industrial Revolution caused the

overall standard of living for Americans
to improve. Railroads in the 20th century
were so well established as the key to
transportation that it seemed to poke
through every small community and are
of the country.
Recognize Perspectives

The Big Four recognized the

perspective that the
completion of the
transcontinental line was
one of the Americas most
impressive peacetime
Communicate Ideas

Andrew Carnegie, the master of the

steel industry communicated his ideas to
use the vertical integration to grow his
business. This meant he bought out
businesses that he used in the
production process.
Take Action

Interstate Commerce Act

established the ICC (Interstate
Commerce Commission) to monitor
the business operation of carriers
transporting goods and people
between states; created to regulate
railroad prices.
Work Cited
JFK American Pageant 14th edition

Early American Railroads. Independence Hall Association, n.d.

Web. 08 Mar. 2016.

INDUSTRIALISM: 1865-1900. INDUSTRIALISM: 1865-1900. N.p., n.d. Web. 08

Mar. 2016.

United States. National Park Service. "Story (U.S. National Park Service)."National
Parks Service. U.S. Department of the Interior, 05 Mar. 2016. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.

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