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Compromise, Arrangement & Amalgamation

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Tribunals Power

an application to be made before the

Tribunal under section 230 for the
sanctioning of a compromise or an
arrangement which is proposed
between a company and any such
persons as are mentioned in that
Provided the tribunal is shown the
prescribed situations.
a scheme for the reconstruction of the
company or companies involving the
amalgamation of any two or more
companies; and
the whole or any part of the
undertaking, property or liabilities of
the transferor company is required to
be transferred to the transferee
company, or is proposed to be divided
among and transferred to two or more
Tribunals Power
Then the Tribunal may on such
application, order a meeting of the
creditors or class of creditors or the
members or class of members, as
the case may be, to be called, held
and conducted in such manner as
the Tribunal may direct.
Sub Section 2 Circulation of documents
for members/creditors meeting

Where an order has been made by

the Tribunal under sub-section (1),
merging companies or the companies
in respect of which a division is
proposed, shall also be required to
circulate certain document/s for the
meeting so ordered by the Tribunal.
(a) the draft of the proposed terms of the scheme;
(b) confirmation that draft scheme has been filed
with the Registrar;
(c) a report explaining effect of compromise on each
class of shareholders, key managerial personnel,
promoters and non-promoter shareholders laying
out in particular the share exchange ratio
(d) the report of the expert with regard to valuation;
(e) a supplementary accounting statement if the last
annual accounts of any of the merging company
relate to a financial year ending more than six
months before the first meeting of the company
summoned for the purposes of approving the
Sub Section 3
Sanctioning of scheme by tribunal
The Tribunal, after satisfying itself
that the procedure specified in sub-
sections (1) and (2) has been
complied with, may, by order,
sanction the compromise or
arrangement or by a subsequent
order, make provision for certain
the transfer to the transferee
company of the whole or any part of
the undertaking, property or
liabilities of the transferor company
from a date to be determined by the
parties unless the Tribunal, for
reasons to be recorded by it in
writing, decides otherwise;
the allotment or appropriation by the
transferee company of any shares,
debentures, policies or other like instruments
in the company which, under the
compromise or arrangement, are to be
allotted or appropriated by that company to
or for any person
Provided that a transferee company shall not, as
a result of the compromise or arrangement, hold
any shares in its own name or in the name of any
trust whether on its behalf or on behalf of any of
its subsidiary or associate companies and any
such shares shall be cancelled or extinguished;
the continuation by or against the
transferee company of any legal
proceedings pending by or against
any transferor company on the date
of transfer;
dissolution, without winding-up, of
any transferor company;
the provision to be made for any
persons who, within such time and in
such manner as the Tribunal directs,
dissent from the compromise or
where share capital is held by any non-
resident shareholder under the foreign
direct investment norms or guidelines
specified by the Central Government or in
accordance with any law for the time
being in force, the allotment of shares of
the transferee company to such
shareholder shall be in the manner
specified in the order;
the transfer of the employees of the
transferor company to the transferee
where the transferor company is a listed
company and the transferee company is an
unlisted company,
the transferee company shall remain an unlisted
company until it becomes a listed company;
if shareholders of the transferor company decide to
opt out of the transferee company, provision shall be
made for payment of the value of shares held by
them and other benefits in accordance with a pre-
determined price formula or after a valuation is made,
and the arrangements under this provision may be
made by the Tribunal:
Provided that the amount of payment or valuation under
this clause for any share shall not be less than what has
been specified by the Securities and Exchange Board under
any regulations framed by it;
where the transferor company is
dissolved, the fee, if any, paid by the
transferor company on its authorised
capital shall be set-off against any
fees payable by the transferee
company on its authorised capital
subsequent to the amalgamation;
Sub Section 4
Transfer of property or liabilities
Where an order under this section provides
for the transfer of any property or liabilities,
then, by virtue of the order, that property
shall be transferred to the transferee
company and the liabilities shall be
transferred to and become the liabilities of
the transferee company and any property
may, if the order so directs, be freed from any
charge which shall by virtue of the
compromise or arrangement, cease to have
Sub Section 5
Certified copy of the order to be filed with the
Companies in relation to which orders are passed have
to file a certified copy of the order with the Registrar
within 30 days of receipt of the certified copy.

Sub Section 6
Effective date of the scheme
The scheme under this section shall clearly indicate an
appointed date from which it shall be effective and the
scheme shall be deemed to be effective from such
date and not at a date subsequent to the appointed
Sub Section 7 Annual statement
certified by CA/CS/CWA to be filed with
registrar every year until the
completion of the scheme
Every company in relation to which the
order is made shall, until the completion of
the scheme, file a statement in such form
and within such time as may be prescribed
with the Registrar every year duly certified
by a chartered accountant or a cost
accountant or a company secretary in
practice indicating whether the scheme is
being complied with in accordance with the
orders of the Tribunal or not.
Penalty for Default
Default on the part of the transferor
company in complying with the
provisions make it liable to pay fine
not less than Rs. 1,00,000 extending
to 25,00,000.
Every officer in default is liable to
imprisonment upto 1 year or with
fine not less than Rs. 1,00,000
extendable to 3,00,000 or with both
Explanation appended to the
in a scheme involving a merger, where under the
scheme the undertaking, property and liabilities of
one or more companies, including the company in
respect of which the compromise or arrangement
is proposed, are to be transferred to another
existing company, it is a merger by absorption, or
where the undertaking, property and liabilities of
two or more companies, including the company in
respect of which the compromise or arrangement
is proposed, are to be transferred to a new
company, whether or not a public company, it is a
merger by formation of a new company;
references to merging companies are in relation to
a merger by absorption, to the transferor and
transferee companies, and, in relation to a merger
by formation of a new company, to the transferor
a scheme involves a division, where under the
scheme the undertaking, property and liabilities of
the company in respect of which the compromise
or arrangement is proposed are to be divided
among and transferred to two or more companies
each of which is either an existing company or a
new company;
property includes assets, rights and interests of
every description and liabilities include debts and
obligations of every description
Applicable Rules
Rule18. Application for directions under section 232
of the Act.
(1) Where the compromise or arrangement has been
proposed for the purposes of or in connection with a
scheme for the reconstruction of any company or
companies or the amalgamation of any two or more
companies, and the matters involved cannot be dealt with
or dealt with adequately on the petition for sanction of the
compromise or arrangement, an application shall be made
to the Tribunal under section 232 of the Act, by a notice of
admission supported by an affidavit for directions of the
Tribunal as to the proceedings to be taken.
(2) Notice of admission in such cases shall be given in such
manner and to such persons as the Tribunal may direct.
Rule 19. Directions at hearing of application. Upon
the hearing of the notice of admission given under
rule 18 or upon any adjourned hearing thereof, the
Tribunal may make such order or give such directions
as it may think fit, as to the proceedings to be taken
for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation,
as the case may be, including, where necessary, an
inquiry as to the creditors of the transferor company
and the securing of the debts and claims of any of
the dissenting creditors in such manner as the
Tribunal may think just and appropriate
Rule 20. Order under section 232 of the Act. An
order made under section 232 read with section 230
of the Act shall be inForm No.CAA.7 with such
variation as the circumstances may require
Rule 21. Statement of compliance in mergers and
amalgamations. For the purpose of sub-section (7) of section
232 of the Act, every company in relation to which an order is
made under sub-section (3) of section 232 of the Act shall until
the scheme is fully implemented, file with the Registrar of
Companies, the statement in Form No. CAA.8 along with such fee
as specified in the Companies (Registration Offices and Fees)
Rules, 2014 within two hundred and ten days from the end of
each financial year.

Rule 22. Report on working of compromise or arrangement. At

any time after issuing an order sanctioning the compromise or
arrangement, the Tribunal may, either on its own motion or on
the application of any interested person, make an order directing
the company or where the company is being wound-up, its
liquidator, to submit to the Tribunal within such time as the
Tribunal may fix, a report on the working of the said compromise
or arrangement and on consideration of the report, the Tribunal
may pass such orders or give such directions as it may think fit.
Rule 23. Liberty to apply.
(1) The company, or any creditor or member thereof, or in
case of a company which is being wound-up, its liquidator,
may, at any time after the passing of the order sanctioning
the compromise or arrangement, apply to the Tribunal for
the determination of any question relating to the working of
the compromise or arrangement.
(2) The application shall in the first instance be posted
before the Tribunal for directions as to the notices and the
advertisement, if any, to be issued, as the Tribunal may
(3) The Tribunal may, on such application, pass such orders
and give such directions as it may think fit in regard to the
matter, and may make such modifications in the
compromise or arrangement as it may consider necessary
for the proper working thereof, or pass such orders as it may
think fit in the circumstances of the case.
Rule 24. Liberty of the Tribunal.
(1) At any time during the proceedings, if the
Tribunal hearing a petition or application under
these Rules is of the opinion that the petition or
application or evidence or information or statement
is required to be filed in the form of affidavit, the
same may be ordered by the Tribunal in the manner
as the Tribunal may think fit.
(2) The Tribunal may pass any direction(s) or order
or dispense with any procedure prescribed by these
rules in pursuance of the object of the provisions for
implementation of the scheme of arrangement or
compromise or restructuring or otherwise
practicable except on those matters specifically
provided in the Act.
Merger of small companies/holding
and subsidiary companies

Section 233 prescribes simplified

procedure for Merger or
amalgamation of
two or more small companies or
between a holding company and its
wholly-owned subsidiary company or
such other class or classes of companies
as may be prescribed;
Section 233
notwithstanding the provisions of
section 230 and section 232, a
scheme of merger or amalgamation
may be entered into between two or
more small companies or between a
holding company and its wholly-
owned subsidiary company or such
other class or classes of companies
as may be prescribed.
a notice of the proposed scheme inviting objections
or suggestions, if any, from the Registrar and Official
Liquidators of the places where the registered office
of the respective companies are situated or persons
affected by the scheme within 30 days is issued by
the transferor company or companies and the
transferee company;
the objections and suggestions received are
considered by the companies in their respective
general meetings and the scheme is approved by
the respective members or class of members at a
general meeting holding at least ninety per cent. of
the total number of shares;
each of the companies involved in the merger
files a declaration of solvency, in the
prescribed form, with the Registrar of the place
where the registered office of the company is
situated; and
the scheme is approved by majority
representing nine-tenths in value of the
creditors or class of creditors of respective
companies indicated in a meeting convened by
the company by giving a notice of twenty-one
days along with the scheme to its creditors for
the purpose or otherwise approved in writing
Transferee Company to file a copy of
scheme approved

Section 233(2) states that the

transferee company shall file a copy
of the scheme so approved in the
manner as may be prescribed, with
the Central Government, Registrar
and the Official Liquidator where the
registered office of the company is
Central Government to
issue confirmation order,

Section 233(3) states that on the

receipt of the scheme, if the Registrar
or the Official Liquidator has no
objections or suggestions to the
scheme, the Central Government shall
register the same and issue a
confirmation thereof to the companies.
Communication of objections by the
registrar or official liquidator

Section 233(4) If the Registrar or

Official Liquidator has any objections
or suggestions, he may communicate
the same in writing to the Central
Government within a period of thirty
days. If no such communication is
made, it shall be presumed that he
has no objection to the scheme.
Application by Central Government
to the Tribunal

Section 233(5) states that if the Central

Government after receiving the objections or
suggestions or for any reason is of the
opinion that such a scheme is not in public
interest or in the interest of the creditors, it
may file an application before the Tribunal
within a period of sixty days of the receipt of
the scheme under sub-section (2) stating its
objections and requesting that the Tribunal
may consider the scheme under section 232.
Tribunals Action to Central
Governments application Section
233(6) states that on receipt of an application
from the Central Government or from any
person, if the Tribunal, for reasons to be
recorded in writing, is of the opinion that the
scheme should be considered as per the
procedure laid down in section 232, the Tribunal
may direct accordingly or it may confirm the
scheme by passing such order as it deems fit
If the Central Government does not have any
objection to the scheme or it does not file any
application under this section before the Tribunal, it
shall be deemed that it has no objection to the
Registrar having jurisdiction over
transferee company has to be

Section 233(7) states that a copy of the order

under sub-section (6) confirming the scheme
shall be communicated to the Registrar having
jurisdiction over the transferee company and the
persons concerned and the Registrar shall
register the scheme and issue a confirmation
thereof to the companies and such confirmation
shall be communicated to the Registrars where
transferor company or companies were situated.
Effect of registration of the
1. Sub Section (8) states that the
registration of the scheme under
subsection (3) or sub-section (7) shall
be deemed to have the effect of
dissolution of the transferor company
without process of winding up.
2. Section 233 (9) states that the
registration of the scheme shall have
the following effects,
transfer of property or liabilities of the
transferor company to the transferee
company so that the property becomes
the property of the transferee company
and the liabilities become the liabilities
of the transferee company;
the charges, if any, on the property of
the transferor company shall be
applicable and enforceable as if the
charges were on the property of the
transferee company;
legal proceedings by or against the
transferor company pending before any
court of law shall be continued by or
against the transferee company; and
where the scheme provides for purchase
of shares held by the dissenting
shareholders or settlement of debt due
to dissenting creditors, such amount, to
the extent it is unpaid, shall become the
liability of the transferee company
Effect of Shareholding by the
Transferee Company

Section 233 (10) states that a

transferee company shall not on
merger or amalgamation, hold any
shares in its own name or in the
name of any trust either on its behalf
or on behalf of any of its subsidiary
or associate company and all such
shares shall be cancelled or
extinguished on the merger or
Application with Registrar along with
the scheme registered
Section 233(11) The transferee company shall
file an application with the Registrar along with
the scheme registered, indicating the revised
authorised capital and pay the prescribed fees
due on revised capital. The fee, if any, paid by
the transferor company on its authorised
capital prior to its merger or amalgamation
with the transferee company shall be set-off
against the fees payable by the transferee
company on its authorised capital enhanced
by the merger or amalgamation.

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