CBT Training Presentation
CBT Training Presentation
CBT Training Presentation
Deep Breathing
Muscle Relaxation
Positive Self-talk
Cognitive restructuring
Problem Solving
Overview of Day: Learning Session II Agenda
What are Core Skills?
Group Interventions:
Review and Select Manualized Interventions
7 SBHCs from Colorado, Louisiana, New Jersey, North Carolina
13 SBHCs from Michigan and West Virginia
MHET Mission
Increase knowledge and implementation
of mental health
coding, and
empirically-supported short-term
among SBHC primary care and mental
health providers.
Learning Session Two
Pre-assessment Core Skills
MHET Objectives: Learning Session II
How you are thinking (your cognitions)
How you are behaving and communicating
Evokes a pleasing,
calming mental image
(e.g., the beach, park,
forest, playing with a
favorite pet)
Systematic Desensitization
Anxiety reducing strategy involving
exposure of the phobic child to the
feared object or situation.
Recognize and get rid of
negative self talk
Counter the negative
thoughts with realistic
positive self talk
Believe the positive self
Case Example and Role Play:
MH Provider Role Play
Anxiety: Systematic Desensitization
Marcus has come for a follow-up appointment at the SBHC.
He reported several anxiety symptoms during his
comprehensive risk assessment, and screened positively for
panic attacks during the Diagnostic Predictive Scales. Marcus
indicates that the panic attacks are triggered by a fear of being
called on in class. He experiences symptoms of panic (heart
palpitations, nervousness, sweating, etc) on the way to school,
while sitting in class, and even just thinking about being in
Recognize and get rid of negative
self talk
Counter the negative thoughts with
realistic positive self talk
Believe the positive self talk!
Thought Stopping
Replaces racing thoughts or
disturbing thoughts with neutral
Define the problem.
Brainstorm all possible solutions.
Focus your energy and attention to
be able to complete your task
Identify outcomes related to the
various solutions, including who
will be affected by the outcomes.
Make a decision and carry out.
Have a contingency plan in case
the solution does not work out as
Evaluate the outcome.
Relaxation Training
Deep Breathing
Progressive Muscle
General Stress
Case Example and Role Play:
MH Provider Role Play
Depression: Cognitive Restructuring
Tonya has come for an initial appointment to the SBHC. During the
risk assessment, Tonya reports a number of depressive symptoms,
but no suicidal ideation. Tonya seems to display a lot of negative
thinking and cognitive distortions. For example, she believes that
nobody likes her and that s/he will never be successful in
school. Her math teacher often compliments her work, but Tonya
dismisses the teachers comments as him just trying to be nice.
Tonya has good grades in all classes except for one, yet she only
acknowledges her below average Chemistry grade.
Groupsshould be comprised of 12 or
fewer youth.
FRIENDS addresses the three major components of
chronic anxiety symptoms:
mind (i.e., cognition),
body (i.e. physiological responses),
and behavior (i.e., learning new coping skills).
teaching skills to enhance self-
esteem and awareness are critical
Educating students about the harmful
effects of substance use may equip them
with knowledge necessary to help them
avoid abusing alcohol or drugs
Substance Abuse Screening: Tips
for interviewing adolescents
Private setting without parents present
Display related pamphlets, with multiple copies to give
Discuss confidentiality
Introduce the topic of alcohol/drugs in a nonjudgmental
way: I know that some kids your age use alcohol, or
smoke, or use other drugs
Introduce the topic in the context of concern for the
students health: Id like to know a little bit of what
you do in this regard and how you feel about it, because
its important to your health.
Administer a screening instrument (examples in
Motivational Interviewing (MI)
SUMMARIZE positives
Motivational Interviewing
Step 3: Ask about less good things
Use questions like:
Can you tell me about the down side?
What are some aspects you are not so happy about?
What are the things you wouldn't miss?
If you continued as before, how do you see yourself in
a couple of years from now if you don't change?