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Chemical Vapour Deposition

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Presented by:
-Priyasi Singh
-Pooja Singh
Chemical Vapour Deposition
Chemical Vapor Deposition is the formation of a non-
volatile solid film on a substrate by the reaction of vapor
phase chemicals (reactants) that contain the required

The reactant gases are introduced into a reaction

chamber and are decomposed and reacted at a heated
surface to form the thin film.
Fundamental principle is that a chemical
reaction takes place between the source
The product of that is a solid material that
condenses on all surfaces inside the reactor
Precursor gases (often diluted in carrier gases)
are delivered into the reaction chamber at
approximately ambient temperatures.
Sequential Steps:
1. Transport of reacting to the substrate surface
2. Absorption of species on the substrate
3. Heterogeneous surface reaction catalyzed by
the substrate surface.
4. Desorption of gaseous reaction byproducts
5. Transportation of reaction by-products away
from the substrate
These steps for the CVD process are
sequential; so the one that occurs at the
slowest rate will determine the deposition rate
and is called the rate-limiting step
If the deposition process is dominated by step-
2,3, or 4as numbered above, it is a surface
controlled process
If a deposition process is dominated by step-1,
it is called a mass-transport controlled process
Coating Characteristics

CVD coatings are typically:

Fine grained
High purity

CVD coatings are usually only a few

microns thick and are generally deposited
at fairly slow rates, usually of the order of a
few hundred microns per hour.
CVD Apparatus
A CVD apparatus will consist of several basic components:
1. Gas delivery system For the supply of precursors to the reactor
2. Reactor chamber Chamber within which deposition takes place
3. Substrate loading mechanism A system for introducing and
removing substrates, mandrels etc
4. Energy source Provide the energy/heat that is required to get the
precursors to react/decompose.
5. Vacuum system A system for removal of all other gaseous species
other than those required for the reaction/deposition.
6. Exhaust system System for removal of volatile by-products from the
reaction chamber.
7. Exhaust treatment systems In some instances, exhaust gases may
not be suitable for release into the atmosphere and may require
treatment or conversion to safe/harmless compounds.
8. Process control equipment Gauges, controls etc to monitor process
parameters such as pressure, temperature and time. Alarms and safety
devices would also be included in this category.
Energy Sources

There are several suitable sources of heat for

CVD processes. These include:
Resistive Heating e.g. tube furnaces
Radiant Heating e.g. halogen lamps
Radio Frequency Heating e.g. induction heating
Other energy sources may include UV-visible
light or lasers as a source of photo energy.
Materials are deposited from the gaseous state during
CVD. Thus precursors for CVD processes must be volatile,
but at the same time stable enough to be able to be
delivered to the reactor.
Typical Precursor Materials: Halides - TiCl4, TaCl5, WF6,
Hydrides - SiH4, GeH4, AlH3(NMe3)2, NH3, etc
Metal Organic Compounds
Metal Alkyls - AlMe3, Ti(CH2tBu)4, etc
Metal Alkoxides - Ti(OiPr)4, etc
Metal Dialylamides - Ti(NMe2)4, etc
Metal Diketonates - Cu(acac)2, etc
Metal Carbonyls - Ni(CO)4, etc
Others include a range of other metal organic compounds,
complexes and ligands
CVD Reactors
Cold wall single
Hot wall

Cold wall
Types of CVD process
1. APCVD (atmospheric pressure CVD)
2. LPCVD (low Pressure CVD)
3. PECVD (plasma enhanced CVD)
Hot wall
Parallel type
Single wafer
4. MOCVD (metal organic CVD)
5. LCVD (laser CVD)
6. PCVD (photochemical CVD)
7. CVI (chemical vapor infiltration)
8. CBE (chemical beam epitaxy)
APCVD reactors operate in mass transport limited region
So they are designed such that equal flow of reactants is delivered
This ensures uniform film deposition
This is done by placing the wafer horizontally and then moving
them under gas stream
They are used for depositing low temperature oxide films
Samples are carried through the reactor on a conveyer belt
Reactant gases flowing through the centre of the reactor are
containing by gas curtains formed by fast flow of nitrogen

High deposition rate
Low temp

Poor step coverage
Particle contamination
Require excess wafer handling

Doped & undoped low temp oxides
The reactor consists of a quartz tube heated
by a three zone furnace
Gas introduced from one end & pumped out
from the other end
Wafers stand vertically, perpendicular to the
gas flow
They are placed in a quartz holder
It operates in a surface reaction rate limited
Therefore supply of equal flux of reactants is
not required
Therefore geometry can be such that it can
accommodate a large no. of wafers approx
200 wafers at a time

Excellent purity
Comfortable step coverage
Large wafer capacity
High temp
Low deposition rate
Doped & undoped high temp oxides
PECVD system use an RF induced glow
discharge to transfer energy into reactant
This procedure allows the substrate to remain
at a low temp than APCVD & LPCVD
Parallel plate type
Hot wall type
Single wafer type
a) Parallel plate type
Reaction chamber is cylinder &
constructed of Al- coated stainless
There are Al plates on the top &
Samples lie on the grounded bottom
RF is applied to the top electrode
which creates a glow discharge
between 2 plates
Gases flow radially through the
Resistance heater heat the bottom,
grounded electrode to a temp b/w
Gases are flowing from outer edges to
the center
Low temp deposition
b) Hot wall type
The reaction takes place in a quartz tube heated
by a furnace
Samples are held parallel to the gas flow
The electrode assembly contains long graphite or
al slabs to support the wafers
Alternating slabs are connected to power supply
to generate discharge in the space between the
electrode (long slabs serve both as electrode &

Large no. of wafer deposition
Contamination while loading
and unloading
c)Single wafer type
The reactor is load locked
It offers cassette to cassette operation
It offers rapid radiant heating of each
Wafer larger than 200mm can be loaded
MOCVD stands forMetal-
n. This is a technique for
depositing thin layers of atoms
onto a semiconductor wafer. Using
MOCVD you can build up many
layers, each of a precisely
controlled thickness, to create a
material which has specific optical
and electrical properties

Principle: Atoms that you would like to

be in your crystal are combined with complex
organic gas molecules and passed over a hot
semiconductor wafer.
The heat breaks up the molecules and
deposits the desired atoms on the surface,
layer by layer.
By varying the composition of the gas, you can
The production of physical parts using LCVD involves generating
solid deposits on the surface of a substrate by inducing localized
chemical reactions in a suitable vapor reactant through the use of a
laser beam.

Materialsprepared by CVD, and presumably by LCVD, typically

possess high purity, low porosity, and a high degree of crystallinity.
These attributes are the result of deposition occurring one atom at a
time, leading to materials having excellent mechanical properties and
thermal stability.
Thedeposition happens on a pyrolytic chemical reaction which
occurs in the focus of a laser beam.
Photo-Chemical CVD Reactor uses ultraviolet light as
an energy source for activating process gases for
the deposition of dielectric films at low temperatures
Films of silicondioxide (SiO2), silicon nitride(Si3N4),
silicon oxy-nitride (SiON) and others can be
Minimal stress is observed in these films due to the
low deposition temperature.
Since the UV photon energy used does not ionize the
process gases, no radiation damage from charged
particles has been observed
7. CVI
Chemical Vapor Infiltrationmethod of Ceramic
Matrix Composites fabrication is a process, in which
reactant gasesdiffuseinto an isothermal porous
preform made oflong continuous fibersand form a
deposition. Deposited material is a result of chemical
reaction occurring on the fibers surface.

The infiltration of the gaseous precursor into

thereinforcing ceramic continuous fiber structure
(preform)is driven by either diffusion process or an
imposed external pressure.
The deposition fills the space between the fibers,
forming composite material in whichmatrixis the
deposited material anddispersed phaseis the fibers
of the preform.
Commonly the vapor reagent is supplied to the
preform in a stream of a carrier gas (H2, Ar, He).
Silicon carbide (SiC) matrix is formed from a mixture
of methyltrichlorosilane (MTS) as the precursor and
Hydrogenas the carrier gas. Methyltrichlorosilane is
decomposed according to the reaction:

CH3Cl3Si SiC + 3HCl

8. CBE
Chemical beam epitaxy(CBE) forms an
important class of deposition techniques
forsemiconductorlayer systems,
especially III-V semiconductor systems.
This form of epitaxial growth is performed
in an ultrahighvacuumsystem. The
reactants are in the form of molecular
beams of reactive gases, typically as
thehydrideor ametal organic.

CBE combines the advantages of both

metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
(MOCVD) and molecular beam epitaxy
(MBE) systems, which have been widely
used for the preparation of nitride-based
CVD has applications across a wide range of industries such as:
Coatings Coatings for a variety of applications such as wear resistance, corrosion

resistance, high temperature protection, erosion protection and combinations thereof.

Semiconductors and related devices Integrated circuits, sensors and optoelectronic


Dense structural parts CVD can be used to produce components that are difficult or

uneconomical to produce using conventional fabrication techniques. Dense parts produced via
CVD are generally thin walled and maybe deposited onto a mandrel or former.

Optical Fibres For telecommunications.

Composites Preforms can be infiltrated using CVD techniques to produce ceramic matrix

composites such as carbon-carbon, carbon-silicon carbide and silicon carbide-silicon carbide

composites. This process is sometimes called chemical vapour infiltration or CVI.

Powder production Production of novel powders and fibres



PVD is a process by which a thin film of
material is deposited on a substrate acc to
following steps:
1) The material to be deposited is converted
into vapour by physical means
2) The vapor is transported across a region
of low pressure from its source to the
3) Vapor undergoes condensation on the
substrate to form the thin film

I) Thermal A metal is evaporated by passing

a high current through a highly
refractory material contaminant
Once the metal is evaporated, its
vapour undergoes collisions with
the surrounding gas molecules
inside the evaporation chamber.
As a result a fraction is scattered
within a given distance during
their transfer through the
ambient gas.
Therefore pressure lower than
10 is necessary to maintain for
a straight line path for
evaporated molecules.
II) E-beam Evaporation
In this mode of operation high intensity
electron beam gun is focused on the target
material i.e. placed in a water cooled copper.

The process begin under a vacuum. A

tungsten filament is heated so that it will
give e which forms a beam i.e. deflected &
focus on the material to be evaporated by
the magnetic field.

When E-beam strikes the target material,

the kinetic energy of the motion is
transferred into thermal energy.
Sputtering is a deposition tech consist of basic 4
1. Ions are generated & directed at the target

2. The ion sputter atoms from the target material

3. The sputter atom get transported to the

substrate through a region of reduced pressure

4. This sputter atom condense on the substrate

forming a thin film

RF sputtering will allow the sputtering

of target that are electrical insulator.

The target attracts Ar ions during one

half of the cycle.

The electrons are more mobile & build

up a negative charge called as self bias
which helps in attracting Ar ions which
does the sputtering.

Sputtering can be achieved by applying a

large DC voltage (approx 2000v).

A plasma discharge is established & the

argon ion will be attracted to an impact
sputtering of the target atoms.

In DC sputtering the target must be

electrically conducted otherwise the
target surface will charge with the
collection of ion & repels other Ar ion.
In this technique, a magnetic field, mainly
parallel to the target surface, is
superimposed to the applied electric field
so that the secondary electrons (emitted
by the target during its bombardment) are
trapped near the target surface.

Thus, one single electron can induce

several argon ionizations before being lost
by recombination on the chamber walls.

This results in a large increase of the

plasma ionization rate at the target
surface and then in a significant increase
of the deposition rate .
Materials can be deposited with improved
properties compared to the substrate material
Almost any type of inorganic material can be
used as well as some kinds of organic
Great variety of coating.
High wear resistance.
Low frictional co-efficient
NO toxic reaction product
Excellent adherence
Uniform coating thickness

It is a line of sight technique meaning that it is

extremely difficult to coat undercuts and similar surface

High capital cost

Some processes operate at high vacuums and

temperatures requiring skilled operators

Processes requiring large amounts of heat require

appropriate cooling systems

The rate of coating deposition is usually quite slow

PVD coatings are generally used to improve
hardness, wear resistance and oxidation
resistance. Thus, such coatings use in a wide
range of applications such as:
Dies and moulds for all manner of material
Cutting tools
Fire arms
1. Deposition occur by 1. Deposition occur by
condensation. chemical reaction.

2. The material that is 2. Introduced in a gaseous

introduced onto the form
substrate is introduced in
solid form

3. Atoms are moving and 3. The gaseous molecules will

depositing on the react with the substrate.
4. CVD uses high
4. PVD coating is deposited temperatures in the range
at a relatively low of 450 C to 1050 C.
temperature (around
5. PVD is suitable for coatingtoolsthat are 5. CVD is mainly used for depositing
used inapplicationsthat demand a compound protective coatings.
tough cutting edge.

6. Low capital cost

6. High capital cost

7. Coating thickness up to 20micrometer

7. Coating thickness 3-5 micrometer

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