Delfinm Qsen
Delfinm Qsen
Delfinm Qsen
Clinical Educator- Surgery Unit
Points to remember:
What is patient safety? Decreased risk o
f harm by individual actions or system des
QSEN Competency: Safety
Concerns/ Individual Level of Care Systems Level
Issues Strategy Strategy
Encourage patients and family Standardize education
members to ask for help when they for patients and family,
get out of bed, and make sure there including a fall
are no obstacles to the restroom or prevention video that is
around the bed. pushed to every
Standardized hand-off patient via their room
communication or bedside reporting Television within four
process. hours of admission.
Fall Assess the patient's gait when out of Conduct compliance
bed and offer assistance review for the use of
Perform hourly rounding. Studies visual tools to identify
have directly correlated rounding patients at risk: yellow
with decreased falls in the hospital. socks, door magnets,
Basic needs can be taken care of at and magnets on
this time, such as toileting, moving patient locater board.
objects within reach, offering food,
and asking about pain.
Incorporating into practice
QSEN Competency: Safety
Concerns/ Individual Level of Care Systems Level
Issues Strategy Strategy
Awareness and knowledge of any Conduct post-fall
medications that may cause management, which
drowsiness, dizziness, or impaired includes: a post-fall
judgment. You should also discuss huddle; a system of
this with the healthcare provider. honest, transparent
Use protective measures, such as reporting; trending and
Fall nonslip socks and bed alarms, to analysis of falls which
decrease the risk of falls. can inform
improvement efforts;
and reassess the
Evidence- Based Practice
vidence-Based Practice: Improving Practice, Improving Outcome
Incorporating into practice
QSEN Competency: Evidence-Based Practice
Concerns/ Individual Level of Care
Issues Systems Level Strategy
Create and Implement Appropriate use of the
Perioperative policies based standardized checklist to
on the Joint Commissions correctly identify patient,
Universal Protocol and site and procedure.
evidence-based measures. Involve the patient and
Continuously re-educate and family to the identification
train personnel regarding of site, verification, and to
evidence-based practice in assess and evaluate the
perioperative setting. level of their
Wrong Create a specific, understanding regarding
Patient, standardized and detailed the procedure.
preoperative verification Use of appropriate
Wrong site, process and time-out that checklist like SBAR and
wrong includes a checklist. proper hand-off
procedure Create and implement a communication to another
standardized handoff health care provider.
communication checklist from participate in evidence-
another department to based committee, huddles,
perioperative unit. and briefings to identify
Attend OR briefings, huddles possible risks, probable
Incorporating into practice
QSEN Competency: Evidence-Based Practice
Individual Level of Care
Issues Systems Level Strategy
Create and Implement Care Implement evidence-
Bundle policies based on the based care bundles
evidence-based research appropriate to the
findings. clinical setting.
Collaborate with other
Continuously re-educate members of the health
and train personnel team for the
regarding evidence-based implementation,
care bundles like ABCDE monitoring and
Care Bundles, prevention of evaluation of evidence-
Care Ventilator-associated based care bundle.
pneumonia and central-line Actively participate to
Bundles associated infection care the monitoring and
bundles. evaluation of care
Monitoring and evaluation of bundles for research and
care bundles used in clinical quality measures.
areas for data analysis and Attend conferences,
seminars or continuing
Incorporating into practice
QSEN Competency: Evidence-Based Practice
Individual Level of Care
Issues Systems Level Strategy
Create and Implement Care Implement evidence-
Bundle policies based on the based care bundles
evidence-based research appropriate to the
findings. clinical setting.
Collaborate with other
Continuously re-educate members of the health
and train personnel team for the
regarding evidence-based implementation,
care bundles like ABCDE monitoring and
Care Bundles, prevention of evaluation of evidence-
Care Ventilator-associated based care bundle.
pneumonia and central-line Actively participate to
Bundles associated infection care the monitoring and
bundles. evaluation of care
Monitoring and evaluation of bundles for research and
care bundles used in clinical quality measures.
areas for data analysis and Attend conferences,
seminars or continuing
Incorporating into practice
QSEN Competency: Evidence-Based Practice
Individual Level of Care
Issues Systems Level Strategy
Formulating the need for Participate actively in in
information into a question evidence based practice
that can be linked to an meetings.
existing practice, Identify care gaps, risks
intervention, or outcome. and possible occurrences
Finding the best evidence that affects quality of
out there and assess its care.
validity. Implement and monitor
Designing a change in evidence based practice
EBP Council practice and a method for interventions
evaluating its effectiveness. recommended by the EBP
Implementing and Council
evaluating the practice share valuable evidence-
change; decide whether it based findings,
should be accepted, recommendations, risk
rejected, or modified. assessments to the EBP
Quality Improvement
QSEN Competency: Quality Improvement
Concerns/ Individual Level of
Issues Systems Level Strategy
Care Strategy
Implementation Provide consistent
and use of a education for all members of
standardized the health care team on the
communication concepts of teamwork,
tool, the SBAR, as a psychological safety, and
guide for open, effective
communicating communication and its
Improving changes in patient impact on patient safety.
rounds with status.
Integrate safe
communicati Proper communication strategies
ons implementation of into the organizational
an escalation culture.
process tool to
Sustain the culture of
facilitate timely
teamwork, psychological
safety, and open, effective
Incorporating into practice
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