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YASH Technologies PVT - LTD: Application: Asset Management

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YASH Technologies Pvt.

Asset Management

Creation date: 14-Mar-2016

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YASH Internal Document

Assets overview
Integration with other modules
Pre-Requisites to Implement Oracle Assets Application
Business Group
Legal Entity
Operating unit
Profile Options

Assets Key Flexfields (KFF)
Asset Category Flexfield
Asset Location Flexfield
YASH Internal Document

Asset Key Flexfield
Value sets

System controls
Fiscal Year Calendar
Depreciation Calendar
Pro-Rate Calendar
Asset book controls
Asset Categories
Asset Locations
Asset Keys
YASH Internal Document


Asset Management Functionalities

Mass Addition Process
PO based invoice asset creation
Non PO based invoice asset creation

Quick Addition
Manual Addition

Initial Mass Copy
CIP asset creation

Asset Split

Asset Transfer
Asset Retirement
Mass Changes.
YASH Internal Document

Oracle Assets Overview

Oracle Assets streamlines operations and simplifies the
management of capital investments, automated business flows,
calculate depreciations, managing fixed assets cycle and
centralized accounting rules.
Oracle Assets also integrates with external non oracle systems to
complete processing of asset transfers, disposals,
reclassifications, financial and tax adjustments, and legacy data
Oracle Assets integrates with
Oracle Payables Automate asset additions as part of the
procure-to-pay process to interface depreciable capitalized
Oracle Projects Track construction-in-process project costs
and capitalize them via integration with Oracle Projects.
Oracle General Ledger Central repository ledger to gather
accounting and report.
Assets application works at ledger level.

YASH Internal Document

Integration with other modules









Assets module integrates with sub ledgers like AP, GL,


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Pre-Requisites to Implement Assets Application

Following mandatory setups are require to
implement Assets module
Business Group
Legal Entity
Operating unit
Profile Options

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Responsibility is a combination of Application, Data
group, Menu and Concurrent request group.

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User Creation

User is a authorized account to access Oracle EBS, it consist of


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Business Group
A Business Group is essentially a Human Resources organization, to
which we assign employees. The Business group, as an organization
is used to represents the entire corporation or the enterprise

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Ledger represents an accounting representation for an organization.

Ledger is a set of books in Oracle apps, it consist of 4Cs (COA,
Calendar, Currency and Conventional A/c method). This level all
financial statements are generated

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Legal Entity
In Oracle, Legal existence of business we call as legal entity. It
consist of Legal address, Legal entity identifier, country unique

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Operating Unit
An organization that uses Oracle sub-ledgers, such as Oracle CM,
OM and Payables, Purchasing, Receivables, and related products. It
may be a sales office, a division, or a department.

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Profile Options
Assign few profile options to the payable responsibility to access or
work under BG, Ledger, LE and Operating unit. You can set user
profile options at different levels: site, application, responsibility,
user depending on how the profile options are defined.

YASH Internal Document


Assign below profile options to Assets responsibility

HR Business Group
HR security Profile
MO Operating Unit
MO security profile
GL Ledger Name
HR User Type
Run Replicated seeded data concurrent program.
YASH Internal Document


Assets Key Flexfields (KFF)
Asset Category Flexfield
Asset Location Flexfield
Asset Key Flexfield
Value sets

Asset Category Flexfield: Oracle Assets uses the category

flexfield to group your assets by financial information. You
design your category flexfield to record the information you
want. Then you group your assets by category and provide
default information that is usually the same for assets in that
Define the category flexfield to fit the way you group your
assets. Use the category flexfield to group your assets. Group
your assets according to depreciation rules. By standardizing
category names, you can more easily track your assets.


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Navigation: Assets Responsibility Setup

Financials Flexfield Key Segments.

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You define your category flexfield structure to fit the specific

needs of your organization. You must define a major category
segment and you can also define up to six subcategory
segments. This key flexfield supports only one structure.

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There are two Flexfield qualifiers in assets category flexfield

Major Category
Minor Category

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Save the document and freeze the structure and click on compile button

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Enter Segment values for Asset Category Flexfield.

Navigation: Assets Responsibility Setup
Financials Flexfield Key Values.

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Enter Segment values for Asset Category Flexfield for major segment.

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Enter Segment values for Asset Category Flexfield for minor segment

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Asset Location Flexfield

Define the location flexfield to fit the way you track your asset
locations. Use the location flexfield to track the physical location of
your assets. For example, if you do business internationally (or plan
to do so in the future), you may want to track the country an asset
is in. Other segments you may want include are state, city, and site.
If you track asset location to more detail, such as for barcoding,
you can also add segments for building and room number.

YASH Internal Document


You define your location flexfield structure to fit the specific

needs of your organization. You choose the number of segments,
the length of each segment, and the name and order of each
segment in your location flexfield. You must define a state
segment and you can also define up to six other location

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You must define exactly one State segment when setting up your
location flexfield. Specify which segment is your state segment
by checking Enabled for the State qualifier in the Segments
window. You can run the Property Tax Report for your states.

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Save the document and freeze the structure and click on compile button

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Enter Segment values for Asset Location Flexfield. Like country,

state, city, county.
Navigation: Assets Responsibility Setup Financials
Flexfield Key Values.

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Enter Segment values for Asset Location Flexfield.

Navigation: Assets Responsibility Setup
Financials Flexfield Key Values.

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Asset Key Flexfield

Use the asset key flexfield to group your assets. Group
your assets according to non-financial information. You
can assign the same asset key to many assets to easily
find similar assets. All Oracle Assets transaction forms
allow you to query using the asset key, and help you
find your assets without an asset number.

YASH Internal Document

You define your asset key flexfield structure to fit the specific
needs of your organization. You choose the number of
segments, the length of each segment, and the name and order
of each segment in your asset key flexfield. You can define up
to ten asset key segments. This key flexfield supports only one

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Save the document and freeze the structure and click on

compile button.

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Enter Segment values for Asset Category Flexfield.

Navigation: Assets Responsibility Setup
Financials Flexfield Key Values.

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System Controls.
It is one time setup.
Enter the enterprise name as you want it to appear on
Enter the Oldest Date Placed In Service, which controls
what dates are valid to place assets in service and on what
date to begin your calendars.
If you change this field, you do not affect the assets already
in the system. However, you cannot place new assets in
service before the new date. (You can only update the
Oldest Date Placed in Service before you assign any
calendars to depreciation books.)
Enter the Starting Number at which you want Oracle
Assets to begin automatically numbering your assets. Note
that some asset numbers may be skipped.
If you are using automatic numbering, then manual
numbering must be less than the starting asset number
that you have in the System Controls window.


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Navigation: Setup Asset System System Controls

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Fiscal Year Calendar

Create fiscal years from the oldest date placed in service through
at least one fiscal year beyond the current fiscal year.
Depreciation will fail if the current fiscal year is the last fiscal
You can set up multiple fiscal years in this window. You can assign
different fiscal years to your different corporate books.
The calendar for a tax book must use the same fiscal year name as
the calendar for the associated tax book.
Navigation: Setup Asset System Fiscal Years

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Enter the start date of fiscal year and to date.

Continue entering details till future years.

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Depreciation Calendar
Each book you set up requires a depreciation calendar and a
prorate calendar.
The depreciation calendar determines the number of
accounting periods in a fiscal year, and the prorate calendar
determines the number of prorate periods in your fiscal year.
You can use one calendar for multiple depreciation books,
and as both the depreciation and prorate calendar for a book.
Navigation: Setup Asset System Calendar

YASH Internal Document

Your corporate books can share the same calendar. A tax book can
have a different calendar than its associated corporate book. The
calendar for a tax book must use the same fiscal year name as the
calendar for the associated tax book.
The depreciation program uses the prorate calendar to determine
the prorate period which is used to choose the depreciation rate.
The depreciation program uses the depreciation calendar and
divide depreciation flag to determine what fraction of the annual
depreciation expense to take each period.

YASH Internal Document

Prorate Calendar
We must initially set up all your prorate conventions from
the convention period corresponding to the oldest date
placed in service through the end of the current fiscal year.
At the end of each fiscal year, Oracle Assets automatically
sets up your prorate conventions for the next fiscal year.
Navigation: Setup Asset System Prorate Conventions.

YASH Internal Document

Enter the Fiscal Year Name for which you want to set up
this convention.
Enter date ranges and corresponding prorate dates for
assets where the date placed in service is between the From
Date and the To Date.

YASH Internal Document

Asset book controls

We must set up our depreciation books before you can add assets
to them.
We can set up multiple corporate books that create journal entries
for different ledger, or to the same ledger. In either case, you must
both run depreciation and create journal entries for each
depreciation book.
For each corporate book, you can set up multiple tax and budget
books that are associated with it.
You can define corporate, tax, and budget depreciation books.
Navigation: Setup Asset System Book Controls.

YASH Internal Document

we can define corporate, tax, and budget depreciation books.

Corporate Book
Enter name of your book and assign ledger, depreciation
calendar, fiscal year, prorate calendar.

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Go to ledger region and assign the ledger.

YASH Internal Document

Move to accounting rules region and update the details.

To allow amortized changes in this book, check the Allow
Amortized Changes check box.
Choose Allow Mass Changes to allow mass changes in this book.
Enter the minimum time you must hold an asset for Oracle
Assets to report it as a capital gain when you retire it. If you
want Oracle Assets to report a capital gain for all assets when
you retire them, enter zero for the threshold.

YASH Internal Document

Move to natural accounting region and update the details.

Enter Retirement Accounts, Deferred Depreciation Reserve and
Deferred Depreciation Expense accounts
Enter the general ledger account that you want to use as an offset
account for the entry against accumulated depreciation when you
perform reserve adjustments.
Enter the Account Generator default segment values for this book's
journal entries.

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Tax Book
Enter name of your book and assign ledger, depreciation
calendar, fiscal year, prorate calendar.

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Go to ledger region and assign the ledger.

If you have alternative ledger provide the details in
alternative ledger.

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Move to accounting rules region and update the details.

To allow amortized changes in this book, check the Allow
Amortized Changes check box.
Choose Allow Mass Changes to allow mass changes in this
Enter the minimum time you must hold an asset for Oracle
Assets to report it as a capital gain when you retire it. If you
want Oracle Assets to report a capital gain for all assets
when you retire them, enter zero for the threshold.

YASH Internal Document

Move to natural accounting region and update the details.

Enter Retirement Accounts, Deferred Depreciation
Reserve and Deferred Depreciation Expense accounts
Enter the general ledger account that you want to use as
an offset account for the entry against accumulated
depreciation when you perform reserve adjustments.
Enter the Account Generator default segment values for
this book's journal entries.

YASH Internal Document

Move to Tax region and update the details.

The Tax Rules tabbed region is only available for tax books. This tabbed region
will not appear if you did not select Tax in the Class field in the Book Controls
Check Allow Reserve Adjustments if you want to allow changes to the
accumulated depreciation in your tax book.
You can Allow Cost/Expense Ceilings in a depreciation book; however, you
cannot apply a cost ceiling and an expense ceiling to the same asset in a
depreciation book.
Check Allow CIP Assets if you want to be able to automatically add CIP assets to
your tax book when you add them to your corporate book.

YASH Internal Document

Asset Categories
Oracle Assets defaults these depreciation rules when you add an
asset, to help you add assets quickly.
If the default does not apply, you can override many of the
defaults for an individual asset in the Asset Details or Books
windows. You set up default values for each category in each
The default depreciation rules that you set up for a category also
depend upon the date placed in service ranges you specify.
Navigation: Setup Asset System Asset Categories.

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Enter the details of asset categories.

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Click on default rules.

Enter the depreciation method and life span of that particular
category asset, prorate convention and retirement convention.

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Press down arrow in Book field of category main

window to setup category for tax book.

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Click on Defaults rules button to update the depreciation rules.

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Asset Locations
To install or addition or capitalize asset we must have
This is controlled by Asset location KFF. To setup any
location , we must have location FF values in the system.
Navigation: Setup Asset System Locations

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Enter details of location.

Click on ok button.

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Enter the effective date from. Save the document.

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Asset Key
Asset Key nothing but asset identification.
This is controlled by Asset key KFF. To setup any asset
key , we must have Asset key FF values in the system.
Navigation: Setup Asset System Asset Keys.
Choose your respective asset key value and effective
date from.
Save the documents.

YASH Internal Document

Asset Management Functionalities

Mass Addition Process
PO based invoice asset creation
Non PO based invoice asset creation

The mass additions process lets us add new assets or cost

adjustments from other systems to your system automatically
without re-entering the data. For example, you can add new assets
from invoice lines brought over to Oracle Assets from Oracle
Payables, or from CIP asset lines sent from Oracle Projects.
Create - Enter invoices in Oracle Payables, or source information
in any other feeder system. Run Create Mass Additions for Oracle
Assets in Oracle Payables, the Interface Assets process in Oracle
Projects, or use the interface to convert data from other systems.
Review - Review mass additions to become assets. Add mass
addition lines to existing assets. Split, merge, or adjust mass
Post - Post your mass additions to Oracle Assets.
Clean up - Delete unnecessary and posted mass additions. Purge
deleted mass addition lines from Oracle Assets.
YASH Internal Document

PO based invoice asset creation.

Navigation: Purchasing responsibility Purchase orders
purchase orders

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Enter the details of supplier and supplier site, ship to, bill to
Move to lines, enter the details of items, quantity and price.

YASH Internal Document

Click on shipments button.

Choose respective inventory organization. Go to more region, check
match levels

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Click on shipments button.

Update the PO charge account(Asset Clearing Account).

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Save the document and click on approve button.

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Click on ok to forward for approval.

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Now PO has been created.

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Create Invoice using PO.

Navigation: AP Responsibility Invoices Enter Invoice Batches

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Click on invoices button.

Provide PO number in PO field.

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Check match options then click on Quick Match or match button.

YASH Internal Document

Check distributions and track as asset is enabled or not?

YASH Internal Document

Click on actions and enable validate then ok.

YASH Internal Document

Accounting must be done for the invoice and it must be transfer

to GL. With out this asset will not move to assets module.
Go to action and click on create accounting.

YASH Internal Document

Run the transfer JEs to GL concurrent program.

YASH Internal Document

Check the status of concurrent request.

YASH Internal Document

Now we need to run Mass addition create program to

transfer asset information for payables to assets application.

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Check the final status.

YASH Internal Document

Run another program called Mass addition create report.

YASH Internal Document

Create Mass addition.

Navigation: Assets Responsibility Mass Additions
Prepare Mass Additions
Provide book name and select new in queue. Then find.

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Click on find button.

In mass addition we merge or add or split the asset.

YASH Internal Document

If you want to split the units, click on split. Then ok.

YASH Internal Document

Application will automatically move this units to

ONHOLD and Split status.

Click ON HOLD status asset then open.

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Change the status to post and update the details like

depreciation CCID, asset category and location.

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Check source details.

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Check and update asset details.

YASH Internal Document

Go to depreciation region and update method and

salvage value.

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Now asset status is post.

Once you post the asset, you can not split or add or
merge in to another asset.

YASH Internal Document

Now run the post mass addition program.

Navigation: Assets Responsibility Mass Additions Post
Mass Additions

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We have two concurrent requests here.

Mass Additions Post
Mass Additions Posting Report

Go to parameters field and provide book details.

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Click on submit button.

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Click on view Output.

YASH Internal Document

Below is the details of output.

YASH Internal Document

To view asset information we can navigate to inquiry or

asset workbench
Inquiry the asset with asset book name.
Navigation: Inquiry Financial Information.

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Asset information has been displayed.

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Click on book button to see full information of the asset.

Here we can see asset full financial information and

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Non Po based asset creation.

Navigation: AP responsibility Invoices Enter
Invoice Batches

YASH Internal Document

Select the operating unit and type of invoice, supplier,

supplier site, date of invoice and invoice number.

YASH Internal Document

Provide remaining header information and click on lines.

Select item and update amount. The click on distributions

YASH Internal Document

Update the account CCID. Natural account must

contain the asset clearing account and track as asset
must be enabled.

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Save the document and click on actions then enable validate.

Then ok

YASH Internal Document

Asset will not transfer to FA module until create

accounting and transfer JE to GL must be completed.

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Now run the transfer JE to GL concurrent request.

YASH Internal Document

Submit the concurrent request. Then click on find button.

YASH Internal Document

Click on submit another request.

Run the Mass addition Create program.

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Submit the concurrent request. Then click on find


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Run another concurrent request Mass addition create report.

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Submit the concurrent request. Then click on find


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Click on view output button.

YASH Internal Document

Create Mass addition.

Navigation: Assets Responsibility Mass Additions
Prepare Mass Additions
Provide book name and select new in queue. Then find.

YASH Internal Document

Click on find button.

In mass addition we merge or add or split the asset.

YASH Internal Document

Change the status to post and update the details like

depreciation CCID, asset category and location.

YASH Internal Document

Check source details.

YASH Internal Document

Check and update asset details.

YASH Internal Document

Go to depreciation region and update method and

salvage value.

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Now asset status is post.

Once you post the asset, you can not split or add or
merge in to another asset.

YASH Internal Document

Now run the post mass addition program.

Navigation: Assets Responsibility Mass Additions Post
Mass Additions

YASH Internal Document

We have two concurrent requests here.

Mass Additions Post
Mass Additions Posting Report

Go to parameters field and provide book details.

YASH Internal Document

Click on submit button.

YASH Internal Document

Click on view Output.

YASH Internal Document

Below is the details of output.

YASH Internal Document

To view asset information we can navigate to inquiry or

asset workbench
Inquiry the asset with asset book name.
Navigation: Inquiry Financial Information.

YASH Internal Document

Asset information has been displayed.

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Click on book button to see full information of the asset.

Here we can see asset full financial information and

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Go to cost history region and see the reference

number, cost of asset etc.

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Create accounting for transaction.

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Go to GL and see the accounting entries.

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Quick addition.
You use Quick Additions to add assets manually. All assets
added to the primary asset book are automatically converted
to the reporting currencies asset books when you save
transaction. Based on asset date placed in service, Oracle
Assets retrieves an exchange rate to convert the asset cost
and depreciation reserve.
Quick additions process is used to quickly add ordinary assets.
Navigation: Assets Asset Workbench

YASH Internal Document

Provide the details of Description, category, asset type.

Move to book region, enter the book name, cost of asset etc.

YASH Internal Document

Enter the units, expense account and location details.

Click on done button to complete the quick addition.

YASH Internal Document

When we click the done button, application will

generate the asset number automatically.

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Inquiry the asset details.

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Click on open button to see the asset info.

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Asset has been created successfully using quick addition.

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Manual Addition.
Navigation: Assets Asset Workbench.

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Enter Description, asset category and click on

continue button.

YASH Internal Document

Update financial information like current cost, salvage

value and depreciation etc. and click on continue

YASH Internal Document

Update the unit change, number of units, expense

account and location. Click on done button.

YASH Internal Document

When we click on done button, application will

automatically creates the asset number.

YASH Internal Document

Initial Mass Copy.

Use Initial Mass Copy to initially populate your tax book
by adding existing assets to a tax book.
Initial Mass Copy copies all the assets added to your
corporate book before the end of the current tax fiscal
year into the open accounting period in your tax book.
When using Initial Mass Copy for the first time in your
tax book, you can run it as many times as necessary for
the first period to copy all existing assets.
When you rerun the process, Initial Mass Copy only looks
at assets which it did not copy into the tax book during
previous attempts, so no data is duplicated.
The current fiscal year in your tax book determines
which assets Initial Mass Copy copies into your tax book.
Prerequisites to do mass copy.
Tax book must be setup.
Tax book asset categories.

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Navigation: Tax Initial Mass Copy

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Provide the details of your tax book. Then click on ok


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Then submit the request.

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Click on view out put.

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Depreciationis a method of allocating the cost of a tangible asset
over its useful life.
Businessesdepreciatelong-term assets for both tax and accounting
Depreciation is a decrease in an asset's value caused by
unfavourable market conditions.
Oracle Assets calculates depreciation using either the recoverable
cost or the recoverable net book value as a basis. If the depreciation
method uses the asset cost, Oracle Assets calculates the fiscal year
depreciation by multiplying the recoverable cost by the rate.
Navigation: Depreciation Run Depreciation.

YASH Internal Document

Provide the details of book and month.

If we enable close period then depreciation will run
after closing the particular period.

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Go to view request and click on find button.

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Click on output of Journal Entry Reserve Ledger Report

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Click on output of Depreciation run and Calculate

Gains and Losses

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CIP asset creation

A construction-in-process (CIP) asset is an asset you construct over
a period of time.
Create and maintain your CIP assets as you spend money for raw
materials and labour to construct them. Since a CIP asset is not yet
in use, it does not depreciate and is only in the corporate book.
When you finish building the CIP asset, you can place it in service
and begin depreciating it.
Create an invoice with CIP Asset Clearing account as distribution
Navigation: AP responsibility Invoices Enter Invoice

YASH Internal Document

Enter the details of OU, Invoice type, supplier,

supplier site etc. header information.

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Click on lines button and enter the line details.

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Click on distributions and enter the CIP asset clearing


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In distributions track as asset must be enabled.

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Save the document and go to actions and validate.

YASH Internal Document

Without create accounting and transfer JE to GL asset

info will not be moved to FA module.

YASH Internal Document

Now run the transfer JEs to GL program.

YASH Internal Document

Click on submit and find button.

YASH Internal Document

Now run the mass addition create and mass addition create report programs.

YASH Internal Document

Now run the mass addition create and mass addition

create report programs.

YASH Internal Document

Check the view report.

YASH Internal Document

Switch to asset responsibility and navigate to mass

addition prepare mass addition.

YASH Internal Document

We are able to see the asset invoice details below. Click on open.
Provide the details of asset category, expense account and location

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Move to asset details region and check the asset type.

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Provide all remaining details and click on done button.

YASH Internal Document

Next setup is post mass addition.

Navigation: Mass addition post mass addition.

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Check the status of request.

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Click on view report.

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Inquiry the asset information.

Inquiry Financial information. Provide book details and click find.

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Now we are able to see the CIP asset information.

YASH Internal Document

Asset Transfer.
Asset transfer can be happen in Expense account to
expense account or location to location or employee to
Navigation: Mass transactions Transfers.

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Click on Preview.

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Click on output.

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Now Go back to the transfer window and query the run

Now Run button is enabled. Click on run to transfer asset.

YASH Internal Document

Asset Retirement
We can retire an individual asset in the Retirements window.
We can retire a group of assets in the Mass Retirements
Asset can be retire in two ways

Retirement can be done in the way the asset may no longer in

Navigation: Asset Asset workbench.

YASH Internal Document


Click on find.
Select the asset which you want to retire, then click on

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Application will take you to the retirement window.

YASH Internal Document

Provide the details of book, retire date, cost retire etc

YASH Internal Document

Enter remaining details of retirement then click on done.

YASH Internal Document

Now asset partial retirement has been done.

Navigate to Inquiry to see the asset details.

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Navigation: Inquiry Financial Information

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Click on find button.

YASH Internal Document

Click on books button to see the financial information of asset.

YASH Internal Document

Mass Changes
In this mass changes we can correct an error or update
financial information for a single asset or multiple assets.
We can also overwrite depreciation information for an asset
while adding it using the detail addition process.
Navigation: Mass Transactions Changes.
Below are the list of option which we can change asset

YASH Internal Document


Enter the details of book, asset number then update the

details which you want to change asset information.

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Click on Preview.

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Go to view request then find.

YASH Internal Document

Click on view report of RXi: Mass Change Preview Report and

Mass Change Preview Report

YASH Internal Document

Now take the request and re-query the request.

YASH Internal Document


Now run option is enabled and we change the asset information.

YASH Internal Document


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