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Program Planning

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Program Planning

Community Dentistry II
Define Planning
Planning is dynamic process . It is an
endless upward spiral of incremental
efforts towards improvement
Planning consists of strategies from
among alternative courses of action
for every program
Planning is deciding in advance what
to do, how to do it, when to do it and
who is to do it
Differentiate planning a program for
a private patient vs. planning a
program for the community.
Planning for a private patient vs
planning for a community
Private patient:
a. Dentist conducts medical/dental history
b. Dentist diagnose a treatment plan based
on diagnosis
c. Dentist obtains patient consent for
d. Dentist selects appropriate labor to
provide care
e. Dentist selects appropriate dental service
for the patient
f. Dentist evaluates the treatment to the
For the community
a. Planner conducts a survey
b. Planner analyze the survey data of the
c. Planner develops a program plan based on
the analysis of the survey data
d. Planner obtains community approval of
the plan
e. Planner obtains appropriate labor to
implement the program
f. Planner selects the appropriate activities
for the community
g. Planner evaluates the community program
Types of Planner
Types of Planner
A. A planner hired within the system:
-has the understanding of the issues
and operation of the system
including the subleties. He works in a
full time basis, but he might be bias
about the system that could
influence his objectivity
B. Planner hired outside the system.
- one who contracts to work for the
company or on a consulting basis for a
short period of time. He can make new
proposals or recommendations for
changing the existing plan. He can have
aa fresher outlook. But he requires more
time to reach the level of understanding of
the system to plan an appropriate course
of action
Types of Health Planning
Types of Health Planning
A. Problem solving
B. Program Planning
C. Coordination of Efforts and
Activities Planning
D. Planning for the Allocation of
E. Creation of a Plan
F. Design of standard operating
1. Problem solving: involves identifying
and resolution of the problem
2. Program planning: entails designing a
course of action for a specified problem
3. Coordination of efforts and activity
planning: aims to increase the
availability, efficiency, productivity,
effectiveness and other aspects of
activities and programs

4. Planning for the allocation of

resources: involves selecting the best
alternative to achieve a desired goal
when the amount of resources is limited
5. Creation of a plan involves
development of a blueprint or proposal
for action containing recommendations
and supporting data.
6. Design of standard operating
procedures: planners should have a
criteria for operation and evaluation.
Identify the problem

Conducts need Collect the data Analyze the data

determine priorities

Develop program goals, objectives and activities

Resource identification Identify constraints

Identify alternatives

Given the resources and constraints, choose those activities

That will be most effective

Develop implementation strategy

Implement, monitor, evaluate and revise

Ongoing phase
Identify the Problem
Identifying the problems
be aware of the situation in the
community where the goals and
objectives will be accomplish
-know the problems of the local
people .
Conduct Needs Assessment
.conducting a needs
A. identify its extent and severity of
the problem
B. it is used to obtain a profile of the
community to ascertain the causes of
the problem. This will help in
developing appropriate goals and
objectives in the problem solution.
C. to evaluate the effectiveness of
the program.
Collect Data
Collect Data
- Gathering facts relevant to goals and
objectives you want to accomplish
Analysis of the data
Analysis of the data
understanding the situation and
needs of your target community.
it will help in the later steps to
choose the most relevant and
effective way to achieve your
Why do we need analysis
The purpose of this step is to build a
common understanding about:
A. current situation and how it affects
the target group
B. deeper causes of the situation
C. future situation you want to create
for the success of the health program
in the community.
Analysis will make us aware of:
A. needs, demands and opportunities
B. what is the communities demand
and desire
C. strengths and weakness
Determining Priorities
. Determining Priorities:
Groups commonly associated with
high risk dental need
Preschool and school aged children
Mentally/physically handicapped
Chronically ill/medically compromised
Elderly persons
Expectant mothers
Low income minority groups
Setting of Goals and Objectives:
Setting of Objectives and Goals:
Goal is an end that we strive to
attain. We must write an objective we
want to accomplish.
Objective is the object or aim of an
action. It reflects the desired
outcomes for decision making and a
criterion which outcomes are
measured. The objectives are the
foundation of planning.
An objective should be: SMART
A. Specific: an objective must be
specific with a single key result.
B. Measurable: only an objective
that affects behavior in a
measurable way can be effective.
C. Attainable: an objective must
be attainable with the resources
that are available.
REALISTIC: Many objectives are
realistic, yet the time it takes to
achieve them maybe unrealistic.
Ex. It is realistic to lose 10lbs but it is
unrealistic to lose 10lbs in one week.
E. Result oriented : the objective
should be central to the goal of
the program. The successful
completion of the objective make
a difference.
Time limited: The objective
should be traceable. It should
priorities objectives that really
Types of Objectives:
1. Developmental objectives:
this indicate the change you
wish to make or contribute in the
lives of your target community.
They describe result you want to
2. Organizational objectives:
describes what you will need to do to
develop your plan, so that it is
capable of achieving your
developmental objectives

3. Activity objectives:
describe what you will do to achieve
the developmental objectives
The objectives should specify the following:
A. What: the nature of the situation or
condition to be attained
B. Extent: the scope and magnitude of the
situation or condition to be attained
C. Who: the particular group or portion of
the environment in which attainment is
D. Where: the geographic areas of the
E. When: the time at or by which the
desired situation or condition is intended to
Resource Identification:
Resource Identification:
Criteria to determine what
resources should be used :
a. Appropriateness
b. Adequacy
c. Effectiveness
d. Efficiency
A. Appropriateness: the most suitable
resources to get the job done
B. Adequacy: the extent or degree to
which the resources would complete the
C. Effectiveness: how capable the
resources are completing the job
D. Efficiency: the cost and amount of time
expected to complete the job

Resources: personnel, equipment,

supplies, facilities, financial resources
Identify Constraints

Identify alternatives
. Identifying constraints
roadblocks to achieving your
goal. By identifying the
constraints one can modify
program objectives.
. Identifying alternatives
discover the most fruitful
Tips to identify alternatives:
A. go back to your analysis of
the problem that relates to the
objectives you have decided on
B. look at the causes you have
C. Each cause is expressed as
problem in your analysis. Turn
each to a + situation
Ex. Many children have dental
caries because they dont have
What strategy could be used to
achieve the objective?
Effects: find sponsors to donate
Assessment or compression of
Assessment or compression of
Classify weak and strong point of
the alternative and choose the best
Selection of the Best Alternative
. Selection of best alternative:
make our decision.
Strategy is the approach we take to
achieving the agreed objectives.
Effective strategies involve choosing
the most effective and realistic way
of getting the results we have agreed
Ex. Dental caries _ the people do not
The cause of the problem could be
something different.
Formulate Supporting Plans
. Formulating Supporting Plans
Ex. Restore dental caries with
ART restoration
train dental hygiene student in
Restore with temporary filling
Restore carious teeth with light
cure composites
Other Supporting Plans:
Purchase equipment
Buy materials
Recruit qualified and skilled workers
Production of new products
Quantyfying Plans by Budget
. Quantifying Plans by budget
At the end when decisions are made
and final plan are set, the final step
is to give conclusion and to quantify
by converting them in to budget.
The budget must be develop
Ex. Operating expenses necessary
for plans
Developing Implementation
1. Specify clearly the activity
2. Be sure someone is responsible for the
whole activity and coordinates individual
who may carry out the different tasks
3. Identify all preparatory steps prior to
doing the activity
4. List steps in the order in which they
must occur
5. Check for missing steps which need to
be added
6. determine when each step should
begin and end
7. check your dates to make sure the
correct amount of time has been
8. consult with organizations
affected by the activity, identify
potential problems/ opportunity
9. specify what resources will be
needed and their source
10. specify what constraints will
need to be addressed
11. make sure all people involved
know what is expected of them and
by when
Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring and Evaluation
Evaluation allows the planner
A. to measure the progress of each
B. to measure the effectiveness of
each activity
C. to identify problems in carrying
out the activities
D. to plan revision and modification
E. to identify the costs of
administering the programme

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