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08 PPT Mentoring Programs - Final

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The Mentoring Program of [Company Name]

Training for Employees

Presentation Subtitle/Description Presenters Name Date

Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the

right direction.
John Crosby, American Businessman

An effective mentoring program supports the development of

leaders while simultaneously fostering healthy work
relationships. It helps develop the strategic direction and
continuing growth of the company through succession
planning. A successful mentoring program requires significant
management as well as employee support and commitment.
This sample presentation is intended for presentation to all
employees. It is designed to be presented by an individual who
is knowledgeable in mentoring and the employers policy and
practices. This is a sample presentation that must be
customized to include and match the employers own program,
policies and practices.

SHRM 2008 2

At the end of this session, you will be able to:

1. Define mentoring.
2. Describe how mentoring differs from coaching.
3. Cite the reasons a mentoring program is important to an
organization, to a mentor and to a mentee.
4. List the characteristics/components of a good mentor/mentee
5. Explain how our mentoring program works.
6. Describe how to evaluate a mentor/mentee relationship.

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What Is Mentoring?

Mentoring is a career development method whereby less

experienced employees are matched with more experienced
colleagues for guidance either through formal or informal
Employees (mentees) pair with more experienced co-workers
(mentors) in order to gain knowledge, skills, experience,
information and advice.
Anyone at any job level may participate and benefit from a
mentoring relationship.

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Difference Between Mentoring and Coaching

Coaching is a training method in which a more experienced or

skilled individual provides an employee with advice and
guidance intended to help him or her develop skills, improve
performance and enhance the quality of his or her career.
Coaching is different from mentoring in that:
1. Coaching is usually used during first few months of employment to
train a new employee. Mentoring may occur at any time during the
employment relationship.
2. Coaching is used by a manager to develop a direct report.
Mentoring relationships are not between managers and direct
3. Coaching may be first level manager uses with direct report for
progressive discipline. A mentor may not use progressive discipline
with a mentee.

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Questions? Comments?

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Importance of a Mentoring Program

A mentoring program is important to an organization because

Encourages mutual loyalty between employee and employer.
Increases employee retention.
Promotes diversity.
Helps new employees acclimate to job and company culture more
quickly and increases their learning curve.
Improves organizational performance.
Increases employee productivity.
Creates a greater sense of involvement in their company and career.
Increases employee morale.
Supports innovative work environment.
Assist expatriates and inpatriates in adapting to the language, culture
and different working relationships.
Increases creativity and exposure to new ideas.
Contributes to the development of a cooperative, productive and
service-oriented environment.

SHRM 2008 7
Importance of a Mentoring Program (contd)

A mentoring program is important to a mentor because

Represents making a difference to the organization, profession and the
Provides the fulfillment and satisfaction of helping others.
Gives payback for the support received from others in the past.
Expands effective communication skills.
Increases experience and skills for career development.
Provides an opportunity to communicate corporate values.
Creates a sense of team within work group.
Creates work allies.

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Importance of a Mentoring Program (contd)

A mentoring program is important to a mentee because it:

Helps provide professional development.
Demonstrates the employer recognition of knowledge, skills and abilities
of the mentee.
Usually helps to advance career more quickly.
Increases confidence.
Develops creative and independent thinking.
Helps acclimate the mentee to his or her job and company culture more
Assist in the transition to workplace and life after college for new
Help off-site employees feel more in touch socially and professionally.
Results in a greater awareness of organizational politics and culture.
Provides an appreciation and effective use of networking.
Develops proactive approaches to tasks and projects.
Creates a movement toward expert status.

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Questions? Comments?

SHRM 2008 1
Characteristics/Components of a Good Mentoring

Genuine interest from both the mentor and the mentee.

Time to participate.
Clear, open, two-way communication.
Excellent listening skills.
Mutually established and clear goals.

SHRM 2008 1
How Our Mentoring Program Works

Mentee identifies mentorusually someone in a career or

position that the protg aspires to.
Mentee requests meeting with potential mentor.
Mentee/mentor discuss goals for a mentoring relationship.
If mutual goals are established, mentee/mentor discuss
mentoring relationship with direct managers.
If everyone is in agreement, mentee, mentor, managers and HR
signs mentoring agreementusually for one year.
Mentee/mentor develop mentoring action plan with set meeting
times, monthly goals and reviews every three months.

SHRM 2008 1
Evaluating the Mentor/Mentee Relationship

To evaluate the mentor/mentee relationship,

ask the following:
Do we believe we are a suitable match?
How often have we met?
Do we feel energized after meeting?
Are we satisfied with the amount of time we are investing?
What did we set out to accomplish together?
How do we believe were doing?
Should we shift our goals at all?
How are we doing in honoring the agreements we made in our
Mentoring Action Plan and Agreement? What are we each doing
right that has made this partnership work as well as it has?

SHRM 2008 1
Evaluating the Mentor/Mentee Relationship (contd)

What signals did we give that demonstrated we could trust each

Did we accomplish our mentoring goals?
What do we appreciate about each other?
How have we helped each other grow?
If this were the last time we were ever going to see each other,
what would we want to be sure to express in the way of
In what specific ways have we observed the mentoring program
improving the organization?
How can we apply (leverage) what we learned in the program to
other aspects of our job/relationships?

SHRM 2008 1
Questions? Comments?

SHRM 2008 1

1. Mentoring is a career development method whereby less

experienced employees are matched with more experienced
colleagues for guidance either through formal or informal
2. Coaching differs from mentoring in that it is usually used during
first few months of employment to train a new employee, is
used by a manager to develop a direct report and is often used
by the first-level manager for progressive discipline.
3. A mentoring program is important to the organization, to the
mentor and to the mentee.

SHRM 2008 1
Summary (contd)

4. Some of the characteristics of a good mentoring program are a

commitment to the relationship, confidentiality and clear, open,
two-way communication.
5. Our mentoring program starts with the protg finding and
meeting with a mentor, signing a mentoring agreement and
developing a mentoring action plan.
6. Evaluation of the mentoring program includes reviewing goals
and outcomes.

SHRM 2008 1
Course Evaluation

Please be sure to complete and leave the evaluation sheet you

received with your handouts.

Thank you for your attention and interest.

SHRM 2008 1

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