Analysis of Ucs by Opensees
Analysis of Ucs by Opensees
Analysis of Ucs by Opensees
by OpenSees
GSR Tae-Hyung Lee
Khalid M. Mosalam
May 23rd, 2002 Meeting at RFS
Conduct and verify a 2-D nonlinear time history
analysis of UCS using OpenSees
Develop floor responses to be utilized for the
UCB and UCI shake table tests of the building
Assess the importance of the different sources
of uncertanties on the structural response
Extend investigation to 3-D modeling including
multi-directional ground motion
Current Status
2-D structural model completed for the UCS
Time history results (as absolute and relative
floor displacements and accelerations and midpoints of all floors) are available for two levels
of seismic hazard (50% and 10% in 50 years)
Similar results will be available for the third
level of seismic hazard (2% in 50 years) by the
end of July.
Future Tasks
1) Verification:
A similar shear wall building
where response data are
available will be analyzed
using the same modeling
approach in OpenSees
An example is the 9 story
Robert A. Millikan Library
Building at Caltech
[McVerry 1979]