Final Quality Control
Final Quality Control
Final Quality Control
of Crude Drugs
Structural STDs
Analytical STDs
STDs relating physical constants
Structural STDs
Certain parts of the plants mixes
Carelessness during the process of collection or preparation or
The materials with mixed accidently or deliberately called foreign
organic matter
Standard commonly
2% as per monograph
Analytical STDs
Concerned with the constituents of the
materials present within the herbal drugs
Std 1) Definite chemical Entity
Presence of minimum amount of useful
e.g. Strychnine, Quinine
2) Mineral Matter content
Estimation of ash values
Total ash
Acid soluble Ash
3) Environmental Factors
Climate, rainfall, altitude etc.
5) Time of harvesting
Optimum time Constituents concentrates
Sampling Procedures
Assessment of the quality of herbal drugs is
directly dependent on the selection of sample
for exam:
No. of packages in
No. of packages to be
Determination of Foreign
Morphological Examinations
Organoleptic Evaluation
Surface characteristic
Cytomorphological evaluation
Basic cell types: Parenchyma, Sclerenchyma, Collenchyma,
Xylem, Phloem, Epidermis
Cell Inclusions CaCO3, Starch, Oil cells
Microscopical Evaluation
Instruments for Microscopical Study:
Camera Lucida, Photomicrography
Modified light microscopy, Polarizing microscopy
Phase contrast microscopy, Electron microscopy
UV microscopy
Quantatitive Microscopy
Find out & identify drugs either in fresh or in dry
Cut portion
Cleaning solution
Mount in glycerin
Arrange camera lucida & drawing board
Stage m Calibration
Stage mm is replaced by the cleared leaf section on
the slide
Count the islets
4 trials to be done
Cut portion
Cleaning solution
Mount in glycerin
Arrange camera lucida & drawing board
Stage m Calibration
Stage mm is replaced by the cleared leaf section on
the slide
Count the islets
4 trials to be done
Palisade Ratio
Average no. of palisade cells present
under on epidermal cells
Determined in fine powder
Diagnostic value constant
Pieces from base, middle & apex of young as
well as adult leaves
Clearing solution
Leaves become transparent
Camera Lucida
Family: Lycopodiaceal
Orders: Pteridophytes
Each spore tetrahedral shape is uniform in size
94,000 spores/mg constant
Calibrate the eye piece m meter using stage mm and calculate the factor
Powder + (Phloroglucinol + Conc. HCl)
Mount in dil. Glycerine
Observe under low power
Measure the width
Calculate the values of fibres & multiply them by factor
Swelling factor
Mucilage in the epidermis
1gm Isaphagol seed + 20ml H2O 24 hrs
Standardisation Parameters
Determination of Solvent Extractive values:
Determines the amount of active constituents in a given amount
of medicinal plant material when extracted with solvents
Employed for material for which no. chemical (or) biological
assay method exist
Method I:
5 gm drug + 50ml of H2O at 80oC in stoppered flask
Shake well, stand for 10 mts
Add 2gm Kieselguhr
5ml of the filtrate
Evaporate, dry for 30 mts
Dry in oven for 2 hrs
Weight the residue
Calculate the % of water soluble extractive
1) Total Ash:
Total amount of material produced after
complete incineration of the ground drug at as
low temp (450oC) to remove all the carbons
Physiological ash + Non-physiological ash
(Sand & Soil)
Total Ash
2-3 gm of drug in patient (or) silica dish
Incinerate at a temperature not exceeding 450 oC
Cool & Weight
2 gm drug + ether
Add 200ml 1.25% H2SO4
Boil for 30 mts under reflux
Wash the residue with boiling H2O until free from acid.
Take the residue in flask with 200ml of boiling 1.25% NaOH Solution*
Boil again for 30 mts
Residue is washed with boiling H2O until neutral, dried at 110oC to
constant wt.
Incinerate to constant wt
Difference between the weight of the dried residue & that of the
incinerated residue represents the weight of the crude fibre
Determination of Radioactivity:
Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy 14th
Edition, WB Saunders Co., Ltd., London, 1996.
Indian Pharmacopoeia, 4th Edn, Ministry of
Health and Welfare, New Delhi, 1996.
Wallis, T.E.1985, Text book of Pharmacognosy,
Fifth Edition, CBS publishers, New Delhi, India.
WHO/Pharm/92-559/Quality central methods
for medicinal plant materials, 1992.
Edward 8, Claus, Varro E, Tyler, JR,
Fifth Edition, 1965.