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GRDDS (Teksed)

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Drug Delivery Systems


Gastroretentive Drug Delivery

Systems (GRDDS)
Dosage forms that can be retained in the stomach
are called gastroretentive drugdelivery systems
GRDDS can improve the controlled delivery of
drugs that have an absorption window by
continuously releasing the drug for a prolonged
period of time before it reaches its absorption site,
thus ensuring its optimal BA.

Gastroretentive techniques
Several techniques, including


Floating systems
Floating systems, first described by Davis in 1968,
are lowdensity systems that have sufficient
buoyancy to float over the gastric contents and
remain in the stomach for a prolonged period
While the system floats over the gastric contents,
the drug is released slowly at the desired rate (25,
26), which results in increased GRT and reduces
fluctuation in plasma drug concentration (27).
Floating systems can be classified as effervescent
and noneffervescent systems.

Effervescent systems
Flotation of a drug delivery system in the stomach
can be achieved by incorporating a floating
chamber filled with vacuum, air, or an inert gas.
Gas can be introduced into the floating chamber
by the volatilization of at) organic solvent (e.g.,
ether or cyclopentane) or by the CO, produced as a
result of an effervescent reaction between organic
acids and carbonatebicarbonate salts

These devices contain a hollow deformable unit

that converts from a collapsed to an expanded
position and returns to the collapsed position after
a predetermined amount of time to permit the
spontaneous ejection of the inflatable system from
the stomach.

Noneffervescent systems
Noneffervescent systems incorporate a high level
(2075% w/w) of one or more gelforming, highly
cellulosic hydrocolloids (e.g., hydroxyethyl
cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, HPMC, and
sodium carboxymethylcellulose),
matrixforming polymers (e.g., polycarbophil,
Polyacrylates, and polystyrcne) into tablets or

Upon coming into contact with gastric fluid, these

gel formers, polysaccharides, and polymers
hydrate and form a colloidal gel barrier that
controls the rate of fluid penetration into the de
vice and consequent drug release.

As the exterior surface of the dosage form

dissolves, the gel layer is maintained by the
hydration of the adjacent hydrocolloid layer. The
air trapped by the swollen polymer lowers the
density of and confers buoyancy to the dosage

Bio/mucoadhesive systems
Bio/mucoadhesive systems bind to the gastric
epithelial cell surface, or mucin, and extend the GRT
by increasing the intimacy and duration of contact
between the dosage form and the biological
The concept is based on the selfprotecting
mechanism of the GIT. Mucus secreted continuously
by the specialized goblet cells located throughout the
GIT plays a cytoprotective role.
Mucus is a viscoclastic, gellike, stringy slime
comprised mainly of glycoproteins. The thickness of
the mucus layer decreases from the membrane
surface to the GI lumen.

The primary function of mucus is to protect the

surface mucosal cells from acid and pepticlases. In
addition, it serves as a lubricant for the passage of
solids and as a barrier to antigens, bacteria, and
viruses .
The epithelial adhesive properties of mucin are
well known and have been applied to the
development of GRDDS through the use of
bio/mucoadhesive polymers . The adherence of the
delivery system to the gastric wall increases
residence time at a particular site, thereby
improving BA

A bio/mucoadhesive substance is a natural or

synthetic polymer capable of adhering to a
biological membrane (bioadhesive polymer) or the
mucus lining of the GIT (mucoadhesive polymer).
The characteristics of these polymers are
molecular flexibility, hydrophilic functional
groups, and specific molecular weight, chain
length, and conformation.
Furthermore, they must be nontoxic and
nonabsorbable, form noncovalen bonds with the
mucinepithelial surfaces, have quick adherence to
moist surfaces, easily incorporate the drug, offer
no hindrance to drug release, have a specific site
of attachment, and be economical


The binding of polymers to the mucinepithelia]

surface can be subdivided into three broad
hydration mediated adhesion,
bondingmediated adhesion, and
receptormediated adhesion.
Hydrationmediated adhesion.
Certain hydrophilic polymers tend to imbibe large
amount of water and become sticky, thereby
acquiring bioadhesive properties. The prolonged
gastroretention of the bio/mucoadhesive drug
delivery system is further controlled by the
dissolution rate of the polymer.

2. Bondingmediated-adhesion.
The adhesion of polymers to a mucus or epithelial
cell surface involves various bonding mechanisms,
chemical bonding.
a) Physicalmechanical bonds can result from the
insertion of the adhesive material into the crevices or
folds of the mucosa.
b) Chemical bonds may be either covalent (primary) or
ionic (secondary) in nature. Secondary chemical
bonds consist of dispersive interactions (i.e., van der
Waals interactions) and stronger specific interactions
such as hydrogen bonds. The hydrophilic functional
groups responsible for forming hydrogen bonds are
the hydroxyl and carboxylic groups (2).

Certain polymers can bind to specific receptor sites
on the surface of cells, thereby enhancing the gas
tric retention of dosage forms. Certain plant lectins
such as tomato lectins interact specifically with
the sugar groups present in mucus or on the

Swelling systems
After being swallowed, these dosage forms swell
to a size that prevents their passage through the
pylorus . As a result, the dosage form is retained in
the stomach for a long period of time.
These systems are sometimes referred to as plug
type systems because they tend to remain lodged
at the pyloric sphincter. These polymeric matrices
remain in the gastric cavity for several hours even
in the fed state.

Sustained and controlled drug release may be

achieved by selecting a polymer with the proper
molecular weight and swelling properties. Upon
coming in contact with gastric fluid, the polymer
imbibes water and swells. The extensive swelling
of these polymers is a result of the presence of
physicalchemical crosslinks in the hydrophilic
polymer network.
These crosslink prevent the dissolution of the
polymer and thus maintain the physical integrity of
the dosage form. A balance between the extent and
duration of swelling is maintained by the degree of
crosslinking between the polymeric chains.

A high degree of crosslinking retards the swelling

ability of the system and maintains its physical
integrity for a prolonged period (Figure). On the
other hand, a low degree of crosslinking results in
extensive swelling followed by the rapid
dissolution of the polymer .
An optimum amount of crosslinking is required
to maintain a balance between swelling and
dissolution. The swollen system eventually will
lose its integrity because of a loss of mechanical
strength caused by abrasion or erosion or will
burst into small fragments when the membrane
ruptures because of continuous expansion .

These systems also may erode in the presence of

gastric juices so that after a predetermined time the
device no longer can attain or retain the expanded

Highdensity systems
These systems, which have a density of 3
g/cm3, are retained in the rugae of the
stomach and are capable of withstanding its
peristaltic movements .
Above a threshold density of 2.42.8 g/cm3,
such systems can be retained in the lower
part of the stomach .

Evaluation of GRDDS
1. Floating systems
2. Bio/mucoadhesion systems
3. Swelling systems

Floating systems
1. Floating/buoyancy time.
The test for buoyancy is usually determined
in 900 mL of simulated gastric (HCI/NaCl
with 0.02% Tween 80, pH 1.2) or intestinal
fluids (KH2PO4/NaOH buffer with 0.02%
Tween 80, pH 7.4) maintained at 37 oC
using the USP dissolution apparatus. These
fluids simulate the surface tension of
human gastric juice (3550 mN/M2) .

The amount of time the dosage form floats is

termed thefloating time . In the case of floating
microparticles, the number of floating particles
and the time during which they remain buoyant on
the test solution can be determined.
The floating process depends on the balance
between the weight and volume of the dosage
form. An increase in the buoyancy force caused by
the increased volume causes a resultant weight
increase and leads to dosageform flotation .

2. Specific gravity.
The specific gravity of floating systems can be
determined by the displacement method, using
benzene as a displacing medium .
3. Resultant weight.
Until now, bulk density and floating duration
have been the main parameters to describe the
adequacy of a dosage form's buoyancy,
However, although the density value may
indicate whether or not an object will float, the
density value does not reflect the magnitude of
floating force produced by the object

Therefore, an in vitro measuring apparatus has

been conceived to determine the real floating
capabilities of buoyant dosage forms as a function
of time. it operates by measuring the force
equivalent to the force F required to keep the
object totally submerged in the fluid. This force
determines the resultant weight of the object when
immersed and may be used to quantify its floating
or nonfloating capabilities.
The magnitude and direction of the force and the
resultant weight corresponds to the vectorial sum
of buoyancy (Fbuoy ) and gravity (Fgrav) forces
acting on the object as shown in the equation

F = Fbuoy Fgrav
F = dfgV dsgV (df ds) gV
F = (d f M/V) gV
in which F is the total vertical force
(resultant weight of the object), g is the
acceleration due to gravity, df is the fluid
density, ~ is the object density, M is the
object mass, and V is the volume of the

By convention, a positive resultant weight

signifies that the force F is exerted upward and
that the object is able to float, whereas a negative
resultant weight means that F acts downward and
that the object sinks.
The crossing of the zero base line by the resultant
weight curve from positive toward negative values
indicates a transition of the dosage form from
floating to nonfloating conditions. T
The intersection of lines on a time axis
corresponds to the floating time of the dosage

Bio/mucoadhesion systems
Bioachesive strength.
The bioadhesive strength of a polymer can be
determined by measuring the force required to
separate the polymer specimen sandwiched
between the layers of either an artificial (e.g.,
cellophane) or biological (e.g., rabbit stomach
tissue) membrane .This force can be measured by
using a modified precision balance or an auto
mated texture analyzer.

Swelling systems
Weight gain and water uptake (WU). The
swelling behavior of a dosage unit can be
measured by studying its weight gain or
WU. The study is done by immersing the
dosage form in simulated gastric fluid at 37
oC and determining these factors at regular
intervals. The dimensional changes can be
measured in terms of the increase in tablet
diameter and/or thickness over time.

WU is measured in terms of percent weight

gain, as given by the equation
WU = (Wt Wo) X 100/Wo
in which Wt and Wo, are the weights of the
dosage form at time t and initially,

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