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Basics of Electric Power Systems

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Brief description of the classical

electric power system

An electric power system is a network of electrical components used to supply,

transmit and use electric power

the Union for the Coordination of Transmission of Electricity coordinates the
operation and development of the electricity transmission grid for the Continental
European synchronously operated transmission grid, thus pproviding a reliable
platform to all participants of the Internal Electricity Market and beyond.

Example: Map of the Iberian transmission system

this power system is also known as THE GRID and despite of its huge
size can be divided on the basis of the voltage level into:

GENERATORS that supply the power. (<30 KV)

TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS that carries the power from the generating

centres to the load centres. (380-500 KV)

DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS that feeds the power among the consumers

(industries, hospitals, commercial buildings and homes). (<20KV)

The distinction between transmission and distribution is not made only on

basis of the voltage level. It is rather the task, the nature of the grid that
is important.
The transmission grid shows redundancy: if one element fails, the system
users probably do not notice it. In the distribution grid, this redundancy
is not available or not always active (for instance may require operator
intervention does leaving the customer without supply for some time).


Renewable energy is generally
defined as energy that comes from
resources which are naturally
replenished such as sunlight, wind,
waves and geothermal heat.
Renewable energy projects are
suitable not only for large-scalebut
also to rural and remote areas and
developing countries:
.- Wind power
.- Hydropower
.- Solar energy
.- Biomass
.-Geothermal energy


No waste products.
Inexhaustible (Never run out)
economic boost to regional areas
Less costs of operation

unpredictable and inconsistent
Need a balance with other power
Low energetical density
grid connection issues
Higher cost of technology

Classification of Power stations according to its function

PERMANENT: they are always working, covering a high % of instant demand.

INTERMITTENT: they guaarantee a sufficient reserve capacity to cover peaks in demand.
SPARE: replace the permanent powerplants when they are in shut-down period.
EMERGENCY: transportable, mainly used on emergency situations.
STORAGE: take advantage of th overcapacity of production to store electrical energy,
mainly lifting water through hydroelectric power stations


Vmax: 30kV.

Thermal Power stations 45.5%

Hydroelectric Power stations 10%

Nuclear Power Stations 21%


Distributed energy, is generated or stored by a variety of small grid-connected devices referred to as
distributed energy resources (DER). Distributed generation and storage enables collection of energy
from many sources and may lower environmental impacts and improve security of supply.
These systems can be managed and coordinated within a smart grid, which is a modern electrical grid that
uses digital information and communications technology to gather and act on information, such as the
behaviours of suppliers and consumers, in order to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and
sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity.
Roll-out of smart grid technology also implies a fundamental re-engineering of the electricity services
industry, although typical usage of the term is focused on the technical infrastructure.



Conventional power stations, such as coal, gas and nuclear powered plants, as well as
hydroelectric dams, are centralized and often require electricity to be transmitted over long
distances. By contrast, DER systems are decentralized, modular and more flexible
technologies, that are located close to the load they serve, DER systems typically use
renewable energy sources, including, but not limited to, biomass, biogas, solar & wind power,
geothermal power and increasingly play an important role for the electric power distribution
system. Usually its capacities are limited to only 10 megawatts (MW) or less.

1. Reliability
2. Flexibility
3. Upgradability
4. Economy of Scale
5. Diversity
6. Efficiency


Electric-power transmission is the bulk transfer of electrical energy, from

generating power plants to electrical substations located near demand centers.
electric power distribution is the wiring between high-voltage substations and
Transmission lines, when interconnected with others, become transmission
Historically, transmission and distribution lines were owned by the same
company, but starting in the 90s, many countries have liberalized the regulation
of the electricity market in ways that have led to the separation of the electricity
transmission business from the distribution business

The majority of these systems rely upon three-phase AC power - the standard for largescale power transmission and distribution across the modern world. Sometimes specialised
power systems do not rely upon three-phase AC power (aircraft, electric rail systems, ocean
liners and automobiles).
Transmission system
Higher voltage (typical at least 110 kV and higher)
Power injection by generation and import, large consumers
Interconnected internationally
Meshed nature-Redundancy
(Subtransmission system)
Between transmission system
and distribution system
Connection of large industrial users
and cities
Open loop/partly meshed
Distribution system
400 V to some ten of kV
Radial (rural areas)
Sometimes the distribution grid has a meshed lay-out with certain circuit
breakers that are normally opened, enabling the system operator to
intervene after a fault in order to restore power. Industry, commercial and
residential areas

Two ways to transport electricity

Direct Current DC
Generator built by W. von Siemens and Z.Gramme
Low line voltage, and consequently limitation to size of the system
Alternatin current AC
Introduced by Nikola Tesla and Westinghouse
Transformer invented by Tesla allows increasing the line voltage
Allows transmitting large amounts of electricity over long distances

Advantages of AC
Cheaper transformation between voltages
Easy to switch off, Less equipment needed, Known and reliable technology
More economical in general

Advantages of DC
Higher investment costs offset by lower losses
on 1000 km line, 5% for DC opposed to 20% for AC
Undersea and underground transmission
Connection of separate power systems
With different frequencies (Japan,South-America)
Different control area, i.e. UCTE with Nordel and UK

Example: transmission lines

Example: distribution lines

Radial lay-out

meshed lay-out

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